Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Apostles and 121 Ji Section 921

One - a sufficient to destroy human civilization, such as iris, such as meteorite, the star falling from the sky, bombing the Court

The space is void.

The apostles are not allowed to fight, because each of their fists will set off incomparable horror, each action

Will give other creatures to the top disaster.

However, here is a void industry, here is the empty fill of empty, and some are just a ridiculous.

At this moment, countless native of this source is full of full [void], which makes the cigarette of the void of the original


There is a weak black shadow, in greedy sustaining

But no one is found at this moment, there is endless

The power of the origin.

The battle of Jelifes is still continuing, although Jerifes has sent the peak of the fifth level of the fifth floor, but still

The knitted section is defeated, the whole body is distorted.

Jerifest's power is very strong to be strong

The force expansion is too sudden, and he can't fully master the power at all.

Jelph's power is disorderly, and there is no need to control effort, causing unnecessary losses.

And the mild is to block the power in the body, and each attack has implemented all the power.

Therefore, even if the two sides have a right force, Jerifes is still a body that is sneaked.

The body is bruised.

"Why! Why !!! I am the same as your strength! Why can't I overcome you!!

Jelphi flew over the sky again, and finally endured.

However, bless just standing on the ground, the mouth is slightly lower, said:

"I don't tell me." I don't tell

Experase you ~~ "

Now I finally turned to you.

However, after a slight time, I looked up at Jerifes, and smirked.

"There is a matter you come to play me. J

"Ah !!!!!!!!!! J

Jelphi will attack the angry, hear this, but it is very angry.

At this moment, I saw the Jelphi hands opened, and the power of the whole body was once again condensed. One-year-old energy


Just in the moment of this energy ball, I saw Jiejie


As Jerifest himself said, all things have the limit. Even the apostles like Jelps, the body also has its own limits

If it is slow to adapt to this powerful force, the Jerifes as the apostle is certainly available

However, Jelphis suddenly broke out this powerful force, which has already surpassed himself.


At this moment, he continued to improve this force, tried to break through, causing overload operation of his body.

Even so, he also wants to kill you.

Next second, huge energy balls come to you, such as the stars.

And,, it is looking at the huge energy ball, saying lightly:

"Six heavy seal T3O solution! Small =

726. Kill Chicken Monkey

In the dark purple void, this is a ridiculous, just at this moment, see a magnificent huge energy ball like a star, is hovering in the air. The first and it is the legendary ninth, Jerifest.

At this moment, the huge energy ball has been born in the vicinity of a variety of glass broken-like cracks.

I am afraid I just need to use it a little more.