Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Bands Ji Section 1054

It should be ended here if it is here.

No one is not expected, then at this time, the two originally opened by Dorgo, fell in the bloody, and suddenly jumped, hitting the Linda.

The speed of these two people is too fast, just a short moment, it has come to Linda.

The cold is now, the front is revealed,

At this moment, the sharp dagger has been topped in Linda's throat, so that she is about to have a beautiful neck.

The speed is fast, the start of the hand, no one can stop.

(Today's paddle wood pass: May you be as early as early,

822. Boxer's chest

This fat, two assassins, famous in danger.

Although only the strength of the gold level, the conspiracy trick is much abnormal. Even if there is a hunting target, there is a black gold-grade guard, they will not be afraid.

For example, why would they choose in "Wanghua Cliff" to do. That is because there is no need to take the village here, don't take the store, here is not afraid of Linda to escape, even more don't worry that there will be aid soldiers to save her.

And just killed, but just to hide the eyes and ears, it's more.

They actually - I have long seen that Luna's strength is good. Although Luna did not put the magic out of the magic, from Luna's figure and momentum, the two can judge the light from the experience. It is not a potted light.

If you are talking to Dolgo, I am afraid that this assassination task will become difficult.

Therefore, this two will take the opportunity to kill, deceive the eyes of Luna, wait until she thinks that everything is over, starting to neglect, when it is restarted.

At this moment, it is a great time to do!!

Lua saw these two assassins flying to Linda, and immediately shouted out, and at the same time pilot the lightning magic to the whole body, the foot, chasing the two assassins, K rough.

However, even the speed of Luna is fast, at this time, the dagger in the hands of the thierborn passenger has also spnned to the skin of Linda neck.

Now just one second, Linda is like a snow-white neck, will be opened by this unparalleled dagger. And Linda's blood is also destined to spray on this dagger, and the entire cliff is dyed into red.

The passengers and richers who hid behind the carriage saw this scene, all closed their eyes.

They have been sorry for Linda soon, and some are because they can't get the beautiful meat of Linda, and feel regret.

As for Luna, this is incomparable, remorse, how did you just see how these two assassins are killing.

The slightly lifted assassin - shouting, - pushing the dagger in his hand, ready to put it deeply | into the throat.

At this moment, his eyes are full of blood color, full of killing, full of distortion fast | sense.

Perhaps normal people don't know this slightly lifting assassin, but he is on the road, but it is famous [Magic Divide].

This [Magic Divide] This is called Guis. He has an extremely metamorphosis, that is, killing beauty. The more beautiful woman, the more you want to kill it.

Therefore, he is a single, all of which are born, or the life of the lady who is killing the black.

In his eyes, the blood of the beautiful woman is tied, watching the look of the desperation before they die, is happy than anything.

I can kill the beauty of Linda, and he feels that Sansheng is fortunate, but also feels unprecedented!

At this moment, the knife tip has been stabbed on the skin of Linda neck. The Gis's face has also shown a smile such as the devil, and his eyes, it revealed extremely exciting eyes. male

However, this smile and excited eyes have not appeared - second, and it is stissible on the face of Gis.

At this moment, then the neck should be pierced into Linda, and the knife tip of her tender skin will stop in the neck of Linda.

More visual points, it should be a card in the neck of Linda.

Because regardless of the strength of Gis, no matter how Gis wants to penetrate this and dagger into Linda's throat, this knife is the skin of Linda.

Linda's skin is clearly so tender, obviously seems to be generous white jade - the blowing bomb can break.

But why is this dagger that is not a thorny skin, it is not to open this gestone white jade ??

Gis is reluctant to believe in the facts in front of me, still pushing the dagger, wanting to pierce the neck of Linda with a dagger.

However, just in the next second, only listening to "" - sound, the handle should be in the dagger of Linda throat, even because Gis is excessive, and the waist is broken.

At this moment, I came to the other of Linda - a assassin, and the Na Na, who came, couldn't help but stop, revealing the stunning look.

And the Gisse, which is close to Linda, has been shocked to stand in the original place.

I don't talk about this dagger is a Class A weapon forged by the master of the sword. Even if it is just a normal dagger, it is impossible to even play a woman's skin !?

And now it is no longer a problem, it is D straight break! 4

Is this woman's skin is the s-level armor ??