Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 12th National Day

Luna knows if he immediately admitted that he would recognize it, it will be unnatural, so it is intentionally, causing you to deliberately hit her illusion.


And the original doubt, this will have been in the words and deeds of Luna - thinking that it is why you said it, add an unnecessary trouble to your silly brother.

Luna saw that the eyes began to dodge, and he knew that it was successful, so he continued:

"I said that my food is getting bigger and bigger! You guys still say because I have too much pressure, so I have to eat so much! As a result, it is because he teaches me to fight for the reason !!! - , wait for him to come back, I will never let him !! j "

On the side of Luna, - the last bit of sand in the plate was angry.

I can't tell you that I didn't tell Luna. After all, Luna is also a girl, and it will definitely care about other people's evaluation. If it is said to be eaten by others, it is not a face.

So, I saw that I said that I said:

"The silly brother is also for you, so don't be too difficult for him .j

Come, this will only feel that he is not too big, but it is very troublesome.

Luna said that I said that I knew that my conspiracy was successful. So, it will be angry, say:

"Hey !! It will not be so easy to let him, wait for him to come back, I - I want ...."

The Luna dialect just said half, the forehead was crazy and painful.

At the same time, Luna's ear suddenly sounded like this - a strange woman voice:

"Loneya actually dared to insult Agil's seniors, today I - I want her to eat hard.

( that summer)

827. The spirit is too nervous

Luna heard this, immediately stood up, looking for four weeks.

However, in the heart of the canteen, in addition to the cocoa and Luna, you can't see anyone, even the aunt that usually cleans the health has been resting.

When I saw Lua, I also immediately followed Luna, I went around.

Although it is now a peaceful period, Luna's New Deal implementation is also very smooth, but it is inevitable that there is a retaliation that the Qing will receive.

Therefore, you can see the body of such a nervous standing, and then immediately run the magic of the body and enter the preparation state.

However, waiting for a child, but it is a silence.

"Luna, you are too much pressure, so the spirit is nervous ??

When I can't feel any magic fluctuations and the breath, I have collapsed the magic.

However, Luna is still uncomfortable at this moment, and is very nervous to look at the unmanned cafeteria, and then say:

"Come, have you really didn't hear someone talking??"

Luna can be confirmed, just that the voice is not his own illusion, it is really in the sound in the ear, it is absolutely not mistaken.

I can see such seriously, I'm very serious, I'm very serious.

"No, from the beginning, this canteen is only two people."

I said that I was concerned about Luna while looking at Luna, I would like to come to Duna will not be because of the pressure of the emperor too much, so the spirit has a problem.

Luna listened to this, knowing that if you are so nervous, you can start to guess something.

So she laughed helplessly, then returned to the chair and said:

"It seems that my usual pressure is some ..."

I heard the words of Luna, I was very safe - point, after all, Luna also knows this is the reason why she is too stressed, so the problem is not very serious.

"Wait until my silly brother is coming back, calling him to make some soothing medicine to give you. Otherwise, I am afraid that you will give yourself down sooner or later.

Come, this sentence, "crushing", is the spirit and flesh.

"It seems that you can only .... J

Luna is very clear, this is not because he is too high. Because since she has - half of the devil physique, hearing is getting better and better.

Yue Ping Yide:

It's just that she can find a source nearby, such as someone wants to assassinate Linda, such as the girl whispering

But this - the sound of the times came, the model is very vague, as if it is talking to the shore, and yourself is potential water. This is really letting Luna couldn't touch the mind.

Although there are many doubts in Luna, she knows that these cannot find cocoa.

Because the physique of my own half of the devil is a secret, I will be the apostle, if my hidden identity is known, it will definitely be trouble.

Although Luna + is confident that you will not be what you do, this trouble can avoid avoiding it. Because Luna is worried that you will pass our own half-demon, it will speculate more things that are not mariberable.