Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and 1231, 1231

Kamera continued to say: Wesha:

"The beautiful head there will seem to cure it, so I will not affect your next thing. I will follow the previous agreement, go back to the sky. J

Camera said this, he was ready to turn around.

However, at this time, I saw that Vaticade suddenly broke out a very powerful force, and then pair to his Camera:

"Camera! Where are you going? Things have not ended !!"

However, KMMLL is just taking a light writing after hearing the Vive der.

"Don't make it old," Sky God "is given, the Sky is given to you this force, it is not letting you have a fox fake.

Vatice heard the words of Kamera, when the language is said.

At this time, I saw Camera and said:

"I have already played it today, and the next thing is solved by yourself, I have to go back and master to report the situation here.

Viredell now has "Sky God" blessing, but it does not dare to do too much requirements to Camera.

Because Camera's Master Loret is the strongest in the "Six-Wing God". It is the master of Tianjian's , is the first larger in the "Lord of the Sky".

Lorent's brother Lorka is the father of Loloka, which is Lomir's grandfather.

So, even if Vatica has "Sky God" bless, he does not dare to make anything over.

Therefore, he can only look at Kamera leave here.

However, at this time, I saw Camera looked back - I was hiding in Lomier after Vandel, and then smeared:

"Head"! You know that you will refund! You stay here is just addict, hurry to go back to me and you will make sin! By the way, the strange hairstyle is exchanged !! "

Lomir listened to Kamera, I've started a wing, ready to escape, and shouted:

But unfortunately, she just flew out, immediately chasing it by Camel, and then dragged away.

Everyone saw this - the scene is also a speechless, which is clearly on the battlefield, how Camera gives people feel like it is in the park.

And he puts this floor of Lomier, how to see how to give the child to the home in the same way.

Among the people present at the moment, there is only how territy of Aisa Camera. If there is any "power of all kinds, I am afraid I have been killed by Camera - dry back.

Eared, there are people who are present in these people, in addition to suppressing Kamera with power, the rest is not his opponent.

Because his sword skills are really horrible, it is horrible to almost unpolish.

At this moment, the Vive der, and the angry and frustrated roared:

"Camera! You come back !! I am now the city owner of the empty city !!! You must listen to my order !!!"

Sifer is roaring while roaring, and there is a dramatic force like the waves.

In an instant, this power is like anger-like, swept everyone, so that everyone has faced a statement.

This power is too strong, powerful to make people look, and stronger to make people tremble.

But whether it is Luna, Eric, or Ejir and Linda, they have not happen.

Because they know, the more enemy is, but the more you can experience your value.

The cocoa goal is to be enemies with the apostles. How can she fear the enemy before??

It's just that this is bitter. At this moment, Hab is curled up in the corner. Take her huge wings to wrap the body, and the gallbladder swabs look at these "monsters" through the gap between the feathers. speak.

If she is destroyed by Luna, she really wants to go back to the sky, or simply escape to the world, and no longer have these monsters in front of him.

Unfortunately, Habbar is now can't fly, so I can only huddle in the corner, I hope everyone should ignore themselves.

And when Vatica was finished, Camera and Lomir have disappeared in the air of not far, and there is no ignore to the meaning of Vatica.

Vaticone, angry attack, I feel that my main face is lost!

At this moment, I saw him immediately returned to the ground, and the Luna and others in front of him were angry:

"You have these antions, give me death !!!"

To be told, an extremely powerful force broke out from the Vaticral's body, let him have a white wing behind him, and instantly haunt a gold soft light.

At the same time, - Layer is like a fur, if the bleak of the hidden, is slowly displayed from the Vatica's body.

871. Power of "Source"

In an instant of Vandel broke out, Luna suddenly became a big eyes, and the whole heart was smashed.

Although the brilliance of Vatica is not obvious at this moment, it is just a shallow-layer, but the powerful force, and the suffocating oppression, it is undoubtedly the power of the apostle!