Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited apostles and 12th National Section 1630

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It is like a sea,

Between the short field, then

The swords of Haochai, such as the sea swept

The whole battle is directly swallowed

Not there.

Time, Senset,

Right of sharp swords

When you die, you only see the rain surface

Color iron looks at the station


"Worse 3! Standing public

Top of this sword !! "

In the impression of the rain,

Standing is very strong, very strong!

But at this moment, Ning Yilong

It is necessary to strengthen.

His business, if

Outbreak to the ultimate, it is the foundation

I can't find it, because of his sword

Means are not in a situation


But as long as he is the sword

Send it, it is like a mountain

Hyda, like broken bamboo, hiring


"Send ... this is meaningful

Are the swords of the area!?? J

"This is to the species, when you don't

The singer !! "

Many people who are governed!

The palms know that Su is feeling this

After powerful, you have a film.

Got up.

Standing at this moment, in this stock

Such as the sword of the sea

Just like Tianming Lonely boat, strike

Extreme, only Ray Overlant

He will be induced by this

Pink belly.

Also in all people

When it is confirmed, I saw the station.

Rower smile, then screen