Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited apostles and 1201st 12070

Think of this, I saw Sujin

Rapid honest, then ten regiments

Serious country is the command:

"Which whole army is ready,

Accompanied by the competition, it is a battle.

Open it! J

Just in Sujin ordered the whole army

When you are ready to prepare, it is white.

Wangba rushed to the first

Seven Taoism, ice spirit array.

White-like king this field step into

Ice spirit, I will always welcome it.

The sky of the sky is snow, visibility

It is extremely low.

At the same time, Y is only

Linglu in this blizzard

Task machine


This field only lies in Blizzard

The spirit of the beast is called the Ice Spread.

These ice spirit wolves although monomer attacks

Not strong, but if you let

They found the opportunity group from attacking

Its combat power is not a small view

The presence.

At this moment, the ice spirit

Medical visibility is very low, this is just right

Give the ice-like wolves


In an instant, the field is only a field

The ice spirit wolf pounced to the white bodies,

I want to tear it.

Early, I'm afraid of these

Ice, I didn't think of it.

The white wolf day in the blizzard

Wang, actually seems to see them

General, a sword field, will

The Ice Folk is all in the snow

Among them.

White-like king reaction and speed

It is very fast, and he captures the country.

The standard is not just the eyes,

The face is all over the whole body


So, when those ice wolves