Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 1939

The Mo Kong soldiers saw this,

It is mature white, double

This is the power of the default.

This is the strength in the 10,000!

But just short second benefit

Time, that is stunned, then

The giant mountains of high single into the clouds are

Tarked into the whole one

Circle, town empty dragon bought

Soldiers have completely abandoned the building

This battle has started from the field.

After destined to the doll.

Whether it is the enemy

, Even more soon, even

Sushu, a new five-bit king

Jun, it is not a case where it is not good.

It is difficult to meet and die.

In fact, if the nine province is from the emperor

In the beginning, you will shoot the language.

Is it a big drop?

Entering, it is very easy.


It is as good as it is imagined.

This is finished, the emperor

It must be paid to poverty, land and

Do not hosing the risk and other kings.

If the Huangtian people will be enemy

All hit, the words of the words lost

Lose the opportunity to do.

Filled land is good, elegant soil

If the area is poor, it will become a seven-bit king.

There is an opening between the circumstances.

So, in order to avoid this

It may be in the case, the shape is only a magic

Waplely work,

Stand-up, allocate resources

If you die, you can do it.

Relative fairness.

The shape is before it is not

Directly twice, attacking Longhuang

Country, except that it is taboo

My owner, still because of his shackles

If the emperor is open

Advantitative, inexpensive internal affairs and use,

Then buy this country will only be from