Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited apostles and 120th rods 1980

Stand and hope that both

Because of your own pressure,

I hope to see two races.

Spontaneous peaceful coexistence.

I just finished this,

Everyone present in the field is in concert


"This is impossible.

Let the feet and the coefficient,

This is impossible to


The magic is to enhance the power,

Must take the life. Face

It happens to be an important in vitality.

So, how is the area?

It's all the quarry of the magic, workers

Is absolutely impossible to share

However, standing on hearing

After the statement, it is continued to say:

"I know you are thinking

What is Tian Ding, thinking that humans

It is the main source of vitality,

Magic and humans are impossible to peace

. "

Stand here, present

People have nodded and express themselves.

It is so thinking.

Standing behind the head

And continue to say:

"In fact, I have done it before."

Survey, absorb the miles of people's livestock

Denture is actually different,

It is said that the monk can completely

The vitality of the housestock is refined

Bar's linkage. 1

Previously and more along the land

Heaven, the words are very certain

This is this.

The more you take a pig

Life and draw an adult

People's lives are actually Ke.

How many.

"Face you like the magic

Nothing has not talked to raise livestock

It is because you are in all years.