Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Apostles and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 2065

1220. I showed me!

What is the concept of "fullness" under the fifth layer seal? ?

It can directly kill the twelfctian Capasis to the gray to the smoke.

It can make the eighth eightext of the explosion to hit the bouqua, falling down.

It can evaporate the northern polar continent that is condensed from the cold ice, and can take the moment of human civilization on Longhuang in an instant.

At this moment, there is such a power of this power, appearing in front of the Soft and others.

If it is changed to be a Ji Li Wei has not recession, she is absolutely confident from the front, and the entire dispersion.

However, now, the power M of the Soft is, it is not as good as before, it is impossible to take this source.

"Can you evil, when can I get back? ? "

Shu Ji looked at this source of star in the hill, and has completely abandoned resistance.

At this moment, if Yourman does not appear, wait for everyone, waiting for the Longhuang mainland, and only one death.

"Little Wom You, you are coming back! ! Xiaoyou! ! "

Su Yujun, of course, knowing this shouting is useless, but now, she can only hopes to be pinned.

However, things are willing to violate, and no matter how Su Yujun calls, You has never appeared.

Time is not equal, "the source bomb" that is condensed by void locusts is also not recovered.

Now, the hills of the hills have expanded to the ultimate, full of half-ice valleys.

In the next second, I saw that the void locusts suddenly creephed the body, and then slowly pushed the moving bomb that had been condensed, and the vectors shined with the stars.

Shuji knows that if this source of this source is like this, the whole Longhuang mainland will disappear in an instant.

So, in the moment of the void locusts began to promote the moving bomb, I saw that Shui suddenly condensed the gas, spoiled, straight on the ice, standing on the top of the top of the group of void locusts. .

Then, he saw that the Soft coated in his hands, then lost the void locust that did not hesitate to smash the void locust together.

Two shining green round-raised round blades were unparalleled, and the tentacles connected together in the transients were turned off.

However, these void locusts are really too much, and the number of tentacles they connect together is several times the number of themselves.

At this moment, no matter who can be seen, just rely on these two brilliance, it is not enough to cut off all void locusts.

However, Shu Ji did not give up.

I saw her waving his hands, manipulating the two brilliant round blades, constantly shuttle in the void locust, and constantly connecting them together.

Just, regardless of how to work hard, those cutting tenthers will resize next second and connect it again.

"Can not do it! ! These tenthers are endless, and they are almost impossible to eliminate these disgusting bugs at all! ! "

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Su Yujun looked at the sky and worked hard to cut off his tentacles.

However, Su Yujun shouted, the dragon god standing next to him is the meaning of the gods:

"Mother is not to eliminate these bugs. "

Su Yujun heard the dragon, the small brows were immediately frightened, and then said:

"It's hard ... is it ..."

Dragon God did not wait for Su Yunjun to finish the words, and then said:

"The reason why the mother is doing this is to cause the idea of ​​the void locusts, so that they transfer the target of the attack to the sky. "

Su Yujun heard the words of the dragon, immediately exclaimed:

"That ... that is like this, is it a big man?

"Mother's adult is preparing to sacrifice himself, come to everyone
