Infinite Apostle and the Twelve War Maidens

Unlimited Acts and Twelfth Wars Ji Section 2104

For a time, the four eyes are relatively, both sides have fallen into silence.

1247. Girl, you listen to me! ! (on)

Bathing, the girl is very handsome, the golden long hair is generally smooth, the five senses are the same as the porcelain doll, and the hair on the wings behind her, even the silk is shining, and it is every day. In careful care.

If you meet this girl in other parts, you will definitely look at her both eyes, because this girl is not only handsome, but also revealing a strong in the eye, is very attractive.

However, now, the eyes have been locked in the girl's body, can't be removed at all.


At this moment, You didn't hurry to hold your own eyes, but so, from the beginning to the end, from the top, put the high mountains, Qingquan, and gave appreciation.

Suddenly, the beautiful thing happened too fast, and he didn't respond to it, what happened in front of him.

And the girl was originally with a soft cheeks, and it was already full of shame, and ...


You looked at the girl with a trace of angry, and quickly wiped off the nosebleed from the nose, then explained:

"Girl, you listen to me explained, I didn't want to peek, I just passed here."

However, if you just finished this, I saw that girl took a deep breath and shouted:

"Come into "

It's late, that is fast, I haven't waited for the second word of this girl, and I went forward and pushed the girl on the ground and then covering her mouth.

"Don't shout! I am really just passing, I am not a heart to voy you to take a shower."

You will know where you will be under this lightweight day, wear it in this wilderness! ! !

However, if you have just finished this, the girl opened her cherry notak, and I got a row of snow-white teeth, and then slammed the palm of your hand.

You bless because of the seventh laying of seal, then the reason why it is completely re-seal, it is now unable to use the effort to exhibit strength.

So, at this moment, he was smashed by a girl, and he took the horse pain.

But even if you don't unlock the seal, the speed of the reaction is also exceeding the ordinary people, especially the crisis of this reputation is about to collapse.

After this hand, I was hit back, and the other handed up the horse to re-blocked the girl's mouth and didn't let her shout.


At the same time, I saw him very sincere and said to the girl:

"Don't call me, don't let your hand, don't shout, I am really just passed ..."

You said so, while trying to communicate with the gods and the girl.

After the girl heard this, he didn't attack the bless, and didn't resist it. It seems to have reached a compromise.

You will see the girl who doesn't want to continue to shout, and then slowly release the hand that caught the girl's mouth.

However, when you slowly release your hands slowly, the girl suddenly raised his feet and wanted to open it.

As I said, I would like to be printed, and the reaction speed is also more common.

So, in the moment of the girl, I won't reach out, and I directly stood the girl who kicked the girl.

Just a moment in which the girl's feet is born, the aura of the leaves suddenly issued a rocking of the leaves.

At the same time, only the girl who only listened to a milk milk passed:

"Sigs sister, where are you? ? Why don't you come back? ? ? "

In the next second, I saw another skin snow, the body wet single clothes, the unparalleled girl, appeared in front of you.

For a time, the six eyes are relatively, three people are silent. You must know, at this moment, the sister in the girl and the girl's mouth is in a very embarrassing posture.

At this moment, the posture of You and the silk is a previous one, one up.

Also, You also raised the little feet of his silk over the top, completely a look that even the disadvantage.

1247. Girl, you listen to me! ! (under)

Then there was a girl who appeared to see the scene before, and the whole person was in the original place.

Subsequently, I saw her face panic and said that she said with the girl named Shishi:

"Greek ... Shizi sister ... you ... you actually make this kind of thing! "

The girl who named Hey was heard, immediately shouted:

"How long your eyes is long? ? Obviously, this comic wanted to infringe me! ! ! ! "

However, this shouted, he didn't hear the girl who said softly and said.