<Infinite Dendrogram>

Lesson forty: What to say

□ ■ Northwest Kingdom

Unmanned tank unit, [Radio Battalion "Laidio Batalion"].

[Battalion] and a group of tanks nearly double the number commonly said to be battalions.

Only one or two black tanks existed in it.

"The first shot was decided flashly."

From inside a black tank, the bearded man laughs satisfactorily as he looks at other tanks with misrilled armor.

He is the [King of Car Riders] Colonel Murdoch Martinez (...).

He who commands this battlefield as one of the Imperial powers.

"The money hung but it was good to make. Mithril was out there, and we got a whole bunch of them."

The concern in preparing this battalion was lack of material, but somehow it was possible to make it to the end thanks to massive misrills coming out of the Alchemist Guild.

Rumor has it that there was a mysterious supernova [alchemist] who brought it in in bulk for the constant order job quest, which is fortunate for him anyway.

'But is drone tanks okay? It's a basic auto, right?

He was in communication with the Black Three Ghosts, and this time he has entered this battlefield in [Marshall III] with the [Pilot] division.

Murdoch has also been deeply involved with the Triangle of Wisdom since his arrival in the Empire, and has acted with them because he was half the guest.

It should be noted that Franklin, the owner of the Triangle of Wisdom, was in solitary action, and neither were they heard of their location, and their command was now in Murdoch due to such circumstances.

"Don't worry. You guys don't shoot. I'm sure you have the least amount of identification. … unless everyone in the program team makes a mistake."

"You're scared of design errors......"

Once aboard the test machine, the drowning Black Three Ghosts squeaked so smugly.

"But I was surprised when I heard you were going to make a < MaginGear > that wasn't human, but you can use it awesome [Radio Battalion]"

"If you can't use it in war, it doesn't make sense."

Murdoch laughs bitterly at the words of the Black Three Ghosts, but adds an explanation.

"Tank-shaped, [Geist] has no batter at the time of stopping by the subdragon. That is why [Marshall II], which moves as a human extension made by < Triangle of Wisdom >, was welcomed. Prior to that, the power suit ultimately depended on the strength of the individual, and it seemed to be hard on the drife people, who had a relatively high degree of airworthiness of the pilot lineage"

"Yeah, that's what I hear."

"But the Empire was making [Geist]. Even after the development of [Marshall II]. Why is that?


Speaking of which, the Black Three Ghosts wondered why. Even now that [Marshall II] and its variations have been developed, [Geist] is also produced in the Imperial weapons production line.

"The answer is... if we shoot each other at a distance (long range), it's because tanks are better than human-type robots. Different size and aiming stability of cannons that can be loaded"


"The Empire lined up a large number of tanks this way and used a tactic to reduce them with simultaneous shelling before the monsters came by. Leave him to the avant-garde combat position. That's where [Marshall II] works."

Both now and in the past, [Geist] was treasured in the battle against herds of monsters and giant monsters.

The battle once fought [Gloria] should also have been able to act as some force if the opponent was just a giant creature.

"My tactics are no different than that. Shooting from a distance, decreasing the number, breaking through and approaching enemies entrust to the other < masters >. This group of tanks is no different if they stop by, except for my tall hammer. So it's up to you."

'I'll take care of it!

To Murdoch's words, the Black Three Ghosts slapped him on the chest and made him respond.

Not only are [Marshall III] troops in the [Triangle of Wisdom], but many of the other battle clans have joined the battle.

If the kingdom reduces its power with the shelling of [Radio Battalion], it will be able to fight for quite an advantage.

"Yet earlier you often hit someone that far away, that's also flying"

"The bullet speed was fast in the range of the cannon. You can drop a helicopter in a tank with an FPS gauge."

'... not at all? It's dozens of kilometers up the sky, isn't it?

"Nothing would be different if it was properly targeted and the guns performed well enough. However, this tank is just a little special."


To Murdoch's words, the Black Three Ghosts wondered what to say.

Because I thought it would be the people I was dealing with, not the tanks.

[Radio Battalion] cannot operate unless Murdoch.

No, instead of operation...... I wouldn't even be able to start (...).

"They don't have a place to hide, either. You're going down from the sky. You'll be approaching on the ground, so get ready."

Copy that, sir.

That's how the communication with the Black Three Ghosts went out...

"That's why. Leave the ground to me."

- Yes, please.

The voice that followed is not of the Black Three Ghosts.

What I heard from the comms was the voice of Hikaru, Igorona Creeder of… "Immortality”.

Those who moved as planned in advance and were the bait to fish for the kingdom's power of war as the king intended.

"The rest will be enough to help pass the flag. You can get out of the safe zone."

'Right.... By the way, was Luke from Enemy Formation?


Murdoch wonders about Hikaru's question, but it was asked as such, so he responds.

"You guys, can you get the footage out?

"Eye Captain!"

"I'm not a captain. It's the kernel. Besides, Aiai is probably a Navy word."

"Yesser! Video, Dassimus"

That's how I see footage just before the earlier shelling that came around from the tank occupants, and I grasp it immediately.

"Oh, you must be a prominent silver-haired boy. There's plenty of it. You're on a red bird."

'... is that right? Thanks for the info.'

After that communication, the communication with Hikaru was cut off.

Murdoch flaunts his shoulders, muttering two words.

"Then I'll definitely do something.... the other Super."

I'm one of them, but Murdoch sincerely thinks so.

Franklin, [Beast King], Hikaru, Splendida.

They are too heavy from Murdoch's point of view because their sexual roots are distorted, what they're betting on this < Infinite Dendrogram > is too big, or they don't know what they're good at (...).

Logan isn't the only one, but I thought it wouldn't fit the story in the first place.

Watch Embrio and you'll see.

It wouldn't be like that if you overestimated yourself and didn't think it was amazing.

That's why you won't engage with your sexual roots, he said.

"... but it's not limited to" super "

Murdoch shrugged so... he thought of the faces of those who were coming to this battlefield that were particularly terrible.

"I wouldn't want to fight that."

And he groaned smudgingly again,... only a little sympathy for the < master > of the kingdom.

◇ ◆

After the first shooting of [Radio Battalion], the kingdom side was confused, but the commanders of each clan gave instructions and let them summarize in a critical manner.

And before the next bullet in the shelling arrived, those who were traveling through the air to get off the target's rays also descended to the ground. The representation of each clan gathers in one place while increasing alertness to the surroundings.

"... of. You know what that was? The guys up there blew it up."

Luke was questioned about the werewolf cherry blossoms. They were a group traveling on the ground, but there was also a clear sight of 40% of the air force devastated in an instant.

"It's probably an electromagnetic projectile gun."

Luke remembers the tank he saw himself.

Not cylindrical, but a characteristic shell like two planks lined up.

In addition, he stepped that the phenomenon of the discharge of violet electricity resulting from the body of the vehicle and the shell did not concern optical camouflage, but rather leaked excess energy before and after the shelling.

"Rail gun... is that the electromagnetic force or is that the guy who jumps bullets?


The rail gun is not a gunpowder explosion, but a weapon that accelerates shells and fires them out by electromagnetic induction.

There are problems such as the enormous supply of electricity required for firing, but development has been underway in the United States since the beginning of the twenty-first century due to the availability of bullet speeds above conventional shells.

"What's the range?

"... when used for ground-to-ground artillery, it should have been more than 300 kilometers in theory for ships"

"......!? They're after us, too!

"But that won't be enough. It's smaller than a ship cannon, and there must be a lack of observation information to fire beyond the horizon."

Unlike Earth, where enemies have developed by reconnaissance aircraft, artificial satellites, and communication networks, skill-based observations are sophisticated here. There is also a limit to the technology for targeting ranges based on observation information, which also leads to the limits of the effective range of the curved projectiles.

"Calculated from the tank's car height, not from the ship, it would be inside the horizon… about seven kilometres that you can target the ground target.... Except if this one can fly"

Earlier, the masters in the air were shot... because they were able to see directly from there due to altitude.

If you can see the terrain dozens of kilometers from the sky of 500 Metel, the opposite is true.

Some skills exist to increase the accuracy of visual aiming shooting.

"... Juliette would say," When I peer into the abyss, the abyss is peeking at you again, "

"No, I'm sure he'll say it even more easily."

Riser and Bishmal imagine the words and deeds of the same duel ranker.

... Note that the girl not on this occasion sneezed somewhere in the kingdom.

"I mean, you have to travel to the ground to avoid being shot from a long distance."

"Still, if you see him at the end of the horizon, it means he'll shoot you."

Wolf cherry blossoms and risers each chew up information and state their problems.

Even if we go on the ground and destroy and break through the tanks, we won't be safe after we get into that effective range over there.

"As for that...... depending on the timing, I have a hitter. Now let's get closer from the ground to the target's range critical. Be alert to raids other than tanks."

Each responds to Luke's words and resumes moving.

Travel the streets made between the trees, together.

Each individual lacks the skills of a detection system, and those who do not have the skills are also attentive to the surrounding enemies, and tank roles are always ready to shield themselves.

The march speed dropped slightly...

"Mr. Nemesis, any sign of the other guy?

"Doesn't change direction... doesn't seem to be moving"

In that word, Luke realizes, 'Igoronak awaits us too'.

I mean, there 'll be at least two of us waiting ahead, but that's what I knew.

The rendezvous with the forces that have not yet arrived will also be done before entering the opponent's range.

It hurts that the optical camouflage and long range allowed the enemy to preempt attack, but I think it's a wide-area controlled type and Murdoch and Alberto are never incompatible. It is still possible to salvage it.

Several < masters > go on to their destination thinking so, starting with Luke.

- But there are those who hold back their march.

"It's a < master > reaction forward!

Kasumi, who was watching Tykyokuz, issues a warning to her surroundings.

"The form reached is" "". How many............... one?

One person first in the detection range, not.

Even if kingdom forces continue to march at high speeds, there is no one but one to be detected.

And beyond the shadows of the trees, they can be visually captured.

(Interventions and raids by forces other than [the King of Car Riders] are natural and desirable. I thought it would definitely come up with an ambush, and I was ready. But can this (...) be called an ambush to fulfill)

In the direction of Luke and the others, we have enemies.

One man. He is wearing a sunscreen cloth from his head and sitting on one knee on their path.

Are you even licking candy balls...... while rolling something in your mouth with corn.

This is a sign, an ambush.

Suspicious, defenseless.

Some people tried to make a pre-emptive attack, but also stopped their own attack in an aggressive manner considering that it could be an invitation to counter-type abilities.

"- Armed deployment"

- But the [King of Annihilation (Alberto)] was moving.

Stopping the whole movement with caution is stupid.

Other attacks may come the moment the kingdom forces are stationary.

It is also possible that the opponent or his companions in front of him are sending location information to Murdoch's tank unit as observers.

So he doesn't stop and sets off his own perks and tools - [sweeping snake fire firelix] fire.

"Alpha Star"

The overflowing heat burns and kills even Alberto's own body, whose body is reborn into something with resistance to heat.

And the fireworks emitted from the double-headed flamethrower envelop the sitting enemy with their brilliance.

There is no evasion. There is no defense.

The enemy is swallowed by the flames while defenseless, and the cloth that was hiding its appearance from the sun is also burned down.

- Still, the man keeps sitting in the flames while maintaining the prototype.

"Oh, give me that flame!?

Whose is the voice of amazement?

Or maybe everyone thought the same thing when they tried to speak up.

I know the kingdom. This reward weapon was used by Alberto in Figaro in the Tournament.

It's so dangerous that Figaro didn't take it and kept dodging it.

With such super firepower... a man lives without even becoming a dust of light (death penalty).


The man who was sitting gets up.

Broiled by flames, they do not wolf, do not roll into burn suffering, and rise very naturally.

It's not that it hasn't worked.

The man's body continues to be engulfed in flames...... his skin and meat are still burnt.

My whole body's skin is burned out and I'm not even sure if it's right for the year.

Already the same as the burnt body.

Still, a man rolls something in his mouth with corn, and his body moves,

"-" Weiye homologous (cannibalism) "

- The man stuffed his distance from Alberto in an instant.

Faster than Alberto responds, the burnt body waves its own right hand over Alberto's head.

Immediately thereafter, Alberto's head is crushed.

The mechanical parts that make up his body splash around him.

It's not a beating mark from a blow, - a destruction mark as if it was eaten by a carnivore a thousand times (...).


In response to the sight of that shock, there were those who moved to respond and those who were confused and unable to move.

Marie, one of the movers, fires a shotgun-specific bullet creature, trying not to stifle the enemy's movement.

But countless bullet creatures, shortly after touching a man, turn into miserable bait.

A 'jaw' formed all over the man's body was preying on the bullet creatures that touched him without any further ado.

"After all, < Embrio > all taste different (...)"

This is accompanied by a change in the man who was burning his skin.

The skin is reconstituted enough to prey, naturally recovered and restored to a scratch-free state.

That's how the face of the man who healed his whole body... the majority of humans on this occasion knew.

"…" Bad eating (...) "!"

[King of Eaters] Kata Lucan Euangelion.

The empire's strongest quasi - "Bad Eating".

As with Murdoch, the Empire's special martial power… one of the figures to beware of.

Such a man alone - even super - has raided the kingdom.

An unusual raid in circles than Igoronak's.

All I can say is it's crazy considering the difference in power between us.

Or did he himself read that the battle would be concluded?

"... how did you get here? Isn't much of the Imperial side's power waiting as a direct guard for the tank unit?

"Yeah. I was actually supposed to intercept on my own, but the shelling seems to reduce the number, so I came here before that."


What do you mean, "from"?

Engagement since the number of enemies was reduced by shelling is tactically natural.

The opposite cannot be true.

- Tactically.

"The quasi who killed the machine's body, and [Demon King]"

Alberto, Marie, and Luke. Looking at the three of them,

"- Rare ingredients all the time, so I'm here to eat before they go down."

Even as if it wasn't a big deal - that's what Kata declared.

Half the kingdoms laugh bitterly at his words, half at war.

Because the former thought his words were a black joke that wasn't even funny.

The latter - because I understood it was genuine by virtue of "verdict of authenticity" and intuition.

Because I understood that he was an anomaly who was single and assaulted kingdom forces to eat humans (...).

"-" Beta Star "

- Alberto's voice flows into the space at that time.

Second resistance… Alberto reconstitutes the head while gaining predatory resistance.

At the same time, a new reward weapon - equipped with armor.

The Kingdoms know what it is and immediately distance themselves from Alberto and Kata.

[Coming Misty Solo Dragmist].

It generates white fog and completely blocks the visual, auditory and olfactory sensations of those who enter the inside of the fog.

If you are imprisoned inside, you will not be able to move satisfactorily either.

Exceptions are only Alberto, who is able to grasp the position of the enemy with the skills of the [Destroyed King], and Figaro, who has tactilely grasped and dealt with the vibrations on the ground.


Kata escapes the white mist of that perk weapon...... not.

Conversely, he opens his mouth and waits as if inhaling.

Regardless, not something that could be inhaled by one human being, Kata was imprisoned by white fog.

His three senses are lost at that moment, and his eyes, ears and nose are cut off.

Against Kata, who was crushed by a sensor called Sensor, Alberto unleashed a further pursuit with Perk Armor.

"- I don't like this, this. When you lose your sense of smell, the flavor drops."

- But sooner than that, Kata cut [Dragmist] a thousand pieces of every left hand.

Grasp the position of the alberto in a state sealed with three senses, and prey in an instant close proximity.

It was not tactile as Figaro that exchanged it......

From the mouth of Kata's entire body, her tongue drips like a dog.

What he sensed is taste (...).

Taste the mist generated from [Dragmist] (...) and reach the source in a direction where the flavour is intense….

It's not just a skill.

Unlike Figaro...... it was an impossible detection method for a constant person.

But that's not the biggest problem.

"... that? You're harder than just now, this."

Kata whining like that while chewing.

In the fog, therefore, the voice does not reach Alberto.


But Alberto's electronic brain, which was supposed to be calm and deposited, was running with the noise of stunning.

- After gaining resistance, its resistance was breached (...).

That has never happened before.

To Figaro too...... and Fatum has never even torn me twice with the same M.O.

[Dragmist], preyed on by each left arm, stops functioning and at the same time the white fog disappears.

To the two who emerge from the mist, and above all to the way Alberto, who should no longer have turned invincible against Kata, loses his left arm, the kingdom forces lose their word.

"Seriously... Kai"

Bishmall, who had also fought Alberto himself, understood the anomaly.

"........................ TYPE: Maiden"

Even in the meantime, Luke toured his thoughts and already arrived at the answer to the sight in front of him.

Because Kata is one of the Empire's special forces, he also has all the information he can find.

Maiden's < master > and pre-determined ability characteristics… Maiden's Giant Killing element shall be 'chewable regardless of object strength'.

An opponent with only a single means of attack: predation.

Originally, Alberto can be sealed in exchange for a single death.


(What if, for every resistance Mr. Alberto has gained (...) he can chew it up and prey on it?

Comparison of forces of conflicting breakthrough and resistance abilities.

Normally, the output of < Super Embrio > will prevail... but the status quo denies it.

(... Think about it, Ray said he was also able to mitigate somewhat until he couldn't bounce back the Lunar Dividend Conclusion as of the second form. [King of Eating] 's < Embrio > is a sixth form, and specializes in one point rather than a versatile type like Mr. Nemesis. There was a chance we could break through...)

Alternatively, if Alberto could lay more resistance to 'predation', he might be invincible if he repeated it several times.

However, fighting with Murdoch and Igoronak has been discouraged.

It is unknown how many stockpiles Kata will be cut by her opponent in the end, depending on its depletion...... the chase battle will be broken.

(Mr. Alberto's compatibility with Septentrion... sucks)

Kata said she came here of her own free will, but there is a verse where the Empire was after this at the time of placing it on this battlefield in the first place.

"-" The World Kills. "

But things also move between Luke's thoughts.

The depths of Wolf Cherry Blossom...... [Fushihime] burst into Kata, who was about to launch a pursuit against Alberto.

Kata was rammed through her torso from behind, blasting her abdomen from her chest.

"............ ahhh"

Kata looks back just at her neck and sees the jitri and wolf cherry blossoms.

And in a move that ignores human joints, he waves his arm behind his back - the arm that formed the 'jaw'.

"Ha! It's darling. It's so late!

Wolf cherry blossoms jumped back and dodged it.

The arms cut the sky unreachable, and from Kata's mouth she heard something chewing up instead of pounding her tongue.

As such, the large holes vacant in the torso become blocked one by one.

"... is it not enough?"

But the wounds are not blocked, and there is no appearance of the enemy within reach.

Take the candy balls out of your pocket - the little scarlet chunks - in the wind that you have no choice.

Throwing it into his mouth, his chest wound quickly healed.

(... is that what you mean)

"Hmm, you know what?"

Luke, who was watching that offense, and the wolf cherry blossoms who attacked themselves, noticed one trick.

One of the characteristics of [King Eater], known to the public, is HP recovery through resource predation.

I kept my life in that flame because I kept preying and restoring HP even as it burned. Even now, HP was restored with predation.

The problem is the identity of an object with such a small chunk of healing effects (resources), but more importantly, there is a way to deal with it.

(If you inflict fatal injuries without allowing predation, you can win)

Unlike Splendida with automatic HP recovery or Igoronac, where the body is not on the spot.

It restores HP only through an active behavior called predation. There is no big difference between fighting while using a healing item.

Therefore, it is still possible to deal with it.

The problem is......

(Still, it's never a good idea to hit in numbers)

Pushing by number means that more humans (healing items) are captured in Kata's 'jaw'.

Therefore, if you want to deal with them, you have to push them off with a few sharp.

It's out of the question to deal with everyone in this room. Even if you can defeat them, you won't know how many of them will fit in Kata's stomach by then.

But Alberto, the kingdom's greatest power on this occasion, is not compatible.

Marie's bullet life has also been turned into a healing item, and the werewolf cherry blossoms have already cut their depth.

If we can deal with it, Luke and his family... all we have is that full battle.

(... Po, maybe?

But the level that can be spent on kinship is not infinite. I have already consumed two lower level jobs in this war.

If the level drops, so will the capacity, and even normal combat power.

And there was also a risk of family members being preyed upon and dying (lost).

(Still, I'm the only one... whoa!

Then things move even further.

Many shells fell from across the horizon.

Ultra-long range-to-surface artillery fire by Murdoch.

Hundreds of meters away from them, even close ones, rather than precise shelling, many of them landing several kilometres ahead.

But if we stop, the aim will be rectified sooner or later, and we'll hit them straight.

But if you try to move forward, the predator (Kata) eats up on his back.

Murdoch at the front gate.

Kata at the back gate.

The Kingdom's pursuit battle is held back by super power in both proximity and no longer has a moment's respite.

- Lang! Expand with us!

- It was one man in a mask who raised his voice to the predicament.

"Don't forget me, too!

"... Copy that!" All Heaven Circuit (Halley) "," Startup "

Shortly after Bishmal and Lang's voice continued, the surrounding sights changed.

A huge cage appears on the spot, pushing the surrounding trees over.

"... Phew."

And [King Eater] Kata is caged in the sphere...... trapped inside the Globe of Death.

But Kata isn't the only one in there.

Riser and Lang, Bishmal...... A member of the Babylonian Combat Regiment was among them.

"Mr. Riser!? Why!?"

Io shouts a screaming voice, but they did so themselves. Their intentions are... obvious.

"We're here... Leave it to the Babylonian Fighters to go first!

To Io's call, Riser answers with his back turned.

"Pursuit is a battle against time! Plus, the enemy you're waiting for is Super! There won't be much power to crack here!


Riser's words are correct.

If we stay here, the shelling will pour down and Kata's pursuit is unacceptable in the march.

But you can't stop.

What we should do here... is detach some of our power and stop Kata.

"... let's go"

It was because he understood it that Luke gave such instructions with determination.

Or think about 'what would happen if Ray were here'... but leave me with no answers.

The others will also respond to the decision.

"... I'll tell you one thing."

The wolf cherry tells the riser in the cage as he leaves.

"He probably has the same skills (...) as Atashi's special."

"Thank You"

Tell her what you got in the previous battle, and she'll leave again.

"Mr. Riser......"

And the last thing left on the spot was Io.

I don't ride my own [landwing] and hesitate.

Or I'll stay here myself, trying to offer to fight... but I'll step on two feet.

Proceed with your friends or fight here. I don't know which is what I should do.

In contrast to her like that, Riser...

"Io. I'll see you when this Tri Flags is done. I promise to give up the figure."


You can't possibly understand the meaning of the word.

Io also figured out that he was willing to die a death penalty in this fight.

Still, I'm telling her to move on.

'Here I am, doing what I have to do. So you go ahead, too. "

"... Yes!

Io tried his best to raise his voice and jumped on [Landwing] to follow his people.

There's one giant cage for what's left of it, and four men in it.

There is no way to panic to trapped kata.

There's no panic when all three of them who said it was rare ingredients are gone, and they don't scratch algae trying to get out of the cage somehow.

However, it is an unnatural nature that does not see emotional swings, relative to the < Babylonian Combat Regiment >.

"What you need to do is buy yourself some time to stand up?

"A little different"

Words that can also sound like Kata's provocation...... In response to just a simple question, Riser answers with a much more frontal view of his superior enemies.

- By mistake, but it's about taking you down.

The enemy is far superior. Imperial closest quasi.

A monster that may be even more formidable than the once defeated Chrono Crown.

But I don't feel frightened of the Risers.

For the sake of my people, for the sake of the kingdom, I had decided in my heart that I would surely defeat this monster.

"Ok. Understood"

Kata doesn't call Riser stupid.

I'm not saying I'm unfamiliar.

There is no insult or fear in Kata that stems from my poor strength.

Because his principles are simpler.

"Do you guys have two names or something?

Asked by name, the three answer without cowardice.

"Masked Cavalry." Masked Riser.

"Bishmall of Fire and Wrath"

Lang, comet zone.

Named by the people of the kingdom as a duel ranker, he named himself two familiar names.

"It doesn't look like an ingredient to a kingdom."

When Kata heard their name, she murmured so according to the sentiments she had for the < master > of the kingdom before the war,

"- But I'm a bad eater. I can eat anything."

- formed a large mouth on both limbs and torso with words.

- Try it.

- Riser also wraps up a hero-like suit.

Tell them to eat this name and what they bear, if they can.

Former Kingdom Second Clan, Babylonian Combat Regiment.

Imperial 3rd Clan, Owner [King Eater] Kata.

The death fight between a Gentile hero and an alien monster... begins.

To be continued