Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 1126

This night, this area was plowed again.

Item 0077

Research Institute, well, it was crushed by Tianchen before.

On this basis, the nearby half kilometer range.

The whole thing became pitted, as if the ground was washed by a bomb, and the girls on the side were trembling, not dare to move at all.

Their BOSS was angry and did not dare to stop it.

These green rays of indiscriminate attack, with their strength, once hit, the outcome must be miserable.



Mai Ye panted heavily, sweat beaded on his forehead, the ability of'atom collapse', continuous high output, is not a small burden.


The blue veins on his forehead jumped straight, and the sound of'Auntie' was just a sound ridicule, and he made a sharp cut.

That full of malice is the'ridicule' of countless otaku.(Fog!)

If others dared to call her like that, she might have been torn to a hundred and eighty yuan, but she didn't dare to have an attack just now in front of Tianchen.

Knowing that he has no chance of winning, he still insisted on doing his best. It was a fool. As an Anbu, he didn't insist on that much. Even if he was irritable and refused to admit defeat, he would still judge the situation.

After venting, she also calmed down.

"Level 6, new boss?"

Mai Ye Shenli's face was heavy, and the speculation about Level 6 in the information involved the mysticism of'God' which was very different from science.

No one knows what Level 6 is, which is why the researchers are crazy about it.

But only one thing, she knows now.

Very strong, too strong.


With Tianchen's departure, the cold air dissipated, and the temperature that was almost below zero began to warm up again, and the ice covering their feet melted.


"Our mission is complete!"

Flanda said bitterly, although she was a little scared, she was excited at the thought of the generous reward.

No one knows, just now she was even thinking about rebelling and quitting.

In general, this young girl is a typical cartilage, or in other words, she values ​​her life the most, but this is also natural.

Being let off by the other party now is undoubtedly the best ending.

As for whether there is a new BOSS on her head, she doesn't care very much.


"Shut up, Flanda, kill you!" Mai Ye Shenli glanced at Flanda coldly, and scared her to hide behind Takiju.

"Mission terminated!"

"Those research institutes, don't care about their reactions!"

Mai Ye commanded with a sullen expression, then turned and left. What happened tonight was too awkward for her.

"Wait for us..."

"Speaking of which, I couldn't see the face of that person just now!"

"It should be cruel!"




The seventh school district, a student dormitory.

The next day, early morning.

"A piece of news..."

"Last night, many research institutions in the Seventh School District, the Twelfth School District, etc. were invaded by unknown, almost paralyzed, and some were blown up by the attackers!"