Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 1276

Then, another name appeared on the paper, but it was totally unreal.

Levinia's eyes widened. These words are not any known words. Although I can't understand them, I can understand the meaning just by looking at them.

In terms of content, it was what she wrote herself. As for the name, although she couldn't see it clearly, she naturally understood that it was the real name of the person in front of her.


At this time, the vague hope was completely shattered. This was a contract with the strange power of the owner, and she could feel the constraints of the contract.

Think of the opponent's strength and mystery, so it's not surprising to come up with this kind of thing.

[It seems more...]

It seems even more incredible than the devil in cognition.

This'real name' seems to carry a certain strength, the paper carrying the name, which used to be ordinary printing paper, seems to be sublimated now.

"So, you promised..."

In her horrified gaze, the paper flew into her hand, and at the moment of contact, a series of messages flooded her mind.

Among them, she wanted to know the cause and effect of everything.

The contract is binding, even if she knows it, she can't leak it out in any form, in any way, without the slightest trick.


Levinia suddenly covered her head, resting her elbows on the table, sweat dripping from her forehead.


Tianchen's face was a little embarrassed, and a series of messages were suddenly stuffed into her mind just now.

The message is too large, and it contains general information about the'eternal kingdom'. This series of messages is still terrifying even after being processed.

Many information levels are too high. If the seventh-order battle scenes and taboo knowledge are not processed, just receiving these may cause mental erosion.


It took a long time for Levinia to slow down, as if she had experienced a fierce battle. As a bystander, she saw a lot of things.

After drinking the coffee heavily, at this moment, there is no lady image.

"You lied to me……"

Levinia stared at the boy in front of her, with a complicated expression, and said quietly.

In the contract, Tianchen told her what she wanted to know, and she, together with the magic association "Dawn Chenguang" behind her, unconditionally helped Tianchen accomplish one thing.

Originally agreed to this kind of transaction, although it felt very troublesome, but Levinia still gritted her teeth.

But now, with this unconditional one-time agreement, what I want them to do is to help them in this war.

Once done, there is no room for maneuver, the magic association "Dawn Morning Light" directly becomes the "world traitor", and there is only one way to go to the dark.



What this said is like abandoning you. Was this contract voluntarily made by you, or you proposed it on the initiative. Who can blame it?

"The opportunity in your mouth, isn't it? Some people don't have the qualifications to connect and touch these..."


Levinia calmed down, a series of thoughts flashed in her heart.

"The three major factions in the United Kingdom, the Amakusa-style crucifixion, the Russian adult education, the "props" of the academy city dark part, a group of free magicians..."

Tianchen's Ansaki Fengmo and Oliana are secretly wooing and soliciting those free magics that are outside the major forces during this time.

Although the scale and strength are not good, at least it can serve as cannon fodder.

"Plus... the dawn and the morning light, and the power of coming, plus the demon god will be driven out of the world by you, you really don't need to hesitate!"

Levinia sighed, and the situation was clear at a glance.

Of course, even so, after a large-scale war, even if the preparations are adequate, the losses are still inevitable, and they need to be discussed and arranged.

"I would cooperate with the Puritanism and the royal family..."

"Then, look forward to your performance!"


Levinia left, leaving the Academy City as quickly as possible, and somewhere in the city, there was a force about to be activated, but it stopped.

Want to come, maybe Aleister wanted to keep her, but finally gave up!