Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 1315


"Not with them?"

"It's rare to be regarded as a pure concert, or your acquaintance, by the way to see her off..."

The gang of "World Front after Death" all put down their weapons today, and for the first time as a pure audience, they wielded light sticks there.

They probably knew about the situation of Iwasawa Masami, and they might have seen her diary in the library that recorded her own experiences and thoughts.

He had a foreboding that she was going to disappear and reincarnate, so she came to see her off.

Of course, what they don't know is that tonight, all of them will leave this afterlife world. This is the last assembly in this world.

After this, they will all be reincarnated.

After reincarnation, it only retains a part of the memory, perhaps still remembering the friends of this world, or perhaps forgotten, it is still unknown whether they can meet again.

Fate, the unknown is worth looking forward to!


"Compared to seeing off, meeting again in another world is more worth looking forward to!" Looking at the lively playground, Nakamura Yuri's eyes flashed with nostalgia.

"Although, hope is slim, even if we meet, it will..."

In many cases, the farewell is just to add to the sadness.

It is better to hold good expectations and look forward to meeting again and becoming friends again after reincarnation in the future, even if it is just a luxury.

After coming to this world, although he always wanted to find the gods and questioned the injustice of fate, he once confronted Lihua who was identified as an'angel' by them.

The starting point and ending may be ridiculous, but in the process, one companion after another, this memory is the most precious.

The bits and pieces were constantly playing back in her mind.

"Some, already have..."

Nakamura Yuri got close to the hair that was tossed by the evening breeze. It wasn't a great enlightenment, but at least he accepted the reality.

All of this may be the salvation of her, the beautiful things are already in his hands, perhaps, this is another kind of compensation for fate.

The tragic fate of life cannot be forgotten, and the beauty in front of us cannot be ignored either.

"Destiny, really ruthless, yet pitiful..."



"It is also an accident of fate to meet those people here, just like at this moment, you and I will face each other here, it is still an accident..."

"These are precious memories!"

Just like when he walks in various worlds, the people or things passing by him are all accidents, fate, and precious.

Since being able to meet him is also a kind of fate.

At least, after Tianchen sent her to reincarnation, he would give a simple blessing. After all, it was an acquaintance, and the impression was okay. It was just a random move for him.

Maybe we can meet again in the future, maybe there will be no day to meet again, even if we can meet again by chance at that time, I don't know how many years later.

"Is this world coming to an end? The end in the true sense..."

"Why do you ask?"


"Everyone, will reincarnate?"

Nakamura Yuri looked up at the moon wheel in the night sky, feeling a little low and relieved.


"Isn't it perfect to end with this?"

Tianchen is still looking at the concert on the playground. The concert has lasted for several hours. Even if it is grand, it will eventually end.

Item 0014

Speaking of it, this can be regarded as the last gift. Everyone has their own unforgettable things, and it is impossible to realize them one by one.

And this concert will be a good memory that will remain in their memory forever.

They will remember, cheering, crying, and being touched by their hearts at this moment...

"The curtain ends..."

Nakamura's eyes flickered, and he noticed the changes in the distance or the whole world.