Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 1404

"There are some important things that you have to strive for, otherwise you will regret it for a lifetime. No matter what choice you make, I will support you!"

"For those nobles, superiors, and powerful, monogamy is just..."




Outside the dojo, the father and daughter were talking.

Perhaps it was the things that helped her casually these days, which created good feelings, or perhaps it was the influence of the blessing of Zi Nai Gong Tianyin.

All in all, things are going in a certain direction.

Inadvertently inserting willows into the willow Chengyin, this is probably the feeling, in fact, Tianchen did not deliberately attack her at all, it was natural and natural.

Okay, it feels like getting cheap and selling well.


Leave it alone, return to the dojo.


"Very good painting!"

"As expected to be a world-famous painter, just now..."

Sarah continued to paint. In the painting, a young man holding a holy lightsaber defeated the enemy. Well, the depiction of the enemy was a little bit hideous and abstract.

"Some religious painting style!"

In fact, it completely demonized the Kurashiki Tibetans.

Before she knew it, Sarah, in addition to fulfilling the wish of her father's posthumous work, added one more, constantly depicting the young man next to her.

It's like a biography of a religious figure, a comic strip, drawn one by one. She doesn't hate this kind of life.

Slowly, a little intoxicated.

As for Rebellion, if someone didn't contact her regularly, she would have forgotten her original plan. In fact, she was not interested.


"The painting can be appreciated at that time, it is not too late now!"

"Although the main purpose is to regain the dojo, today's swordsmanship contest..." Stella looked at the black-body Zhu Shi, and the two looked at each other, as if an electric light flashed.

The kicking hall ended very quickly. It was only after three o'clock, and it was still early before dark.


"This time with the princess with big breasts, we must definitely decide the winner!"

Black Iron Pearl Shizuku replied without showing any weakness, having said that, she still has great resentment for something.

Hearing this, Stella embraced her arms and stared at Zhu Shizuku provocatively.


The two of them have been a little uncomfortable, don't want to lose to each other, and quarrel with each other whenever they get the chance.


After a while, Ayatsuji Yase, who went out to call, also returned.

"From now on, I'll be bothering you!"

"You will be welcome!"

"If there were no seniors and everyone, it would be far away to regain the dojo..." Ayatsuji Xuanze shook her head, looking at Tianchen a little embarrassed.

Tian Chen felt this subtle change, but didn't say anything.

"Sorry, there is no protégé to help take care of..."

Aya Tsuji Xuanze glanced at the messy dojo and said helplessly, the former disciples were naturally gone.


Hearing that, the black iron bead Shizuku condensed water easily, washed the floor of the dojo again, washed away the splashing blood, and then evaporated the water.

"That's enough!"

The two of them each took a wooden sword in their hands, and they had no ability to use them.

Item 0043