Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 1989

"here is?"

Nanali was also a little confused, and it was too quiet here.

Even, it is more appropriate to say that it is'dead silence'. Her brother said that he wanted to take him out for a stroll. She also readily agreed, but where did he go?

"A safe place!"

"Your brother is busy with something, so I will entrust you to his concubine for the time being, and I will tell you the details later." Athena took out another paper crane and placed it in her hand.

Even if I didn't say it clearly, I could guess that my elder brother was doing something more dangerous for fear of affecting her, otherwise he would not send her away regardless of her wishes.

"There is absolutely no problem with safety."

"That's fine."

Even if he is very worried, he can only pray and believe him silently, waiting for the day of goodbye.


"finally reached!"

A dazzling light appeared in the front, and it was faintly visible as a'gate of light'.

A few seconds later, a group of people walked out.

In the eyes, there is still a white-tone, exotic-style square, which is the same as the scenery I saw when I first came to the'ghost ship', except for people.

Vaguely, from the exchanges of different forms of life on the square, one can hear that the death rate of this newcomer mission was exceptionally high, and many of them were simply destroyed.

"It's really a short journey."

Even if more than three months have passed, it doesn't seem like a few days have passed here, and the passage of time is very different.

Time is really amazing sometimes!

"Tell me that month, we can start preparations. According to the original plan, we will release the first batch of Adventists in three days."


After stealing the origin, the mark made by the'ghost ship' in the'rebellious Lelouch's world' was voluntarily eliminated, and it was a prudent approach to go after a wave of plunder.

It just so happened that it was the country's turn to take over.

"A magical place."

"Have you arrived in the ruled area of ​​the Kingdom?"

CC looks at the surrounding environment, with strong exotic, sci-fi, and magical styles.