Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 2288

Repel part of the simulacrum, creating opportunities for Claudia and reducing the use of abilities.

Seeing this, Claudia did not hesitate, and rushed towards the pavilion, taking advantage of the short time created by Uriss, her actions were sometimes normal and sometimes weird.


"Slightly clear."

"She is trying her best to reduce the use of abilities.'Pan Dora' should have restrictions on the number of uses and time. Continuous battles should be very detrimental to her!"

"In this way, she once won a challenger in an extremely shocking and desperate way, just to make other students jealous and afraid to challenge her."

"What a fox!"

"Should there be more attacks like this?"

"In addition, it's hard to decide whether to preach it." Aenesda muttered to herself in a subtle tone, and just said directly to Tianchen,'Come on to buy me.'


"Okay, just kidding." Aenestra lowered her head in frustration.

If she really promotes it, God knows if this person will return'Pan Dora' to the furnace again and instinctively tell her that this will definitely be done.

Instead of this, it is better to have this information alone.

"'Pan Dora's ability probably has some guesses, but the'flaming demon' has no shadow at all, she cannot control it?"


"You deliberately arranged this attack to push her? It's an opportunity, awareness or something."

What he said before, the sudden thought of doing so must be perfunctory, there is definitely another reason, specially arranged to test the same attack.

For the two parties, this approach is a bit too direct and too bad.

Perhaps, there is something nasty in it.

Her posture made him vaguely see the figure of a certain young girl. She mentioned it before. Perhaps because of the contrast, he suddenly thought of planning this incident.

The expectation seems to be too high.

I've already done this anyway, so keep watching this one.

"The wonderful scene specially prepared is finally about to begin."

Seeing that Tianchen ignored her question, Aenesda stood up, and the operator in the screen started something in the space window beside her.


Arriving at the pavilion, Claudia's two swords swept across, using his abilities, and instantly dodged the cloak man's attack, and at the same time split his cloak.


A familiar face appeared before her eyes.

Like other mimics, the hollow eyes seemed to mock her.

"be cheated."

Silas Norman's laughter sounded at this moment.

But before he could say anything, all the simulacra moved for a while, as if the pause button had been pressed, and Silas Norman, who had just appeared, was equally stunned.

This scene does not care about his plan.

This situation undoubtedly shows that the woman of the Alecan Institute in these mimics has been tampered with.

The mimic whose cloak was destroyed has green light paths appearing on its surface. It is inferred that the mimics that are still in other cloaks should be the same.

Then, this three-digit simulacrum seemed to run away.

Compared with the previous offensive, it can be said that the offensive has gone up a step directly, and the rigid and rigid simulacrum bodies before have become extremely flexible.

Ulith, who had barely adapted to the rhythm of the battle before, was caught off guard at this moment and was hit by a light bullet directly, even if the Star Force was good at defense, it was still uncomfortable.

Moreover, the violent simulacrum also separated a part to attack Claudia.

He fought and retreated, and was eventually forced back into the encirclement.

"Mimetics have become more flexible."

"Bad situation."

Compared with before, the same dodge attack requires a lot more stock, and the physical strength and star power of the two are also very large.

"It can only be that."

"Convey your will, your consciousness, beliefs... to that child." Claudia's voice sounded in Uliss' ears.