Infinite Dimensional Conquest

Infinite Dimension Conquer Chapter 2422

Restia: "..."

"Let Aisha teach me, it should be able to resolve it."

Now that Aisha has established a'familiar family' in this world, it doesn't matter if she is a copycat or learned from other gods.

With his strength, it is not difficult to analyze this method after reading it, and it is not impossible to make a high imitation copycat beyond the original.

Rather, coming to this world is considered a gain. After mastering and improving this method, the gods of the kingdom can use it on people who agree with it in the future.

With his way of doing things, I guess he would make something more special, Restia said in her heart.

"Let's go!"

Tianchen stepped into this world one step at a time, as expected, swaggering through the world barrier and no one noticed it.

A stealth magic was applied, and it didn't take long to land on the ground.

In the distance, a city surrounded by huge high walls came into view.

Data 0005

Release the magic and converge your breath.

From this moment on, he was one of these'gods' in the lower realm.

Some other gods asked, at most just as casually as Aisha made up reasons, such as a long-term seclusion in the heavens, no territory, and forgotten nameless gods.

Even though these remarks are quite suspicious, they don't care too much when they think about it. After all, they don't know the existence of another world god, and he is indeed a god, which is enough.

They came to the lower realm for entertainment, and there was not much interest in studying things in the heavens.

Anyway, Aisha did this.

"In other words, I rarely rush like ordinary people."

Tianchen moved and walked towards the huge city with huge high walls and magnificent white towers in the distance.

Not to mention accidental spreading, shopping, etc., the way to go is basically the use of space abilities, supernatural powers and other methods, and you can directly reach the destination in one step.

Since he is playing the role of a'god', I try to get used to not using power as much as possible, and sometimes I use power subconsciously, just to be seen.

He and Aisha are different from the gods in this world. Even if they use power, they won't be like other gods. Once they use power, they will be noticed by other gods.

After a long time, I finally walked out of the grassland where I landed.

Probably because I was close to this city, there were neat roads nearby, and I saw horse-drawn carriages. The destination was obviously the distant city.

"Dang, Dang--!"

Behind him, there was a sound of rolling wheels, but when he approached him, the sound suddenly stopped and Tian Chen turned and looked over.

"The Lord God in front, do you want to take you for a ride?" A woman smiled and sent out an invitation, with respect in her expression and tone. She was someone who respected God.

"Oh? Thanks a lot, then."

Hearing this, Tianchen did not refuse.

In this world, there are many races and many languages.

In the chat room before, Aisha uploaded materials in multiple languages, cultures, etc. Tianchen had already scanned them all when walking through the grassland just now.

This kind of trivial matter is naturally mastered instantly, and communication is completely fine.

This woman seems to be a businessman. The city in front is called the'center of the world'. There are countless merchants coming and going every day. She is probably one of them.


"It's the first time you have come to the Lower Realm?" said the female businessman.

In fact, it was easy to tell whether it was a god, and it was not the first time she had encountered it. First of all, it was the extraordinary appearance. Most gods were handsome men and beautiful women, except for a few.

In addition, looking at everything curiously, the look, temperament and so on like a bystander, these characteristics are different from ordinary people.

Most people in the lower realms have awe of gods, but fear accounts for very little.

As time passed, these gods merged into their lives, laughed with them, drank with them, and even loved people in the upper and lower realms, and the sense of alienation gradually disappeared.

Perhaps, they regard the Nether Realm as a game of recreation and entertainment, but the people in the Lower Realm gain strength, which is regarded as mutual benefit.

Gods in the lower realm are not terrifying things. It is normal to meet Gods with a smile and say hello and chat, but many people still have attitudes like awe.

"Also?" Tian Chen was taken aback.

At this time, he noticed that there was still a figure on the carriage.

This is a girl with a loli appearance and a beautiful face, with her long black hair tied into a double ponytail. Somewhere is a foul stalwart.

In Tianchen's mind, the broken thoughts of Restia and Kong sounded.