"Sorry, I didn't want to kill you, I wanted to save you."

"Why." Lin Xiao said: "It will be solved like this."

Someone dragged his shoulders.

He killed the assistant again.

After going back to the time machine.

"Anyway, you must go back. Uncle can't give up yet."

"It's okay, it will be okay."

"Catch it well."

Don't move your stiff fingers away, don't save it any time, the world line closed and killed the assistant.

What can't be done is can't be done.

He was almost dragged out.

There is no strength at all.

"It hasn't been a minute since I came back." Bucket said.

"Lin Xiao." Mayuri looked worried.

Let me be quiet.

"Hey, Lin Xiao, why is my body covered in blood? What happened?" Bucket said.

"Dad, bring towels and water and clothes."

"what happened."

"Don't ask, hurry up."

Bucket ran downstairs quickly.

"Lin Xiao, let's do things, cheer up and don't die." Mayuri said.

"Nothing, he was not injured."

Don't talk about it, don't shut someone like me, and say that the rescue is in the assistant. In the end, don't talk about saving her. It is yourself who killed her.

Killed himself three weeks ago.

"It's useless." Lin Xiao said.

"Whatever you do is useless."

"All of this is predestined."

"Same, exactly the same as Mayuri back then."

'No matter how hard I struggle, the results are meaningful.'

Since there is a time machine, can’t we continue to travel?

But it is not such a simple question at all.

Just like Mayuri at that time, no matter how many times it was repeated, it would only be a result of the death of the assistant.

Even if he carefully dropped the dagger at that time, the assistant would still die for other reasons.

It will die no matter what.

This is fate, the end result is the same

Whether it is time jumping or time travel, it is impossible to go back to the past and distort the results.

If it can change the changes of the world line and reach the converging range of the world line, it may change the past.

But I don't know the way to achieve this.

Being able to change the past through DM is completely accidental.

Useless, no matter what you do.

Even if you do your best, even reading is the same.

"It's useless, no matter what."

'Sure enough, I still can't save the assistant.'Lin Xiao said.


"I know, I have known it a long time ago, and it will become what I expected now."

"I'm tired and haven't rested, so let's do this." Lin Xiao said.

"Haha, that's it."

''Lin Xiao."

Suddenly a slap was cut off the cheek.

what are you doing."

This is the first time Mayuri typed.

Lin Xiao recovered.

"Mayuri watched Lin Xiao. With her petite body, she hugged herself tightly stained with blood by her assistant.

"You are not the kind of person who gives up halfway. Mayuri knows that you always give up unambiguously until the end."

"The navy? Mayuri muttered to save me every day in front of grandma's tombstone.'

'Lin Xiao, you will stay with me every day.'

'Whether it rains or snows, I will always come to my side and call me by name repeatedly.'

"Mayuri, it is you who have been matched until the end, so that you can be separated from grandma."

"So for Lin Xiao, Mayuri doesn't know anything now, but she definitely can't give up."

"I hope you can cheer up." Mayuri's gentleness wrapped her heart.

Feeling this is still exhausted.

"But I killed her." Lin Xiao said.

People who are important, people who desperately want themselves.

Killed by one's own beast.

"Lin Xiao."

With that cruel feeling, I can clearly see my hands, dyed bright red.

The fingertips kept crossing.

The tears lowered, and the despair made Lin Xiao heartbreak.

The reality is too much.

But even if I have strong power, I shouldn't get involved in the realm of life.

That's why I suffered such evil results.

If you can't save your assistant, Ziyi can't do it.

Mayuri's encouragement.

"Useless to fight"

'It's not useless.'

Domain said with a confident flicker.

Mail came from Mayuri's cell phone.

"Lin Xiao has mail..." Mayuri gently placed the phone in her palm and let her hold it.

Lin Xiao didn't even have a weapon to read emails, but Domain didn't know why he put on a posture urging him to read it.

Reluctantly open the mail receiving screen.

This shows.

Look at the tape on time.

Nothing else scorpion

Pranks or harassment emails.

When I was in doubt, I saw the time of the mail method, which showed the year 2025.

"In 2025."

Could it be that this is.

I don't think this is a real problem, because I know it.

"This is DM."

Lin Xiao not only looked up at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu also noticed that Lin Xiao's appearance was a bit strange, and came over to check his mobile phone.

"Same as I stopped, really received it."

Suzuwa looked astonished. She jumped back from 2036, with an interval of 11 years.

In other words, this DM has nothing to do with Suzuba.

"What does TV mean."

'It's written on it and you need to read it. I must tell you something.'

'I bought it back.'

The bucket came to the convenience store.

My mobile phone also has the function of mobile TV, so I use it to watch TV.

After connecting the signal, it was an airplane.

Take a closer look at the plane that was burnt down.

"According to the announcement, a fire broke out in the plane."

"This plane, after takeoff, was about to arrive in a fire."

'The plane made an emergency landing, thanks to the pollution to the Internet.'

"Contains the doctor who has taken refuge."

"Doctor?" Lin Xiao said.

"Doctor, accept an interview with the local media before this, and seek refuge elsewhere."

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

I haven't recovered from the blow of killing my assistant personally until now, and the sounds and pictures from the TV are like a dream to me.

"I can come here safe and sound. It really makes me happy. I am very grateful for accepting me."

Then Ou Mian shot it vertically on the right field and made the situation.

'I am very calm, and wherever some guests panic, they calm down.'

The doctor is full of self-confidence, and with this easy-going attitude, it is hard to imagine that it was the same person who impressed the assistant that day.

"I want to give the plane every time he saves me."

The doctor nodded pretentiously.

"Because of this, without this paper, human development will stop."

'This is the decision to fight in the future'

"In the history of mankind, I feel the paper about time travel. It was time travel. My Ph.D. was the first to succeed."

The content inside says so, but it's actually taking care of

Inside is the coat of arms written by the assistant.

"It's here that I sorted out the dreams of mankind, and it is scheduled to be published in the society. By then, everyone will be shocked.

It seems that the doctor abandoned his assistant and ran away according to this belief.

At the same time, Boston's excitement was like an assistant saying that he was going to steal the assistant's paper.

Even if faced with such accusations, the doctor still wants to publish the papers compiled by the dead daughter in his own name.

This is the so-called death without evidence.

"Originally, this envelope was intended to be put in a suitcase and then placed in the yard. It is so weak that the paper was burned and the human dream was shattered."

"But it's just where the gods are."

"Thanks to this thing."

"This is because this one was put in the envelope and received a metal report."

'I had to take out the envelope.'

''Although I said before that the airport is a hero, but it is indeed the hero who really protects humanity.

Mayuri pointed his finger at the screen.

Take a closer look that it is not a metal block, but a metal upa, and it also has my name written here.

Metal Upa is a very popular doll.

Akihabara can see souvenirs such as its capsule toys and mobile phone pendants everywhere.

Among them, the alloy upa is very rare in metal.

What the doctor showed to the camera on TV was the alloy upa.

And this alloy upa has Mayuri's signature.

"Really, why did this thing go to the doctor."

I lost it at the press conference and gave up when I couldn't find it."

"It was picked up by this uncle."

"There is no way for him to return it to me." Mayuri said.

Lin Xiao stared at the screen blankly, not knowing when she got goose bumps.

I couldn't help trembling all over, and I knew what made my goose bumps.

The Butterfly Effect.

The little character pendant that Mayuri lost three weeks ago determines whether the paper is lost,

Judging from this result.

"Ling Yu, do you know anything about this?" Lin Xiao said.

Suzuwa responded with a very sorry look.

"Who sent the DM just from 2025."

Obviously, the sentence "Watch TV quickly" is to let myself see this news about the doctor.


Suzuwa apologized with a complicated expression.

"I didn't explain it well, sorry."

"However, in any case, let you experience a failure to save the assistant softly."

Suzuwa said.

"what is this."

"Did you lie to me."

"It's not to lie to you, it's like a step-by-step necessary process, I was instructed like this."

"Give you such a painful experience."

"What's the matter?"

'no need.'

"Just look at the phone."

"Look, what to see."

"Ang's phone should have been received."

"Rumors from your own in 2025." Suzu Yu said.

"Image mail."

"Ang mobile phone should have received it."

''Ah, I did accept it.

I received an unfamiliar e-mail when I met my assistant real estate.

Suzuwa was talking about the email.

But nothing is displayed."

"If it is now."

Ling Yu laughed.

"The rescue assistant failed once and the present."

"You should be able to see it."


Is this kind of thing possible?

Lin Xiao was operating the phone dubiously and looked for it.

Only one image mail is saved.

Confirm again that the sender is the same as the DM just now.

In other words, all hi came from the same person, which means that the owner of this address is himself 15 years later.

If you say 2025, according to Suzuyu, that is the year he was killed.

The rumors that left me before my death left to me in 2010.

The plan to reach the Gate of Destiny is in this mailbox.

Mayuri and Tingzi both walked around behind and over their shoulders.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and pressed the play button.

The picture is initially noise and snowflakes.

Even said this email.

What appears on the screen is self.

Maybe it was taken in a dark place, in a white coat, is this person 15 years of you?

"It must be like this." Mayuri said, "It feels very similar to Lin Xiao."

This guy is really me.

Small screen for hands.

"Have you received the email, then go to watch the TV news, if you have seen it, continue."

This guy is himself and has no real feeling at all.

"This is the first time I met, me fifteen years ago."

"After fifteen years, your voice has become so deep."

'I will send you an email here from 2025, the same as DM.'

"You will destroy the telephone microwave oven immediately after arriving at this world line."

'But me, but you will face the theory of time travel again within a year.'

'It has been 14 years since I started to face it, it's me.'

"In the process, sending 36 bytes of D failed."

"You can see this email, indicating that you failed to save the assistant before."

"It must be painful. I fully understand your feelings. After all, I am the one you are 15 years later."

"Yes, I also failed, and I've been burdened with failure for fifteen years."

'Know why I want you to go through failure.'

"Because it was necessary, Wie gave me an obsession for fifteen years after the failure."

"You have tried to save the assistant, but failed, and you killed the assistant yourself. It is this feeling of regret and guilt that finally made me complete the plan in 2025."

"It is with this obsession that I can send you an email."

'Just as you know, the headphone cord will constrict.'

"Ordinary time travel cannot be saved."

'So let you experience a failure in particular, creating such a causal relationship is to prepare for work.'

"Thanks to your speculation this time, my CIA can immerse myself in research in fifteen years."

"Just as the doctor brought time travel to the world, the world has led to chaos, and I lurked underground to continue this time travel alone."

"The time machine Suzuba uses is the result of research conducted by me and Bucket, and is based on SERN."

"In other words, being turned into something that has never happened before, assistant theory."

'His signal is C204, I think you can understand the meaning of this name.'

"Anyway, the victory is established, please write down and start talking."

"That is to change the change of the world line to reach the world line."

"By the way, I named the Gate of Destiny Stone, you know, is it all right? It has special meaning."

"To reach the gate of the Destiny Stone, one of them was an assistant early, and the other one made the doctor's thesis disappear."

"But it's useless to simply change the past. If you think so now, the world will shrink. This force does not allow the past to change."

"But you just used the wrong method. You can save the assistant."

"Listen carefully, that day, July 28, the original you."

"You should have gone to the press conference without knowing it, and what you witnessed at that time cannot have not happened."

"Because that is the definite past that is the result of the closing of the world line."

'But you can cheat.'

"Do you want to ask, what is going on, don't worry, I will start to explain."