"As long as you collect enough Altria elements, you can move to other planets and place you there." Ishtar said.

"On those planets with higher levels of civilization, there may be a way to return Lin Xiao to the original universe."

"Since it's decided, I will act immediately." Jane said.

Ishtar and I have thoroughly investigated this neighborhood. Let's expand the scope a bit."

"By the way, there is something to be said before. Jane said that this neighborhood actually refers to a very wide range. You must pay attention."

Across 1,000 skills, she can also say that she can walk there if nothing happened, relax her guard and follow her, but she will run into trouble.

"Too far, there is a problem with this biological clock."

"I don't want to be criticized by you, I just like walking the most." Jane said.

"Is it a good match or a bad match."

"They really do not matter?" AX said.

"There is no doubt that it is the strongest team." Lin Xiao said.

"That said." AX said.


"Welcome, this is my spaceship.

By the way, besides Jane, this is the first time I let others come up. You have to express gratitude."Ishtar said.

'To be specific, please take care of the remuneration when the contract expires.'

"This is your spaceship, it's amazing." Lin Xiao said.

"I think so."

"Just a little bored."

"Although it is equipped with a gun, the tooth decay equipment is time-transporting particles, a four-dimensional robotic arm."

"Well, it's not a battleship, but a relic investigation.

The excavation is modified from the machine body."

'There are two in the driver's seat and two in the passenger's seat, which happens to be four people. I am relieved now.'AX said.

"It's really nice, we have been traveling leisurely as two individuals.

The cockpit is so crowded for the first time, and it feels very fresh."

'In the future, a combat meeting will be held here.'

"I still haven't found the boss' hiding place."

'I wanted to thoroughly deal with these remaining issues before leaving here.'Ishtar said.

"Can I go out and explore?"

"Not now. Once you go to investigate, you won't be able to return within a few months."

"Mantra, what a pity, there are obviously good adventure relics here."

"That's not a reconnaissance, not an expedition." AX said.

"I said, Lin Xiao.

The master will sign a contract with the follower."

'Then can you summon it? The enemy boss can be summoned here.'

'It is impossible to do this in the follower universe.'Lin Xiao said.


"Yes, because I don't want to explore, my willfulness is like this so far"

'I just want to verify it as a possible information.'

"But it seems that you are becoming more and more useless. You can't fight or summon." Ishtar said.

'It's totally useless, but it's useless for me to worry about the future.'


"Why, what do you mean by the smile of a predecessor who looks at the naughty first-year freshman."

"No, I have no intentions, I just don't think there is any problem with your perception at this stage"

"Considering Lin Xiao's safety, I just told the truth, although it is cruel." Ishtar said.

"Because the current follower universe is chaotic."

"There are very few bodyguards like us. Follow the stronger side and the more profitable side is the mainstream."

'The weak guys will be killed if they don't work hard.'

'Ah, that seems to have a very convenient prop.'Jane said.

"Ishtar, do you remember that there was a shielding anti-detection machine among the items the professor unearthed?"

"Father? What is the shielding anti-detection machine?" Ishtar said.

'It is a device that analyzes the line draft to see how many people have blocked.'

"That is, who on earth hates his own perception detector now."

"As long as this is set up for Lin Xiao, maybe you can know where the person staring at her is."

One can't help but miss how much pressure the author is under, but we have to go to the planet to get this thing."

"I don't need to go back, I remember I should have crashed into the spacecraft." Jane said."After all, you like to keep valuable things on you."

"I'll try and find it."

"I remember it should be here."

'You turned around so rudely and cleaned up.'

"What a tacit cooperation."

"That's it, put it on Lin Xiao."

'In this way, you should be able to find out where you have been targeted.'

'It seems so, how do you feel.'

'So that's it, this is pulling black.'

"Nothing seems to be dizzy."

"Only temporarily, Ishtar will collect Lin Xiao's brain waves with the equipment in the driver's seat."

"It is to digitize brain waves and conduct reverse detection."

'Leave it to me, it's connected.'

"Something appeared, that should be where the leader is."

"Okay, so we can figure out our destination, so let's go and defeat the leader." Jane said.

"Master Ashtar, a communication from Texas,"

Liu Sheng said.

"Come here." Astar said.

"Hi, Master Ashtar, this is Billy, do you like the scare box I gave you for your birthday?" Billy said.

"It's packed with a lot of things, and there will be a lot of beautiful butterflies."

"If it's not a moth coming out."

"I will give you 2,000 badges. In order to be accurate next time you see me, I will practice empty-handed picking now.

'Follow your orders.'

"The border planet is too there, and this matter should have something to do with your emergency arrangement. My subordinates found the target of the crying death."

'The other party seems to have hired an explosive watch, and originally wanted to catch that guy but suffered an anti-kill.'

"Moxigan is almost all IE, so I think I should also be out."

"Landing in Texas, you deserve to be Lord Ashtar, really lucky."

"Don't use the word lucky to describe, I am the leader of evil."

"Just grab the guy called Master, right?

Can the bodyguard beside him cook as much as I want according to my judgment"

"The bodyguards around you? Those guys want to kill you, they don't need to ask me."

"The only important thing is the master, who must be captured alive."

Universe Rin said.

"Well, then I will decide, I will send the data over." Billy said.

"Thank you, solve this matter as soon as possible."

'Received, I will not be merciless, Lord Ashtar's glory will last forever.'

"Guardian defeated the master."

AX said.

"They were not given time to call for rescue at all, so the other party shouldn't find it."

The hiding place is in a hole in the valley. What is the situation inside Jane?"

"With Endo, I don't want to fight them all." Jane said.

"It's AX's turn to play." Lin Xiao said.

"This makes sense."

'If it's me, it's upright. If I kill them all the time, the boss here is boring.'AX said.

"Hao Le, the two soldiers are divided, everyone is making noise here."

"I will sneak in at the right time to defeat Mohican's boss,"

"It doesn't matter if you are alone." Lin Xiao said.

"It's okay to invade I am the best at it."

"I have tried my best for this level of crisis several times."

"Then do it, wait for my good news, Lin Xiao."

"She said so, what to do with Lin Xiao."

"Can I leave it to you two here."

'Of course, you can't look good, Ishtar is a hard-working kid.

Just before she left, I was your backup.'Jane said.

"Really, bounty hunter, actually blocked my sword flash so wonderfully."

"Who did you learn your swordsmanship from? I care too much. I care that I can't concentrate." Billy said.

"What kind of sword flash? It's a pistol," Eastar said.

"Of course, I am the golden SABER badge granted by the leader himself."

"But I actually lost in a duel with her, saying that if I want to save my life, I will be her subordinate." Billy said.

"Even if I wear a badge, I will change to a sword rank.

"How absurd is our commander? To be honest, I have always held a grudge against this matter."

"So can you tell me? Who taught your swordsmanship is exactly the same as our commander."

"In other words, your master is also Master Yanagyu, but that person is not so leisurely."

'I have a master.'

"This is to knock you down, self-study and practice." Ishtar said.

"It's dangerous, so there is no master, so this sword technique should be a habit of the body."

"Well, now that I understand, I won't play anymore. I will kill you directly before I wake up." Billy said.

"Use quick attack against quick attack, and kill this guy before he can use the treasure."

"Bad sound thunderbolt."

"This is very powerful. Use the treasure to fix it." Billy said.

"When I see the universe, how do I feel that I have been killed somehow."

"No way, I actually won the Six Musketeers head-on."

"Ishtar won." Lin Xiao said.

"That's right, I won, great!" Eastar said.

"It's amazing. Are we amazing? Those who don't support it are beautiful, Lin Xiao."

"Oh, we hurried to this situation after we hurriedly killed Moxi."

"Something quite pleasing happened, Eastar." AX said.

"That's right, since I'm so happy, it's better to hug me directly," Jane said.

"What you said just now, no.

The problem here should be resolved first, and I have to apologize for the previous mistakes."

'I'm sorry, Lin Xiao.

I used to say you were useless.'

"You are a brave person and it has nothing to do with your master status."

"I can't beat Billy by myself, thank you Lin Xiao for your help." Eastar said.

"You are so frank."

"Is it hard to explain? I look like this."

The master can make the followers stronger, and the effect is so obvious that it can't be defended.

"Ishtar has a wicked look again, do you think you can make money easily now" Jane said.

"I hate that I didn't think so. It's better to recycle the materials before anyone gets in the way." Eastar said.

"This is the base camp of Mohican. There should be a lot of materials. The most important thing is that you have heard the news."

"Oops, I was going to sneak out."

"It's a pity that I came here recently and chatted with my big sister in harmony."

"Don't come over suddenly"

"Jane's distance is really strange, you can communicate with anyone."

"But you're not at all polite to me, Billy, is what you said just now true?"

'Which is true,'

"Lin Xiao will be used as a living sacrifice, and Astarti's name,"

"She is your leader."

'Ishtar, do you know?'Lin Xiao said.

"I missed that thing. That's right, our purpose is to use the master to hold the ceremony."

'At least that's what Master Yanagi said, although I don't quite understand the boss' thoughts.'

"Making the Lord alive, the scope is too large, it is impossible to locate which kind."

AX said.

"Master is a profession that flourished in prehistoric ancient civilizations. This ritual itself should belong to the scope of archaeology."

"Where is your leader?" Lin Xiao said.

"Who knows, I know she used the cosmic fortress."

"About this issue, you should be very clear."

"I remember what the taboo universe is."

'Really, you provided meaningful information.'

'But this universe is full of such places."

'In short, it was the Astati who brought Lin Xiao here.'

"Based on common sense, since there is a way to bring it, there is a way to go back."

'Thank you for the righteous Eastar.'

;'It is true, I am a partner of justice and money.'

"Have you finished talking, do you want to make a deal with me."

"Ishtar, you are tracking Six Musketeers, don't be surprised that you can feel it from your murderous aura," Billy said.

"If you let me go, I can tell you how to enter the fortress."

'You are going to betray her.'

'I have already planned to quit. Since I fail, I will be executed. How do I consider the ultimate goal?"

You have to thicken this puppet to prevent crawling, and catch her when Ahu."

''I want information."

This is the password, and the head office will work hard for fans in the future."

"Come on," Billy left.

"I actually said this guy."

'That is the Devil Temple.'

'Moxican is only the bottom layer,'

"Only masters are their important cadres."

'Although I said I would protect you, I want to change my plan.'

"Until you go back."

'The wanted criminals will be found, and I will catch those people.'

"I won't force you if you don't want it."

"I can't ask for it." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh so courageous, I thought you would be scared.

Since there is no Yijian, the cooperation is established."

'I can also communicate occasionally, my identity is not simple.'AX said.

"I'll leave here after I'm overwhelmed."

"Master will advise me a lot in the future."

"Let's face the enemy together."

'It's an honor to be with you.'Lin Xiao said.

"But it will be very dangerous next, please pay attention to your own safety."

'In this way we can live better.'

''In order to go further, sometimes you must learn to work hard and persist."

In any case, we cannot give up what we have."

"I think so too." Lin Xiao said.