"Very well we won."

"Make a careful jump and leave here at full speed." Eastar said.

"Understood, break the limit, come on." Jane said.

"Saved." Lin Xiao said.

"I have overcome another danger, and now I have no worries." AX said.

"By the way, Ishtar went to sleep because of the blow of the lost treasure."

""She went to the deck and apologized."

"Like the king and them."

Lin Xiao said.

"Oh what a good boy."

"The performance is wonderful, bounty hunter, we are also satisfied with watching the battle while pressing the lamb with one hand."

"The gems that recorded the whole process with a camera will arrange this event into a movie."

'It seems that I intend to adopt the goddess of incompetence VS the Queen of Ice, the ice sea battle.'

"Hey, is there something wrong with the subject matter."

"Forget it, I won't shoot you intentional swords, but if you sell it, remember to pay me the performance fee."

"Then, although the excavation was finally stopped, what should I do with that rail elevator?"

'Just put it aside, when the time comes, the goddess will take the initiative to knock down that pillar.'

"Thank you for your care," said the king.

"It's okay, I'm just two by the way. Compared with this matter, do you know the shortcut to the forbidden universe?" Eastar said.

"According to the Galaxy Map, it should be in the nearby universe."

"Is it the bottom of the universe?" Attila said.

"Did you know, have you been there?" Eastar said.

"There is no such place where we don't need to go, but if you are in a hurry, you can go to Stone Road." The king said.

"Stone Road?"

"There is a black hole and the route is blocked by debris. According to the standard space map, it should not be possible to navigate there."

"Perhaps it will indeed be a shortcut." Eastar said.

"Although Lin Xiao has never mentioned it, he definitely hopes to return as soon as possible."

"Now I should show my reliability."

"But that road is indeed dangerous, after all, automatic navigation is also ineffective."

"With your strength, you should be able to cross there in 90 minutes."

'This boat will naturally be there at the bridgehead, thank you Attila."Ishtar said.

"Speaking of you."

"What's wrong with me."

"No, nothing."

"I hope the goddess bless you." said the king.

"After Eastar comes back, we will finally officially start gravity boosting. I really look forward to it." Lin Xiao said.

I have a question.

What is the thing that is difficult for Eastar to tell?"

"Why is Eastar the Avenger?" Lin Xiao said.

"I don't know it is obviously not such a person." Jian said.

"Lin Xiao, what do you think of this matter, do you think she is a demon who advances by the power of hatred?"

"It can't be seen at all." Lin Xiao said.

"But it's a demon in a way."

"Ah, the opposite of being greedy for money, there is actually a reason."

"One thing happened before and now she has been like this, or she has no choice but to do so."

"But she is essentially a very hard-working child, you can rest assured of this," Jane said.

"Let you just wait, restart us and set off."

"The next target route is the little star belt, look forward to my maneuvering skills," said Yuu Rin.

"It's going to be the beginning of the universe, the shortcut is really a good thing." AX said.

"Speaking of the conversation between you and the emperor just now, it sounds very polite, but a conversation full of gunpowder."

"Do you know the emperor?" AX said.

"Ishtar comes from the school of the noble lady, so it is more in line with princesses."

'Miss Noble's school.'

"Why is there a problem? I am an ordinary student as a bounty hunter."

'It turns out that followers also have history.'

But I was surprised that even if you knew that the planet had high-purity Altria elements, you didn't show any interest."

"Forget it, because there was a surge of blood at that time."

"But to be honest, I don't care about that, although it is a pity to say gems." Eastar said.

"Even if you monopolize resources to make money, it just replaces them.

Only those who are happy to help others and receive thanks and thanks from others can be regarded as goddesses of justice."

"It's a win-win relationship," Lin Xiao said.

"But AX why don't you build your own spaceship."

'I actually completely forgot about this matter.'

"Hehe, it may be affected by you."

"Ishtar is very strict about contracts and remuneration, but it's a different matter in terms of gains and losses."

"I don't want to talk about this kind of desireless question." Lin Xiao said.

"This is very Eastar content"

"What's that mean? No matter how you flatter me, I won't give you money." said Wushu Lin.

"Okay nonsense, let's start here. If we continue to give priority, there is no guarantee that the emperor will not fight back"

"Now taking off."

"The ether here is a bit messy, and the location is different from the new map."

"Join and switch to the autopilot mode, you will only get lost and usually go around in the same place." Jian said.

"The top spaceship is here to become the dark zone of the abyss."

"There are also such names on the ground."

"So different universes have different ideas."

"Then tell me something about the universe on your side, Lin Xiao." Jane said.

'What is your love view of my son.'

'People are manipulating, don't be by my side.'Ishtar said.

"It will be replaced in an hour."

"You can't be kidding," Jane said.

"Of course, if you die here, it will be life-threatening." Eastar said.

"That's right. During the trip, I heard the rumors here several times."

The bottomless black hole drifting on the border, but at the same time, it is also a lonely place of meditation without sound."

"I don't know who described it, it's still very addictive here."

"Anyway, I like it very much."

"Although there is no wine and snacks, there are black holes, so it is indeed a bottomless pit." Eastar said.

"It's just that the location of the black hole can be determined. It doesn't matter as long as it goes around."

"Ishtar, your belly screams."

"I just didn't eat."

"Are you losing weight?"

'But you are still sleeping, but I have been controlling.'Ishtar said.

"Lin Xiao, since you are free to play with Jane."

"It's better to go to the cafeteria to get some portable food, a famous biscuit shop."

"Strawberry taste."

"That was just eaten by me."

"Forget it, let's talk about another thing that has nothing to do with now."

'Whoever takes someone else's things, no matter who it is, must be hanged.'

'Although it has nothing to do with us.'

"Ah, what's wrong."

"Can I be responsible for cooking?" Lin Xiao said.

"That's okay. You can cook."

"If you want to eat it."

"You can cook good food."

"I really have you. Although it's okay, I can't beat it, but it's still delicious enough to make people want to have a portion."

'It's really not out.'

"Delicious is always missed."

'You are such a nice person.'AX said.

"Say nice things if you have food, you guy is surprisingly simple." Lin Xiao said.


"Although Universe Ramen is also good, this one is more suitable for me."

'Warning that there is a reaction from the enemy, it is the space cat whose ferocity has increased greatly.'

"This kind of thing has long been expected." Eastar said.

"Yeah, there is a limit to indulging in this stuff."

'Anyway, let's attack outside, it's a pity for the cats here.'

"The battle has been hard. It's a good exercise."

"The universe is rushing to get fat, there used to be nutritious meals."

'But this matter has nothing to do with us.'

'How can I help.'

"Don't think it's fun, just make it difficult."

'Your heart is here.'

"The next thing is very complicated. Although the speed will drop, it is still close to the speed of light, which is a heavy burden for you."

"Because once you see a black hole with the naked eye, it means it's too late." AX said.

"Yes, we have almost seen a black hole before." Jane said.

"Why don't I know when?" Eastar said.

"Yes, of course you are sleeping."

"You should call me at that time."

"But when you just woke up from sleep, it was a complete waste. Even if you forcibly wake you up, you will not be able to make a normal judgment for a short time." Jane said.

"It was speechless, because it had to escape at full speed in an emergency, so the gem was directed towards the engine."

'what happened.'

'Throw it over, burn it and run away.'

"Just burn the gems and you can accelerate immediately."

"How are you going to compensate me."

'I am for your safety.'

'This is commonplace.'

'Why haven't found it.'

"Because you are sleeping."

"Why would I be less precious."

"Every time I celebrate."

'On the sleeping gem on it, it's very happy.'

'What should I do, I can't avoid it, there is something in front.'

"It's why the building appeared."

"Now it's your cooking power."

"Lin Xiao, are you going to fix it."

'Then I'm welcome.'

'Jane and AX, please.'

''We have already passed through this place when you wake up.

Welcome to the dormant cabin.

"Forever hesitating in the cat's fear.

"Good morning."

'It's a terrible dream. Go to the cockpit."

'Good morning, how is it.'

'Actually something went wrong'

''Why are we still here.

'We seem to be hovering around here all the time, so there is not much energy."AX said.

"Someone trapped us." Lin Xiao said.

"how do you know."

"We will call for help while this continues."

'In such a place, it will be taken to a mortgage.'

"The curse of the cat." Lin Xiao said.

"Actually, I dreamed of it."

"Oh, weird cat."

"What's that interesting."

'So that's it, the cat is very strong, now it's still a child, that debris area is very good for us to land.'

'I don't believe that any enemy can stop us.'

"Although it looks like a ruin in the wilderness, this is the Universe of the Servant." AX said.

'It is not so much wasteland as it is wreckage.'

"This is a major discovery of the ancient temple in a sense," Jian said.

"After all, space nomads can't pass through, it's a place where no water comes." Eastar said.

"If my father saw it, he would be very elegant."

'I think so, he especially likes ancient ruins.'

"That's why I looked for the original goddess."

'My father studied ancient ruins, but no one believed him.'

"I am convinced that you are an expert in archaeology, and your profession is the renewal of the universe."

"The research is about the universe, the original goddess discovered during the research process."

'In fact, there are five billion ancient lives in the ancient mythology of the universe.'

'I don't know what goddess it is.'

'Moreover, the name of a god that is too powerful has its own power, so the name has not been passed down.'Ishtar said.

"It's the same existence as the goddess the space nomads said. She never mentioned the name of that goddess." AX said.

"You say that there is indeed such a thing."

"Just understand that the father's head office does not mention research."

'I used to be a scout, because the one you teach the whole network is a place that many people can't detect.'

'So I escorted him.'Jane said.

"But why does my father know where there are ruins? Isn't they all places that no one has been to," Istar said.

"He will analyze ancient documents and various legendary records."

'Guess the approximate coordinates.'Jane said.

"My job is to ensure the route there and take care of the luggage."

"I don't know much about complicated issues, such as detoxification, which I don't know at all."

"But the remains of the original goddess are very characteristic."

"It's different from the ruins here."

'I think it's a abandoned place no matter how you look at it.'

"You can also understand why the cat lives here."

"If I didn't say anything, I am Kitty King."

'This stupid rhythm of dialogue.'

'Ahaha, don't praise me.'

'I will be deceived.'

"You are here to starve to death."

"It's terrible, a quick fight to solve this curse."

'Why can't it be spent at all'

"No, the follower did not make a hit judgment, and the character is always in a quantum unstable posture."

"For this reason, has always been invincible?" Lin Xiao said.

"Haha, I know it's great, this is my power, the power of our soul, I won't compromise Europe without killing you all."

'Attack and dialogue won't work, what should I do now.'

'I'm going to take a nap, come to trouble me if I am not afraid of death.'

"No way, unexpectedly encountered an evil spirit."

'This goes on completely helpless.'

'The big house is so depressed.'Lin Xiao said.

"is there any method."

"This battle plan or something." Eastar said.

"Did you see that cat?"

"Do you really have a way?"

'Of course there is.'

"That's true."

"I am looking forward to this plan."

"about this issue."

"In that case, we will never lose."

"Anyway, we have another way."

"Two birds with one stone, catching cats begins." Jane said.

"Go." Lin Xiao said.

"Thank you so much."

'Your wit saved us.'

'I want to thank you.'

'Not so polite.'Lin Xiao said.

"That's how it works," said Universe Rin.