"Actually, I care very much." Lin Xiao said.

"Except for the grumpy wild animals, this place is full of idyllic atmosphere, why?"

"Because of budget and shortage of manpower." Hong Yanmo said.


'Fighting up requires expenses and manpower, but the headquarters does not provide subsidies and help at all.'

"And it's the off-season, there are no guests, so the hotel sparrows and fighting sparrows have gone out to work."

'Even if you catch you, no one will escort you there, so you have to go by yourself.'

"So if possible, I don't want to get involved with you."

"It's so difficult to approach the headquarters, and the situation in the sky is not very good."

"Since the leader was changed to Lord Astar, the funding has become increasingly tight."

'Because Ashtar hates the indifferent expenses, those who are too serious and go to the scene keep going bankrupt.'

"That idiot is a guy who talks on paper."

"Since you have encountered the wanted criminals, you can only fight, draw your sword, and let me fight with you."

'Wait a minute, there must be some reason why Teacher Hong is an elite here.'AX said.

"Shut up, you and I have their own unspeakable concealment. This follower universe can't survive only by humanity and loyalty. The bird will know the ambition of Honghu."

"Don't think that you can escape without a fight. Although you are poor, you have dignity."

"Now you don't need to be merciful and don't comment highly, just let it go wherever you want."

"No problem, in that case, let me be your opponent," Lin Xiao said.

"Although the culinary skills are totally inadequate, the skill of using a knife is barely enough."

"Wait a minute, I'm not showing my cooking skills, can I not make such assertions?" Eastar said.

"Such little things will be clear as long as you fight.

You don't seem to be able to do anything except Chinese food."

"Why do you want to join the Space God Hidden Stream."

"Because it is written in the advertisement, cheap home security services can be provided."

'A shocking one-hundred-year contract.'

"The contract is to become the Six Musketeers."

'I'm a fool, and it's English.'

"This behavior is too bad."

'Just let it go, I look forward to you defeating the hidden flow of the space gods, so that I can wash my hands in the golden basin, but it is vain.'

'I lost, and I have to kill you.'

'In other words, you are also a victim of the sky god hidden stream.'

Right, everything is written off, as long as you keep our visit secret, we will go directly to the space god hidden stream.

"Don't you think this is a good win-win thing?"

"However, I can't do this, even the sparrow has to be true."

''But no matter what the guests do in the lounge, as the proprietress I have no right to blame."

There is an old computer over there with things for the new disciples to use for sightseeing."

"The disciples who plan to go to the headquarters can use that search, as long as they search for the hidden flow of the space gods."

"Thank you dad."

"Nothing is more important than being thanked by guests."

"What you do next depends on you"

"Fortunately, the Cosmic Fortress Dark Manna seems to have come here just in time."

Red Yan Mo said.

"The other party is right under our noses, everyone go back quickly and catch up with them before they leave here." Eastar said.

"Thank you, Red Yanmo, when things are done, I will definitely come to your accommodation next time."

'This is very happy, but Anna's system is very safe.'

"As long as you get close, you will be met, don't you have anything to do with it?"

"It's okay, we can escape the liu."

'According to me, there is nothing to say'

"Madam boss, take care," Lin Xiao said.

"But even if you invade Anna, there is still that enemy waiting for them inside.

Siegrud, who is the strongest of the Six Musketeers, and Liu Sheng, are they tough?"

'Go, everyone is ready to come up.'

'It is said that Gawain does the taste of the soul.'

'Thanks for your praise.'

'Nothing is just a shock to the mind, since there is no death, of course it can be resurrected'

"Just eat mashed potatoes every day." Gao Wen said.

"This shows that you are strong enough to enjoy cooking the well every day and eating it, right? Does it reverse the causality?"

"Haha what you said makes sense, but since the result is the same, then these are trivial things."

"In addition, I listened to the conversation between you and the boss."

"I didn't expect the lady boss to join the Space Divine Hidden Stream unwillingly. This is my doctor Gaowen's mistake."

'I intend to inherit here, after all, I have to repay the sparrows for their life-saving grace.'

"During this period, I will try my cooking skills with the proprietress. Please come back again."

"Maybe it will be a wonderful duel, but we will avoid it."

"I believe you can add new dishes to British cuisine."

"Here, Ishtar, my body is approaching." Astar said.

"What, I haven't received a similar report." Liu Shengshu.

"I can understand it by feeling that my fingertips start to tremble with disgust."

"That's it, it's a good thing."

'Well, be careful I will kill you.'

'It shows that they brought the catalyst.'

'In the original universe, all the conditions were put together, but the bounty hunters were no longer useful, and fifty battle girls were deployed in the universe world.'

"To take back and eliminate them will turn them all into cosmic debris."

"There is no need for this, Ishtar will be punished by me personally." Universe Rin said.

"Surround their spaceship with a small plane and retake the catalyst."

"Take the catalyst to the cell, and bring Eastar to me."

"Then follow your instructions."

'By the way, judging from the current position, before approaching Anna, he should pass through the green kitchen.

"What the hell is Red Yanmo doing. Since it has not been reported, it means that the other party has passed through the green kitchen directly, or she did not read the wanted order." Liu Sheng said

"Why is Hong Yanmo so serious, that there is money but no money."

'We go there occasionally to recuperate but nothing happens, dear.'

''Well, it will be like this, I have been thinking about where they can come from.

'I've been dying and even approach.'

'I'm going to order the plan first, Ashtar, please wait for success.'Yiu Sheng said.

"Wait for the arrival of the catalyst and hold the awakening ceremony. Please take a rest before that."

"I don't know why, the inner anxiety can't be eliminated, it's like the whole body is suffering."

"Not only because of fear of the universe, there are other reasons."

'Are you there, Zigrud.'

"What's the matter with Liu Sheng"

"That guy is approaching here. After you get the catalyst, immediately get rid of the guy who got in the way, as if you choose whatever you want."

"Understood even though this violates the commander's order."

'Of course it is best that once the two get together, the real existence will be determined.'Yiu Sheng said.

"We have not yet been stupid enough to awaken uncontrollable objects."

'The original goddess only needs to keep the appearance of Astar.'

"You succeeded in jumping out, Deidara's crown of the crimson wilderness."

'That is the fortress.'

''The base camp is here, and the other party is not aware of the battle.

'Only go ahead at full speed.'

'Hurry up Lin Xiao.'

'It seems that because of Lin Xiao's presence, he will not fall.'

'Go inside through the deck.'

"Arriving at the fortress target, I yeah fired a weapon."


'Leave it to me, I've been used to this for a long time, it must be perfectly blocked'

"All strike out, catch Ashtar, and capture the thieves first." Ishtar said.

"Who is standing there?" Lin Xiao said.

"Welcome to you, I am Six Musketeers, please come back to others."

"Master Ashtar's half-length fight against you."

"I can't ask for you to be the last Six Musketeers. I want to defeat everyone and end this."

Who the hell is this guy.

'Why bring that woman Jane.'

'Jane is your enemy, she sealed the goddess.'

"I used the magic sword to beat the goddess' spiritual core."

"If there is no spaceman Jane's observation power, it is impossible to defeat the goddess."

''Why is the person who has sealed the goddess in the distance with your clone?

Zieg said.

what's going on?"Lin Xiao said.

"No, I finally plan to kill Eastar, because she is the half of the original goddess.

How can she keep her alive."Jane said.

"Shicheng did something inexplicable and grew up especially as a daughter."

"The use of licensed scholars without hazardous materials is too much trouble."

"But this matter has nothing to do with the current problem, right?" Jane said.

Even if he said this kind of thing before the battle, Zigerud also regressed?"

"Wait a moment, Jane, you are the old one. Why are such people a father's assistant."

'When my father was killed, he always encouraged me and was lying.'

''Almost, sorry.

'That's it, you are also fulfilling your responsibilities, then fight.'Lin Xiao said.

"So strong, everyone."

"It is meaningless to resist, you are not our opponents."

''Fang Lin Xiao went over, otherwise, it was Liu Sheng's order to execute all of them, but.

"Below is the presence of Lord Astar, so you must understand the truth that Astar didn't say.

"Take Lin Xiao away, and put the rest into the dungeon"

"Farewell to Gard and the bust of the goddess, no matter what attributes it is, the mentality can be alleviated."

I appreciate the practice of time, but it is too naive."Sigrud said.

"Unexpectedly, the catalyst was brought here, and Zigrud did it recklessly." Astar said.

"But it's just the reverse order, it's okay."

"Hmph, you have finally returned to me, Master."

"You really shocked Irving at Queen's College. Although it was only a moment, you actually strengthened the novice."

"But this power is useless, there is no follower for you to drive here." Ashtar said.

"The atmosphere is so embarrassing." Lin Xiao said.

"We don't need to talk anyway, yes, you can talk about the experience so far."

"How did you defeat the Six Musketeers with that woman? As the president, I have to confirm it." Astar said.

"Understood." Lin Xiao said.

"How are the others?"

'They were put in a dungeon.'

"The above is what happened so far."

'It's so boring to waste time.'

"Then it's Irving's turn next. In return, I will say something useful to you."

'You certainly don't want to be sent to the altar simply as a lamb.'

"So I will tell you our purpose, so that you die to understand."

''Tell you the original universe and your existence.

"You see, I have a sense of responsibility"

'As a survivor of the goddess crusade team, naturally you can't let go of the original goddess research, right?'

Jane said.

'But Shi Chen is not willing to end, so I can only become his assistant to observe the situation.'

"After coming back from the universe, he actually brought back the goddess spiritual core and divided it into two."

"Said to raise her as a human being, then I will only be responsible for taking photos to see the end."

"If you become the legendary nemesis, explain that I will shoot from behind." Jane said.

"But before I saw Zigrud, I almost forgot about it, sorry."

'In other words, you are still the same, can you understand that.'AX said.

"That's what I said, but I did conceal this matter, depending on what Eastar thinks."

'Then there is no problem, I understand what you said, I realized that I am a cold person,'

"Your eyes are erratic at this time, even I have to reflect on it." Jane said.

"Well, the more important thing is how to get rid of the current predicament, Lin Xiao has been taken away." Eastar said.

'Downloading is not a time to ditch, smash the door and escape, right?'

'I want to do the same, but this wall is very firm, and the treasures of the general servants cannot hurt their points, as if they were specially made.'

"No, assassin, this fortress is actually a few days of labor."

"In other words, the ancient temple."

"Those who only dare to speak through the door of the cell love Europa. I don't want to know your name, but as the most basic benefit, you should report your name."

"Telling the name to the person who is about to die is for business. I am Liu Sheng, the deputy leader of the sky god hidden flow.'

'Is that the Juggernaut?'

'Yes, I was shocked as a Juggernaut, I was very interesting to that adult.'

'What are you doing.'

"Nothing, you are also a goddess bust."

'Even if you are going to end here, you should also let you know what will happen in the future.'

'When you talked about ancient temples, do you want Astar to resolve?'Jane said.

"Isn't it, it's already going on, Ashtar's awakening has begun."

"The moment all the conditions are assembled, everything starts to connect"

"The goddess scripture has already explained that Lord Ashtar will definitely be resurrected."

"As long as the awakening is completed, this universe will be replaced by the order of the original universe."

'The universe is divided into 2 segments."

"Are you serious? If this happens, you won't survive." Eastar said.

"We are the new rabbit of the goddess. It seems that your father didn't tell you what the original goddess was."