This time, Lin Xiao crossed the world and came to the campus city.

Altorya planned to become a literary scholar.

So, the blonde girl has been thinking about how to write a novel.

Lin Xiao said that he wanted to see the novel she had written.

Altorya said, "Yes, I'll be ready."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it, but before that, let's go to the school festival." Lindsay said.

"Okay, I'll show you the outline of my self after we've traveled together at the Scholastic Festival."

"I've already written part of it," Altolya said.

"Well, let's go eat first." Lin Chic said.

"Well, wait here for a moment and I'll help you hit a gourmet." Altolya said.

"Oh, you've investigated very well." Linchamp said.

"It's food after all, I'm the king of food."

"What am I going to do when you're all spiteful." Lin Xiaoxiang said.

"Nothing happened la." Ye Buwei said.

"The most important thing with you is to be happy."

'Well, it's ready to eat.'

"It's really delicious, and you bought it for me from Altoria, so he's happy." Lin Chic said.

"Oh you, calm down."

"Here, I've written the outline, read it quickly, only the first volume oh."

Said Artolea, handing Lin Xiao's self-written outline.

"Then I must read it carefully." Lin Xiaoxiang took it and read it carefully.

In the beginning, the protagonist travels to a chef's world, the spirit of the halberd-based variety of parallel worlds.

As a first year at Far Moon Academy, the protagonist has to do a Romeo and Juliet play for his class.

Almost everyone chose Romeo and Juliet as the main character, and May was chosen for Nakano.

May is shy and looking forward to it.

Yaeko brings a powerful chef to the door and kicks several houses in one day!

To buy out the food court, defeating a few in a row, even the Leng brothers lost!

After the protagonist goes back to his store, Yaegashi attacks.

The protagonist defeats his opponent with a pancake. Gaining the admiration of everyone in the food court, etc.

The ninth seat of the ambush mini-boss.

On Wednesday, the main character was invited by the commander-in-chief to go to school.

The Farwolves were in an uproar when they found out the main character had come.

They are all eager to take the main character's class and are happy to be the lucky one.

In the middle of the lesson, the ninth seat came to cause trouble. Because of the demolition of the food court.

The protagonist and the ninth seat won the game and released the mission.

All the students were thoroughly recognized.

The commander-in-chief informed the main character that the residential training started on Saturday, and asked the main character to participate as an examiner.

That evening, Hisako and Eirina went to a tasting, and on their way out of the restaurant, they bumped into Eirina, a poisonous cook.

Then Eirinai and Hisako went to the main character's restaurant to eat, and as soon as they arrived at the main character's restaurant, Eirinai had a poisonous attack.

Eirina was taken to the hospital immediately!

The protagonist exchanged his system reputation for a recipe to cure the poison.

While the protagonist is making porridge, Himosaka receives a phone call from a poisonous cook who says that he will come to his place to get the antidote.

If she loses, Shindo will die, and if she wins, she will get the medicine.

Himosaka said goodbye to Eirina and decided to go.

Eirina blocked it, and Himosaka refused to go.

After leaving, the protagonist came to see Eirina at the hospital, and Eirina asked the protagonist to help Himosaka, and the protagonist said that he would take care of him, and then he fed Eirina porridge!

Then the protagonist said that he had gone to look for Himosaka-chan.

Then the death eatery was broadcast live on the website, and the crowd watched.

It turned out that the poison cook, Shinobu, and the Shindo family had a long-standing feud.

In the end, the Shinobu family was defeated and was forced to leave Neon.

In the end, the Shinobu family was defeated and forced to leave Neon. The Shinobu heirs came here to take revenge.

After a fight, the eclipse began and the Shinobu won.

Hisako was attacked by poison gas and fell into despair, but the main character appeared to save her.

The situation with the poisonous cook was highly anticipated.

The protagonist defeated the poisonous cook with a Chinese medicinal dish. A face-off with the main character.

He saves Himosaka.

The poison cook fails and attacks Himosaka with a poison gas machine. Using the antidote to save Himosaka-chan

Hisako refuses and asks the main character to take it to save Eirina.

The protagonist tells her that Eirinai has already been saved herself, and then emphasizes the importance of Hisako, moving the girl.

The girl is weak, and the protagonist carries her back to Eirinai, with ambiguous warmth.

Himachiko said that next time, she will have to work hard to win.

Thursday Artolea came to the main character's restaurant for dinner.

That's when Tianyi sneaks out as well.

So the two of them started a food fight, and they didn't win.

The IGO restaurant grader came and saw this scene, and before he even rated it, he thought the restaurant's food was attractive enough to get 1 star.

A is a senior, B is a junior.

A or strict vetting

Let the younger generation report the information, and then the younger generation reported that the main character is a five-star chef A surface calm, heart surprised

The younger generation went on to say that the main character's restaurant was the number one in the food court, and that even the rumored tongue of God was recognized.

A was surprised, took a deep breath to calm down, and was shocked.

B goes on to say that the main character is the youngest lecturer in Far Moon!

A was completely shocked and speechless.

Then the main character served the food, and A and B were so impressed after eating it.

On the spot, the main character passed the test and was rated as a four-star restaurant!

Friday was the day of the official rehearsal, after having trained the script many times.

The main character had to start his residential training on Saturday.

So in the rehearsal redeemed the elementary acting, perfect performance, and finally the pro-man May. Ambiguous plot

Romeo and Juliet, Romeo kisses Juliet and then brings her back to life and flies away together.

The food department interaction, the protagonist and under the snow, see under the snow is a little tired, the protagonist decided to take her to relax.

The snow does not agree but also arrogant and venomous protagonist, the protagonist overbearing direct princess hug, the snow shyly let the protagonist side her down, the protagonist said she agreed to agree.

Snow under the helpless consent, and then took something on want to run, and then by the protagonist wall knock, forcibly hold hands, take her out of the college.

The students admired the protagonist and was surrounded by people.

He then takes Yuki to the Cat Cafe. In the middle of the day, she saw a couple's hotel across the street and misunderstood that the main character was leaving.

After the protagonist explained

Yuki is really fragrant, then interacts with the cat, Yuki.

Afterwards, the protagonist sends Yukishita home.

1 challenger + 2 helpers came to the door at night.

Because the main character is famous in Death Eatery and is the king of this food court!

It turned out to be a new store that wanted to compete with the main character to increase its fame.

The protagonist refuses because it's too much trouble.

Then Eirina and Hisako came to eat what they were already craving, and this time they came to eat as well.

They mocked the protagonist for being afraid of war.

The protagonist said that the king could be given to them.

The other party continues to taunt.

Eirina helps the protagonist to fight back.

A contest ensues.

In the end, the protagonist crushes the opponent.

When the opponent gets punched in the face, the protagonist says, "King is just a name, it means nothing, but to make food that people find delicious is what a chef should be proud of.

The other party and Eirinai were impressed by the protagonist's profound reasoning.

Because business is good, the protagonist sends Megumi back to Far Moon at 10:00 p.m.

On the way back, we encountered a few people who were trying to get an old man to hand over a recipe.

The protagonist saves the old man by knocking down several men.

The old man smells him out and asks him to take him to his store.

As soon as he arrives at the store, the old man invites the protagonist to eat pancakes with him, and then his sidekick Alfred comes.

Alfred tasted it and was shocked, saying in his heart how good the old man's cooking was.

How noble he was.

The old man leaves the main character a sculpture to thank him.

This is a token of gratitude, but I didn't expect it to be a legendary sculpture.

However, it also means picking up this troublesome hint.

The residential training started on Saturday, but the main character slept a bit late because he went up last night to practice his legendary-level recipes.

The next day, I got up late to attend the training, and at the school assembly, the main character arrived late, interrupting Sikyong's act.

The four palaces wanted to fire the protagonist, all kinds of clamor, the protagonist has no choice but to come over and call the protagonist a lecturer.

Shocked the Sikong, hit the Sikong in the face.

Then Sikong was not convinced, so the protagonist made a dish to conquer the graduates.

Then the topic begins, and the protagonist makes a dish called "Noodles and Noodles".

Then the crowd of people Kurokijo Ryou Alice Italian Brother Megumi began.

Shocked at first, then awakened to what to make.

Then a student fails the production and everyone thinks he will be expelled from school.

As a result, the protagonist names the defect and is told to fix it. If there was still a problem with the editing, he was given a chance.

The students were touched by the protagonist's kindness and tolerance.

The Italian brother of the disgruntled protagonist is also impressed by the protagonist and invisibly fakes it.

Then, in the middle of the project, a person suddenly walked into the classroom outside.

The villain, Eye of God Cottage, came in and stated that he was a student who had been expelled from Far Moon, and had come to see the ingredients used in the Italian brothers' dish that had shocked everyone.

He then expressed his admiration for the protagonists, and then said that this time they had come to take revenge on Far Moon, ruining the residential training and bringing Far Moon into disrepute.

Villain A laughs and says that he will return the pain and humiliation he suffered to Far Moon tenfold.

Then the protagonist received an announcement that everyone should gather in the lobby.

When they get there, the villain and the subject graduate unleash their pancakes.

The commander-in-chief agreed, and a 5v5 duel took place.

At the beginning of the duel, Mizuhara Tomomi and Hyuga-chan won.

Then Shouyi Sekiguchi fell to Sugimiya, who fell to God's Hand, who had looked up to Sugimiya before.

2 to 2

The protagonist is last to go, but the momentum of Far Moon has been shattered and everyone has high hopes.

The protagonist says that as long as he loves cooking, it doesn't matter if he is in Far Moon or not, why should he stick to such things?

Adding to his own troubles, the mouthpiece Admiral Five Senses villain suppresses everyone's morale.

Then, the protagonist said he would shock everyone with a V3.

Then, the villains were enraged and went on the stage to cook the three flavors in one!

One man controls three pots and three dishes.

Then he defeated the Five Senses villain with three dishes.

Shocked everyone, impressed everyone.

After that, today's project took a short break.

Then, to appease the students, a barbecue party was held, prepared by the Far Moon graduates, with someone at the reception.

In the beginning, the protagonist was very low-key, since the graduates were dominant.

Then the protagonist's appearance was expected by everyone, but the protagonist ended up making a very low-key barbecue.

And then Sesshomaru had a great explosion of realization after his failure.

The first place was won, when the main character's barbecue exploded, lighting up everyone's business. It shocked everyone.

The next day

The main character's subject students all admired the main character. Eirinai also actually came over on his own, and those students did not show that kind of adoration and great respect.

Then the main character's project is that he teaches the crowd to cook a dish, and the crowd passes if they recreate more than 50 percent of it.

The main character cooked the dish so and so, so and so, so and so delicious, and then the crowd was so respectful that they all passed.

Last time, the non-face was failed the first time, and this time, the dragon-set A encountered not laughing teacher, was dropped out of school.

Then, the withdrawn students remember the main character, so the dozens of students who were withdrawn from school come to the main character for help.

The protagonist, who had also been disliking the idea of Far Moon, received the assignment.

To change Far Moon.

The main character then brings the expelled students to the meeting.

He says that Far Moon's philosophy is wrong and should be reformed, that these students should not be expelled, and that they should be given a chance.

Dojima Gin-neutral, Director Xia, and the other teachers disagree, but the guest lecturers all agree.

The main character argues that Far Moon should stimulate students' talents and become a chef's paradise, using his own idea that cooking is free.

Director Xia was overruled, and then Far Moon's head chef came and said a lot of things, but finally disagreed.

Then Director Hsia and others ask for the dismissal of the main character.

Eirinai was the first one to say no, and then the graduates and other students, such as Guxingliao and a large number of other students, were also dismissed.

Director Xia and others were so angry that they were speechless!

Finally, the marshal's friend, the old man from Ajiinbo, came, the old man who lost to the main character in the competition, is the master of Ajiinbo, and even Yuan Yue is the old man who helped the marshal build it, is the marshal's older brother.

The old man said that since it was like this, to gamble on his thin face, it would be a revolution to start the Ebisu and have a battle of the Ten Jie.

All we need to do is to take down the five heroes!

So there are those who are on the side of the main character.

The main character, Hisako Hisako, Erika Erika and Megumi.

The Battle Begins

Main vs. Fourth Seat Win

Teruki Kugo vs. the First Seat Defeat

Eirinai vs. 5th seat win then defeated by 1st seat

Himatsusako vs. Second Seat Defeat

Megumi vs. Third Seat Defeat

Main character vs. first, second, and third seats

Total Victory

After the success of the Eatery, the FarEarth reform began, and students who dropped out will be able to take a make-up exam, study and manage the cooking classes, and come back to take a make-up exam. Even if a student drops out, he/she can take the test again after a year before turning 20, and the test will start again from the first year of high school.

In the evening to celebrate, there was a cherry blossom party held nearby .........].

When I saw this, I felt really good, and there was almost always a conflict.

"Altolya, keep up the good work, I think your writing is really good." Lin Xiaoxiang praised.

"Good, I'll work hard to get the second volume out later." Altolya said.

"You're such an idiot."

"I'm just looking forward to the performance."

'I won't blame you even if the second volume doesn't come out,' Lin Xiaoxiang said.

"You're so gentle with me, worthy of being the man I value."

"Haha, you're also the king I like," Lin Xiaoxiang said.

"Stop it, you're all shy." Altolya said.

"Haha, you're a fool." Lin Xiaoxiang said.

"I'm so happy to see you like this."