It was still summer, but the sun seemed to be warmer than usual, and the air became muggy.

In the empty woods, in the shade of a tree that can block the sun, there are only the sound of swordsmanship and the young mercenary Lin Xiao sitting lazily on the ground. The calls of the insects in this wood all sound feeble. The heat revealed by the surrounding air makes people feel more and more hot...

There are two kinds of people in this world, one is a fool, and the other is a fool who knows that being with a fool will be infected into a fool but still has no hesitation. Lin Xiao sighed faintly in the bottom of his heart, and glanced at the sharp sword in his hand. Attoris, who is 30,000 times, swings his sword 500 times a day, this is the first thing he teaches Attoris. Obviously, Attoris is very capable of execution.

"Atorius, take a short break, I have something to say." Lin Xiao said to the diligent Atorius.

"it is good."

Atolis stopped when he heard the words and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Lin Xiao: "Attoris, although I am very happy with your efforts, I should rest occasionally."

"Well, I'm sorry I'm a little worried." Atolis replied.

Attoris, who has a firm belief, has swung his sword 5,000 times in three consecutive days without breaking.

"Let's eat something first." Lin Xiao took out some snacks and water.

After the two sat down under the shade of a big tree, they frankly said to Atolis: "To be honest, I can't rush to become stronger. I will do it temporarily with a sword, and I will do it later. It is the control of one's own power."

Atolis ate the snacks in his hand in small bites, with a cautious feeling, which proves that he cherishes and likes these snacks very much. Of course, the snacks this time were sent by the townspeople of Rocktown. There are 5 It is composed of different flavors, and it is said to be extremely fine food, and it is gone after eating.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, he was visibly stunned. He didn't wait for the snack in his mouth to swallow it. He responded with some vagueness: "Mastering the power... But I still want to finish those 5OO times. "It is not easy to swing the sword 5OO times with all strength, but Atolis seems to think it is very important. Of course, this is also because he believes in Lin Xiao.

"According to the agreement, you are 7 and 4, so you don't have to worry. Then, you have done a good job about swinging the sword 5OO times."

Atolis nodded, but he still didn't relax when he was eating in his mouth, and it was for nothing to tell him.

After lunch, the sun slowly became less intense, which made Lin Xiao a lot easier.

Bringing Attoris to the front of an old-looking tree, Lin Xiao began to teach power control.

"Atoris, do you know that, there was a saying that everyone has talents and talents, because even though he has worked ten times, he still can't keep up with those talented and talented geniuses. Genius can easily surpass those without talent without too much effort, then do you think that's the case."

"I think there is such a thing." The young knight answered honestly.

"Really, I think so too. The limitation of talents and talents is really desperate, because geniuses are always so easy to achieve success and strength, but ordinary people are very difficult, this world genius is always better than ordinary people, this matter It is very unfair."

"But there is one thing that is fair, that is, ordinary people can become geniuses, and geniuses can only be geniuses... I mean, although it is unfair in terms of talent, if you say that 10 times the effort cannot To catch up with those talented and talented geniuses, then it will be 1OO times. If 1OO times is not enough, it will be 1OOO times. Never stop. One day you will find that you have surpassed them and swung your sword for 5OO times. It is to hone your perseverance, stamina, endurance, and what I want to tell you is that the secret to becoming stronger is in everyone's heart, and only those who have a firm will can continue to surpass." Lin Xiao who said this Place his right hand on his beating heart.

"Attoris is very educated, I will continue to work hard, never stop." Attoris replied.

It was said that Atolis was originally going to call Lin Xiao teacher, but Lin Xiao responded that he was a handsome and handsome young man. He really didn't want to use a strange name like a teacher, it would affect his handsome value and still maintain The original name was changed, but Attoris had already regarded him as his own teacher.

"Before entering the next link, look at this sturdy tree, pull out your sword and use your full strength to attack it." Lin Xiao pointed to the big tree in front of him and said to Atolis.

Atolis pulled out the sword swiftly, and the breath of violent wind covered the sword with a roar.

The big tree fell down and was cut off by the middle, enough to see the power of this blow. Is the power of Atoris the element of wind?

"A great magician said that everything in the world is made up of elements. What you need to control the elements is a more arbitrary power." Lin Xiao said as he walked to a big tree next to him, and the black elements came from his palm. The heart surged out and placed his hand gently on the trunk of the big tree.

For a moment, the black magic element suddenly rushed out of his palm and soon was covered with this big tree. This scene was like a big tree covered with new black clothes, with traces of mystery and weirdness.

After three seconds, Lin Xiao put his hands away, and the new black clothes that wrapped the tree quickly disappeared, as if it didn't exist again.

The surroundings seemed to become quieter, and then the big tree made a thumping sound, shattering from bottom to top, and then all turned into shattered tree chips in an instant, flying slowly and falling in the air.

"..." Atolis looked at everything in front of him with awe.

"The dark element has the attributes of desire destruction, destruction, and despair. It is a very extreme and crazy element. It is inevitable to cause such an effect. And your wind element is lively, gentle, but very violent at the same time. You want to control them well. It is necessary to keep trying to integrate their attributes and constantly mobilize the power in your body."

"But... how can I move?"

"It's very simple, communicate with them and be friends with them," Lin Xiao replied with a smile, and then patted Artolis on the head and said: "Close your eyes and feel the wind element. I believe you can be with them. become friends."