After speaking with Yu Zhi Nai, Lin Xiao and the others came to the patient room. The hospital has many wards, Sonia said.

Everyone was in the last ward. After entering, it was like this, and Lin Xiao also saw the nine-headed dragon.

"Sinwood, have you found anything?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ah... Well, that's not the case. In fact, it was Classmate Jiutoulong who found out and asked me to help." Sinmu said.

"Oh? What's the matter? Jiutoulong... are you okay?" Lin Xiao said.

Nine-headed dragon could not see his expression. He said, "...Well, it's okay, I don't want to be depressed because of this, and I want to find the man behind the scenes."

"That's it...Kutoulong said that he would like to get along well with everyone in the future...I am very happy to be willing to join you..." Kurosakino said.

"Okay... It's not that exaggeration... It's just Pei Zi and she..." Nine-headed dragon lowered his head when he said.

Childhood sweetheart....The ending is indeed embarrassing.......

"Well, everyone is still worried that you will be hit hard, just fine." Zuo Tian said.

"Eternal hardships will give people strength, and that's how the nine-headed dragon is the same for you." Tanaka said.

"Since everyone is here, do you have anything to discover?" Lin Xiao said.

In the end, he said: "The car hotel is dirty and run-down with no people... I feel that there is no one anywhere..."

Weichuu said, "I really want to hold a concert..."

Hearing this, Tatsuno Haru jumped and said, "Concert??? What is that? Is there such a development? I want to sing!"

"That's right, we are going to have a wave of partners, Lin Xiao said he wants everyone to relax... Oh! It's great," Wei yelled.

"Well, I know about this, and everyone agrees... It should be relaxed." Kurosakino said.

"Will there be a party then? A music concert party, right?" Atolia said.

"Hey, all the meat is mine!" said finally.

"The guy who only eats meat will only have meat left in his head...hehe," Saiyuanji said.

"The residential area of ​​Island Three is also abandoned." Hyuga said.

Zuo Tian said, "However, I have made a major discovery... I have already told everyone."

"Oh? It is the destruction of the so-called Peak of Hope Academy, the riots of the students of the Preparatory Department, and the biggest and worst event in human history that led to the destruction of the Academy... What do you think..." Lin Xiao said.

"How is this kind of thing possible... The academy will be destroyed," said Haru Tatsuno.

"That's not necessarily... After all, the environment we are in now is strange enough, right?" Nanami Qianqiu said.

"Ah... Then what do we do! If this is true." Sinmu said.

"Maybe it's a story made up by a black and white bear, and you can't believe what it does." Miss Sonia said.

"Everyone also discovered this... If combined with my memory, I think it might be true..." said Nine Dragons.

"What's the matter? Is it because of you that Sinmu asked us to come and gather?" Lin Xiao said.

The nine-headed dragon nodded, and then said sternly: "I went home after being in a coma last time, and part of the lost memory was gained. It turns out that I did enroll with everyone in school and have classes in a classroom... Then there really was a riot. The incident...but I didn't remember the ending."

"Ah? You remembered it... Then the memory we lost is true!" Hyuga said.

"... It's such a thing, it's terrible," Zuo Tian said.

"So why are we on this island now?" Atoria said.

"Perhaps we were students who survived the riots, and then were sent to the island by the so-called World Destruction Organization." Said finally.

Wei Chuan said, "Ah, all are super unfolded!"

"If this is the case, we will encounter a lot of mysteries in the future... only to solve these..." Kurosakino said.

"At this point, let's go back first... The investigation has no results. We can only continue to wait for Tumei to defeat the black and white beasts and continue to open islands 4 and 5."

Lin Xiao said.

"It's true... Well, three days later, we will go to the music hall together, and everyone will prepare. Yuibu and Haru Tatsuno who are in charge of the performance have worked hard."

"The party full of the fun of school life is about to begin! Oh, it's really a mortal unfolding..." Tanaka said.

"What's wrong with mortals. Only ordinary people can make people happy." Miss Sonia said.

"We need to prepare beef, chicken legs, meat, etc. A lot! I want to eat them all!" Said finally.

"Oh, what song do you want to sing! Use music to bring happiness to everyone!" Wei Chuan said.

"In that case, everyone, go back and have a good rest."

This concludes the investigation of island three....

A peaceful day passed by with chain-type puzzles that made people tangled, but as long as they continued, the truth must be somewhere, and it felt closer and closer to the truth.

At night, in Jabbah Walker Park when everyone is asleep, Tumei is talking to someone.

"You are here... You have seen the situation on the island now..." Tumei said.


"There are already four people... The plan we spent a lot of time preparing...

Fragments of hope, horror is hard to collect...."Tumei said.

"But we can continue to trust them."

"Seriously, I am not sure, because we would be held accountable if we did this.

But if you have done this, you can only do the best, but now it seems.....If we let them leave this island, is it good or bad, or we shouldn't let them escape...."Tumei said.

"It doesn't matter... Believe it again."

"For those children, which one is hope and which one is despair... Now we almost have no time to hesitate... Our plan has been tainted by that person, and that guy may return to the final stage of adopting our plan... In this case, in addition to the desperate resurrection of evil at the super high school level... The biggest, most terrifying, and most tragic event in human history... That is absolutely unallowable, and we must do our best to prevent it. That matter... We have to pay a huge price... So if it comes to that time, it is necessary to sacrifice these children..." said Tumei.

"I will work hard... Please leave it to me, and they will definitely not make that choice."

"Well, the confrontation between hope and despair will definitely not be peaceful... I am afraid there will be no perfect ending. Are you mentally prepared by then... They haven't trusted us yet... ." said Tumei.

"I will entrust my hope to them..."