"Then tell us about the situation at that time...?" Lin Xiao said.

Ye Yin said: "I found the death message... when the troll's body was found!"

Wuqie said: "I found the dying message... from the magazine rack after starting the search... Ye Yin, what you said is too contradictory..."

Lin Xiao said: "That's the case. When the body of Great God was found, the magazine was still in the magazine rack... But then Wuqie took out the magazine after the start of the search. During that time, Ye Yin, you have been In the room..."

Miaomu said: "In other words, Ye Yin, who was not on the spot during the search, could not see the dying message...!"

Ye Yin said: "This..."

Lin Xiao said: "What the hell is going on, Ye Yin, tell the truth... When did you see the death message...?"

Ye Yin said, "Wait... Don't change the subject... When did I see it... Isn't it a problem?"

Wuqie said, "No, this is the key issue..."

Ye Yin said: "That's not the case, according to the death message left by the troll, the murderer is Fuchuan! There can be no mistake!"

Asahina said, "Ye Yin, it's useless for you to keep entangled..."

Fu Chuan said: "Change the subject, it's you who pretends to be stupid, Ye Yin, this is your method..."

Wuqie said, "Speaking of which...Is the dying message really written by the Great God...?"

Ye Yin said, "Then, do you still need to say... It can't be wrong... It must be written by a troll! 100% written by a troll! Because I must be right! "

Lin Xiao said, "Oh, is that right? Ye Yin, you are very suspicious..."

"Are you still doubting me? What I said is a coincidence! It's not me!"

Ye Yin said.

"It's impossible for a student of Great God to write a dying message..." Lin Xiao said.

"That's true, because the dying message was written with fingers... But according to our investigation, the hands of the corpse of the Great God classmate were kept very clean, and there was no blood on the fingers..." Naomu said .

Asahina said, "Then...who wrote the death message?"

Wuqie said, "Should it be... It was made up by classmate Ye Yin..."

"It seems that there is only this possibility now..." Lin Xiao said.

Wuqie said, "Because of this, he will know the existence of the dying message..."

"...Yes... That's right." Ye Yin said.

Asahina said, "Ah... I admit it..."

Seedling said: "But... why fabricate..."

Ye Yin said, "That... That's... Because... I killed Classmate Great God!"

Everyone present was taken aback...Ye Yin continued: "Can you listen to me? My last remarks... After receiving a note from the troll asking me to go out... I went to the recreation room in the morning as agreed. ..."

The ten gods said: "Did you go to meet her so stupidly? What a fool..."

Ye Yin said, "It happened at that time... The troll said let me wait a little longer, and she called others... Then she asked me if I would like to eat some candy to relieve fatigue... ..."

Seedling said: "Then you will take it and eat it... No wonder you will find a candy wrapper on your body..."

"... But, after saying this, the troll stopped talking... fell into an uncomfortable silence... At that moment... the troll suddenly muttered. In a word... It's over, it's over today... It's all over today... The moment I heard this sentence, my mind flashed! I found that the troll was planning to kill me! I was planning to kill After I got out of here... I was shocked... So... I took advantage of the gap to take the black and white bear bottle on the cabinet nearby and beat the troll... I gave it from behind her. After her unexpected blow...Then, the troll lost his strength and stopped moving like this...I came back to my senses...I thought I was going to be executed like this... After leaving Fu Chuan's blood in the magazine on the table, he fled..."

Fu Chuan said: "What good have you done... one death is not enough!"

Wuqie said, "How stupid are you... The magazines are down..."

Ye Yin said, "This is the truth of this incident... It's up to you whether you want to cook or bake me later..."

"You can't cook or bake it, it's a punishment... You must accept the punishment if you kill Aying! Then, can you vote? The murderer has been determined!" Asahina said.

Wuqie said, "No, there should be a follow-up to what Ye Yin said."

Asahina said, "What does this mean?"

Wuqie said, "Student Ye Yin should still have some actions, which cannot be explained by what I said just now..."

Lin Xiao said: "It's true. If you didn't hear him explain clearly, it won't be the end...So in the words just now, Ye Yin didn't explain about hiding the magazine, right?"

Ye Yin said, "Huh? What happened then?"

Naomu said: "When the body was found, the magazine with the dying message was put back in the magazine rack...Why did it deliberately put it back in a cabinet that was not easy to find? In this way, it won't be lost. Does it make sense?"

Ye Yin said, "Wait...I should say that I didn't hide it...I have put the magazine on the table well..."

Fuchuan said: "It's a lie, he must be a lie!"

Wuqie said: "I have already admitted the murder... I don't think he will lie..."

Asahina said, "In other words... Isn't it a lie?"

The Ten Gods said: "If this is the case, someone other than Ye Yin put the magazine back into the magazine rack... In other words, before and after the incident, someone else visited the recreation room... ...

Lin Xiao said: "This possibility is very high..."

Wuqie said, "If that person is the one who hides the magazine... then it should be the person who will be in trouble when the dying message is discovered..."

Naomu said, "It's Fuchuan classmate...? Because I'm afraid of people who will see the dying message, besides the actual name of Fuchuan classmate, there is no one else...?"

Asahina said, "Is that so... Did you also go to the recreation room?"

Fu Chuan said: "Why... Me? No, it's not like that... That kind of thing is not important at all... Has the murderer confirmed it? Didn't Ye Yin already admit it just now!"

Ye Yin said, "Yeah... I did it..."

Lin Xiao said: "How foolish you are, obviously we are discussing there are other doubts..."

Miaomu said: "Ye Yin did beat the Great God classmate with a bottle, but the incident did not end like this..."

"In other words, classmate Ye Yin is not a murderer... That's what it means..." Wuqie said.

Fu Chuan said: "What do you mean... how is it possible... There is such a thing...!"

Wuqie said, "In this case, please continue to say what you said just now, Ye Yin...In this way, it should be clear that he is not a murderer..."

Ye Yin said, "Although this is the case, what should I say..."

Wuqie said, "Like what I said just now, I'll repeat what happened when I beat you to the Great God..."

Ye Yin said, "Although I don't know what's going on... Good! I... I'm done... Because I was afraid of being killed, I used the black and white bear bottle on the cabinet nearby to give her a surprise from behind the troll. hit.....

Wuqie said, "It was a surprise blow, so you only beaten it once...?"

Ye Yin said, "Yeah... I only beaten it once... so the bottle would be destroyed... Then the troll lost its strength... and couldn't move..."

"Look, the murderer said so... As expected... the murderer is Ye Yin!" Fu Chuan said.

"No, if Ye Yin beat the Great God classmate to death... it would be impossible to explain the fact that she had two wounds on her head..." Miao Mu said.

"Huh...? Are there two?" Ye Yin said in surprise.

Lin Xiao said: "According to our investigation, there are 2 wounds on the head of Great God classmate..."

Wuqie said, "I have personally investigated this..."

"Since it was said by a woman who is interested in touching corpses, it must be correct..." said the Ten Gods.

Ye Yin said: "But, I only beaten once, why are there two wounds on my head...?"

Wuqie said: "In fact, there were two beatings, and they were all beaten with black and white bear bottles..."

Fu Chuan said: "Wait...Wait a minute! It's just a head injury...Why do you know so much...? Not only did he know that he was beaten twice, but he also knew that it was a black and white bear bottle!

Lin Xiao said: "The clue is not just the head injury, but also the black and white bear bottle left on the scene... After our investigation and experiment, we found that although there is only a bottle of fragments on the floor, and a black and white bear model. Falling... There is no doubt that this should be the debris dropped by Ye Yin assaulting the Great God classmate... But there should be 6 bottles in total in the Black and White Bear Bottle."

"Why can you know that it is 6 bottles?" Fuchuan said.

"Because of the chessmen in the black and white bear bottle, the model in the broken black and white bear bottle is the chess piece of the knight..." Lin Xiao said.

Fuchuan said: "So what's the matter..."

Wuqie said, "You should be unfamiliar with chess. In that case, let me tell you... There are six types of chessmen: king, queen, castle, knight, bishop, and soldier."

Lin Xiao said: "There are four kinds of kings, castles, protagonists, soldiers, and knights on the ground... Only the queen is missing!"

Seedling said: "Just so, there are only five black and white bear bottles on site, that is to say, one is missing..."

Fuchuan said, "What does this have to do with the incident..."

Ye Yin said: "I still like shogi a little more..."

Fuchuan said: "Indeed...maybe there are fewer bottles...but it has nothing to do with the incident! Maybe before the incident, there was one missing."

"No, the disappearing black and white bear bottle is definitely related to the incident..." Wuqie said.

Lin Xiao said: "Because the disappeared black and white bear bottle is also on the scene...has completely become fragments...that is to say, it is in a state of being broken..."

Fu Chuan said: "Do you even know this kind of thing?"

Naomu said: "Because there is evidence!"

Lin Xiao said: "In order to prove this, we did a small experiment. After we brought the balance from the chemistry room, we compared the weight of the broken bottles scattered on the scene and the unbroken black and white bear bottles.... It shows that the collected fragments are relatively heavy. The reason for this result is that... the fragments scattered on the scene are more than the weight of a bottle..."

Wuqie said: "In other words, two black and white bear bottles were broken at the scene... But the fragments of one of the bottles and the black and white bear model were disposed of by someone... At that time, the person left behind. Too many pieces have been dropped..."

Asahina said, "But why do you want to deal with debris?"

"Because this is related to the incident... There are two wounds on the head of the classmate Great God, and the second wound is caused by this black and white bear bottle... so it must be disposed of."

Lin Xiao said.

"This is the conclusion drawn from the facts about the two wounds of the classmate Great God and the two black and white bear bottles..." said Wuqie.

Naomu said: "The reason why the murderer disposed of the fragments of a bottle was to cover up the facts, so that we thought it was just a beating..."

Wuqie said: "In this way, the person who beaten up the second time was someone other than classmate Ye Yin... Isn't it, Fuchuan? Plus the hiding of the magazine... You are here. The possibility of visiting the recreation room before and after the incident is high..."

Fuchuan said: "Wait a minute... Even if there is a second beating! But what basis do you guys have, saying that it was me..."

Ye Yin said, "No, you must be right! You are the murderer..."

Fuchuan said: "You... You just said that you are a murderer just now!"

Ye Yin said: "I'm not afraid to admit my mistakes, I'm this kind of person... And I have a basis for such a claim!"

Yes, a straight idiot....But now this fool seems to have something to say.....

This is more interesting....

The ten gods said: "Then listen to your basis..."

"Ye Yin, let's talk quickly..." Lin Xiao said.

The truth of the matter is always confusing and inverted....The grade trial is really not easy.....

What is the final reason?....And the problem of the secret room has not been resolved.......

I always feel that there is some secret behind this.......