The Ten Gods said: "Anyone who can easily do this, don't need me to say that everyone knows who it is?"

Ye Yin said, "Really? Who is it?"

The Ten Gods said: "The evidence left by the contractor is clearly left in the chemistry classroom..."

Lin Xiao said: "It's the footprints left in front of the cabinet in the chemistry classroom... The evidence that pointed out the contractor must be that?"

The Ten Gods said: "When I arrived in the chemistry classroom this morning, there were no footprints there yet... In other words, the footprints came down before and after the incident... So it must be inseparable from the incident... Moreover, the place where the footprints were left was in front of Cabinet A. Inside that cabinet was a bottle of Cabinet C containing protein powder. The murderer probably adjusted the package of protein powder in front of Cabinet A and left the footprints. It’s easy to judge who it is by making such a clear footprint... immediately investigate all of our shoes so that we can immediately..."

"...It's me, that's my footprint...Anyway, it will definitely be dismantled... It's better to say it yourself, right?" Asahina said.

Ye Yin said, " killed the troll...!"

"Yeah... Yeah, I killed Sakura..." Asahina said.

The Ten Gods said: "Sure enough... not what I expected... the footprints are all left by sneakers... and the people who wear sneakers among us... There is no one other than Naeki and Asahina. However, I have verified the seedlings in the chemistry room, and it is not him...By the way, after the school-level trial started today, Asahina's appearance has been wrong... I have been urging everyone to vote for no reason... That is. In order to push your crime to others, so you are so anxious to come to a conclusion?"

Seedling said: "How could this be...I can't believe it..."

The ten gods said: "...what can't you believe?"

"After all, the relationship between Asahina and Ogami-san is so good, it's impossible to do this kind of thing, right?" Naeki said.

The Ten Gods said: "It is because they are good friends that they have the opportunity...Isn't it? The protein powder God God took over from his friend Asahina will definitely drink it without doubt... Good friend, Asahina... This relationship was used! In doing so, not only did I deceive the victim Ogami Sakura, but also wanted to deceive us... Asahina, I didn't expect you to come up with such a vicious method..."

Naeki said, "Asahina-san... Is that true? You really... killed Ogami-san? If it is true, why do you do such a thing?"

"In the recreation room...when I found that Yingying had a head injury...Aying asked me to ask me to bring protein powder over... But when I went to the chemistry classroom to get protein powder, Suddenly thought..." Asahina said.

"Now you have to kill her... right? Then, you changed the package and gave her the poisonous protein powder container..." said Ten Gods.

Asahina said, "So...Aying and she... drank it all in one breath..."

Lin Xiao said, "Wait, what you said is not right at all."

"That's it, I can't agree with this kind of thing..." Wuqie said.

The Ten Gods said: "The evidence is solid. You still think that it is impossible for a good friend to kill each other... Don't you understand... This game is not so naive... Friendship or something? Naive thinking is not feasible at all, only surpassing others and kicking others away is... It is impossible for anyone to sacrifice themselves for others, everyone will only consider themselves in the end! This woman... also sacrificed the great god for herself... ..."

Wuqie said: "This statement is correct, but I still can't accept it..."

The ten gods said: "When will you still be entangled...?"

Wuqie said, "Don't get me wrong... I don't say this because I can't accept it emotionally... I just... can't accept a puzzle that cannot be solved..."

Lin Xiao said: "There are two doubts, the first is the puzzle in the secret room, and the second is even the great god. The protein powder that I drink every day has been adjusted. It should be able to drink it right away?"

Seedling said: "...What is the secret room trick?"

Asahina said: "..."

"We must solve this mystery." Lin Xiao said.

Kiriki said, "If Asahina is a murderer, what is going on in this secret room?"

"That...that is...even the murderer doesn't have to tell you everything, right?" Asahina said.

"Your statement like this makes people care." Wuqie said.

Lin Xiao said: "There are still many unnatural things in this incident."

Wuqie said: "Yes, things won't be that simple..."

"Don't you think that Asahina... is not the murderer, right?" Ten Gods said.

"Yes... so what?" Wuqie said.

"Impossible, as long as the poison is transferred, she can only be the murderer." Ten Gods said.

"...It's really wrong to think about it this way..." said Seedling.

"What's wrong?" said the Ten Gods.

"Because of the footprints left on the scene, such evidence is so obvious that the murderer can easily eliminate it, right?" Naomu said.

"It's like doing it deliberately..." Lin Xiao said.

"Yeah... It seems to be asking others to doubt themselves..." said Wuqie.

Asahina said, "That... That's because I was too nervous... so I didn't notice the thing that left footprints..."

Wuqie said, "Too nervous?"

"Yeah, that's right." Asahina said.

"So, Asahina, can you talk about the details of the adjustment?" Lin Xiao said.

"Why? Isn't it necessary?" Asahina said.

Naeki said, "Asahina-san... I also ask you..."

The Ten Gods said: "...whatever you want, Asahina is the murderer, it's obvious...there are no suspicious people...except Asahina the real murderer..."

Kiriki said, "Asahina, you can start talking. Please start with your actions after you arrive in the chemistry classroom..."

Asahina said: "I came first... Cabinet C took dangerous drugs from there..."

Lin Xiao said, "When was the powder scattered around..."

Asahina said: "Yes... The bottle accidentally fell when I took it out of the cabinet... Then I went to cabinet A to get the protein powder, and then adjusted the package, after which I took the toxic protein powder and walked out of the chemistry classroom. ...At that time, I accidentally put the bottle with protein powder back into cabinet it was discovered..."

Naemu said, "You said you took out the dangerous drugs from cabinet C and went directly to cabinet A to get the protein? In other words, did Asahina move from cabinet C to cabinet A?"

"Yeah... That's right..." Asahina said.

Lin Xiao said: "Is that really the case..."

Naeki said, "Trouble Asahina, can you say it again?"

"What's wrong, so positive..." said the exterminator.

The Ten Gods said: "It doesn't matter how many times I ask, when do I really plan to continue..."

"I went to Cabinet C at first, then took the dangerous drugs from there, and then moved to Cabinet A to adjust the package..."

Asahina said.

"In the beginning, I went to cabinet C to get dangerous drugs, and then there was powder scattered there... right?" Lin Xiao said.

"Then, what's the matter?" Asahina said.

Seedling said: "Later, you said that in order to get protein powder, then you moved directly from Cabinet C to Cabinet A... It's very strange..."

"Asahina, the footprints left on the scene, there are no footprints moving from Cabinet C to Cabinet A..." Lin Xiao said.

Ye Yin said, "In order to disguise the footprints... So you deliberately detoured a long way, right?"

"No, it won't be like this... Because Asaina-san said just now? I didn't notice the footprints because I was too nervous," Naeki said.

"Hey...what's going on, Asahina." Ten Gods said.

Kiriki said, "Asahina, you lied... Because from the footsteps, the actions that Asahina took in the chemistry classroom... It should be after the powder was scattered that you came to the chemistry classroom, and then directly Walk towards Cabinet A... In other words, you didn’t get close to Cabinet C at all, did you just do something in Cabinet A...?"

Asahina said, "So... that is..."

She couldn't speak, she looked pale....

Kiriki said: "In Asahina's testimony, there are more than just footprints in the strange place. Before explaining that... first, let me present new evidence..."

The ten gods said: "New evidence? Stupid! How could there be such a thing!"

"You are the one who provided this information... The bottle you took out just now hides the evidence... You didn't even find such an important thing, you made a fatal mistake..." Mist said.

"Tell me...what the hell is that..." said the ten gods.

"This is what I found..." Wuqie stretched out his hand, with a shard of glass on his palm.

The ten gods said: "This fragment...what is it..."

"This fragment looks like... a fragment of the glass window of the entertainment room..." Lin Xiao said.

The ten gods said: "You said... the glass window?"

Seedling said: "The glass window in the recreation room I broke is light blue... so I think there should be nothing wrong..."

"Yes, because it's right, it's weird...Why are the fragments of the glass window in the entertainment room mixed in the poison X bottle?" Mistachi said.

The exterminator said: "What's weird about this..."

Lin Xiao said: "The strange thing is that according to the testimony of Asahina, the poison X bottle is placed in cabinet A of the chemistry classroom, so it is said..."

Seedling said: "Obviously this is the case, but the poison X medicine bottle is mixed into the glass in the entertainment room..."

Ye Yin said: "This means that Asahina's testimony is a lie at all!"

Naomu said: "Actually, the poison X bottle should be in the entertainment least before the window of the entertainment room breaks, in other words, before the secret room is destroyed...If this is not the case, it is impossible to explain why. There are broken glass windows in the bottle..."

"And when the secret room was destroyed, it was put back into the cabinet of the chemistry classroom... On the contrary, the protein powder container that fell on the scene was brought to the entertainment room at the time when the secret room was destroyed, that is to say, the great god After the classmate died..." Wuqie said.

The Ten Gods said: "This is too far from what we originally thought... But with these it is impossible to conclude that the protein powder container was brought in after the secret room was destroyed... Besides, the reason why the Great God was poisoned was not because Did you get the poisoned protein container? If the protein container is not on the spot, how do you take the poison?"

Wuqie said:'Yes....This has to be explained....But before that, I have something to confirm with you....It's about the protein powder container. After discovering the body of the Great God, did anyone kick the container?'

The ten gods said: "...what does this mean? Leading question?"

Wuqie said, "Don't worry about so much, just answer..."

The Ten Gods said: "I remember never playing..."

After that, everyone on the court explained that they had never played....Wuqie said, "Is that so... so it's clear... Sure enough, the protein powder container was brought in after the closed compartment was broken..."

The ten gods said: "You have enough... why are you so sure..."

"Because there is a solid basis, I also thought about this... The basis for proving this is that there were glass fragments scattered around the container that fell on the scene. You know... The location of the fragments is not just in the place. Around the protein powder container, the fragments are also scattered under the container... Normally, if the container is in the room at the beginning, how can glass fragments appear under the container?"

Lin Xiao said.

"This... That's it... So that's what happened... Just now Mizuki asked... Is there any reason for kicking the container..." said Ten Gods.

"It's because someone might kick the container to the debris..." Mistachi said.

"That's it... So the question is to eliminate this possibility in advance?" Naemu said.

"In short, make things clear too... But when the entertainment is still a secret room, the protein powder container is not in the room... But the two people changed the package after the secret room was destroyed... The protein powder container was placed in the entertainment room. In the room, the poison X medicine X bottle was placed in cabinet A of the chemistry classroom..." said Wuqie.

The ten gods said: "So why is the great god poisoned... Isn't it because the guy who got the poisonous protein powder container drank poison X and died?"

Naomu said: "No... not like that... Classmate Great God must have drank it directly from poison X..."

The ten gods said: "Then the big god knew it was poison X but drank it... how is this possible!"

"Who brought the poison X in the entertainment room?" said Wuqie.

"It must have been brought in by Asahina and handed over to the troll?" Ye Yin said.

"No... I think it's the Great God classmate himself." Naomu said.

The exterminator said: "You mean the slain Great God classmate, who took poison X by himself?"

"How is it possible..." Asahina said.

"No, the Great God did go to the chemistry classroom, and he went to cabinet C where there is poison X medicine..." said Wuqie.

"It's a lie... impossible." Asahina said.

"No, I have a basis to prove..." Lin Xiao said.