"First of all, start with a simple description of the school-level trial... The result of the school-level trial is determined by your vote... If you point out the right murderer, only the murderer will be punished... But if the wrong person is innocent People are treated as murderers...Everyone except the murderer must be punished...Only the murderer who successfully deceives everyone can graduate with glory!

"...Then I will leave it to you..." said the black and white bear.

The Ten Gods said: "First of all, start with figuring out the identity of the victim... The unidentified victim... It is necessary to find out who it is..."

Ye Yin said, "Isn't Wuqiezi who died? There is no other possibility..."

Fuchuan said, "Isn't the fog cut right there?"

Ye Yin said, "No, that's a ghost!"

Asahina said, "She also has feet..."

Ye Yin said, "I'm afraid it is... the top ghost of the evolved era..."

The Ten Gods said: "Stupidity should also have a degree..."

Lin Xiao said: "The corpse should be another person..."

Naemu said: "Let's prove the difference between the characteristics of the corpse and Mizaki-san."

Asahina said, "What is the characteristic?"

Lin Xiao said: "Classmate Wuqie's gloves are the key to solving the puzzle."

The Ten Gods said: "If this is the case, should I ask Wuqie to explain the reason for wearing gloves at any time...?"

Wuqie said, "...you know?"

"I heard the black and white bear say... That is to cover up the traces that the hands don't want to be seen."

Said the ten gods.

Asahina said, "So, the corpse didn't wear gloves..."

Ye Yin said: "The gloves burned out when it exploded..."

"No, that corpse shouldn't wear gloves... because isn't the corpse wearing red false nails? With such long false nails, there must be no way to wear gloves..." Lin Xiao said.

"Also, the reason why Mizaki-kun wears gloves is to hide his hands... Isn't it weird that people who want to hide their hands wear fake nails?" Naeki said.

Ye Yin said, "Don't you know? A woman's heart is very complicated..."

Asahina said: "I don't understand a woman's heart, I can be sure... It's only you."

The ten gods said: "How... the fog cut..."

Mizuchi said: "These gloves are designed to not hinder my daily life, so they are specially made to suit the size of my hands... If you wear false nails, you won't be able to wear gloves..."

Naomu said: "Then it will be very clear... that corpse is not Mizuchi classmate..."

"Nonsense... Isn't the fog cut right here?" said the ten gods.

"That...Who is the victim... Don't make this clear..." Ye Yin said.

"Isn't that what you said at the beginning... It was you who made things so complicated..." said Ten Gods.

"Wuqiezai is still alive, it means...the victim is someone else...who is that?" Ye Yin said.

Asahina said, "Is there any way to know?"

Fuchuan said: "The face of the body was burned... It is impossible to know... There is no description in the black and white bear file..."

Asahina said, "If you don't know the identity of the corpse... there is no way to proceed..."

"Well, if it is a clue to determine the identity of the corpse, I remember that there is one that can be proved..." Lin Xiao said.

"Huh? Really...?" Asahina said.

Fuchuan said, "If you lie to others... I will make you regret it..."

Ye Yin said, "How do you regret it? I really want to know..."

Asahina said, "No way...please keep talking."

Lin Xiao said: "The so-called clue is the tattoo on the back of her hand..."

Asahina said, "I remember it was a strange design... Is it a dog?"

Fuchuan said: "This was carved on by the master..."

Ye Yin said, "Is there such a design..."

The ten gods said: "It's not like that...this tattoo hides the true identity of the victim..."

Asahina said, "What is it..."

"Fenrir's mercenary unit, the name of the mercenary unit of Warblade..." Lin Xiao said.

"Then what's wrong..." Ye Yin said.

"Fenrir's soldiers are in order to show that they are part of the organization... I heard that they will definitely engrave Fenrir's brand somewhere on their bodies..." said the Ten Gods.

Seedling said: "This tattoo is a wolf, which is Fenrir's brand..."

Fu Chuan said: "Fenrir... the ultimate wolf... a giant monster with a wolf's posture that appears in Norse mythology... It was born by Rocky and the giantess Alberta, who was a troublemaker in Norse mythology. son....."

Ye Yin said: "It's been a long time since I saw your literary girl..."

Asahina said, "In other words...that body is related to Fenrir?"

"Yes... In other words, the corpse was a person who belonged to the Fenrir organization in the past..." Lin Xiao said.

Seedlings said: "That person is Warblade Skeleton!"

Ye Yin said: "What!"

Asahina said: "Wait a minute... Isn't Zhanbaku that behind the scenes...?"

"Ahahaha!... You seem to be surprised! However, this is the correct answer... That's right, this school-level trial is the school-level trial for the murder case of Zhanbianmu!" said Black and White Bear.

Fu Chuan said: "This...what's going on? The black hand behind the scenes died...and even a school-level trial..."

The Ten Gods said: "That's not the case... It is a mistake to think that the warblade is the premise behind the black hand..."

Asahina said: "But super high school level despair or something... It sounds like a black hand behind the scenes..."

The ten gods said: "No... The bottom line is still uncertain."

Lin Xiao said: "According to the personal data of Zhanjianmu obtained from our investigation...There is no such description at all...Only it is mentioned that Zhanjianmu is a super-high-level soldier..."

The Ten Gods said: "If you remember correctly...then the source of the information is...Mistyaki Koko...you said it, right?"

Ye Yin said: "That is... Wuqiezi's intelligence is wrong...?"

Asahina said: "Then...Where is the sacred battle blade...? I haven't seen it, and finally showed up... She was killed..."

Fu Chuan said: "Generally speaking... the scenes of the death of important characters... will be described more muddily..."

The Ten Gods said: "In other words... This means that she is not an important person on stage..."

"Warblade is the same as us... It's probably a participant..." Lin Xiao said.

Ye Yin said, "Then...who is behind the scenes...?"

Fuchuan said, "Is it still... the principal of Hope Peak Academy?"

Wuqie said, "No... It should be said that the principal is okay..."

"But... you haven't made a mistake about the information of Warblade... It is also questionable to hold the information..."

Said the ten gods.

Wuqie said: "My intelligence... there is nothing wrong..."

"Okay, okay... Now it's in the school-level trial... The first task is to figure out who killed the Sword Skeleton! Other than personal matters are strictly prohibited, please!"

Said the black and white bear.

The ten gods said: "... it doesn't matter, just expose the black hand behind the scenes later, but you will remember it to me... I must find out your true face and swear in the name of my ten gods... ..."

The black and white bear said: "I won't take care of this kind of provocation... Okay, in order to prevent you from being confused, I will say once more clearly that the school-level trial is held because of the occurrence of students in the school. The murder! Put this in my head."

The Ten Gods said: "So, both the victim and the murderer are students...?"

Asahina said, "The Battle Blade was killed by who among them...?"

Ye Yin said, "Will there be other people hiding in the school besides Warblade...?"

"Impossible, everyone came out..." said the black and white bear.

Ye Yin said: "It's true... Then, is the murderer who killed the Blade Skeleton among them...?"

Fuchuan said: "Who...who killed it...?"

The Ten Gods said: "Don't worry... The suspect has been filtered out... You should know the seedlings. Who is the suspect filtered out?"

Seedlings said: "...I'm sad. From the current situation, the suspects are probably Wuqie, me and Lin Xiao."

Wuqie said, "Why... Is it so?"

The Ten Gods said: "Okay... I'll explain that... After entering the night time yesterday, I went to the Botanical Garden and I confirmed that... there were no dead bodies there at that time... In other words, the killing happened after I went to the Botanical Garden... but... After that, I have been in the gymnasium with Ye Yin, Fuchuan, and Asahina..."

Wuqie said, "In the gym...?"

"The four of us have been disintegrating the black and white bears in the gym...During this period, we avoided acting alone for vigilance. We even went to the toilet with two people..." said Ten God.

"In other words, all four of us have an alibi, and it is a perfect alibi!" said the Ten Gods.

"On the contrary, we didn't have an alibi, so we became suspects..." Lin Xiao said.

The ten gods said: "That's how it is..."

Naomu said: "Can you listen to me... About the alibi just mentioned..."

The ten gods said: "Do you have anything to refute?"

"Refutation...Before, I wanted to more accurately confirm the time zone when the killing occurred... In this way, I might know something..." Naomu said.

The ten gods said: "Whatever you want..."

Ye Yin said, "I'm with the ten gods... I have confirmed that there are no corpses in the Botanical Garden... That is when the night time is not long... That is to say, 10 o'clock. ...In other words, the killing happened after 10 o'clock in the evening..."

"Then everyone agrees that the time between the killings and the discovery of the entities? But when did we find the bodies...?" Asahina said.

"The Fuchuan who went to get the tools was the first to find the corpse..." Fuchuan said.

"Then it is at 9 o'clock..." Lin Xiao said.

The Ten Gods said: "Yes, I also asked Fuchuan the time..."

Ye Yin said: "In this case, the time frame of the killing can be presumed to be between 10 o'clock in the evening and 9 o'clock in the morning..."

Naomu said: "I... I fell asleep before entering the night time yesterday... So there is no alibi after 10 o'clock in the evening... But I will have a round with everyone before 9 o'clock in the morning... ."

Asahina said: "I ran into it in the restaurant... It should have been right at that time. It was 7:30, and Naomu and Lin Xiao walked into the restaurant one after another. I checked the time..."

Ye Yin said: "That is to say, the proof time for Miaomu and Lin Xiao is not present is from 10pm to 7am 30am, right..."

Lin Xiao said: "I don't think the murder happened after 10 o'clock in the evening, I think it should be later..."

The ten gods said: "...Why do you think so?"

Lin Xiao said: "The sprinkler in the botanical garden...that sprinkler is set to soak the water at 7:30 a.m. every day? In other words, if the corpse appears in the botanical garden earlier than 7:30 a.m.... It’s weird that the corpse wasn’t soaked in water..."

Fuchuan said: "Wait a minute... I remember it very clearly... The body should be wet!"

Naomu said: "Student Fuchuan... That's not right..."

Fuchuan said: "No? What's wrong?"

Naomu said: "The corpse got wet not because of the sprinkler... but because it was on fire at the time... the reason we watered when we put out the fire..."

Lin Xiao said: "The condition of the corpse before the explosion... you know all this... the corpse only got wet on the upper body... the lower body was completely free of water... if the corpse got wet. The reason is the sprinkler, so the whole body should get wet all over the body... At that time, the body exploded and ignited a flame... The reason why the body only got wet in the upper body was because of fire fighting. The reason... Since the corpse was not wetted by the sprinklers, the time of the killing in the Botanical Garden... should be after 7:30 in the morning when the sprinklers were activated..."

Ye Yin said, "Then the time to kill was between 7:30 in the morning and 9:00 when the body was found?"

"Then the suspect is already obvious..." said Ten Gods.