Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Chapter 350 The Final Battle

Finally the decisive battle began...Black and White Bear released a broadcast to inform everyone.

"From now on, this school life of killing each other will soon enter the real solution series... Therefore, for the sake of fairness, all rooms in the school will be unlocked.

....Investigate as you please.....Puff, go and solve the mystery...Then let's meet at the final school-level trial...."

Afterwards everyone started investigating...First came to a room with the head of the school's personal room.....

Naemu said, "Is this the room used by Mizuki's father...?"

Wuqie said, "It seems like this..."

Lin Xiao said: "I don't know what clues there will be..."

Wuqie said, "Actually, I have already investigated..."

Seedling said: "So that's it..."

Mizuki manipulated in front of a laptop for a while, and then said: "Sure enough, there is no useful information..."

Lin Xiao said: "The outside matter and the biggest and worst event in history... must have something to do with the puzzle of this school..."

Seedlings said: "Then there is no useful information in this room..."

Wuqie said, "There is something that makes me care..."

Lin Xiao saw that a prompt for a password appeared on the computer screen.

Wuqie said, "The principal seems to be hiding something..."

Seedling said: "What could it be...?"

Wuqie said, "I have tried everything I can think of... It seems that it won't work if there are no new tips..."

Lin Xiao said: "Just have any other clues..."

Seedling said: "Wait when I think of one... Let me try."

Miaomu manipulated the computer and entered the password....KYOKA.

The code was correct, and then a wall in this room opened.....It was actually a secret room.

Enter the hidden secret room...There are a lot of things stacked in it.

Seedling took a look and said, "What is this."

It was a box, and Wuqie said, "There shouldn't be any good things in it..."

Lin Xiao said: "Really..."

Seedlings opened it and saw it was a pile of dead bones.....

He screamed in shock....Wuqie said, "This is the wreckage of my father."

Seedling said: "Wait a minute...Why do you make such a assertion..."

Wuqie said: "Considering the information currently known...there is only one answer..."

Lin Xiao said: "Is it the artificial intelligence... the man who is around 30 years old is still lurking in school... and what the black and white bear said, people who are still alive when they step into the Peak of Hope Academy... .Only high school students like us..."

Wuqie nodded and said, "So... My father has a high probability of staying at school in a dead state... It should be so."

Seedling said, "Sure enough... the principal is not behind the scenes..."

Wuqie said, "That's right."

"The black hand behind the scenes actually did such a cruel thing... I absolutely must find him." Lin Xiao said.

"...Mist Cut, are you okay..." Seedling said.

Wuqie said, "It's okay."

"Wait... There seems to be something in it..." Lin Xiao said and took out an object from the box.

At first glance, it turned out to be the principal's electronic manual....Naomu said: "What does this mean? Does it mean to let us continue to investigate?"

"It's really troublesome... Obviously W came here specially in order to end the past... and disappeared without authorization... took away my chance to end the past... Really a terrible father..." Mizuki said sadly, suppressing the pain, and put down a photo frame.

"This is an SD memory card...?" Naomu found a sticking object from the back of the photo frame at this time.

Lin Xiao said: "This must be an important clue... plug in the computer and see."

After putting it in, it was found to be a video file....After opening.

What I saw was classmate Wuyuan talking with a man.

Man: "You may live in this school for the rest of your life... Are you willing, agree?"

Wuyuan: "Yes."

The next person who appeared was the seedling....The man repeated the same words.....

Seedling said: "What is this..."

Lin Xiao said: "It seems that our memories have been disturbed..."

Naomu said: "It's totally inexplicable... I don't remember what I said I would live here for the rest of my life..."

Suddenly the computer shut down at this time...It's the black and white bear, which ripped off the power supply...Then the SD card burned...

The black and white bear said: "Confiscated, confiscated... No matter when it is, there will be a sudden breakdown... To say why, because I am here!"

Naomu said: "You did it on purpose."

Lin Xiao said, "Isn't it said that it can't be hindered?"

The black and white bear said: "Puff, just a bear in a bad mood..."

Naomu said, "Could it be because of the image just now... can't it be shown to us?"

The black-and-white bear said: "I'm leaving... I can't really hear what you are saying..."

Saying it ran away..

Naomu said: "This must be an important thing the principal left us..."

Wuqie said, "I know...Can you let me be alone here for now..."

Lin Xiao said: "Okay..." went out with seedlings...

Naomu said: "The mystery of this school must be solved..."

"Of course... for everyone who died..." Lin Xiao said.

"We want to escape together!" said Miaomu.

The library on the other side.

Ten gods are also investigating the information.

There is a file of academy students...Seedling this period...

Information on the Battle Blade...A member of the mercenary force Fenrir...He is a super-college-level soldier.....

When I entered Hope Peak Academy, there was no trauma on his body....

This should be a fabricated article...How long was it before...Suddenly a black and white bear came in..Put down a photo...

Ten Gods glanced suspiciously and picked up the photo....

At this time, Miaomu and Lin Xiao came to a place..There are student lockers everywhere here.....

All are opened with electronic manuals....Lin Xiao and Miaomu opened a cabinet after investigating...

It was found that there were tarot cards, a crystal ball and various books....There is a notebook.

The name written on it is Ye Yin...There are handwriting left in class..

Seedling said: "It's weird... isn't everyone new?"

"There must be some reason for this..." Lin Xiao said.

Then continue to investigate...The notebook was found in a cabinet.

It says: Make Hope Peak Academy a refuge....A plan for students to live together....

About this plan...Go straight to the proposer of the plan....That is my father, the principal of Hope Peak Academy....

this is?Notebook cut in the fog....

Lin Xiao said: "But classmate Wuqie didn't say that he was separated from his father when he was very young... Why did he write this thing?"

Seedling said: "What the hell is going on?"

Lin Xiao said: "Let's go find Wuqie..."

When I came to the principal's personal room, I found that Wuqie was opening a notebook.

Then she said: "Despair has come in... and there are 2 people in Despair..."

Are there two people in despair?There are 2 people behind the scenes...One is the battle blade remains...the other is?

Lin Xiao told Wuqie about the notebook. After Wuqie listened, he was silent for a while and said, "Is the memory deprived..."

Seedling said: "It might be we don't know anything..."

Lin Xiao said: "Let's go to the biology classroom first... there are things that I care about over there..."

Come to the biology classroom...It's a bit cold inside like a freezer...There are many medicines....

Seedling said: "This is the first opening today..."

"Student Fuchuan... why are you here?" Lin Xiao looked at Fuchuan who fell on the floor.

Then Fuchuan woke up...With frantic laughter, it is an exterminator...

"I really did... I fainted again..."

Seedling said: "Why did you faint..."

The exterminator said: "I don't know... I was already lying on the ground when I noticed..."

Lin Xiao said: "The environment here... Could it be..."

The exterminator said that he opened the ice storehouse...Then looked inside.

"Oh... It turns out that the gloomy thing was scared by this... and it was completely burnt... and the whole body was pierced..." said the exterminator.

"Is the whole body pierced?" Naomu said.

"Compared to this...what about Lord Baiye?" said the exterminator.

"Where should he search..." Naomu said.

The exterminator said: "I know... I am a master about Lord White Night! Ahahaha..."

Then he left...

"This should be the place to store the corpse..." Lin Xiao said...

Seedling nodded and said, "9 users...just right."

At this time, the black and white bear suddenly came in. It took out a photo and said, "This is for you..."

Seedling took a look...This is a group photo...The above is taken by everyone in the classroom....

Lin Xiao said: "This should be the Battle Blade..."

Lin Xiao pointed to one of the strange faces he saw for the first time.

Seedlings said: "This picture... why is it like this..."

Lin Xiao said: "Seedlings... It seems that except for your absence..."

At this time the school broadcast sounded: "If things have a beginning... there will be an end... But if there is an end, there must be a beginning... There is no night in the world without dawn... Even though it is a dark morning...there is no constant rain in the world...Although it has become a drought...Then, the time is up...The school-level trial will begin soon. Please go to the old place to gather..."

The school-level trial hall.

The black and white bear said: "Then let us begin... the final school-level trial! Puff, why do you look gloomy... Is something terrible happened? Don't be afraid, it's only now. It’s the climax... I will also participate in this final school-level trial! If you point out the prisoner who killed Warblade Skeleton, and solve all the puzzles of this school at the same win...but If you can’t do it, you will be sentenced to all of you. What a tense and exciting punishment... Are you looking forward to it?"

Wuqie said, "In other words, if you lose... Do you mean that you will also be executed?"

The black and white bear said: "Of course... Xiong Zihan will never break his promise..."

Ye Yin said: "Compared to this... I have something to ask..."

The black and white bear said: "It's an uncharacteristically serious speech... Is it a stomachache?"

Ye Yin took out a photo and said, "You all colluded with the black hands behind the scenes? Is that right?"

Asahina said, "Wait a minute... I also have photos..."

Fuchuan said: "I have too..."

Seedling said: "Are there any similar photos..."

There are all members in the photo, but none of the people who got the photo by themselves found out that they didn't.

The Ten Gods said: "That's a coincidence... I also have... Evidence that everyone except me was taken in..."

Ye Yin said, "What's the situation..."

Lin Xiao said: "Wait... This is a trap behind the scenes for us to argue with each other..."

The black and white bear said: "The trap I set... is really rude... Why do you say that..."

The Ten Gods said: "It's not a question of what reason... You actually fabricated the boring trick of photographs... After this step, you seem to be very anxious..."

Wuqie said, "I knew it would be like this..."

Naemu said, "Where's your picture of Mizaki-san?"

Wuqie said, "I know it's a trap, I didn't watch it."

The black and white bear said: "Trap? Fabrication...No, no, no, these are all real photos..."

Asahina said: "In my memory, I never took such a picture..."

Ye Yin said: "I don't have such an impression either..."

Seedling said: "Wait a minute... Can you make this assertion..."

Lin Xiao said: "Everyone, based on our investigation, we found that our memory may have been cleansed..."

Naomu said: "It's because the memory has been cleaned...maybe not because it is a fake photo...but because the memory is wrong..."

Wuqie said, "Why do you say that..."

Lin Xiao said: "I investigated with Miaomu... We found the items of classmate Ye Yin and classmate Wuqie in the student cabinet..."

Ye Yin said, "What are you talking about... After I got here, I fainted..."

Naomu said: "In the iron cabinet on the second floor of the dormitory, you can only open it with the principal's electronic student handbook... This shows that we have been to this school before..."

Lin Xiao said: "I also found in my notebook a plan for refuge in this school..."