Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Chapter 372 Negotiations

Allie: "Since I already know about this... I should do something to stop it..."

Randy: "But ah... this kind of thing is hard to do, right...? They are not the kind of people who just talk casually... just get along well and obediently... ."

Lloyd: "That's also... Even if you report to the headquarters, you can't expect anything... It seems that we can only figure out a solution for this matter."

"Huh... That's just to report... Try it...? Maybe they will send someone to strengthen the patrol of the old city..." Allie said.

"No... this should be difficult..." Lloyd said.

"They have caused such a large-scale commotion... but they don't care about the police reaction..."

"I think...maybe the government deliberately ignores this old city street..."

Lloyd said.

Allie said, "Ah..."

Tio said: "Indeed...According to the data in the database...the patrols against the old streets in the recent period...have been greatly reduced..."

"In the name of budget cut..."

Randy said, "Huh... It seems to be completely correct... But then we will be even more helpless... Why don't we just go find those two people... Fight, let They are obedient..."

"I said... Wait a minute... Speaking of why they are helping others to fight to the death...?" Lloyd said.

"Of course it is... because of turf or disagreement with each other...?" Randy said.

"No... If it's just like this, it won't develop to the level of desperation... If there is a strong relationship, I still talk about the past, but this is just a dispute between two gangs..." Lloyd said.

"Why do you need to be well equipped... and plan to completely defeat the opponent...?"

Lloyd said.

Tio said, "It's amazing..."

Allie: "Hmm... Me too..."

Randy said, "So that's it..."

"What's wrong...Is what I said so strange...?" Lloyd said.

Allie: "No... I'm just thinking that you really deserve the qualifications of a search officer..."

Randy said, "I think you have reached the point... After all, as we have seen, the relationship between the leaders is not so bad as that..."

Tio said, "I think...I'm afraid there is some reason for it... Only the person involved has to fight for a life-and-death reason..."

Lloyd:'Yes....I think so too....'

"In this case...there is only one thing we have to do..."

Randy said; "Yeah..."

Allie: "The Sword Snake Gang and the Covenant League...Which party should I look for first...?"

"Go to the Covenant first... They still talk a little bit." Lloyd said.

Come to the stronghold of the Covenant.

This is a snooker bar.

Randy said, "Well, snooker, the people here are kind of fun..."

Tio said, "This is also a store that has obtained a business license..."

Lloyd said: "So that's it... Is this the gathering place of the Covenant...?"

Man: "What's the matter..."

What came out was a bald head.

"You are the lackeys of the police...?"

"Sorry... It looks like you are in business, right, then we interrupted..." Lloyd said.

"It's really thick-skinned... What are you doing here... Don't even want to leave unless you say it clearly..."

"I have to collect the account just now..."

The bald head said: "Wait for two of you..."

"Abbas... Why stop us...?"

"This is Sanctuary... Don't cause trouble..." Abbas said.

Then he turned around and shouted to the man in the bar: "What should I do now... Waji"

Waji said, "Okay, just let them come here..."

Lloyd said, "Thank you..."

Randy said, " seems very interesting."

Waji: "Do you have anything to do...?"

"I remember I said that police running dogs are not welcome here...?"

Lloyd: "You have nothing to say to us...but we have something to look for you..."

"I hope you can take some time to assist us in investigating..."

"Huh... investigate..."

"I'll go ahead first... I won't give up when I broke with the snake gang..." Waji said.

"Although it will cause problems to nearby residents...but it can only make them bear it..."

Lloyd said: "I didn't come here to stop the fight between you... I came here to know if you guys are going to fight to death and life... What is the reason for this..."

"That's because of the bastards of the snake gang..." said the blue-dressed youth.

Was interrupted by the bald head: "Shut up... Let Vage handle it..."

Lloyd: "It seems...what is the real reason...Can you please tell us?"

Waji said, "You know...what are you going to do...?"

"The guerrillas are good to say...what can the police do...what can you do about us nasty little ghosts who live in the old city...?"

"I admit that... the police response measures have many shortcomings..." Lloyd said.

"Even if we know the reason, it may not be able to help you... This is because we are not the same as the guerrillas who take care of the people..."

Allie said, "I said... Lloyd..."

Waji said: "Oh...It's really shameful... Are you planning to just listen to information from us without giving any benefit...?"

Lloyd said: "No... the benefits are still there..."

"The job of an investigator is to publish the truth buried in the dark... to bring light to people and society... at least that's the education I received..."

"If you still have some doubts in your mind... Maybe we can help you solve it, this is the benefit we can give you..."

Lloyd said.

Randy said, "This is really good..."

Waji: "Hahaha... Very good, very good... Such interesting lines are not often heard... Is your name Lloyd? I like you very much... "

Lloyd said: "...I'm not joking, or making you happy...I want to clarify the facts...Will you tell us why you have to fight for your life and death?"

Waji: "Haha...That's okay...I've heard the decisive lines, and it may not be too stingy if I don't give anything back... Abbas tell them..."

The bald head said: "Understood... My name is Abbas, a member of the Covenant League... The matter started in front of Takeda. At that time, one of our members was ganged by the sword and snake in the back alley. 'S people were attacked... and were seriously injured..."

"Sneak attack?"

Randy said, "Isn't it an ordinary fight...?"

"There will be someone coming from the back of the head in the fight...Will there be a ton of beatings after the fall... It is a unilateral beating... Now the injured person is still lying in the hospital unconscious. ..."

Randy said, "It's really vicious..."

Lloyd said: "Now the injured have not regained consciousness, have they...?"

Abbas said: "I have received treatment... but after all it hit the head... Now we are waiting for the hospital to contact."

Allie said: "Aren't you planning to call the police..."

Abbas: "We think that even if we report to the police... the police will not be dispatched for us... I am saying that the prisoner has already made it clear... Don't try to prevent us from revenge..."

Ellie: "Really..."

Tio: "Please wait a minute... The person who was attacked probably hasn't regained consciousness... Then how do you know that the person who attacked... is from the Sword Snake Gang... .?"

Lloyd said: "So... do you have evidence...?"

Waji: "Of course... We are not so arbitrary... After all, unlike them, we are reasonable..."

"Haha, but what's bad claiming to be reduced to... It's weird... Hehe, we conclude that they are the reason for the murderer..."

"Since you are the investigator, you should be able to guess it..."

Lloyd said: "It was because of the wounds of the members who were attacked...?"

Abbas said: "Most of the scars are hits... but at the same time, a few cuts can be clearly seen... This kind of weapon is used by the Sword Snake Gang... ..."

Randy said, "That it a mace...?"

"If you want to judge who is the prisoner... this is really decisive..." Tio said.

Lloyd said: "The situation is roughly understood...Thank you for using it as a reference..."

"Thank you, it's not necessary... Why is this information enough... Don't you plan to say something like giving up revenge..." Waji said.

"Personally, of course, I want to stop you... But there is still too little basis for judgment... I will go to the Sword Snake Gang hall... If I come to a conclusion, I will later. Contact you again..." Lloyd said.

"Haha... That's it, I just want to be obsessed with searching, right... What do you want to find out? Interesting, I'll wait."

"Of course, if it is not interesting... the result is nothing but a bloody storm..." Waji said.

Lloyd said: "I know... it will definitely not disappoint your expectations, just wait..."

After that, came to the Sword Snake Gang.

I saw the gang guarding the gate there.

"Excuse me... Is this the Sword Snake Gang?"

Lloyd said.

"It seems to be remodeled with a warehouse..."

Helping the crowd walked over and said, "It's you policemen... Don't ignore me!"

"Ah sorry...then we came here because there is something we want to ask your leader...I don't know if I can tell you..."

Lloyd said.

"Look for Boss Wald...? Huh, a running dog like you policeman... What qualifications do you have to talk to Boss Wald...?" the boy said.

"Excuse me, please inform..." Allie said.

"If I say no, it won't work... Get me back quickly..." the boy said.,

Randy said, "'s really troublesome."

Allie said, "That...what's your name...?"

"? Me...? My name is Dino..." the boy said.

"It's called Di Dino... Is it to guard here to prevent suspicious characters...?" Allie said.

"That's right... I was asked by Brother Wald to guard this place to prevent the covenant guys from breaking in..."

"This is not something that other seniors forced me to push..."

Said the boy.

Allie: "So it's really amazing... But we are not a member of the Covenant League... In this case, it doesn't matter if we take us in?"

"But... you just had a fight with the predecessors, if you take you in..."

Allie said, "Haha... Although it's a fight, it's all about it to you, isn't it like saying hello..."

"What's more, your leader doesn't seem to care very much..."


"Well, if you can't trust this...I will give you the weapon for safekeeping...but this thing is very important to me, please return it to me later..."

Allie said.

"Wait here... I'll go to Brother Wald... and ask if I can let you in..." the boy said.

Randy said, "Oh... it's so bold..."

"I was shocked by you..." Tio said.

"... It's really amazing... Negotiation ability, Ellie... That kind of negotiation method is totally impossible for me..." Lloyd said.

Allie said, "Ah... I'm used to this kind of negotiation... Just leave it to me..."

"But I want to use this method to deal with that person named Wald may not work..."

"So, I think it's better to leave it to you like it was at Waji..."

Lloyd said, "Hmm... I know..."

After the boy came out, he said, "Boss Wald calls you...Although you can go in, if you sit in strange movements, you can't be spared..."

"Don't worry, we're just here to ask something..." Lloyd said.