After entering, I saw Wald and his men.

"You cheeky guys, dare to come over." his men shouted.

"Ha... Is it because we came here to be beaten up by us...?"

"It seems that you have learned from the blue gang school rules, and you have been caught up in it..." Wald said.

"So, what do you want...? Ready to arrest us...?"

"No..." I just came to find you to help investigate..." Lloyd said.

"The reason why you want to defeat each other... I also want to hear about this, what do you think..."

Randy said, "Hey...Why are you asking this...?"

"According to the situation learned by the Covenant, don't you already know the reason...?" Tio said.

"The so-called truth... will take on a variety of forms depending on what you observe... So if you don't talk about multiple testimonies for comparison and reference, you can't see through the real truth..." Lloyd Say.

"And this is also the job of the search officer..."

Randy said, "That's it..."

Tio said: "In other words, intelligence analysis needs to start from multiple angles, right..."

Wald: "Hmph... weird kid... If we frankly think of us as villains, then the problem will not be solved...?"

"I said the kid of the police... Even if we have the information you want to know... In return, what can you give us...?"

Lloyd said: "This... It seems that only the truth is not enough for you...?"

Wald: "Huh... of course..."

"Anyway, for me, as long as I can make a big fuss... as long as my blood boils, it doesn't matter to me anyway..."

"As long as you can beat us here, I will tell you everything... Hum is a good deal..."

Lloyd said: "This is not good, this is a private fight..."

"Hmph, this is the way men talk... Don't be too naive, you beat my subordinates not long ago, thinking it's so easy to get benefits from us...

This is impossible. If you don't want to fight, by the way, how about leaving the two women over there temporarily.....?"

Lloyd said: "There is no way...and I have a good don't want to be passionate...then in the name of the practice match, let's play one-on-one. .

If I beat you, then you can tell me everything you know....I don't know what you want...."

Tio said: "This is too messy..."

"Are you a fool... The red hair over there is still about the same... and I don't look at the difference in physique between you and me..."

Wald said.

"It doesn't matter, I'm also a search officer anyway... I'm still trained..." Lloyd said.

"I think it shouldn't be a gangster on the street..."

"Ahahaha... well, good, I didn't expect that besides him, there would be a super idiot who would single out this uncle..."

"Well, I'll take your challenge next. If I can win, I'll give it a try...!"

The battle is about to start.....

Soon Lloyd narrowly won.....

Tio said, "Ah, I won..."

Randy said, "Haha, it's pretty capable..."

Lloyd said, "Well, how are you..."

"Unexpectedly, I would be forced to such a degree...Preparing for exercise and doing a good job...To be honest, I really want to play a real fight with you... But with that. The guy’s decisive battle day is near, let me let you go this time..."

Wald said.

"Huh, thank you so much..." Lloyd said.

"So... can you tell us everything...?"

"Huh, okay... That was the night five days ago... One of our members was attacked by a blue gang kid..."

"It's here not far from here..."

Wald said.

"Ha... That's it..."

Allie said; "That is to say..."

Wald said, "Hmph... They should have said something similar... It's really a great excuse for us to say..."

"Our Sword Snake Gang has always been famous for fighting... how could it be possible to carry out such a despicable act as a sneak attack..."

Lloyd said: "May I ask the member who was attacked suffered multiple injuries..."

"I was beaten into a broken bone, and I needed to be hospitalized for a month to heal...Although I didn't stay in a coma like the blue gang kid...but from the point of view of injury, it is more serious than them... ..."

Randy said, "Speaking of which... can you really be sure that it was done by someone from the Covenant Covenant..."

"Now that the injured person has regained consciousness... Then there should be witness evidence..."

Lloyd said, "Didn't you see...?"

Wald said, "It's true...but this must be done by the blue gangsters...because I heard that a stone flew over from a distance..."

Tio said, "You mean the slingshot used by the Covenant..."

"Yes, that's it... After eating that trick and falling down, it seems to have been beaten..." Wald said.

"Then I lose consciousness... Then it's clear who the prisoner is..."

"I'm finished, as I said just now... In fact, this kind of little thing doesn't matter... As long as you can make a break with the blue gang kid... and those guys, whatever you want. ..."

"It's okay if you want to get in the way... but we will eliminate you and the blue gang kid..."

Wald said.

"I will not accept your provocation... Thanks for cooperating with the investigation, we have obtained a lot of information worthy of reference... If there is a conclusion, we will contact you..." Lloyd said.

"Hmph, whatever you want..." Wald said.


After leaving the Sword Snake Gang.

Allie said: "...what the hell is going on...? The members of the two sides were attacked..."

Tio said, "But it doesn't look like which party is lying..."

Lloyd said, "Ah!."

"What's wrong..." Allie said.

Randy said, "Could it be that... was it injured in the heads-up just now..."

"Ah... No... After all, it's okay for the other party to be merciful... I just think it's a bit strange... Both were attacked by someone in the alley at night five days ago... Even assuming that both parties are accidentally attacking each other's members... But there are so many people acting at the same time... Wouldn't they notice each other...?"

Lloyd said.

"It's true... As long as they are not professional combat gangs... this situation is generally unlikely," Randy said.

"Then which party is attacked first, and then the other party acts in retaliation..." Tio said.

Allie said: "No, it's also very strange... The party who attacked first should be reasonably against the other party's retaliation..."

"But it turned out that both members of the two parties were easily attacked successfully... Is that so... Lloyd?"

Lloyd said: "Um... this thing is a bit weird... To solve this mystery, it seems that there is still a piece of puzzle missing..."

At this time, a female voice came.", you seem to be troubled...?"

What came by was the reporter I had met before...."Hello, we met again... Oh, this picture is good."

Then she took a picture.......Tio said, "Wait... this is an infringement of portrait rights..."

"Oh... it's just that professional habit, as long as there is a chance to take a good photo, it will be reflexive to take... But well, this photo may also be used for reporting... I hope you will be more atmospheric..."

Allie said: "You seemed to have written an interesting report before... Are you planning to write that kind of report again... Turn us into the laughing stock of others...?"

"Aha... It's your blessing... That report seems to be very popular... Compared to this, you guys seem to have something to do with some interesting gossip this time...

Can you help my sister conduct an interview?..As a thank you gift for the last report, let my sister come to treat me....."

Lloyd said: "The information under investigation...It is impossible to easily leak to unrelated persons..."

"Not to mention leaking to people in the news media..."

"Oh, it's so cold... It's rare that I would like to invite you to taste delicious oriental cuisine... And there is a missing piece in the puzzle in the dessert after dinner..."

"What... So that's it, do you want to exchange information..."

"If you have this intention, please go to the East Street exit... Come to the Long Lao Hotel over there... My sister will go by alone first...

Waiting for you over there....You guys are coming here soon....By the way, I forgot to introduce myself.I’m a reporter from Crossbell Times, Grace."

Grace said.

"Reporter..." Lloyd said.

Randy said, "Although this sister is suspicious... But she seems to have a lot of information... Or we will go by invitation...?"

Lloyd said: "It doesn't matter if she will invite us... Anyway, let's listen to her intelligence first... Since I can't count on the headquarters, I can only rely on myself to collect intelligence as much as possible... ..."

"The reporter must have a lot of information...but we have to pay attention...not to say too much..." Allie said.

"Agree, she guessed it is the type that the other party has to make progress when they relax a little..."

Tio said.

Then the four people came to Long Lao Hotel.

"Oh, you are here..."

"It's here...but you don't have to treat it...just make it clear if you want to say..." Lloyd said.

"What?... It's just a meal. Is it because our police are noble and can't be invited to dinner casually..."

Grace said.

Randy said, "It's no big deal to have a meal... But you have to tell us the information."

Tio said, "I don't mind... I don't need to pay back the favor..."

Allie said: "That's right. If it makes sense... it's okay..."

Grace: "It seems that only Lloyd is the only one with cleanliness... the stubborn one can't be a search officer..."

"That's good...but we don't drink..." Lloyd said.

Allie said, "It's delicious... The level of cuisine here is very high..."

Teo said: "Delicious..."

Randy said, "Such a good meal... It's a pity that there is no wine... Hey, Lloyd is a rare treat, can you drink a little...?"

"No... We are still working... We must be self-control..." Lloyd said.

"Yes... Our leader is really staid..." Randy said.

"It's Randy... You are so smooth..." Tio said.

"Yes, drinking at work is something I really don't agree with..." Allie said.

" are really interesting...Although they are all people with different personalities...but there seems to be something that connects you together...looks like a very good team. ..."

"It's no use for you to praise us...Let's turn to the topic...As I said earlier, the information about the old city...the missing piece of the puzzle you have is. ... It's almost time to tell us..."

"Huh huh... What if I don't want to..." Grace said.

"That's no way. You are just playing around with us... From now on we can't communicate and trust you..." Lloyd said.

"Today is our last conversation..."

Grace: "Don't take it seriously... I'm kidding. But your firm attitude is good. It contrasts sharply with the gentleness on the surface, which is very attractive..."

Lloyd said: "So... everyone, we should continue the search..."

Tio said, "Thank you for your hospitality..."


"First of all...Do you know Rubach?" Grace said.

"What is that?" Randy said.

"The name..."

Lloyd said: "It has something to do with this..."

Randy said, "Why do you two look surprised..."