After that, the exercise began....After arriving at the parking lot.

El said: "Then the exercise officially begins in the form of a 4V4 game..."

New player A: "The Secret Service Section, which has been rumored recently, is not a challenge for opponents..."

New teammate B: "That famous Randy is also here..."

"But it is said that she was fired for messing with men and women..."

"Is that kind of soft rice really strong? Let him see how good we are!"

Tio: "The other side seems to see you like this..."

"Oh... Although they are new players, they are very energetic..." Randy said.

"It's okay, I will accompany you to have a good time..."

Sonia: "Stop whispering there, Randy."

"Why only talk about me..."

El declared: "All members come together."

The battle is about to start, and I have to feel that the training is very good, and I can't underestimate the enemy just because the opponent is a newcomer.....In the battle, the invisibility hair that Wendy commissioned was used once....

After it was over, El said: "That's it..."

"Sure enough..."

Randy said, "Well, that's about it... As a newcomer, you did a good job, but there is still a distance compared to us..."

"It's so overwhelming...but you did a good job."

"Yeah... They are all excellent newcomers to the garrison..."

Tio: "Well, but then the task is over...?"

Randy: "Oh yeah. Then the deputy commander, let's end here... Lloyd, let's go back quickly, the next task is...?"

"Ahhhh, who said that one game is over...?" Sonia said.

Randy: "Ah..."

"What does it mean?"

Sonia said, "Sergeant El is ready!"

Allie said, "This is...?"

"As you can see, please rush to fight against the players commanded by Sergeant El..." Sonya said.

"What's that? I didn't even hear that Erlian Station is going to be there, and in this case, isn't it going to be 4 vs. 5..."

"Ah, my support request is to participate in the actual combat exercises of new players... In that case, it is not natural for you to accompany the new players to train... And you just knocked down 4 new players..."

"With the addition of Sergeant El, I think the strength of the two sides will be almost equal..."

"That's it..." Tio said.

"Haha... It seems that the deputy commander needs more vigilance than I thought..." Lloyd said.

"Sorry everyone, I suddenly challenged... But I also want to understand my own strength through fighting with you..." El said.

"Please enlighten me..."

"Ah, there's no way this way..."

"Yes... In that case, let's fight with all our strength..."

Tio said: "Please advise..."

"Let's start, then!" Sonia said.

The new team member said: "With Sergeant Al, we have to work hard!"

"Yeah, come on!"

The battle has begun!This time the opponent is the new team led by Sergeant Els.....The battle is fierce.

But in the end it was Lloyd who got it...

"Still can't..."

"Obviously, Sergeant El is helping, it's really useless..." the recruits said depressed.

El:'Sure enough, I am very capable, I am far from enough....'

Lloyd: "Haha, please don't be humble, I thought I would really lose this time..."

"Under the command of El, the newcomers' battle is much better than when it started... Hey, shouldn't you be called the rising star of the garrison..."

Randy said.

"Ahaha, I dare not be..."

Sonia told the newcomers: "It's good, this is the strength of people who have actual combat experience against Rubach and Warcraft...

Their experience is for you newcomers......There is no comparability at all, and the Crossbell Garrison, for some reason, cannot conduct large-scale exercises......But there are other training methods besides exercises....

As a member of the Crossbell Guard, in order to implement our duty to protect the safety of citizens....I hope you will work harder in the future...."


"Haha, very good... As a reward, after returning to the base, I will give you a special set of independent training programs..."

"Until you decide to assign a department, you must keep training every day... You know?"

Newcomer teammate; "Hey...that is..."

Allie: "Haha... I really admire him..."

"But I think the new players are a bit pitiful..."

Tio said: "It is worthy of being a woman who holds the position of deputy commander..."

"Thanks to you, this exercise is very meaningful..." said the commander.

"Haha...a bit tired..." Lloyd said.

Sonia said: "Don't just stand and talk, let's go back to the command room..."

"Okay, that's what I said..."

After returning, Sonia said, "Thank you so much. With your assistance, this exercise is very effective."

"Well, it is also a very useful experience for us... It is generally impossible to fight against guards..."

"Yes, there are many references..." Allie said.

"The mood is really good. I have won the active guards..." Randy said.

Tio said: "If you boast that you want to point people in Haikou beforehand, but you lose in the can't be an example..."

"Randy, I should be relieved..."

"Sister Tio, you are too direct..."

"Ahaha...Senior is also embarrassed..."

Sonia: "Haha... I hope you will continue to improve in the future... If you need assistance, I will contact you in the form of a support request..."

"I will also secretly support the activities of the Special Service Support Section..."

Lloyd: "Yes... Thank you very much!"

After completing this commission, a few people went to the bus station, and the next task was the village of Almori.......

I quickly came to the village in a car and found the village chief....

"Long time no see, Village Chief Tolu..." Lloyd said.

"From the Secret Service Support Section...Welcome welcome..." said the village head.

"The news of the resolution of the wolf-shaped monster incident a few days ago was spread in the village..."

"Everyone is praising and saying that the police also have two tricks..."

Randy said:'Oh, I've been awarded....No, this is not the time for polite remarks..."

Ellie; "If you can, can you tell us about your commission, the village chief?"

"Ah, I almost forgot, thank you again for coming to help... Then I will tell you the content of the commission now."

Tio said: "Remember that the content of the commission is about the encroachment of private land by monsters..."

"Yeah..." Tolu said.

"You should have seen it when you came here by car. There is a place to put supplies on the Almorica Trail, which is the private land of the village..."

"And now I run into a group of monsters, which is a headache..."

"The words of a group of monsters... it is really dangerous..." Allie said.

Lloyd: "Are any villagers injured...?"

"Not yet...but the tools for farm work are all over they can't be left alone..."

"So, considering your performance in the last World of Warcraft incident, I sent you a request for support...not guerrillas..."

"Haha... Now our identity seems to have been raised a little..." Randy said.

"Although it is a happy thing... But now is not the time to be happy..." Tio said.

Randy: "I see...then let's go and clean up the Warcraft..."

Lloyd: "Well, it should not be too late. If this goes on, everyone will be unable to work..."

Tolu: "Oh oh... have you accepted... Thank you. Then please accept this..."

Take the key from the village chief and put it away.

Tolu: "Well, with this key, you can go in. Walk southeast of the ancient road and you will be able to get to the private land..."

"It's better to take a bus to the private land first, you can use the things in the private land as you like... I also ask you to help..."

"If you know, please leave it to us..."

After Lloyd's four came to the private domain.....A door was locked.

Lloyd opened the door with the key and saw that there were many monsters inside....Occupy here...

"But I didn't expect to have so many monsters..." Allie said.

Randy: "And the guys gathered here seem to be more difficult to deal with than those wandering on the street..."

"Maybe because of the impact of the Warcraft incident last month, the warcrafts who were driven out of hunting were moved from remote areas..."

"Is it because Rubach released the sequelae of army dogs... Okay, let's not mention these, let's get ready to fight." Lloyd said.

"Now the battle to annihilate the monsters occupying private territory! Be careful, everyone!"

Allie: "Yeah."

After that, it took a while and the cleanup was completed successfully....

"Okay... It seems that those just now are the last batch..." Lloyd said.

"The annihilation is complete... The breath of beasts around here has completely disappeared..." Tio said.

Randy: "Oh, I'm so tired..."

Allie: "Haha, but it's finally solved, isn't this great... Then let's go back and report."

"Well, I have to reassure him as soon as possible..." Lloyd said.

Back to the village, reported to the village chief..

Toruda: "Really... All the monsters have been wiped out... Well, so we can go to the farm with peace of mind..."

"Thank you very much, everyone from the Secret Service Support Division..."

Randy said, "Haha, no thanks.

Allie said, "Really, you are too smug."

"Haha, but, since there are private land on the street, it is necessary to be more vigilant in the future..." Lloyd said.

"Yeah... That's right, this matter can only be solved by the village itself... But I didn't expect that the Warcraft chaos a few days ago would actually be because of this thing..." Tolu said .

"Obviously it has been almost a month..."

Tio said: "Although it's just speculation...but it is possible...but through this crusade, there should not be so many more beasts, close to the private land..."

"Really... This will help a lot... Anyway, I would like to take care of you in the future," Toruda said.

"Please rest assured, we will rush over if necessary..."

Allie: "Then, we'll leave..."

Just returned to the city....Lloyd's communicator rang.

"Hello, my Secret Service Support Section."

"Ah... Lloyd." It was Fran's voice.

"Fran, it's rare for you to contact directly...what happened."

"Well, in fact, there is a citizen who has something to discuss with the Support Section... Can I ask her to go directly to you?"

"Well, I think there should be no problem... This is different from usual, can't we use the terminal to explain..."

"Yes... things seem to be more serious..." Fran said.

"Moreover, I must ask you to deal with it by name... It feels relatively rare."

"I want her to go directly to you..."

"Really... We have understood the situation, we will return to the support department now."

"Okay, I'll pass it on... Then how long will it take you to arrive?"

"Well, please tell that, we may be a little bit late. If she arrives first, please wait a while inside."

"Okay, I see, then Royd asks you."

After finishing the communication, Ellie asked, "Are there any commissions?"

"Yeah... It seems to be a very important thing... temporarily suspend other tasks of the Support Section... Return to the Support Section first."

Randy said, "Then the consultant is a beautiful woman...?"

Lloyd: "This, I don't know..."

After that, Lloyd first came to the Daoli shop. About her commission, she was almost finished, and she wanted to report.

"Ah, Lloyd, what's going on."

""It was successfully completed. This magic can indeed make the enemy undetectable....."

"Is this magic that maximizes the characteristics of magical attributes...?" Randy said.

"The new type of theorizer has brought us a lot of benefits, and the magic that can be used has also increased... It is more and more convenient..."

"Yeah. In addition to the battle cover, there is also a newsletter..."

"Well, these two reports are quite detailed... Lloyd and everyone thank you."