Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Chapter 416 Chapter 114

I received the communication as soon as I returned to the city.

"Fran, what's the matter?" Lloyd asked.

"Well, there is an urgent request..." Fran said.

"That's it... isn't there two groups of gangsters in the old city... Those people seem to be arguing in the harbor area...'

Lloyd: "Really... Those guys really don't learn a lesson... There are obviously so many tourists..."

Fran: "That's right... Then someone came to report to Police X... But the people on the patrol seemed to be busy and not free... So I felt like I might be able to get rid of Lloyd. You, after all, you have dealt with them..."

"I know... the Bay Area, right...?" Lloyd said.

"We happen to be back in the city and we will pass right away..."

Fran: "Okay...Please..."

After finishing the communication, Ellie said: "What happened in the harbor area..."

Lloyd: "Well... It's Vaj and Wald... It seems that they haven't learned a lesson at all, and they quarreled again..."

Ellie: "That's it..."

Tio: "This is really a headache..."

Randy: "Oh, the atmosphere of the festival was overplayed...Did you go to your head..."

"Anyway, there are a lot of people there, it's best to stop them right away..." Lloyd said.

"Go directly to the harbor area..."

Randy: "Then let's go and preach to those little ghosts..."

Came to the harbor area....

Sword Snake Stick and Covenant League are facing each other....

"Hey, kid from the Blue Gang, just let the horse come here..." the young man of the sword gang shouted.

"You don't need to say, go!"

He started fighting...It's just a one-on-one singles.

Tio said, "It doesn't seem to be that intense..."

Randy: "It looks like you are heads-up..."

Lloyd: "Anyway, let's ask about the situation first... Fortunately Vage and Wald are both present..."

The onlooker said: "Wait...what are you doing..."

Because the guests are scared away by these people........

At this time, two people came by, Estir and Joshua from the Guerrilla Association.....

"Really, I got in touch and came to have a look... So many people got here..." Estiel said.

"Your door is from the Sword Snake Gang and the Covenant Alliance in the old city...? It's over now and disbanded!"

"Who are you!" Wald said.

"We are from the Guerrilla Association..." Joshua said.

"We received contact saying that you were fighting here... So we rushed over to mediate..."


Waji:'Estil and Joshua...A-class guerrilla....I can often see you in magazines...'

"Then you two are the leaders of two groups...?" Estil said.

"That's right... I'm Vaj from the Covenant League, and next to me is Wald from the Sword Snake Gang..." Vaj said.

Joshua: "It's the same as the intelligence said... It looks like you are not fighting...?"

Waji: "It's just playing around... After all, it's a rare commemorative festival... Since the day is so special, we are like doing something different from the usual..."

"So we are going to have a limited time elimination match..."

Estelle: "Knockout match...?"

Abbas said: "There will be 5 people on each side for a one-on-one elimination match... Our general will be Waji, over there is Wald."

"We decided to let the party who loses last pay for the food and drink expenses of the victorious party..."

Esther:'That's it...It's just a game....In that case, it doesn't matter...."

"Ah, it's not right! Don't tell me if it's a game... It can't be played in this kind of place, right?"

"There are a lot of pedestrians coming and going here... Isn't it okay to play in another place?"

Wald: "Hmph, you can control us..."

"But you're a guy, no matter if you are a guerrilla or what kind of background... You don't have a small tone... Don't be too arrogant...!"

Esther: "I said, you are the one who is arrogant! I just tell you common sense..."

Wald:'You bitch.'Speaking, he stepped forward....

"It looks like you have to take a bit of trouble... By the way, can you even go with the black-haired boy?"

Esther: "Ah...what about Joshua?"

Joshua: "After all, everyone around is watching... We think it's best not to do too naive things..."

"Sure enough..." Estil said.

Wald: "Come here, what is there to talk about... You are not even afraid of the uncle Wald who is called the ghost shattered!"

Waji: "Forget it, Wald... If you say nothing, that sister is probably better than you..."

Wald said: "What did you say!"

"Well... you know very well..." Estill said.

"Hehe, intuitive judgment, but the strength of that little brother is probably better..." Waji said.

Joshua said, "Hehe, I'm still practicing..."

"Well... It is true that Joshua is stronger..." Esther said.

"But I'm still not convinced by your conclusion like this..."

"Well, the job of a guerrilla is not just fighting..." Joshua said.

Wald: "You actually said that this little girl is better than me...? Then prove it!"

Then after the two of them played, Estir really won....

The people around were amazed by Estir's strength.

"You, are you okay..." Estill said.

"Haha..." Wald said, "Sorry, I underestimated you, but you shouldn't underestimate me..."

The two of them started fighting again....After opening the distance.

Joshua said, "Estil, are you okay..."

Waji said, "Did you two go too far...?"

" seems to be the case. Even so, we don't have to apologize..." Joshua said.

Wald said: "Your eyes have changed... I see, your kid is pretty good... It's my greatest pleasure to knock down powerful guys!"

"Hurry up and draw the knife... Come on..."

Estill: "Wait, I'm fine, Joshua."

At this time Lloyd walked over, "I already know what happened... You all calm down..."

Wald said: "How calm! The guerrillas are good...Although I only heard about them... I didn't expect to make me so happy!"

"Didn't I say, please calm down first... Anyway, this is a public place... Regardless of heads-up or arguing...

It should look at the occasion....."Lloyd said.

Waji: "Yeah... Even if you say so... Now it's already raging... It's impossible to disband..."

Lloyd:'What does this mean.....?'

"Wald is already surging... that sister and they also came for work..."

"Don't let them try to say something about the past...?" Waji said.

Wald: "Hmm... That's right..."

Esther: "I also think... It's a bit hot... Since you have this intention... Then decide the outcome, right?"

Wald: "Very good..."

Lloyd:'Ah...Really....Joshua, just say a few words..."

"Sorry...I can't let it go..." Joshua said.


Waji said, "Hehe. Then I will join Wald's side... Even if it is you, it seems very difficult to deal with those two people at the same time..."

"Huh... whatever you want." Wald.

"Enough... why did things turn out to be like this..." Lloyd said.

Randy said, "I said... Since you guys want to despise so much, why don't you do something else...?"

"Huh?" Waji.

"A rare holiday... It's not good to leave a grudge against each other..." Randy said.

"In that case, it would be better to change to a simple and straightforward way to decide the outcome..."

"What way..." Wald said.

Estill said, "That...what did Randy do?"

"Hmm... That's..."

Later, at Randy's proposal, he came to the old city.

Waji said, "So that's it... Do you use the terrain of the old city to play a chase game...?"

"Does it sound interesting..."

Wald said: "Yes... Is it the kind of fight and race that can hinder the opponent and can do anything..."

"Speed, strength, method. All are indispensable..." Joshua said.

"Oh, does it sound interesting..." Estil said.

Randy: "Haha... right..."

"What's right... Randy, I said you..." Lloyd said.

Allie:'Although it is good to avoid them fighting....But in the end it will not cause others trouble....'

Tio: "Forget it, I didn't expect everyone to come around to watch the excitement..."

Waji said, "Isn't this great... It feels very ceremonial..."

"So... Do you want to participate too?"

"There's no way..." Lloyd said: "It's all involved, it's not good to pretend to be irrelevant.....'

Randy:'Oh, that's serious....'

Lloyd: This is Randy's proposal....On the other hand, the game must be used to determine the outcome, and the rules must not be violated.....

"After making a break, you will never avenge your old revenge is worthwhile to argue again..."

Esther: "Of course we have no objection..."

Wald:'Hehe, I agree...In this case, I will tidy up all the guerrillas.....'

"It's good to prove who is the first..."

Esther: "Yeah. Then let's play upright... By the way, our attitude was not good just now, I'm sorry."

Waji said, "Ahhaha... what a great sister... If you apologize at this point, the racing will become meaningless..."

"But, since it's a game now... we all try our best to enjoy the game, isn't it good!" Ace was second.

"Forget it, Hong Mao, tell the rules." Wald said.

Randy said, "Who is the red-haired guy... As I said just now, the essence is a chase... Waldhvaji's old city team...

Estil’s guerrilla pair, and Lloyd’s and I’s support team......These three teams ran three laps around the old city, and the first to reach the finish line was the winner....."

"But every team needs to hit the device in the alley, and that thing will light up... If you don't hit these three, it doesn't count...'

"You can interfere with the opponent during the competition, that is, as long as you are not far ahead, you may be interfered by your opponent... It is your own choice if you want to meet or dodge..."

"OK, then the game starts, one group by one group.... The first coin to decide."

After tossing a coin, Lloyd: "You choose first..."

Esther: "Front."

"Then I'm the other way around..." Lloyd said.

"It's the opposite, Lloyd, your second group..."

"Sorry, Joshua... I guessed wrong..." Estill said.

"It doesn't matter, from the point of view of the rules this time, the initial order of departure is not important..."

"Okay, the order is set, then the game starts, let's have a meeting first..."


Waji: "Wald, let us come to the meeting intimately..."

"Huh, less disgusting..." Wald said.


Randy: "So, Lloyd, I think you should have noticed that this game is the worst for us..."

"Yeah...Vage knows the old city well...Estil and they can't underestimate..."

Randy said: "The only way to say that we have the possibility of winning lies in the division of luck and accurate judgment of the situation..."

"You will be the forward... I will be the guard."

"Yes, yes...but Randy, are you faster than me?" Lloyd said.

"In a team situation, the quicker side is a defender for the defense... and your weapon is very useful, no matter what you do, it is very convenient." Randy said.

"Well, I know... I will do my best... Although both sides are difficult to deal with, but since I participate, I will win..."

Randy: "Haha is for this momentum..."

"Hmm...Let's combine and win the game...!"

Allie: "Then I will execute the referee... After the first method empty gun, the first team will start, and the follow-up will follow the order..."