Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 483

After completing this commission.

The four Lloyd came to the next client, which was in Ur Hospital.

"Oh, you are here."

"You are?"

"You are the Lord Albert of Remifila?" Lloyd said, "and Mr. Arios is also there."

Arios said: "It's a coincidence, your Excellency, these people are from the support section.'

"Oh, it turned out to be them." The Grand Duke said, "For the future of Crossbell, please continue to cheer."

"Yes, please advise." Lloyd said.

The Grand Duke said: "I heard that Arios said about your deeds, and I have long wanted to know about it, and Ellie, we haven't seen each other for a long time.'

Allie said, "Haha, greetings from Jiu Shu, Grand Duke is very healthy, but I didn't expect to meet you in the hospital by chance."

"Are you here to inspect today?"

"Well, after all, we are the sponsor of this hospital." Grand Duke said: "And I also want to see the newly appointed Selder teacher."

"On this point, I think you should bring more security guards. This trip, only accompanied by the driver and me, is a bit sloppy." Arios said.

"Hehe, Arios, I trust your ability very much." Grand Duke said: "And it's just an inspection. If you bring too many guards, it will inevitably affect the normal work of the hospital."

"Really, it's just a superfluous act. The inspection is not an important emergency. Why should we dare to come this time." Sailand said: "You should focus on returning to the meeting. Shouldn't it be a little conscious?"

"Haha, it's still the same." The Grand Duke said.

"Doctor." A person walked over at this moment.

"What's wrong, Litton is so flustered."

"A patient fell in the hall just now," Litton said, "The situation is very serious."

The Grand Duke said: "It looks very bad."

Sailand said: "Hurry up and bring people over."

"Let's leave here temporarily, so as not to disturb your work." Lloyd said.

"No, please stay here, maybe you can help." Grand Duke said.

After bringing the patient over.

Lloyd said: "What's the situation?"

"It's not optimistic. I have done various tests. It must be a symptom of internal medicine, but I don't know what the disease is. If the disease can be determined, the corresponding medicine can be deployed." Sailand said.

"But at present, I don't know whether the patient can survive until that time. The condition is quite serious."

"Is it that serious?" Allie said.

"Can you let me see it?" the Grand Duke said.

"Sir, what are you going to do?" Arios said.

"This symptom looks like butterfly mushroom poisoning, right?" the Grand Duke said.

"It turns out that although this disease has never appeared in Crossbell, it seems that the possibility is indeed high."

"Putter mushroom poisoning? Never heard of it." Waji said.

"This is a kind of poisoning caused by accidental eating of rare wild mushrooms that grow on the border."

"Using ordinary diagnostic methods, it is difficult to find out the cause."

'But judging from the current situation, the symptoms of butterfly mushroom poisoning seem to be exactly the same.'The Grand Duke said.

"Well, maybe it was brought from abroad." Sailand said.

"Selander, do you agree with this view?" Randy said, "Your Excellency is so amazing. You can determine the symptoms at a glance."

"Haha, this is nothing remarkable. Although the disease is confirmed, it is still not optimistic." Grand Duke said: "Is there any special medicine for the toxicity of butterfly mushrooms in Sailand Hospital."

"Unfortunately, all the materials are used up. If the materials are enough, the medicine can be prepared immediately, but."

"This is terrible." El said.

The Grand Duke said: "Then I will initiate an emergency commission here. I hope you can help collect the materials needed to prepare the medicine. Can you accept it?"

"Yes, of course. The matter is urgent." Lloyd said.

Arios: "What materials are required to be collected?"

"Ah, let me briefly explain that one of the things that cures the toxicity of butterfly mushrooms is the herb called Anticao that grows in the hills of the Mayin sub."

The Grand Duke said: "The other one grows in the forest area between Ursula, called Aluma Mushroom."

"Anticao and Aruma bones, I seem to have seen something like that when participating in survival training." El said.

"The collection of Antigrass is handed over to Arios. If you are going to gather in the sparsely populated hills, Arios, as a guerrilla, should be a suitable candidate."

"As for the Arum Mushrooms, I will go along with everyone from the Special Service Support Section to collect them." Part-time worker said.

"Your Excellency, do you want to go together?" Allie said

"Well, there are many other mushrooms that are very similar in appearance in the growing area of ​​Arum Mushroom. It is very easy for ordinary people to confuse it, and it is best to be accompanied by professionals."

Waji said: "Well, it seems that we should go look for it together, but it is always a little uneasy to replace Mr. Arios and serve as the guard of the Grand Duke."

"It is indeed a heavy responsibility." Randy said.

Oss said: "As your guardian, I also feel a little uneasy."

"But the top priority should be to treat the patients as soon as possible. We must race against time. There are other ways to eliminate it." The Grand Duke said: "Isn't the strength of the support department approved by you?"

"I myself will be more careful, don't worry, as long as you go and come back soon, there will be no problem.",

"Well, I understand, then I will go to the mountainous area of ​​Mainzi immediately." Arios said.

"The task of protecting your Excellency is up to you."

"Well, we must complete the task." Allie said.

"Sailand, you continue to observe the patient's condition, and at the same time make preparations for the preparation of drugs." Grand Duke said.

"Well, I understand, everyone in the Special Services Division, please come on."

In this way, Lloyd, who accepted the urgent commission, went with the Grand Duke.

First came to the destination in the Grand Duke's car.

After getting off the bus, the Grand Duke said, "Next, we will go on foot. The driver, please wait here."

"Yes, please be careful."

Randy: "It looks like there are a lot of monsters here.'

El:'Yes, we must try to protect the Duke."

"Hehe, it's really reliable. As I said before, this place should grow a lot of mushrooms similar in appearance to Arum edulis."

"Your first task is to find mushrooms and let me judge them."

"Okay, we will act right away." Lloyd said.

"There are emergency equipment in the car, you can come here if you are in danger," the driver said.


Start exploring with the grand duke

Soon I found a white mushroom.

"Yes, this is Alma Mushroom," the Grand Duke said.


Waji: "Finally found it."

El:'Hurry up and pick it.'

"The patient is saved," Lloyd said.

Who knew this mushroom was just picked.

Just heard a howl of wolf.

Some wolf-shaped monsters appeared.

"Your Excellency, please come behind us." Lloyd said.

"Here," Randy said.

After some battles solved the Warcraft.

Lloyd; "Finally solved."

Ellie: "Your Excellency, you are not injured.

"Well, thanks to you, I have nothing to do."

El said, "Huh, that's great."

"By the way, why are there so many monsters suddenly appearing?" Randy said.

'Arum mushrooms and other mushrooms should be the food of those monsters.They probably thought we were going to snatch it."The Grand Duke said.

"Oh, that's it." Waji said.

"In short, we should be able to save people." Lloyd said.

'Yes, Arios should go back soon.'Grand Duke said:'Let's go back to the hospital as soon as possible.'

In this way, Lloyd and others and the Grand Duke returned to the hospital, handed the things to Sailand, and smoothly formulated the understanding poison.

"I ate mushrooms which meant it was delicious, but I didn't expect it to be poisonous mushrooms. I was so careless." The patient said.

"Delicious taste is the characteristic of butterfly mushrooms. In the future, we must not eat any messy things." Sailand said.

"Also, although you saved your life, I still recommend that you stay in the ward of the research building for a period of time."

"Understood, any sequelae are terrible, thank you so much."

"To thank you, let's go to Duke Xie, Mr. Arios, and the Special Service Support Section."

"It was they who helped you find the material."

"I didn't expect that I would get the help of the Grand Duke."

"Actually, I am only identifying the species of mushrooms. I really want to thank Mr. Oss and everyone in the support department." The Grand Duke said.

"I heard that you used to study with Sailand and obtained the qualifications of a physician." Oss said.

"Either experience or technology is active on the front line."

"Huh? Really," Randy said.

Waji said: "It's really your Excellency."

"Hehe, I have always liked learning. Sailand taught me a lot at that time. Some of the knowledge I learned at the time came in handy by coincidence. I am really embarrassed to be so boasted." The Grand Duke said.

"In this mission, I am just a little help. Thanks to the joint efforts of Oss, the support department and the hospital, the patients can get out of danger and get treatment."

"Well, it's a meaningful trip."

Sailand; "Well, it's still the usual way of talking, but it's over now?"

"You have to prepare for the meeting tomorrow, don't hurry back."

"Well, what you said is right, it's really harsh, you are also changing, and I will go back first." Grand Duke said, "I beg you for the security work when Oss goes back."

"So, everyone in the Secret Service Support Section, don't take it lightly at tomorrow's meeting." Oss said.

"Yes, we will remember it." Lloyd said.

The Grand Duke said: "Everyone, please continue to work hard in the future?'

"I will cheer you up silently."

"Hehe Thank you."

After completing this commission, Lloyd went to the next commission location.

It was in the Rose Manor on East Street that I met Mr. Bender.

"Oh, you guys from the Support Section are here," Bender said.

"Hello, we rushed over when we saw the request for support," Lloyd said.

"You guys are really here, thank you so much," Bender said.

"To be honest, it's more appropriate to find guerrillas than to find you." Bender said: "But when I thought about your stay, I sent a request for support.

Allie: "That's it, we are also very happy that you can say that."

"I heard that the kitten Mary is missing, when did you disappear." El said

"This, I don't know the specifics, but it must have happened last night." Bender said.

"While our family was shopping in East Street, Sanita suddenly discovered that he was missing, but he was gone without paying attention for a while."

"After that, everyone in the open-air street also helped to search the neighborhood for a long time. Well, everyone was helping before dark, but they still couldn't find it."

: "Woo, Dad is a lie, didn't you say Mary will be back this morning?" Sanita said.

"I'm sorry, Sanita."

Allie said, "Sanita..."

"So, is there any eyewitness information?" Lloyd said.

"Well, but they were all yesterday. According to the information provided by everyone, it should not have left the city yet." Bender said.

"Because someone saw Mary walking to the square, but it was already late at the time, and there was no way to pursue it, so I was able to give up." Bender said.

"Then there was no news from it until this morning?" Randy said, "It won't be surprising no matter where it goes in the city."

Waji said: "In other words, the search scope is the entire city, right?"

"Well, it would be nice if the clues ranged a little bit more. By the way, have Mary run away like this before." Lloyd said.

'No, never stayed with Mary because of Sanita.'Bend said: ``And it's very timid, I imagine it will leave alone and run to other places.

"So I think it must be lost for some reason."

"That's it." Lloyd said: "Anyway, let's go to the street to get news."

"Yeah, start with this step first." Allie said.

"When Sanita's mood stabilizes, we will go back." Bender said: "This will probably be a protracted battle. You have worked hard."

"It's okay, we will start searching now." Lloyd said.

Bender: "Really, I was very helpful.

"Lloyd, where to start searching." Allie said.

'Well, maybe this is just a repeat investigation, the place they looked for yesterday.'Lloyd said:'Let's start with East Street where Mary disappeared."

Randy said:'Well, this is safer.'

Waji said, "Hehe, this is the basic principle of the investigation."

"By the way, where might Mary go back to play on East Street?" Allie said.

""That should be a fish stall in a street at a roadside stall."Sanita said.

"After all, it's a cat. Of course I like this. Maybe it's here now. Please take a look at the lobby."

"Understood." Ellie said."

"Because I asked about it yesterday, I will go to the square later." Bender said.

"Then it's over to Mr. Bender over the square," Lloyd said.