Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 487

The next day, 8 o'clock.

In the Special Agent Support Section, Lloyd confirmed the support request in front of the guidance terminal.

Lloyd: "Sure enough, there are many requests for support, um, everyone cares about it."

"If there is plenty of time, deal with it first, anyway, the meeting starts at 1 pm." Allie said.

El; "As long as you drive, you can go to the suburbs."

Tio: "Did you drive? I'm a little looking forward to it. I heard that it is a guided vehicle developed by the workshop?"

"Well, that's the latest model that those guys in the first department envy." Randy said.

"But Tio, you just came back yesterday. Is it really okay to run around so early in the morning?" Lloyd said, "Actually, you can take a break this morning."

Tio stared at Lloyd dissatisfied.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."


"Haha, I finally found the feeling of Tiou returning to the team." Randy said.

"Hehe, yes, I still have to let Tio stand in front of the terminal to make people feel at ease." Allie said.

"Haha, it's really good for everyone to be so enthusiastic. In short, all the members of the new special service department have finally gathered." El said.

"Hehe, are you also very emotional as the captain?" Waji said.

"Well, yes." Lloyd said, "Tio, I would like to take care of you from now on, and thank you for coming back in time in such an emergency."

"Well, pictures of each other." Tio said.

Randy: "Ahaha, I always feel emotional."

"Haha, it's a good thing to be motivated," the section chief said.

Lloyd; "Understood."

Ellie: "Section Chief, are you going to the headquarters to be on standby later?"

"Yes, they have delegated all kinds of work to me. I am mainly responsible for the rear support and should not be directly involved in the work of the orchid tower, but if something happens, I will definitely notify you." The section chief said.

"Okay, trouble you." Lloyd said.

"Okay, then I will leave first." said the section chief.

After the section chief left, several people began to perform the task of supporting the request.

Several people came to the Moon’s Court in a guided cart.

The entrance here is now blocked, but several people saw Sister Liz praying.

"The sinner rang the bell, ringing the indeterminate tone of the world, announcing the beginning of the era of chaos."

"Ah. It's Miss Liz." Allie called.

"Oh, it's you from the Special Services Division."

"Hehe, it's been a long time." Waji said.

Tio said, "This one is?"

"Oh, the Sister Liz we met not long ago." Lloyd said.

"I'm Liz, please advise."

Randy: "Sir, what are you doing here."

El said:'Yes, it has been blocked here."

"Oh, I came to teach outside Mine Town today, and suddenly I heard a voice coming from here."

"Voice?" Lloyd said.

Suddenly there was a hum.

"What sound is this?" Randy said.

"Well, it seems like a bell is ringing." Lloyd said, "Can Tio feel anything from inside?"

"Although it is very weak, the three-attribute atmosphere of the superior at that time seems to have been restored." Tio said.

"Why?" Allie said, "That means someone rang the big bell again."

"Well, it seems that this is the scene of the ghost riot, right?" Waji said.

"Ghost?" said the nun; "Well, can you tell me the details if you can."

"Well, it's actually like this."

Lloyd made it clear what he had come here to explore before.

"That's it, it's the way it is, the strange relic of the influence of the superior three attributes." said the nun.

"Miss Liz, what's the matter." Allie said.

"Nothing, in that case, it seems necessary to stop the bell from ringing, so we will have a chance to see you again in the future."

Speaking of the nun, she jumped over the blocked nameplate and walked towards the Moon Court.

"Wait, Miss Sister, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, it's just to stop the bell. It's our responsibility to appease the soul that can't ascend to heaven."

"That said, but let us take over Lloyd, right?" Randy said.

Tio:'Yes, since the upper three attributes have already started to operate, there is a possibility that that kind of monster is hovering in the ruins."

"Well, it's really too dangerous to let ordinary people like Miss Sisters in." Lloyd said.

"Well, you are right, it is indeed dangerous, Miss Liz, let us handle the matter here." Allie said.

"In that case, please let me walk with you. I know some spells. It shouldn't be a burden to everyone."

"Hehe, what a stubborn sister, what do you think, anyway, I think she will never give in." Waji said.

"No way, in that case, let's act together. We have investigated the ruins before, and the solution will be easier this time, but Ellie, are you okay?"

"Really don't worry about me, after all, if you have been there once, you only need to be fully prepared psychologically..." Allie said.

"Anyway, do you agree with Miss Sister?" Lloyd said.

"Hehe, of course." said the nun.

Several people passed through the blockade and came to the old gate.

"The door seems to be locked." Lloyd said.

"Go find another entrance," the nun said.

A few people quickly came to another entrance, and it really looked weird inside.

"Indeed, I can feel the strong aura of the upper three attributes, which seems to be the same as the situation at that time." said the nun.

"Oh?" Waji said, "Sure enough, I can feel this kind of breath."

"Well, we know how to perceive this kind of breath." The nun said, "By the way, Miss Tio also seems to have this ability."

"Ah, yes." Tio said, "But my ability is acquired after the day, so I should call it an induction ability."

"I'm very sorry, I seem to have asked a question that shouldn't be mentioned," the nun said.

"Don't worry, it's normal to have such questions," Tio said.

"In short, we must keep moving forward cautiously." Lloyd said.

"When we came here last time, we had already lifted the organs inside." El said: "It should not be that difficult to reach the top of the building this time.'

Randy: "Well, pay attention to which ghosts proceed cautiously towards the destination."

"Hehe, it's better to relax and go in happily, just as an adventure in the rumored haunted house."

Allie's face sank: "Vage, please don't say so easily, I'm very desperate."

"Oh, what a rude, you seem to be afraid of such topics, right? Waji said.

"In short, although we have explored it once before, but this time the situation is likely to involve something of unknown origin." Lloyd said: "Please pay more attention."

"Understood." Tio said.

"In fact, since just now, there has been a very fragrant smell wafting from Lloyd's body." The nun said.

"Huh?" Lloyd was a little strange.

"Could it be the taste of the maple cake that Xiaoqia handed us yesterday?" Allie said, "Because I didn't finish it, there is still left?"

"Yes." Lloyd said.

It's been a day, and there is such a fragrant taste that deserves to be the cake made by Kia herself."

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came.

"What was that just now?" Allie said.

The nun said, "I'm so sorry. I haven't eaten anything since I finished teaching at school."

"Well, if you don't mind, please accept this cake." Lloyd gave the cake to the nun.

"It's so delicious." The nun praised when she finished the cake.

"Haha, it seems that Miss Liz also likes it very much," Randy said.

"How to change it is really a taste of happiness. By the way, although it can't be regarded as a return, please accept this."

Speaking of Lisi gave Lloyd an exquisite gem: "If you don't dislike it, please use it."

"Haha, thank you so much, then we will be mentally prepared and start exploring."

Soon a few people came to the bottom of the top floor and saw the weird ritual formation.

"Huh, finally here, Ellie, you don't seem to matter this time." Lloyd said.

"Well, because Miss Liz is here," Allie said.

'That's right, if there are nuns in this kind of place, it will really give people peace of mind.'Vaggie said.

"Well, after all, it's so weird here, and speaking of walking with such a lovely lady, it also makes me full of energy." Randy said.

"It's still as smug as before," Tio said.

"What's wrong, Miss Sister," El said.

"It's nothing but some weird patterns on the ground. Could it be that what DG is this?"

"Ah, so you know, uh, this seems to be a badge they have been using since a long time ago." Lloyd said.

"They have held a lot of evil rituals here." Tio said.

"By the way, we were really dangerous last time. The bell rang suddenly, and then the devil appeared." Randy said.

At this time the bell rang.

"Is it?"

"It's an extraordinary smell of monsters." As expected, a terrifying demon slowly emerged in the middle of the formation.

"What happened to this thing suddenly appeared, it seemed like I had summoned it." Randy said.

"Be careful, everyone, I feel a stronger spiritual pressure than the last time I encountered it." Tio said.


The battle was on the verge, and it took a lot of effort to solve the devil.

The demon's remains fell to the ground.

"Huh, really amazing." Lloyd said.

"Haha is not a tricky enemy for us now." Randy smiled.

"Hold on, as if you can't feel at ease yet." Waji's expression changed.

Sure enough, the bell rang again, and then the monster came back to life.

"It seems to be immortal," Tio said.

At this time, two monsters came from later.

"With our weapons and magic, I'm afraid we can't completely eliminate them." Tio said.

"No matter what, we must find a way to highlight the encirclement." Waji said.

"Miss nun, please step back behind us, we will protect you no matter what."

"No, it's not necessary." As she said, the nun suddenly showed a magical force, and then the magic burst out, knocking down the demon instantly.

"Just kidding," Randy said.

"Then there is one last step."

Said the nun began to purify the monster.

"Lloyd said. Isn't that purification just now?" El said.

"It was used by Mr. Kevin at the time. Miss Sister, is your identity?" Lloyd said.

"Miss Allie, have you never told anyone about my identity?" Allie said.

"Well, I don't think I can disclose it without authorization."

"Thank you, then I will introduce myself again. I belong to the Star Cup Knights, and it is my duty to recover ancient relics."

"Star Cup Knights, isn't it the same as Mr. Kevin who helped us in the Altaïr base?" El said

"Well, my rank is a follower knight, usually to assist him, but because of special reasons on Crossbell's side, he can't come, so this time I sent me to collect information."

"That's it." Lloyd said.

"It seems that this operation is also part of the investigation." Waji said.

"Huh, it seems Qi Yao also has a lot of complicated inside stories." Randy said.

"Well, let everyone laugh. I'm going to the top floor of the Moon House. If possible, I hope to hear your opinions. I wonder if you can walk with me."

"Yeah." Tio said, "If we can't stay here for the rest of the monsters, let's work together to be safe."

"Then, let's go to the top floor," Lloyd said.

Lloyd and his party came to the top floor.

The big clock was ringing as expected.

"Is this what was mentioned in the report?" The nun said, "It's exactly the same as in the square."

"If it strikes, it seems that a certain kind of position arose over the entire ruins." Tio said.

"The reason why something similar to a ghost appears is probably for this reason."

"In the past, I used to forcefully hold down the way to stop the beeping, as long as I did that, the position of the big clock would disappear."

"It shouldn't be possible for such a big clock to ring by itself. There must be someone?" El said.

"Anyway, let this thing stop first, in order to be able to calm down and speak well, it is better to eliminate the threat of monsters first."

Lloyd said, "Randy and Waji come together to help me."

Waji: "Haha, no problem, but this method is really primitive."

Randy said, "Hurry up and help."

"Wait, it's not enough."

Saying that the nun used magic, then the bell stopped roaring.

"This should be fine."

"What was that just now?" Lloyd said.

"It's the inherited magical spell." said the nun.

Tio: "It turns out that the aura of the superior three attributes has disappeared, so there shouldn't be any interference here."

"Hehe, all the credit has been taken away." Waji said.

"No, thanks to everyone's help, thank you very much for finally solving this matter, so that the investigation of monsters can also end."

"It's all thanks to you in times of crisis," Lloyd said.

Randy: "To help the cute girl, even if you go through fire and water, you can do it."

"Oh." said the nun.

'Oh, so cold.'

"Haha, don't care too much about the nun, let's go back together, just as the steering wheel is nearby, send the nun back." El said;

"That's right, what do you think." Lloyd said.

"Thank you so much," said the nun. "I'm already hungry. I really want to go back and eat the cake made by Sister Jiujiu."