Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 497

Lixia: "Hehe, I'm getting excited too."

"The City of Mirrors can be regarded as a symbol of this theme park." Allie said.

"There is also a mirror on the top level to realize your wishes. I heard that as long as you ring the bell and stand in front of the mirror, your wishes can be fulfilled."

"Oh, it's so romantic," Cecil said.

"Well, most of the people who go there are couples or tourists traveling with the whole family." Randy said: "After all, there are two bell ropes for ringing the bell, and they hang on the left and right sides of Dazhong."

"Is there someone living in that house over there?" Kia said.

"The house looks so gloomy," Xiuli said.

"I don't know what it was built recently," Randy said.,

"I heard it's a roller coaster of terror," Fran said.

"I have also found information about it." Teo said; "It seems to be a horrible and exciting ride using the latest technology."

Ellie: "You actually built something like that, Maria really is."

Eliya said, "Well, that's great, my mood is getting higher and higher."

Waji: "Although it is not an amusement facility, the divination hall is also a must."

"I heard that whether it is testing fate or finding lost objects, it is all extremely accurate." Fran said: "It seems to be a beautiful diviner with mysterious temperament and exotic charm."

"Speaking of tracking Missy, it's also a play item that you can't miss." Teo said: "It's very interesting to chase Missy everywhere in the park. If you are lucky, you may meet Missy's younger sister, Mi Xue."

"Really." Lloyd said, "Tio, your eyes are so serious."

Cecil: "By the way, is there any place to rest?"

El: "Across the bridge over there is a rest place, where snacks and other things are also sold."

Cecil; "In that case, we will use it as a meeting point."

"I will stay there as much as possible. If you have anemia or feel unwell, please feel welcome, just come to me."

Lloyd; "Sister Cecil, there is no need to take the initiative as a nurse at this time."

Allie:'Yeah, that would be too embarrassing.'

"But think about it carefully, this is a great opportunity to be taken care of by Miss Cecil," Randy said.

Tio: "Randy, don't tell your true thoughts."

"Anyway, it's almost enough, you have to have fun too." Ilya said.

"Usually I don't have much chance to play, you must try your best at this time."

"Hehe, I know, then it's better to be respectful than fate." Cecil smiled.

"I have to attend the dinner party in the evening. Before that, let's move freely!" Lloyd said.

"If you want to play any amusement equipment, how about going to a partner?"

"Well, that's great," Allie said.

Tio: "Understood."

Lixia: "Go to play."

Fran: "It's so energetic."


Kia: "Suri, let's go and play quickly."

Ilia: "Ahaha, I can't help but think back to my school days."


Lloyd first invited Randy to the fortune-telling hall. They queued up, and finally it was their turn.

"Hehe, you are welcome, please sit on the chair."

Lloyd; "Okay."

Randy; "It seems very interesting."

"Hehe, why are you staring at my face? There are still many customers waiting in line. Let's start right away," said the fortune-teller.

"Ah, sorry, I will trouble you." Lloyd said.

"Well, before fortune-telling, please tell me about the blood type. In order to get accurate results, blood type is necessary information."

"Of course, if I don't want to say it, I won't force it."

"Why, I have nothing to keep secret, my blood type is O." Lloyd said.

Randy said, "I'm Type B."

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, what do you two want to divination?"

"Well, I think about it." Lloyd said, "Let Randy decide."

"Oh, is it up to me to decide?" Randy said, "Let me think about it, then test my strike-up today.'

"Just test this" Lloyd said.

"In other words, fortune telling whether you will respond to the goddess whom you have never met in the future?"

Randy said, "That's right, trouble you."

"You're welcome."

The fortuneteller began to pray, and his crystal ball began to glow.

After the light dissipated.

"You have a 50% chance of hitting up. Your hearty personality and good looks can attract many women, but many people will also increase their vigilance."

Randy sighed.

"That's all I can see."

Randy: "Lloyd, it seems that my charm is gone."

"Well, don't be so disappointed."

"Hehe, yes I can give you a suggestion, don't miss the love that is right in front of you." Randy said.

"There is a person of the opposite sex who cherishes you very much by your side. Such a hint appears in the divination."

"Does this mean Millet?" Lloyd said.

"Well, that's the case." Randy said, "Before I find the cute girl who cherishes me so much, I can only try to strike up a conversation."

"Why come to this conclusion." Lloyd said.

After the fortune-telling was over, Randy said, "It's a good experience, the mysterious feeling is really interesting."

"Yeah, then I will stay here and have a look." Lloyd said.

"Well, see you later." Randy said.

After that, Lloyd went on the roller coaster of terror.

Lloyd invited Tio to join him.

"Well, horror roller coaster, what is the new technology?"

"Okay, let's go in, it must be interesting."

"Well, look what you expect."

"Well, you are welcome, please take the force gun that destroys monsters."

The two started to play, and they saw some scary things when the roller coaster passed by.

Tio's skill was so good that the two of them played until they cleared the level.

"As a horror amusement facility, the atmosphere is very good, and the technology is also very interesting." Tio said.

Lloyd said, "Well, very happy, see you later."

"Well, I'm going to find Missy," Teo said.

Came to the Ferris wheel, and took a ride with Ellie.

On the Ferris wheel, both of them are very happy.

Allie said, "Why did you invite me?"

"Well, it feels suitable for you, Ellie, you, Ferris wheel or something, it feels easy to be with you."

"Really," Ellie said.

"I will be at the highest point soon."

"Yeah, happy. Although it's not as good as the Orchid Tower, it's really beautiful here." Allie said.

"Hehe, we had a good time together."

After swimming, Ellie went shopping.

Lloyd met the red Missy.

"Meeting for the first time, little brother."

"Oh, you are Missy's younger sister. Tio said before that if you are lucky, you might meet Mi Xue. Haha, I'm so lucky." Lloyd said.

"Oh so you know me, so happy."

"By the way, why are you hiding here?"

"Because they like hide-and-seek the most, I always wait for someone to come to me in the fantasy paradise."

Lloyd said: "Hehe, then I found you."

"I am very happy. You are a handsome little brother. Do you want to play hide and seek with me? This is a very special game. Only when the little brother finds me, you can get rewards."

"Haha, that's the case, let's start." Lloyd said.

After this, Mi Xue hid.

After that, Kia was invited to play together.

The pleasant time passed quickly.

Lloyd and others left the park reluctantly.

The group returned to the hotel for the time being, and then prepared to attend the dinner party at Yingbing Hall.

"Okay, a lot, right? I'm relieved. I'm sorry to leave the section chief alone. Only a few of us will come to play." Lloyd said.

"Haha, I see, we will enjoy it."

Hung up the communicator.

"It seems that there is no special situation in the Support Section. It seems that I am really a little worried."

"Oh, you are still in the room." Randy walked over.

"Oh, it's Randy."

"What's wrong? Who did you contact just now?"

"Well, with the section chief." Lloyd said: "We weren't going out. I don't know if there will be any accidents in the support section building, so I contacted the section chief while worried.'

"But it seems that I am worrying too much."

"Uncle and they are still stuck in Crossbell." Randy said, "To be honest, I'm actually very worried. Why don't you have fun today?"

Lloyd; "That's right, sorry, did you come to pick me up specially?"

"Well, everyone has already gone to the Yingbing Hall one after another." Randy said; "But there seems to be some time before the party, so don't worry too much."

"No, I'm going to leave, too. By the way, Randy, you went to the jewelry store during the day, what about your stuff?" Lloyd said.

"Very good, what's the matter, maybe you want to give a gift to the girl you like." Randy said.

"No, no, just a little curious." Lloyd said.

"Don't be shy," Randy said.

"Okay, go out and turn around later, my brother will help you choose."

"Forget it, let's go."

Just walked out of the hotel with Randy.

"By the way, is there anyone with Kia?" Lloyd said.

"Well, Missy and Tio are taking her." Randy said; "I should have gone to the hotel."

"That's fine."

"Well, what's the matter." Randy said.

"After all, so many things have happened, and she is a little nervous, but she is very happy in the theme park, so she should not worry."

"Ahaha, yes." Randy said.

Then the two men visited the jewelry store.

Randy: "Okay, I'll choose a gift with you right away."

"Anyway, there is still some time before the assembly, let's just take a look in the store."

Looked for a while.

Lloyd said: "How should I say, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this kind of place is not very suitable for two big men together."

"Hey, if you want to say that, what is it that I am alone in broad daylight? But I also agree with you that it is better to go to the theme park to talk to your big sister than to come here." Randy said.

"We don't have so much time." Lloyd said.

Randy; "Cut, it's clear that we can start a conversation together, but your kid didn't think it happened in a blink of an eye. Is it too innocent?"

"Well, it's a rare visit. I decided to give you a manly pendant."

"Is that okay?" Lloyd said.

"You're welcome, I just saw one that suits you well, and it's fun to give you, so don't take it to your heart." Randy said.

"As a symbol of our friendship."

"Okay, thank you so much," Lloyd said.

"Haha, just kidding, then I'll let the clerk wrap it up." Randy said.

After that, Lloyd also chose one, and the two clerk wrapped up the accessories they bought and exchanged them.

On the way to the guesthouse, I saw Cecil sitting on a bench nearby.

Zet also lay beside him lazily.

"Ah, Lloyd."

"This is really a rare combination." Lloyd said, "Sister Cecil, why haven't you gone?"

"Well, Zeit brought me here just now." Cecil said; "It's far from the theme park. It's very quiet and suitable for taking a cool break."

"Sister Cecil, do you have any troubles."

"Hehe, no, it's not a trouble, but I'll tell you." Cecil said: "In fact, Xiao Yu is about to undergo surgery."

"It is the vision restoration operation performed by Sailand."

Lloyd said, "That's great."

"Well, Xiao Yu has undergone several vision restoration surgeries so far." Cecil said.

"But it is very difficult to restore the vision, the situation is very complicated." Cecil said: "This time we will try a new plan."

Randy: "That's it."

"I don't know the specific situation very well, but even so, the chance of success is only 50%." Cecil said.

"In such a perfect situation, it is really worrying."

"I really hope to succeed." Cecil said.

"Yes, the Support Section is often taken care of by Mr. Arios." Lloyd said.

"Let's pray too."

"Hehe, thank you, I will definitely tell you." Cecil said.

'Oh, you are here."

"Ilia, you are here."

"Really, you clearly said that you will come later. In the end, I couldn't wait without waiting. I had to make a special trip to pick you up." Illiya said.

Cecil; "Hehe, sorry, sorry, I'll be there right away, and I have a better mood after chatting with Lloyd and you guys. Your work is also very trousers. Xiao Yu and I will cheer for everyone."

"Thank you, sister Cecil."

Cecil said, "Well, let's go."

"Oh? What did you talk about with Lloyd? I want to listen too." Ilia said.

Cecil said, "Hehe, I will tell you later."

Then several people went to the party together.

The party was at Haru’s mansion, which has now been changed to a guesthouse. Although it is the second time to come in, it feels completely different.

"Well, it's really embarrassing."

"Oh, some of you are here, welcome." The receptionist said.