Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 505

Lloyd and his party came to the water bus.

Now that I got on the boat and came to the theme park.

Met the client.

"That, excuse me. We are a member of the Secret Service Section." Lloyd said, "Are you the Mr. Henks who requested support?"

"Oh, you are from the Secret Service Department, um, I am the client, well, your body shape is very suitable."

"Body size?" Lloyd said, "What is it."

Allie: "If you can tell us the details of the commission."

"Ah, it's true that you forgot about this." Henks said, "I think you must know Missy."

Tio: "Well, I still have some understanding."

"Tio is clearly a fanatical supporter. Speaking of which, there are few people who live in Crossbell who don't know Missy," Randy said.

"Is something wrong with Missy?" Waji said.

"Oh, in fact, I received a call this morning. The staff member who has been playing Missy since the establishment of the park has something to do not come today."

"Something? Could it be something wrong?" El said.

"I heard that it was a sudden stomachache. I would rush over after I went to the hospital to get the medicine, but the morning activities will definitely not be able to keep up."

"So this time I hope you will wear Missy's costumes and temporarily replace the staff as Missy."

Lloyd; "Playing as Missy?"

Randy; "It's really interesting, so let me do it."

"No, your figure doesn't fit the size of the role. This gentleman looks very suitable."

"Huh? Me?" Lloyd said.

Randy: "Ah, so disappointed, I wanted to take the opportunity to get close to the girl who went to the park to play, damn Lloyd."

"That." Lloyd said.

El chuckled, "Okay, don't you feel awkward about this kind of thing."

"So, can you accept this job?"

"Understand that we accept." Lloyd said.

"Hehe, then please come with me."

"What's wrong, Tio has been silent since the beginning." Allie said.

"Missi, the person inside, has a stomachache, take medicine."

Tio was so distracted.

"That Tio?" Lloyd said.

"It's okay for me. Since it's for Missy, I'm also willing to help."

"Haha, just for this drive." Randy said.

"Have you discussed it? Then please come to the dressing room with me."


Then Lloyd changed clothes and put on a Missy doll.

"how is it?"

"Hehe, it's cute!" Allie said.

"Well, it's especially suitable for you." El said.

"The whole body is wrapped, it seems there is nothing suitable or inappropriate." Lloyd said.

"How does it feel to wear it? It looks like it's hot."

"Well, it's full of heat but it's not unbearable. In addition, although the height is suitable, it is very fat to wear, I am afraid it will be inconvenient to move." Lloyd said.

Randy: "You don't need to care about such little things. Tsk is really envious. You can openly be intimate with those girls who like Missy."

"Hey, don't be so embarrassed by what others say, oh, where did Tio go?" Lloyd said.

"Tio just said a few words with the staff and then disappeared." Allie said.

At this time, Tio's voice came: "I am here."

Tio came over, wearing Mi Xue's clothes.

"Is Tio you?"

"Hehe, it's Mi Xue, brother really can't even recognize me?"

Randy; "Another enviable fellow!"

Ellie: "So cute, so cute! Tio! This character seems to be."

"Mixue, the always gentle guardian is careless, and the older brother who often messes things up is a very good girl." Tio said.

"Haha, speaking of it, I met Mi Xue the last time I came here." Lloyd said.

Client: "Oh, this kid asked me to borrow Mi Xue's costume just now. Mi Xue's shift time is still very loose and I can't use this costume yet, so I agreed to her.'

El: "That's right, but you suddenly put on this suit, do you think.'

"I want to help Lloyd on the sidelines to complete the task of playing Missy."

Tio: "If he makes any mistakes, I will kick it without mercy."

"Haha, this is my sister's love, my brother is really happy." Wai said.

"Just spare me." Lloyd said: "By the way, don't you know my acting skills first?"

"I'm sorry, it's too late, it's about to be time for Domisi's cruise."

"That's it." Lloyd was a little uneasy.

"In addition, after the morning parade is over, there will be a Missi dance performance in the square in the theme park. Regarding the performance, there is an acting manual written by me, which records the important matters of this part. Read it quickly and remember It."

Lloyd checked the manual: "Dance with enthusiasm and imagination. At the end of the performance, don't forget to shout out Missy's iconic slogan, ENJOY Missy! @"

"That's true," Randy said.

El: "It's too hasty."

"To be honest, the work of the actor of Missy has always been free to play. Since the opening of the theme park, there has never been a formal work manual."

"Well, in case you make a mistake, you can deal with the past as per the circumstances."

Tio: "Since I act as a guide, there will never be any mistakes."

Lloyd: "What are you going to do."

"Oh, it's time, please prepare as soon as possible."

Allie: "Then we will go to the theme park to pass the time."

Waji: "Hehe, we are gone, I wish you two lucky."

Tio: "Well, let's go, Lloyd."

"Okay." Lloyd said.

"Then, please do your best for the child's dream, everything is up to you, Mickey, Mickey!"

Lloyd and Tio, playing Missi and Mi Xue, came to the entrance of the theme park.

"Finally coming, a little nervous." Lloyd said.

Tio:'Yeah, someone is coming so soon."

"Wow, Missy, it's Missy, is this the real Missy!" Tourist A said.

"Mi Hehe wants to have fun."

"Well, thank you, let's go buy tickets."

Lloyd said: "Finally it's done."

"Good job." Tio said, "Laugh naturally.'

"I always think it's a bit irritating." Lloyd said.

"Mi Hehe, keep it like this." Tio said.

After that, I finished the work very hard, and finally returned by the water bus.

"What's the matter with Tio, it hasn't been right since I came back." Waji said.

Allie said: "Yes, I have been staring into the distance blankly."

Randy; "Are you feeling down with you?"

Lloyd said:'What should I say.'

El; "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm okay. I have a little confusion in my mind and need to calm down." Tio said, "This is how people grow up."

After completing this task, several people came to Harold's house on a residential street.

"Excuse me, we are from the Secret Service Section," Lloyd said.

"Oh, thank you for coming here specially and continuing to deal with that thing yesterday."

The chief of Almorica is also here.

Harold: "Thank you everyone."

"The village chief, what happened, and what happened yesterday?" Lloyd said.

"Well, it seems that the matter is more serious than I thought. I want to explain to you the content of the commission immediately.'

"Well, I would like to hear the details." Lloyd said.

"What is the progress of the investigation of yesterday's matter?"

The village chief said: "I went to the tavern where Dilik stayed last night and tried again to convince him."

"I think there is too much suspiciousness about the man named Mins, and I hope he will not lie in his dealings."

"It's too straightforward." Randy said.

"Well, but my son still doesn't listen to me." The village chief said: "In addition, I learned about a new situation, so I came to Harold."

"What's the new situation?" Tio said,'Did that person do something?'

"Even I was taken aback when I heard it from the village chief. Mins's appetite for encroaching on the village seemed to be bigger than expected." Harold said.

"What the hell is going on, we already knew yesterday that Mins had the trust of the villagers." Allie said.

"But in fact, Mins not only plans to use the village's private land, but also collects the flower field and land ownership certificates from the villagers."

Lloyd; "In this case, there is a question that is very concerning. What kind of means did Mins use to make the villagers compromise?"

"As far as I know, he expropriated land property rights from everyone on the grounds of expanding flower fields, collecting small pieces of land from the hands of the villagers, expanding the area of ​​flower fields, and improving the efficiency of honey harvesting..."

"Not only that, but he also proposed that Quincy should take over the management of the flower fields, and Fang Bin can alleviate everyone's fatigue during harvest." Harold said.

"These situations were said yesterday. On the surface, it is a good thing." El said.

Lloyd; "Well, and it can be said to be very tempting, but these important proofs fall into the hands of others, and once they maliciously use them, they may never be recovered."

"Well, that man named Mins is obviously very suspicious." The village chief said: "If it is only occupying private land, even if something happens, it will hardly harm everyone.

But if something happens to the land in the village, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Randy; "So that's it, the current situation is really not optimistic."

"So I hope that you can expose that man's disguise in a clear manner, so that he reveals his true colors." The village chief said: "Isn't it right that the other party's suspicion has not been confirmed to make such a commission to you?"

"No, our support department is not restricted. Now that we have discovered the suspiciousness of the man named Mins, we will naturally investigate."

"Sorry, I really troubled you."

"So where do we start, honestly we don't have any clues now." Allie said.

"It is true that there is no investigation basis at all now." Waji said.

"That's what I said." Lloyd said.

"In that case, how about going to Attorney Ian first?" Harold said: "Although we only know that the man named Mins is suspicious and has no idea about the specific situation."

"If you explain the situation to Mr. Ian, he might be able to see the other party's flaws."

"That's it, it's a good idea. As long as you can understand Mins' behavior a little bit more, it is possible to find an entry point for the investigation." Lloyd said.

"But after the last meeting, Mr. Ian seemed to be very busy." Harold said: "Maybe he is not in the office now.'

"Anyway, let's go see it first." Randy said, "If he is not there, we will think of the next step."

"Well, hurry up and have a look."

"Then I will trouble you." Harold said, "I am going to listen to some rumors about Quincy and Mins from business partners."

"That was really helpful," Tio said.

"Sorry, it's all up to you." The village chief said, "It's useless that I can't do anything.'

"If there is any, please leave it to us." Lloyd said.

"The village chief, you can stay here. You might as well pray to the goddess and wish us good news back." Waji said.

"Well, please," the village chief said.

After that, Lloyd visited lawyer Ian.

"Excuse me," Lloyd said.

"Oh, it's you guys, is there something to discuss."

Ellie; "You can see it, you really deserve it."

"Hehe, after all, there are thousands of clients I have contacted. Okay, please come and sit here. Although I am more reckless now, I can still talk to you."

"Sorry, thank you so much."

Lloyd told the story.

"This matter, although I really want to formally accept it, I have an important job now, so I'm sorry I can't squeeze out the time for investigation."

Tio: "It's a pity, but there is no way."

"You can discuss with us, it is a great help for us." Allie said.

"I'm so sorry, as compensation, let me give you some suggestions." Ian said.

"Thank you very much." Lloyd said, "So what's the suggestion?"

Ian said: "Actually, I just thought of something similar."

"Really," Randy said.

"Well, a friend from the empire gave me a reference material which recorded a very similar case. Even so, I can't tell whether it is similar."

"We now need all the clues related to the investigation, please tell me more." Lloyd.

"Okay, after all, it's your request, cough cough is like this." Ian said: "A few years ago, a man from the house of a baron in the empire came to visit. The man's name was Lide. He claimed to be a certain family. An elite figure in a famous brewing company.

Then he began to talk to the baron about making money."