Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 530

Orthodox Knight Aruba: "However, the treasure of illusion has been destroyed, and replaced by a new treasure created by mankind."

"For the Knight Order whose mission is to recover ancient relics, the current situation is beyond the scope of responsibility, and we no longer have a reason to continue to intervene in this matter."

"That being said, since this situation is related to the association, we can't let it go." Kevin said: "So we hope to use you as a reason to intervene."

"That's how things are, we are ready to intervene in this incident in the form of providing assistance to you." Waji said.

"How, Lloyd?"

Lloyd thought for a while: "I have to confirm one thing first, how are you going to deal with Kia?"

"It's really a difficult question to answer." Kevin said.

Liz: "But a perfunctory answer is probably meaningless."

"Well, let's tell me frankly." Aruba said.

"Yes." Waji said, "To be honest, the danger of Zero's Treasure is far more dangerous than the empty Treasure."

"It hasn't shown real power yet, but it has caused such a serious situation. Do you know the current situation?"

"No." Lloyd said, "I just heard about the station in the empire."

"As for the original outbreak, it was because the entire empire that attacked Crosbell was annihilated. They had a strong self-esteem. After being frustrated, they sent out many teams, but they were all defeated by those intelligent machines." Kevin said .

"Taking advantage of this free time, the noble forces quickly occupied the capital. In the end, I heard that Jagged was also injured, and his whereabouts have been unknown." Aruba said.

"Now it has entered a protracted war over there."

"As for Smith, because of the Crosbell incident, there has been an economic crisis, and various attacks have occurred frequently. Smith has issued an emergency declaration." Liz said.

"Really." Lloyd said.

s "And other forces naturally cannot completely avoid panic and chaos, especially those small cities that have been controlled by the Empire and Smith, have also begun to act.

"Under this situation, Dieter has already started to join his alliance in this small place," Waji said: "Persuade them to use Crossbell as the leader to establish a new order together."

Lloyd; "Obviously rely on the power of the treasure, right?"

"Of course." Waji said: "That is the force that can easily repel the empire, and even though they only have three magic machines provided by the association now.

But what if we increase production in the future, inject all the power of the treasure, and then send it to the whole world?"

"Kia, that kid would never do that kind of thing." Lloyd said.

"By the way, those divine machines are not controlled by the supreme treasure, they are just the power of the supreme treasure, which can be understood as guardians who can act on their own." Aruba said.

"It is the same as the machine called Patil Matil controlled by the girl named Ling."

"In other words, those divine machines are just acting without authorization, which has nothing to do with the child's will." Kevin said: "Not only that, but it may be used by others."

Liz: "It has nothing to do with Kia's will, and with such a powerful force, this kind of danger really cannot be ignored."

"I understand what you think, even if the purpose is different, I want to ask you to help me." Lloyd said.

"Huh? I thought you would definitely reject this offer." Waji said.

"The current situation is really not something I can solve alone. The longer it is, the more suffering the child will suffer, so it must be resolved as soon as possible." Lloyd said.

"However, if you decide to deal with Kia without authorization, I will try my best to stop it anyway."

Lloyd; "It's not just me, Ellie, Tio, Randy will definitely say the same thing, it has nothing to do with the truth or the treasure, just because we are the guardian of the child."

Kevin: "Haha, he has a weak and beautiful face, but he is a very hot-blooded little brother. Waji I finally understand why you are interested in him."

Waji; "Haha."

"Vage, I'm serious." Lloyd said.

"As a knight of the Star Cup Knights, I swear in the name of the goddess Eddess, we will definitely consult you about the way that child is handled." Waji said.

"From our standpoint, we can only promise this level at best, how about?"

"Well, that's enough." Lloyd said.

Abbas: "Is this decided?"

"Okay, let's do it now," Kevin said.


Then some airships appeared from the sky.

"what is this?"

"Our special airship of Qi Yao, the car of the sky, not only has the stealth function but also is equipped with an optical camouflage mechanism." Lisi said.

Waji: "We will drive it and sneak into Crossbell secretly. Are we ready?"

"Well, of course!" Lloyd said.

Kia and everyone, must wait for me.

Lloyd and others got on the airship, and Zeit also shrank and entered.

Kevin; "Well, we will deal with it according to the original plan. As for you, you must be careful."

"Hehe, you have to be more careful. The heretical sanctioner is not the guardian of a thousand. He has just changed his title. Don't lose your life." Waji said.

"Hehe, that's what I said." Kevin said.

"Master Kevin, your new title is really good." Abbas said.

"Well, Lloyd's current situation can only count on the fetters you have accumulated in Crossbell." Kevin said.

"I understand, remember it to heart." Lloyd said.

At this time, the airship soon came to Crossbell and entered the stealth mode.

But the red magic machine was discovered in an instant, and immediately began to attack.

Under the control of Kevin and Liz, Vage, Lloyd, and Zeit's airship successfully sneaked into Crossbell.

Waji: "We finally managed to sneak in, but Crossbell is now completely integrated with the treasure."

"If you don't pay more attention to the next action, the magic machine will definitely fly in."

"In other words, you can't rely on this airship, right?" Lloyd said.

Shenlang said: "It is true. Given the size of this airship, if it landed directly on the ground, it would immediately be caught by the network constructed by the wise grass."

"Yes, we can't even land in this way." Waji said:'So, I'm going to explore the Qi Yao pulse force field Saima.'

"what is that?"

The god wolf said: "Well, the Qi Yao vein covers the entire earth, but there will be some gaps between strong waves."

"So that means we won't be discovered as long as we land in these cracks?" Lloyd said.

"Hehe, that's the case, besides, where we are now is exactly that kind of place." Waji said.

"The river beach of Ursla is very close to the place where the Eudemons appeared." Lloyd said: "Did you find the crack so quickly?"

"Hehe, I investigated with Abbas before the mutation happened." Waji said, "I fled Crosbell with a little trick."

"That's it." Lloyd said.

"Really well prepared." Shenlang said.

"But now I only found this place. In order to increase the landing site, I must continue to look for other cracks in the future." Waji said.

"So, what to do next, since there is an enchantment block, we will definitely not be able to enter the city of Crossbell." Waji said.

"Yeah, but I'll land first, even if it's just a little bit. I really want to know the current situation of Crossbell." Lloyd said.

"And also want to confirm the situation of Urras Hospital."

God wolf; "Let's land then."

"Well, it seems that you shouldn't be asking this kind of question now, but Zeit why do you want to help us?" Lloyd said.

"From your introduction to Libel's guardian, your sacred beasts should only be able to witness the various causes surrounding the treasures, and can't directly intervene in them, right?"

"Yes, because we have to abide by the ancient covenant." Shenlang said: "However, now that the treasure of illusion has disappeared, my original mission has ended."

"The taboo that binds my body has also been reduced, so I can move freely to a certain extent, at least I can provide you with a small amount of help."

Waji; "I see."

Lloyd; "That's why you have reached out to us in previous incidents."

"Well, it is." Shenlang: "Although I can't help you unlimited, but in a short time, I will continue to provide assistance to you.'

"After all, I am your companion."

"Haha, I understand, then please help me a lot." Lloyd said.

"It seems that we are going to act with this lineup for the time being." Waji said: "If you want to land, talk to Abbas."

"Okay." Lloyd said.

Subsequently, Lloyd found Abbas.

"Oh, did Lloyd think about what to do next?" Abbas said.

"Well, let's find a crack and land it first. Anyway, I didn't expect you to have such a background." Lloyd said.

"All this is to conceal that Qi Yao has a critical attitude towards our Star Cup Knights, Eralda, and no one would think that one of the highest-ranking knights is the leader of the bad gang."

"This, it's true." Lloyd said, "but your clothes and situation are also a little bit like Qi Yao."

"Hehe, I think that kind of non-serious attitude can confuse others' eyes even more." Abbas said.

"It is also to create a very unique atmosphere, which successfully confuses the past." Lloyd said: "By the way, can you land at any time now?"

"Yes, we have precisely grasped the location of the gap." Abbas said: "Are you ready?"

"Well, let's land." Lloyd said.

"Understood." Abbas said.

After that, the airship landed.

Lloyd, the god wolf, and Vage came down from the airship.

"In the name of the Goddess of Sora, the Seven Lunar Blessings appear here." Waji said.

"Oh, it's the star cup spell." Shenlang said.

"Take this opportunity of fusion to form a tiny divine realm that avoids surveillance!" Waji said.

Then a small circle appeared.

"What is this?" Lloyd said.

"A special spell has been applied and no one but us can see it." Waji said.

"In short, at least it can handle it."

"So that's the case." Lloyd said: "Speaking of Waji, it seems that you are really a Starcup Knight, but judging from your previous speech and behavior, there is really no sense of reality..."

Waji: "Hehe, in short, I don't like too rigid style, at least this has not changed."

"Okay, what are you going to do next? Do you want to go to the hospital to see it?"

"Well, let's take a look. In addition, the situation allows me to want to go to Crossbell's side." Lloyd said.

"It's good, but due to the influence of the wise grass, there will be phantom beasts on the roads in the suburbs." Shenlang said: "Be careful."

"Understood, let's take action." Lloyd said.

Then the two men and a wolf moved forward cautiously.

A lot of Eudemons were indeed encountered along the way.

"By the way, in this case, can the bus between the city and the hospital still run normally?" Lloyd said.

Waji: "I'm afraid it will be difficult. If it is a chariot, there is still a possibility of rushing through."

"This means that the current situation has affected the health of the citizens?" Lloyd said.

"Well, it's really unfortunate," said the god wolf; "If Ursila saw the scene like this, she would have sighed."

"Ulsilah? It's the legendary doctor. There is a white wolf beside her. Is that wolf you Zeit." Lloyd said.

Well, she is a very gentle girl. By the way, although she unfortunately lost her life in the novel, she actually managed to save her life."The wolf said: "After that, Ursila and the knight married, and their afterlife consultations still live in this land."

"That's it." Lloyd said.

"Haha, reality is often more bizarre than fiction." Waji said.

When Lloyd and others came to Ursula, they saw the guards in the distance.

"Are you on guard? We are not here at the right time." Waji said.

"We must not be found in such a place." Lloyd said.

"Well, it's better not to open them, but I don't know when they will leave." Waji said.

God Wolf; "Well, Teo seems to be in this hospital."

'what?'Lloyd said.

'really?'Vaggie said.

"I can smell her, but the other members of the support section don't seem to be there," said Shenlang.

"Could it be that Tio, who was injured at the time, has been in the hospital for treatment?" Lloyd said.

"Well, this kind of thing can't be judged by my nose." Shenlang said: "I'm really worried."

Lloyd; "In this case, what should we do?"

Waji said: "Although it may be a bit of a foul, even if you confronted those defensively in the past, it might prevent them from calling for reinforcements."

Lloyd said, "Really?"

"Well, what do you think you can do?"

"Hehe, right? How about Lloyd? Are we going?" Waji said.