Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 535

Grace said: "Will history choose this system full of deception?"

Lloyd; "What does this mean?"

"At present, the whole world is in a rather chaotic state. I have to say that a lot of this is caused by Dieter.

Even if he leaves the stage, can we survive this crisis?"Grace said.

"To be honest, it might be yours," Mi Lei said.

"Actually, Carlvard also had a lot of nasty acts back then." Grace said.

"Various conspiracies and tricks, but by now those actions have been justified to a certain extent.

Will Dieter's actions end up in the same way? In short, I still think the current situation is unreasonable."

"Because of this, I want to go to somebody, what kind of path Crossbell will find in the future.

And what traces of its choice will leave in history, I always feel that as long as you follow you, you may be able to get the answer."

"How should I put it, I didn't expect you to think so far-reaching." Randy said.

"Speaking of skipping seriousness, it's like a change of person." Tio said.

"Ahaha, the biggest reason is that it is interesting." Grace said, "And I still have information channels on the news agency."

"Maybe I can provide you with information about the city."

"Understood, I have no objection." Lloyd said: "Vage, Lixia, do you mind?"

"I, as long as it is not included in the report."

"Hehe, I don't care, but it will probably take a while to convince Aruba."

"Thanks, I owe you a favor." Grace said; "Okay, please cheer up everyone."

"This, we are not helping you." Lloyd said.

"Forget it. Miss Grace does everything." Tio said.

After that, everyone said goodbye to Mi Lei.

Returned above the airship in the terminal room.

Grace; "This airship is great. I didn't expect Qi Yao to have such an airship."

"I repeat, never leak the things here. If you write into the report without authorization, you must be prepared to lose all our asylum in the future." Aruba said.

"Haha, even if it is really written in, readers should only treat it as a ridiculous quirk." Waji said.

"It's like but reports on associations."

"Don't worry, I will strictly abide by it, and of course I won't reveal that Lixia, you are silver."

"Please," Lixia said.

Tio: "I perceive a new gap in the west of Crossbell."

"Make sure it is located near the fork in the road leading to the school." Fran said.

Randy; "By the way, Lloyd helped Uncle Garcia a lot when you ran away, right?"

"Well, although he has been ridiculing, he did provide me with a great help." Lloyd said: "I don't know what will happen to him, I'm a little worried."

Waji: "But it's not a good idea to go to the school right now. Because you escaped, the defense over there is very tight."

Lixia: "As for the other places to go, there is only the Bergard Gate, which is really embarrassing."

"Well, if you run to the Belgard Gate unguarded, you will definitely be caught." Grace said.

No matter what, let's land first, and check the situation of the defense team and the situation of nearby Eudemons."Lloyd said.

After everyone landed.

Randy; "If you go west, it's the Belgard Gate. Sonia and the others should be there. They really don't have the courage to pass."

Tio; "Indeed."

Waji: "In short, it can only be explored within the range of travel."

"When there is a garrison car passing on the road, we still have to take care to hide."

"That's right." Lixia said.

Then Lloyd and others went to a place near the Belgard Gate to hide and observe.

"It seems that the defense of the Bergard Gate is very perfect." Waji said.

"Well, there is no opportunity." Randy said.

"In that case, we'd better leave now." Lixia said.

Lloyd: "Yeah."

Everyone had to leave.

"No matter how you say it, you can't make a positive breakthrough." Lloyd said.

"Well, if it is discovered by the defense team, it will be in trouble." Tio said.

"If you are caught again, you may be able to get help to escape again." Shenlang said.

"Well, we must think of a way to get in touch with Sonia." Lloyd said.

Then everyone came to the entrance of the school.

"The door is closed tightly." Lloyd said.

"We can feel a weak guided force wave from near the gate." Tio said; "It looks like a new sensor is installed."

"Well, my escape defense has been strengthened," Lloyd said.

"Well, we still don't want to get close." Waji said.

"By the way, you seemed to have said that you had Garcia's help when you flee?" Randy said.

"But when I arrived, Lloyd was the only one." said the wolf.

"Well, in order to cover my escape, he stayed alone to contain the garrison." Lloyd said.

'That person actually.'Lixia said.

"You and that uncle have also experienced a lot of things," Randy said.

"Although I am very worried about the situation after that, but now let's concentrate on future actions." Lloyd said.

Everyone came to a nearby post track.

"By the way, have the two cars that derailed have been taken away?" Tio said.

"Yes, even the debris and the like are cleaned up." Lloyd said.

"By the way, the incident was obviously a major incident, but there have been too many shocking incidents recently. In contrast, the derailment incident did not leave me much impression."

Randy said.

Waji said: "It is true, but now the cars are completely out of service, only the garrison cars will occasionally pass here.

Randy; "That's it."

Lloyd; "Wait, can't you go up here?"

"So there is this way." Waji said.

"But now Crossbell is currently shrouded in enchantment, it is impossible to enter without being noticed." Lloyd said.

"I understand, but if you go west, isn't that the door of Bell's house?" Lloyd said.

"You mean you intend to sneak into the Belgard Gate like this?" Randy said.

"Yes, I was wondering if I could talk to Sonya in person." Lloyd said.

"Indeed, if she can stand on our side, she is really a reliable backing." Tio said.

"But she didn't oppose Dieter's decision at all at the time, did she?" Waji said, "Considering this, the risk seems high."

"I feel the same way." Lixia said.

"He has his own position. If he visits us directly, he will definitely be arrested." Lloyd said: "If we meet in secret, she might tell us her true opinion."

"That's it," Tio said.

"Through Mi Lei's attitude, it is not difficult to find that many people in the defense team in Naidan are skeptical of the current system." Randy said.

"A person with a sense of justice like Sonya will not be indifferent."

Waji said; "In that case, I have no objection, but if Sonia is there, she will be there too?"

"There is still this problem," Randy said.

"Are you talking about Miss El?" Lixia said.

"According to what you said, she seems to be very determined." Shenlang said.

"I understand, but our way forward is definitely difficult." Lloyd said: "The conflict of ideas between us and her is a problem to be resolved sooner or later."

"For this reason, even if you have to confront her head-on, you will not hesitate."

"Lloyd," Tio said.

"It's also not a way to avoid being evasive." Randy said.

"Hehe, since you have considered this level, then I have nothing to say." Waji said.

Lixia: "Then, let's start."

"it is good."

Then everyone marched towards the Belgard Gate.

"Cargo platform, it's been a long time since I've been here." Lloyd said, "It's lucky that there is no one here."

"Well, it's out of service after all." Randy said.

"The garrison will not arrange a large number of people here."

"So it seems that it is a good opportunity to sneak in." Tio said.

"If Sonia is here, she should stay on the second floor. It would be great if she could get there without being noticed by anyone." Waji said.

"In case of an emergency, I will launch the sheep attack. You take the opportunity to enter." Lixia said.

"I know, but you must not force yourself." Lloyd said.

God wolf; "Let's go up."

Then Lloyd and the others smoothly began to sneak in and avoided several patrols.

I met El: "You guys stop."

"Why." Tio said.

El: "The garrison has always had a general grasp of your movements."

"After you reached a cooperative relationship with the people there in Mainci, the next destination should be here, so I have been silently alert."

El said.

"Haha, I really took it." Waji said.

"It's amazing, El, you judged well," Randy said.

"Actually, I don't want my predictions to come true. Are you here to talk to Sonia?" El said.

'Well, it is from Mi Lei that we know that there are many doubts about the defense team.'Lloyd said: "In order to break the situation, we want to know Sonia's true thoughts."

"Miss El, Fran is also acting with us now. She has completely recovered and has always wanted to see you." Tio said.

"We're not asking you, we just hope you can give us a chance to have an interview with Sonya." Randy said.

"In that case, I can't let you move on. I have my own responsibility." El said, "I can't just ignore you who sneak in here."

"Oh, you really don't know how to work around." Waji said.

"Please go back, leave now, I will treat it as if I didn't see it." El said, "At least we used to be companions.'

"Too naive, El, you." Lloyd said: "If you really want to do your job, just ask someone to surround us and subdue us on the spot."

"But you are saying sad things. If you persuade us to leave, relying on your unsteady consciousness, what can you do?"

"This," El said.

"Haha, uncharacteristically severe." Waji said.

"Er, let me tell you too much, you have become weaker, you no longer face your inner heart as calmly as before, and move forward bravely."

"You can't even beat me now." Lloyd said.

"Hello, what are you doing, Lloyd." Randy said.

"I'm going one-on-one with you, El, if you win, you can catch all of us, but if I win, you follow us." Lloyd said.

"what are you talking about."

"I really can't stand it. You have been staying in a place that is not suitable for you, and you have gradually lost yourself."

Lloyd said: "As a companion, I will never sit back and decide the outcome, El."

"Okay, I accept, I will never lose to you, I will decide the winner! Lloyd."

"Okay, let go!" Lloyd said.

After the battle.

Lloyd: "I won."

"Sorry Sonia," El said.

"You don't need to apologize." Sonia walked out.

"What." Randy said.

"It turned out to have been discovered." Shenlang said.

"Sonia said; "Your fighting voice has been preached upstairs, but I have distracted the others."

"Thank you very much," Lloyd said.

"Long time no see," Tio said.

"Yes, it's been a long time. I guessed the reason you came to visit me. Anyway, come to my office to talk."

After Lloyd and others were taken to the office, everyone told Sonia what happened so far and the origin of Zero Treasure.

"There is such a thing." El said.

"That's it, I finally understand why Dieter always makes those incomprehensible moves." Sonia said.

"It means," Randy said.

"Could it be that you are willing to provide us with a certain degree of assistance?" Lloyd said.

"Unfortunately, this is impossible, no matter if our principles will not change." Sonia said.

"Although there are still many problems here, as long as Crossbell has been officially established, as long as Dieter is still the city lord."

"We must not act based on our own unauthorized judgment."

Randy; "That said, it's too strict."

"In other words, we have room for complete compromise and cooperation?" Waji said.

"Well, it is." Sonya said: "Also Arios is very good, even if we decide to help you."

"He will also lead the troops to extinguish us immediately."

"I didn't expect that uncle was so good," Randy said.

"Although he used to be Sergei's subordinate, but after all, he is known as the Juggernaut. It seems that he has reached the realm of reason." Sonia said.

"His clever standing and his brother Libel's Cassius have a lot of similarities."

"But." El said: "Even if the opponent is Arios, as long as we and Douglas of Tangulam Gate work together, maybe we can."

"El? Why do you want to help them as the premise?" Sonia said.

"Haha, it seems that the one-on-one has just played a decisive role." Waji said.

"So, if Sonia has problems with Crossbell's legitimacy, what kind of countermeasures will you take?" Lloyd said.