Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 536

Lixia: "Lloyd, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid it depends on the specific situation, but we will carefully wait and see the development of the situation before we know the truth." Sonia said.

"I think this is the right approach."

"Hehe, that's the case." Waji said: "In other words, if they have problems with their legitimacy, it is the key to the present."

Lloyd: "Yes, it's reliable to leave things like this to Ellie, but in my opinion, the key should be McDonnell."

"Miss Grandpa?" Randy said.

"He should be one of Crossbell's big shots." Lixia said.

"Well, the other one is Dieter, but McDowell's opinions were completely blocked when the declaration was made." Lloyd said.

"If his opinion can be expressed in some way." Lloyd said.

"Then the legitimacy may be shaken," Tio said.

"That way the garrison will do." El said.

"It seems that you have noticed the key points. I don't seem to need any hints from me. El, McDowell seems to have gone to Michelham, right?"

"Well, yes." El said, "He and his granddaughter Miss Allie are both under house arrest in the Yingbing Hall."

"Well, I remember that the back of Mishuram's hand is in charge of the red constellation. The defense team shouldn't be stationed there?" Sonia said.

"Yes, as you said." El said.

"Sonia, thank you very much."

"Oh, I really accidentally talked about this kind of thing in front of outsiders." Sonia said.

"Please forget what I just said."

"Haha, it's really Sonia," Randy said.

"Hehe, this behavior is really amazing." Waji said.

"Also, in the previous one-on-one duel, the other party used the naive evaluation, and he was absolutely right."

Sonya said.


"Because you should have been punished, as a substitute, I decided to send you to the Secret Service Section again." Sonia said.

"Think about your own shortcomings, and what you should do for Crossbell's future."

Sonya said, "Think about what you can do now."

"Yes." El said.

After that, El packed up his luggage and boarded the airship with Lloyd and others.

Fran received the news and greeted her. Fran hugged El and sobbed in a low voice. While El was comforting her younger sister, tears appeared in her eyes.

Tio:'Feel the gap near Misuram, Miss Fran, I will send you the coordinates.'


El: "Go ahead, Fran."

"Hehe, I always feel envious of the two."; Lixia said.

"Coordinate Lake Bathing Beach." Fran said.

"Oh, interesting, not going to play this time." Waji said.

"Oh, have you ever been to play?" Grace said.

"Well, yes." Lloyd said.

"Just after the meeting." Tio said.

"Really, you are so ruthless." Grace said, "Why don't you call me such an interesting event."

'This, in fact, we are just the guests being entertained.'Randy said.

Waji: "Looking back now, it seems that she invited us with a certain purpose."

Lixia: "It's true."

"Anyway, the next destination has been confirmed, but you have someone with a red constellation. El, do you know the approximate size of their assistants there?" Lloyd said.

"There is probably a small team. Honestly speaking, our people have no chance of winning." El said.

Lloyd: "Really."

"But if they launch a feint, they may be able to disperse their combat power." Randy said.

"In that case, it's up to me" Lixia said.

"No, leave it to me." God wolf Zeit said: "As long as I become the same, I can attract a lot of people."

"Is this really possible?" Lloyd said.

"I originally planned to help you as much as possible." Shenlang said.

"Now, your comrades have gathered together one after another, Jin has accumulated considerable combat effectiveness, almost no longer Xu Yaoh's assistance..."

"So, treat this as my last gift to you."

"Really." Lloyd said.

"Thank you, Zeit," Tio said.

"Yeah, it was a great help," Randy said.

Waji: "But even with Zeit's help, the battle is still very serious."

"But it's not only Mike Doo, but Allie is also in Mishuram, and we are fully prepared to rescue them anyway." Lloyd said.

"Okay," Tio said.

Randy: "No problem."

"Understood." El said.

Fran; "It's great to be able to fight alongside my sister."

After this, Lloyd and others landed.

"I will send you a signal after I restore to my original shape, and you will take the opportunity to head towards the Guest House." Shenlang said.

"Understood." Lloyd said.

"Zet, you have to be careful," Tio said.

"The same goes for you, and may the goddess bless you all." Shenlang left after speaking.

Waji: "Haha is really reliable."

"Well, let's first go to the shopping street where the hotel is located." Randy said.

"Here, Lloyd and others!"

The people of the red constellation actually came.

"Have you come so soon?" Randy said.

"Three mercenaries, three trained monsters."

"Beat them." Lloyd said.

After a fierce battle, this wave of people was defeated.

"It's really strong," Lloyd said.

"Here are the strongest guys, we have to do our best." Randy said.

"Hurry up, Zet will start soon," Tio said.

"Well, the original target was the shopping street." Lloyd said: "The employees have already evacuated a?"

"Yes, don't worry about someone getting involved in the fight." El said.

"In this case, we can give it a go." Waji said.

Lloyd and others rushed to the shopping street and heard the roar of the wolf.

"Zet has already started to act." Tio said.

A large number of mercenaries were attracted to the past.

Lixia; "The theme park has already started fighting."

"Well, we take the opportunity to head towards the hotel." Lloyd said.

Soon everyone encountered resistance again.

"Captain Randy, it seems that the god wolf is just distracting us."

"Yes, I'm sorry we have to pass here." Randy said.

"Give it to me, and take all your strength to kill them."

After solving the wave of people, they came to the door of the hotel.

"Unexpectedly, you would launch a sudden attack and rush all the way." Zacks said.

"Zax, if you stay here, it means this is the last level!" Randy said.

"Yes, Captain Randy, as a member of the Red Constellation, we will never let you pass here." Zacks said: "You guys should show your energy. If you can't stand it here, we won't have a good end."

"Yes! Kill them all."

"I want you to try and pay back what happened to the Rainbow Theatre." Lixia said.

In the end, Zachs and others were defeated.

"Tsk, Captain Randy, you are stronger than before."

Randy said: "Well, after all, I have received a lot of training in my current job position. This is the difference in combat experience, it is experience."

"Is the combat experience more abundant than we are fighting every day?" Zachs: "What the hell is this job... Captain Randy, be careful, who are the guys inside."

Lloyd: "I passed out."

"Well, completely lost consciousness." Randy said; "Beware of what?"

Tio; "Maybe it's some mechanism or other enemy."

Waji: "Although it is not clear, be careful."

Lloyd and others continued to advance.

After entering the hotel, there was no one.

"I felt a strange reaction," Tio said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem to be something like Warcraft." Waji said.

Tio: "Here."

'Intruder found!'Along with mechanically synthesized sounds, a huge robot came out.

"Target Liu Ming, including the Secret Service Division, and two unidentified people, is speculated that the combat effectiveness is A-level or higher, to increase the offensive, and launch annihilation."

"Start to meet." El said.

The battle is on the verge, after the giant robot is eliminated.

Lloyd: "What a great guy."

"Those guys in association are really powerful." Lixia said.

Randy; "Can actually strengthen the machine to this degree."

"It must have been modified by the Doctor," Tio said.

"Very likely." Waji said.

Lloyd said: "Well, we have cleared all the obstacles, and immediately go to the place where Ellie and the others are under house arrest."

At this time, the robot that could not move actually started to act again.


Randy; "This is a runaway."

"Don't want to succeed!" At this time, Ellie used a guided weapon to repel the robot, and Lixia and Randy took the opportunity to launch a powerful attack.

Annihilated the robot in one fell swoop.

"Huh," Randy said.

"Allie." Lloyd said.

"Haha, it seems you are all right." Randy said.

"Well, what should I say, thank you for saving me." Lloyd said.

Allie said, "It's great, it's great, you are safe, we can meet again, I thought we would never see each other again."

"Haha, although very happy, everyone is there," Lloyd said.

"Ah, everyone, it's been a long time since I saw Lloyd, and I was a little emotional." Allie said.

"Oh, so." Waji said.

Randy smirked; "Haha, I understand."

'Really, don't get me wrong, Tio and El are too.'Allie said.

"Well, I will work hard." Tio said.

"Oh. Why are you with Miss Lixia, and El is with everyone, and Vage put on that kind of dress." Ellie said.

"Haha, this is a long story." Lloyd said.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened." McDougal walked out and Jonah Yako.

"Ah, you are here with Jonah," Tio said.

"Haha, long time no see, finally saved." Jonah said.

Allie: "Well, he was brought here by Bell after we were put under house arrest."

"It seems that it was because he repeatedly attacked Lanhua's central area."

"That woman is simply a devil, and she actually shut me up in this kind of house with no conductive network." Jonah said.

"That's it." Lloyd said.

"For you, this is indeed the greatest torture." Tio said.

"Well, let's talk about some things later." McDoug said: "You are here to save us, right?"

"Yes, we are here to pick you up." Lloyd said.

"Vage; "If there are no special questions, can you leave this place with us?""

"Of course." Mike said: "This situation no longer allows us to stay out of the way.'

"Okay, let's flee here before uncle and their reinforcements arrive." Randy said.

"While ensuring a way out, leave here."

In this way, Lloyd and others reunited with Zeit, who had completed the feint, and returned to the airship, and successfully escaped Misuram before the Red Constellation reinforcements arrived.

Later, in the meeting room in the airship, Lloyd explained what had happened so far.

"So, Mr. McDowell, you have made up your mind?" Grace said.

"Well, I am afraid that some of the important tasks present have objections, but if we do not take this step, we will not be able to move on."

McDoug said: "Even for this short-term order and hegemony, it must be done."

Allie; "Yes."

"Is the declaration invalid?" Waji said; "This is indeed the trump card that you can sacrifice."

"But in what way should it be carried out specifically? If it can't be communicated to people and guards, it will not have any effect." Fran said.

"On this question, Jonah seems to have an idea," Tio said.

"Well, there is a wireless signal amplifier on the Tangulam hills that is used to connect Lehman and Crossbell's guidance network."

"If you can get in from there, you can directly invade Crossbell, and you can maintain it for about ten minutes as long as you think of a way." Jonah said.

"Although it is not very clear, but the key is to control those displays on the street?" Randy said.

Tio: "Yes, and you can also connect to all the terminals of the garrison. In this way, you should be able to fulfill the conditions set by Sonia."

"As long as everyone can start to question the correctness of Dieter, then the next action will be much easier." Aruba said.

"Lloyd, you haven't spoken, do you have any comments? The invalidity of this declaration is just my personal opinion. If you object, I can change the plan."

"No, just follow this plan. In the past, Mr. Dieter has told us a view of justice." Lloyd said.

"In the final analysis, mankind is still a creature that goes back to chase justice, because a little justice is the basis for people to trust society. Various problems can weigh down Crosbell’s breath, but most people are not because the economy is very prosperous. You will worry about your livelihood and don't care, but in this case, someone will take action, because no matter what the form, people always need a sense of security that can be trusted. You must use your own methods to pursue the justice in your heart.

Then, in a clearly visible form, show people the righteous posture you are looking for. I think this is very important."

"Has he ever said that?" McDougal said.

Randy said, "Yes."

"It's been less than a year since then, but I really miss it," Tio said.