Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 555

Li En: "No, thanks to everyone, I wouldn't be able to do so well without everyone doing their best for the monster.

This victory is the result of everyone in our A group."

"Hey." Aite said.

"haha, yes."

"Everyone's work."

Four downed thieves.

"What's the matter, such a person actually appeared?"

"That bastard, clearly said it."

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps.

Laura: "It looks like the troublesome characters are in the dojo."

"Found it." The garrison: "With the cargo thief."

Surrounded them: "It's useless to resist, all raise your hands."

Laura: "Why surround us."

"Don't think it is a student, we will show mercy,"

Aite:'I'm totally in the same group as the thieves.'

"What do you mean?" the captain said.

"Although there is indeed dirt here, there is no evidence to prove that they voted." The captain said: "If you want to say that it is possible, wouldn't it be possible that you did it?"

Laura: "What did you say."

"You really intend to argue this way."

"I can honestly say that we have our own measures. This is the territory of the Duke's family." The captain said: "You can't get involved, students, if you don't stop here, I can just treat you as suspects. Grab it and send it directly to Bariahat."

"It sucks," Alisha said.

"It's not necessary."

At this time, a bunch of people rushed out.

"You are the first to join the team" said the captain.

A ignited girl came out.

"Girl of Ice?"

"Iron-blooded men?" The captain said, "What are you going to do? There should be no room for you to intervene!"

"With all due respect, Caesartic is also one of our strongholds." The girl said: "We also have searches for what happens here."

"You know, too, and the manager sees that there is no possibility that these students are prisoners. Do you have any objections?"


"Then please leave it to us afterwards, including returning the items, we will handle it."

Captain: "We retreat."

"Hey, this is different from what was said," said the thief.

"These guys just abandoned us like this."

The captain said: "Iron-blooded lackey."

Then they left.

Alyssa; "What a beautiful person."

"Haha, it's hard work. I'm Clareya, the captain of the first team, because I have to make a transcript, so please cooperate with me temporarily."

She smiled and said.

Then everyone was taken back, and after taking the transcript, they went back.

"Oh, I helped a lot this time, and I also found everything." The bazaar manager thanked.

"No thanks, and thanks to the people who joined the team first to help out." Alisha said.

'Well, we just helped a little at the end. If you don't find the prisoner, we can't do anything.

In this sense, I think it can be said that everyone’s contribution is the solution.'

"Well, then we accept it calmly." Laura said.

"Well, just look up and accept thanks." The manager said: "Then you can leave the rest to Captain Claire, right?"

"No problem, we will stay here for a period of time. If there is anything that can be handled immediately, please rest assured."

Claire said.

"Thank you so much. From our standpoint, we still hope that the relationship with the defenders will not be too bad." The director said.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to measure." Claire said.

"Thank you for your help in making the transcript. I'm sorry, it took your time."

"It's okay, these are what we have to do." Li En said.

"That's why we have to apologize, and trouble you to save us in a crisis."

Kleiya said: "Maybe we are nosy, this is your special internship lesson.'

"Huh?" Li En said.

"I didn't think so far."

"Ah, Instructor Salad."

"It finally appeared." Laura said.

"Miss Salad, long time no see." Claire said.

"Well, I haven't seen you for about half a year, having said that, I didn't expect you to come here for a business trip." Salad said.

"Could this be all you expected?"

"Hehe, you overestimate me too much." Claire said: "Although I did receive a notice.'

"Oh yes your brothers and sisters." Salad said.

"We are just taking action in response to various situations." Kleiya said.

"Then everyone, let's say goodbye first, and I will support you in the special class.'

After speaking, she left.

Aite:'I always think she doesn't look like the captain.'

"But look at her movements and graceful manners." Laura said.

"I'm afraid it's not an ordinary character."

"Well, the proficiency of the players is also not trivial. He and the instructor still know each other?" Alisha said.

"Well, something happened before, so the special internship has come to an end." Salad said: "We are about to close."

Li En:'Understood.'

"Then goodbye, I hope you will come to the market again next time." said the manager.

"I will welcome you all."

Li En; "Definitely."

"We will come."

Everyone got in the car going back.

Aite looked at the sleeping salad: "Still sleeping."

Alyssa: "Are you just pretending to be asleep?"

"Well, it seems to be asleep from the breath," Laura said.

"It seems that the situation in Group B is really bad." Li En said.

"While supporting the other side and coming back here the next day, it is natural to be so tired."

"That's it, it seems to be really hard, because I can't see it in a laid-back look. It seems that there are still some things to admire." Laura said.

"The first special internship, it feels like I can understand what the real purpose is." Li En said.

"Yes, sure enough, the test of the force guide is only one of the purposes." Alisha said.

"The purpose of this is to allow us to accumulate various experiences."

Aite; "Should be intended to let us know all parts of the empire and local residents on the spot."

"And experience problems like this for yourself?"

"And to respond to emergencies based on your own judgment." Laura said.

"I always feel that we are also required to be prepared like this at any time."

"Well, there is also the judgment and determination to solve the situation. Maybe it is to cultivate our ability."

"Probably guessed half right." Sarah woke up, she said.

"Instructor Salad."

"The way you breathed just now should have fallen asleep."

Salad: "Hehe, I'm the type who got into the situation soon after getting up. As you said, being able to understand the actual information on the scene is a very important thing for you."

Then in case something happens, he can act with judgment, determination and problem-solving ability without order."

The special internship is the plan to cultivate these combat capabilities."

"For the school, this is a very innovative course?" Alisha said.

"Well, this is only a half-right guess, what is the purpose of the rest?" Laura said.

"Oh, what's the matter."

"I think this is a bit like a guerrilla?" Li En said.

"!" Salad was stunned.

"That's really true." Alisha said.

"There are groups distributed all over the world with the primary goal of protecting ordinary people." Laura said.

"Although I have rarely seen it recently." Aite said: "But if you think about it carefully, it does look like acridine."

"Hehe, it's broken." Salad finished speaking and went to bed again.

"How serious is it?" Alisha said.

"Guerilla, it feels like there is a certain relationship." Aite said.

"It seems that these doubts should be answered someday." Laura said: "Let's do what we should do and prepare for the next internship."

"That's what I said." Li En said.

"What else is worth paying attention to?" Aite said.

"No, it's not like that." Li En said, "It has been a month since I enrolled in the special class."

"I was thinking about something that I have always felt sorry for everyone."

"What's the matter?" Aite said.

Laura:'Is it about the Baye Yidao Style.'

"Well, apart from this, I also concealed another thing." Li En said, "It's about my identity."

"Could it be your home?"

"Yes, I avoided March's question in the first place."

"Actually, I am considered a nobleman." Li En said.

Aite; "Ah."

"Ymir at the back of the empire, that piece of territory is my hometown." Li En said.

"So that's UCI."

"I have also heard that although he is a baron, he is a noble master with a relationship with Wangyou Academy." Laura said.

"Unexpectedly, even Li En was also the young master of the noble family."

"Haha, as you can see, I am not suitable to be a noble master." Li En said.

"My parents are also very approachable, and I don't have the prestige of nobles at all, and because I am an adopted son, I don't have noble blood."

"You seem to have a lot of unspeakable concealment." Alisha said.

"Hehe, Mie is as serious as you think, but even so, I still can't continue to hide from everyone, as a companion who has passed this test together and a classmate who has a seat companion."

"A companion who spends some time together."

"Really, your personality is too serious, and you have to tell other people about this matter after you go back." Alisha said.

"Well, that's what I planned." Li En said.

A long time passed after that.

After finishing his special internship, Li En was once again chased by the busy campus life.

In addition to martial arts training, half of the courses are officially started at this time, and special courses that are only available in the academy have also begun.

The classroom is in class.

"After the Doctrine Revolution 50 years ago, common sense has fundamentally changed, and there are four characteristics that bring back changes."

Instructor Nethar; “The first is guided weapons, the second is mechization, and guided vehicles, and there are more machinery, the third airship, because it controls the airship, air combat is also possible, and then the fourth One is that the guiding force has brought about a huge change.Li En, do you know what it is?'

"The truth communication."

"Yes, it is because of this." Li En said.

The next class is cooking.

"Why did Laura go to other places? I am looking forward to going to school together, but the goddess wearing glasses seems to be the first in the entrance exam." said the noble girl.

"I heard she was a civilian on the border of God of Cooking."

"And the other one with short hair is so quiet."

"Everyone, we are the proud class. Even if it's just cooking, we can't lose to others."

Three noble girls.

Alyssa: "It's been whispered by them all the time."

Laura;'They just care a little bit.'

Li En and the others are getting started at the upper guidance terminal.

"Well, it seems because of something, March and Juss have made great progress."

"Uses and March are both amazing." Aite said, "Although March can't understand him."

"The group B internship last month, did they get along badly?" Li En said.

Gaius: "Yeah, I almost started fighting."

"Although I finally managed to stop it, it would be dangerous if the salad didn't come."

"Oh, what on earth should I do." Aite said.

"If only we could do something."

"Li En!"

"Oh noble Parker of Class One.

"Although there is nothing wrong, we can't compare them."

"The Haynes family, are they famous?"

"Don't say they are famous or not, these are the four nobles, but they are a bit worse than Euses." Aite said.

"Baby, no, I didn't say anything"

Parker:'I have nothing to find civilians and foreign students, Li En, after my introduction, how about finding you on the 3rd floor of the student hall?'


"Speaking of the third floor of the Student Hall."

"It is said that there is a noble salon." Aite said.

"Although it's just a baron, but nobles are nobles." Parker said: "Although you are assigned to a class like a special class.

As long as I, as the Haines family, speak up, you should be allowed to use the salon, haha ​​thank me."

"Wait a moment, Li En said.

'Oh, digging in such a place.'Juss came over.


"The three boys in Haynes seem to like to play this set, shouldn't this kind of thing come to me first?" Juss said.

Parker: "You don't want to come to the salon by yourself?'

"The second-year-old elder sister has always invited you."

Juses said, "I'm not interested."

"Forget it, Li En, think about it, who you follow will help you in the future." Pike said.

He left after speaking.

Aite; "Oh."

"What a troublesome man."

"I'm so worried about how to solve it." Lien said:'I've saved Juss.'

"Hehe, I'm not going to help you, just last month's internship, it seems to make you bother, that's all."

He left after speaking.

"Internship last month?"

"He was talking about the defense team."

"So it's his hometown." Gaius said.

"He also has a caring side." Aite said.

"Hehe, maybe a good person." Li En said.