Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 565

Back in the village, Li En received another task and came to the client's mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law said: "You are here, have you seen my commission?"

"Yes, mother-in-law." Gaius said.

Li En: "I heard that we are going to help the children in class."

"How should I teach?" Alisha said.

"Although it is a class, it is not complicated. The main reason is to ask you to talk to the children about the empire simply."

"That's it, that's it."

"Well, because this is also a good opportunity for children to get in touch with the outside world, and they can learn the usual courses well." Mother-in-law said.

Juss said, "Sunday school, so does it exist here?"

"Well, the traveling teachers of Qi Yao used to visit the settlement about once a month." Gaius said: "In the past, everyone took classes for granted, not so grateful now."

"Indeed, even though Qi Yao's activities spread across the entire world, it's amazing to think about it carefully," Li En said.

"Yes, this is also all arranged by the goddess, so do you have time? If it is convenient, I will hand it over to the children immediately."

"Okay, please start right away," Li En said.

"Well, are you willing to help?" The mother-in-law said, "By the way, when I go to class, I hope that there is only one teacher in class like Sunday school.'

"Can you choose one of you besides Gaius this time?"

"Should you choose one from us?" Li En said, "Then who is more suitable.'

Alyssa; "Who, I think about it."

"Well, I thought of several ways." Juses said.

"That's right, but at this time you should still call the monitor." Li En said.

Emma:'Can Li En you go to am this time?'


Gaius said: "Actually, I think the same way. The Empire has various problems, and there are different opinions on this."

"So if it's you."

"It turns out that, as a noble but with a civilian mentality, it is indeed the fairest in a sense from this point of view." Euses said.

"This." Li En said.

"I also think Li En is the most suitable." Alyssa said: "Leave aside the question of position, most of us are also the central figure."

"Alyssa." Li En said, "Since everyone has said so, let alone whether it is suitable or not, I can only do it."

"Then it's up to me to stand in front of the children and teach."

Gaius: "Oh, so, so mother-in-law."

"Well, I will call the children over right away," the mother-in-law said.

Soon the children are here.

"So, is this all here?" Li En said: "By the way, is Gaius' brother Thomas not there?'

"That Thomas is also the oldest in Sunday school, and he has a lot to do, so he didn't come."

"That's it. I wanted to say a rare opportunity to come together, but it doesn't matter, let's start." Li En said.

"Well, I would also like to ask everyone for advice. First, I introduced myself as Li En. I came here from the Imperial Academy with my classmates."

"Haha, share a school with Brother Gaius."

"What are the big brothers learning?"

"We are learning a lot of knowledge." Li En said: "But speaking of characteristics, the main thing is to learn martial arts."

"Martial arts is the same ability as Uncle Lagang and the others to fight against monsters, wow, so handsome."

"Hehe, I actually reacted to martial arts, no matter how you say it is a boy."

"Aha Hamming himself is very timid."

"Hate, don't talk nonsense."

"Haha, everyone's feelings are really good." Li En said.

"How far is this school from here?"

"How far? I think about it." Li En said.

"Well, Li En, you guys came here by a means of transportation called a train. How long does it take to take the conversion time?"

"Well, about this, about 8 hours." Li En said.

"Eight hours are so long."

"I heard my dad say that the train is fast. Even so, will it take that long?"

"Sure enough, it's super far."

Li En said, "Well, it's strange in terms of distance, but it's amazing to be here in one day."

"Hehe, it should take longer to ride a horse."

"That big brother, can I ask one more question?"

"Well, of course." Li En said.

"Then, what is the largest town in the empire?"

"Oh, Highgram in the center is the biggest." Lien said.

"Higram, this name sounds so good."

"Haha, I thought so." Li En said.

"That big brother is another one, how many people live in that Highgram."

"This is about 8OW." Li En said.

"what does that mean?"

"They can't understand this amount, but I can't even imagine it."

Li En: "Haha, I have never seen it before after all."

Juss: "Well, it seems that I answered the question smoothly."

Emma: "Hehe, it seems so."

"But I always feel that this knowledge is taken for granted." Alisha said.

Gaius; "Hehe, anyway, it seems great to learn something."

Mother-in-law: "Haha, it's a great teacher."

"So if there is anything else you want to know?" Li En said.

"Then can I ask another question?"

"Oh, just ask." Li En said.

"I've heard from Geussi before that the academy seems to have a long history.

But I forgot how long it was."

"Well, about this." Li En said.: "About 220 years ago, he was the Lion Heart King who had a deep relationship with Nord here"

Li En said: "The school established by the Lion Heart King."

"220 years ago, the history was so long, and he was actually the lion heart king."

"Lion Heart King, Lily also knows, and my ancestors are friends."

"Well, it's the greatest person."

'Yes, but as expected to be the Lionheart King who has a deep relationship with Nord, everyone knows it for granted.'

"Besides, are there any other questions I want to ask?" Li En said.

"That, then, Lily has to ask..."

I had a great time in class.

"Well, time is almost over, do you still have to ask?" Li En said.

"So happy."

"I can't think of more questions."

"Hehe, after all, two people have asked a lot of questions."

Lily said: ``Ah yes, what is a nobleman?"

"It is the nobles who have been granted the credit before, and the airport pick-up system."

"Pick-up system?"

"No, can you wait for me?" Li En said.

"That chance is rare, I want to ask too."

"What do you want to ask?" Li En said.

"Well, explain to them the nobleman personally. I think they don't understand it yet. What do you think of Li En about the identity of the nobleman?"

"Can you tell what is in your heart?"

Li En said: "That's it, this question is really interesting."

Alyssa; "Very esoteric question."

Emma: "How would you answer it."

Li En said, "What's the matter with this problem, haha, in fact, I think the nobility is the fetter of the family."

"Well, this is limited to me, not all nobles."

"From having companions and family members, the bond is slowly formed. Although it is a five-star thing, it can be rescued and supported by butterflies and work hard for him."

"I can't tell, but I feel like this." Li En said with a smile.

"Li En."

"what happened?"

"Sorry what I said is a bit unrealistic." Li En said.

"Nothing, I learned a lot."

Lily; "Hey, although I don't understand, I don't know how.'

"I think so too."

Alyssa; "Li En is really amazing."

Juses said, "Oh, how to put it, it's like the answer he would say."

"Hehe, indeed." Emma said.

"Well, young people are very promising." The mother-in-law said: "So everyone has worked hard.'

"Children, say thank you to the teacher."

"Thank you, teacher."

"Haha, you don't have to be polite."

Mother-in-law: "It's really hard for you today, thanks to your children's happiness."

Li En said: "Haha, although it is a form of answering questions, I feel that I have said too many profound things."

"Haha, but it does express Li En's enthusiasm, which is not bad." Alisha said.

"The most important thing is to make everyone happy." Emma said.

"The final answer is amazing." Euses said.

Gaius said:'I always feel that after hearing that answer, I also learned something.'

"Haha, but I'm too invested, it seems that the answer is not so systematic." Li En said; "But I am very grateful to hear you say that."

"Hehe, in short, you did a good job." The mother-in-law said; "This is my gift to you."

"thank you very much."

"Please work hard to complete the internship, the wind and goddess will embrace you."

Soon I came to the next commissioned location.

"Oh, you guys are here," the client said.

"Did something happen?" Li En said.

"Well, the sheep pen here is broken, and I don't know what happened. It seems that several sheep have already gone out."

The client said: "They are very agile, I think it should not be eaten by the monsters."

"But if it's convenient, can you find it for me."

"Of course." said.

"How many are there?" Gaius said.

"From the footprints, it looks like three of them are going north and two are going south. Actually, I should look for them right away, but they need to be repaired now.

Maybe the other sheep will also run away."

Gaius; "Well, I'll leave it to you."

Emma: "Then shall we look for it right away?"

"That's right, after all, the plateau is so big," Li En said.

"But if we go to the plateau, we have to be prepared." Alisha said.

"You really can't be careless," Euses said.

"Then start searching when you are ready," Li En said.

Soon after everyone was ready, they came to the elder first.

"Everyone, welcome, have you seen the commission?"

"Well, I have already seen it." Li En said.

"I heard that I left the village with the photographer who lives here." Li En said.

"Well, he is a visitor here, his name is Norton, and he seems to be following the report of a times newspaper."

"Oh that's that, that's how it is." Alisha said.

"He seems to want to take pictures of the northern part of the plateau anyway. After all, the opportunity is rare. I originally wanted to entrust you to escort her there this afternoon.

But it seemed that he couldn't wait for someone to ride a horse."

Juss said: "It's really troublesome."

Emma; "It can be seen that he is very passionate."

Alyssa: "Is the thing you want to shoot so attractive?"

"Because the remains of megalithic civilization are also spiritually distributed in the northern part of the plateau." The elder said, "I'm afraid I went to visit that colossus, right?"

"Colossus?" Li En said.

"That's it?" Emma said.

"That is the group of ruins on the plateau, one of the most symbolic things in a single weight." said the elder.

"It is said that evil spirits are sealed in the quarry to the north."

"The legend is scary," Emma said.

"Anyway, I am a little worried about his safety." Gaius said: "The northern terrain is steep and there are many monsters."

"Well, it's a bit difficult for people from outside that place to adapt. Please go and escort him back." said the elder.

"Then let's go to the plateau quickly." Juses said.

"Okay, let's ride there," Gaius said.

"Well, please, be careful on the way." said the elder.

Soon everyone first looked for sheep on the plateau.

"Found a sheep! This kid really is."

Then I found the second-fifth.

Then everyone came to the giant stone statue on the plateau.

Juss: "What is that?"

Alyssa; "Well, it looks like some kind of stone statue, is it the same as the southern stone group?"

Gaius; "Although I don't know the details, it is said to be a statue of the guardian."

"So that's it." Li En said.

"Nothing, I'm so surprised that I can't even speak." Emma said.

"Anyone would think that if you look closer, you don't know how big it will be." Alisha said.

"The photographer must be nearby, let's search quickly." Juses said.

"By the way, there is a long-term quarry when the colossus goes north, but if you go northwest, you can reach a peaceful lake called Laklima Lake."

Li En said, "So it is, it is."

"Okay, then go quickly."

The crowd quickly found the photographer and escorted him back to the village.

The natural internship commissions are all done perfectly.

"Hu finally said." Alisha said.

Norton: "Oh, thank you for sending me back, please accept my thanks."

"Thanks to you, I also took a lot of photos that I have always wanted to take."

"Anyway, it's great to come back safely, hurry up and report to the elder." Li En said.

"Well, it seems that a large group of people gathered in front?"

"That is? Gaius said.

"Could it be a pilot car accident."

"And has anyone seen it during the morning commission?" Emma said.

Gaius said: "Mr. Pharmacist Yameng, did he have an accident?"

Soon everyone ran over.

"Mr. Ya Meng is okay?"

"Gaius and you, it seems to worry you."

"So what happened."

"I transported wood from the forest, who knew it was an accident."

Li En said, "No one injured his hand?"