Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 570

In the Imperial City.

The ice girl reported to Jagged.

"The negotiations with Smith have been completed, and the state of combat on the Nord Plateau has been completely avoided."

"But on the other hand, after all, the group of people who actually started will be extradited to the other party for processing."

Jagged: "Well, there is no way. This was originally an incident that we started. It should be sold to Smith before the trade conference."

"Yes, but let's not mention the people who actually searched. One of them is still at large. I think he should be at the boss level."

"Haha, yes, since we have suffered such an attack, we must also act cautiously." Jie Xue said.

"First is the Midsummer Festival in the Royal City, how should the children act?" Jie Xue said.

"I think the goal should be the next meeting, with Rector going east and Miriam going west."

"I am in charge of Wangcheng. I think this is the best way to deal with it," said the Ice Girl.

"Hehe, I feel the same way, so let's proceed like this and arrange it for me."

"Hehe, your Excellency is underestimating me. The analysis and configuration of this level is too simple for testing."

"Don't say that, your ability has helped me a lot. This is a fact." Jagged: "Midsummer Festival, I leave it to you."

Jagged: "Since this is the case, do you want to use them?"


At this time there was a knock on the door: "Excuse me, your Excellency Regnitz wants to see you."

"Let him in."


"Oh, does anyone come first?" Regnitz said.

"No, I'm just here to report the situation to you." Claire said.

"Don't be unharmed, Lord Regnitz."

"Ah, I haven't seen each other for two months. Last month's commemoration of the Royal City, thank you for helping to arrange the defense."

Regnitz said, "Let me thank you again."

"It's an honor to be able to help, and I will also tell the person in charge." Claire said.

"This is the end of my report, so please let me go."

"Thank you," said Jie Xue.

"The leader of the children is really hard to imagine being called the Girl of Ice. He respects and fears her."

Jagged: "The leader is not her, but everyone, including her, performed very well."

"Especially against the old and cunning nobles, those old foxes."

"Indeed, it seems that we must also act cautiously with determination."

"Hehe, I'm so grateful to hear you say that, Carl"

"Well, work hard together." Karl said.


"Well, that's why I have to attend the trade conference in Crossbell next month."

"Although it is said to be trade, it is actually a large-scale meeting. It is not just about the economy, but should also discuss various issues including security."

"That's the case, so all the characters come with UI."

"Well, Calvard is Smith, Remi Filia is Archduke Albert, Libel is Costier, and the organizers are Krois and McDowell of Crossbell."

"Every place is expected to send big people to participate." The blonde youth said.

"At this point, we are Lord Iron and Blood, but the leader should be the father?" The blonde boy said.

"Well, that's why I took someone like me who is related to the royal family to participate."

"In order to balance things."

"What's related for the time being, but now I finally understand." The blonde boy said: "It's really shameless and no brother tells me. I don't even know this. Recently, I think it's okay to continue like this?"

"Compared with my elder brother, my knowledge is too superficial, and my ability and wit are completely insufficient."

"With this kind of me, can I really inherit my father's position in the future?" The blonde boy said.

"Hehe, the Princess of Liberty also said the same thing."


"As the crown prince, she seemed to be quite confused and troubled in the face of inheriting the status of the next queen."

"But she admitted that she was inadequate and decided to move forward. I definitely don't think my brother can't do the same thing."

"Thank you, these words reassured me too much." The boy said.

"But I think you should do more of what you want to do. It doesn't hurt to be a little bit willful."

"Haha, my personality is like this, I envy my brother, he has no flaws in his performance, and is chic and free."

"Ah, it's better not to be in line with someone like me."

"There is also that I admire the courageous Lord Jagged. He ignored his opposition last year. He heard that the accidents have decreased since then. It is no wonder that he can gain the trust of his father." The boy said.

"Well, I think that's really good, and the cooperation is perfect, but."

'Really brother and Cedric, they were talking about this early in the morning.'

"Al!" said the boy.

"Oh, is the course at the Women's College finished?"

"Well, in order to prepare for the Midsummer Festival, it will be done in the afternoon." Al said.

"And Cedric, we don't have to bite the bullet to deal with these things at our age."

"No, we are 15 years old, it shouldn't be too early."

"Compared to these dance parties in the palace, you are a little bolder. You blushed just when people invited you to dance."

"It's so embarrassing, it's not like a royal family."

"Woo, don't say it like this," the boy said.

"Hehe, Cedric at that time seemed very popular in a sense." The blond young man said; "The eldest lady talked about it aroused their motherhood."

Al; "After all, there are even men who say that I am more pitiful than me as a sister."

"It should be nonsense!" said the boy.

The young man said: "By the way, El, are you the dancer who has decided to dance at this garden party?'

"That is to say, you have always avoided dancing at public events."

"This, there are still goals but I don't know if I can invite them."

"I was shocked. Is there still this object? This time, the Times and the like will inevitably be an uproar." The blonde youth said.

"El, to dance at public events, is it really the nobleman of the four famous families?"

"Haha, it's still a secret, but the other party is indeed a nobleman." El said, "That's right, elder brother, actually El, I have another suggestion."


In the women's college, a girl sat on a bench and read a letter.

I received it from my brother this morning.

"Huh, if the princess finds out it will be very troublesome.

"Jing Qi, it's early summer, how are you doing? Haha, you still treat your family as a guest.

"Brother Li En why..."

School on the other side.

Time passed until mid-July.

Tonysta's street greeted her, and the school uniform was replaced with summer clothes.

Now I finally got used to the strict schedule of the academy. Before the summer, it will not be too hot, and I feel comfortable and cool every day.

Courses that are only available in this season have also started a few days ago.

"Okay, that's it for warming up."

Swimming lessons.

"This course of the academy is training after all. You also have to learn not to drown, help drowning people, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other abilities."

Salad said: "The artificial respiration is the same. Let Li En and Alyssa start practicing."

"Hey, wait!"

"Just kidding, but I will at least teach you how to do it. Don't hesitate when you encounter a situation," said Sara.

"Whether you are facing the opposite sex or the same sex, you must help."

Emma:'After all, it is related to human life.'

"After this part of the course is over, I will test it once, Laura can't help you." Salad said.

"I understand." Laura said.

"The next Gaius."

"Okay!" Gaius jumped into the pool.

""The next Emma."

"Oh, Gaius is amazing," Aite said.

"That's it, he seems to have learned to swim when he is at home." Li En said.

"Emma also swims very fast, which is really enviable." Alisha said.

Li En said, "Envy?"

"You don't need to understand." Alyssa said: "Speaking of which, girls don't keep staring in swimsuits.'

Ah, haha, they all have very good figures, and they don’t know where to look. Boys other than me, like Li En, are also very strong.

Aite said.

"is it."

''Yes, I feel I have exercised."Alyssa said.

"Aite, you don't have to deliberately exercise."

"Li En, why is there a scar on your chest?"

Li En said, "Ah, this is a birthmark that has existed before. It seems to have existed a long time ago. I don't remember when it appeared."

"That's it." Alisha said.

"Well, if you look closely, there are a lot of small scars, they are what a man should have, which is great." Aite said.

"I said this doesn't match you anymore, you give up quickly." Alisha said.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be useful too. It seems that I was destined to compete with you." March said.

Juses said, "I didn't mean to compete, I just wandered casually."

"I didn't fully show my strength either!" March said.

'Ah ha ha.'Emma said.

Salad: "Next, I will calculate Laura's time."

"Although there are usually plans for club activities, maybe it is not necessary."

"It's troublesome."

"It seems it's Laura's turn." Alisha said.

"It's worthy of being a useful community."

"Get in place, start!" Salad said.

"Wow, so fast."

March: "This speed is incredible.'


Gaius: "It's so beautiful."

Salad: "Well, all of you can find your opponents to play."

"Suddenly," Li En said.

"Huh, it seems we can make a break here," Juses said.

"Just to my liking." March said.

Alyssa; "Then I will be Emma."

"Haha good, our time is very close too." Emma said.

"My words, since I have to compare Laura and me."

"No, I want to compare Phoebe if I can." Laura said.

"Oh, isn't it? It's interesting, then Li En, just follow me." Salad said.

"Ah..." Li En was helpless.

Soon everyone's swimming competition began.

Alyssa: "So tired."

"Hmph, you go all out." Salad said.

Li En said, "Of course."

Then the game started, and it turned out that Li En won.

"Huh, great."

"You can beat me." Salad said.

"As expected of Li En," Gaius said.

Fei and Laura also started the game.

Neither individual gave way to each other.

"Laura:'Philip, you will show your true skills?'"

"Why are you so sure?" Fei said.

"Don't underestimate me. I know the way you use force. You still retain your strength!" Laura said.

Salad: "Just use all your strength. Isn't this a courtesy?"

"Salad." Fei said.

"This is not a battlefield where you have been, but a place where you compete with each other and pursue a higher level." Salad said.

"You should be very clear about this."

"Okay." Fei said.

"Okay, let's start," Laura said.

In this way, the physiques of the two are really much worse.

"It would be meaningless if the physique can determine the outcome,"

"Then start!"

Both jumped in.

Fei's speed is amazing, but Laura also refuses.


"Who just won." Alisha said.

"How do you feel that they all arrived at the same time?" Juses said.

'No, Laura came first.'Gaius said.

"Sure enough, it's because of the height." Li En said.

"Well, I want to join it." Salad said.

"Huhu, really amazing." Fei said.

"Huh, you are." Laura said, "but why don't you always do your best."

"Nothing is just troublesome." Fei said.

"We really can't get along." Laura said.

Later, the class will meet.

"It feels like it’s getting really hot. Speaking of summer is the day to drink beer, tomorrow is free

On the event day, do you want to go to the open-air wine shop in the city to have a good time..

"Forget it," Li En said.

"You are going to go with a personable middle-aged gentleman," Euses said.

"Hey, you guys can really say, don't care about that, next Wednesday is the actual test." Salad said.

"Although I think you are probably used to it, you still have to prepare."

"I see." Emma said.

March:'It always feels like a long time.'

"But that's the case. If this year, I won't be able to go to the Midsummer Festival in Wangcheng this year." Aite said.

"What is the so-called Midsummer Festival?" Gaius said.

"So it's better to say that the period is an activity based on the tradition of an elf belief." Alisa said.

"But why does the Midsummer Festival start in July?"

'Yeah, I also found it incredible before.'Salad: "So why?"

Laura: "Because of the Battle of the Lions."

Emma; ``Yes, the Lionheart plans to hold this after the fight is over.'

"Oh, that's it, it's beautiful." Salad said.

"All in all, the weather will get hot. Be careful not to get heatstroke, and the maid in charge of the dormitory will prepare drinks."

"Well, everyone disband!" Salad said.


Everyone chatted together for a while.

Feeling the arrival of summer, Fei left the classroom alone.

"Well, what is she going to do." Emma said, "I'll go see her."