Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 581

"Actually, as you know, the positions of Rufas and Carl are opposite." Olivier said.

"Although President Irina is involved in the technical aspects of guidance, I am not quite clear about her thoughts." Olivier said.

"Also, the place for your special internship is determined by them." Olivier said.

"So that's it."

"It may indeed be based on some kind of idea or power." Laura said.

"Well, this is a condition for them to insist on not making concessions when setting up special classes." The prince said: "To be honest, although I hesitated again, I decided to take a gamble on you."

"I hope you can become a light across the barriers of the empire."

Li En said: "Hehe, but this is also our wishful thinking."

"You should use your own methods to be a student of the academy and show off your youth."

"Love club, friendship, enjoy the sweet and sour youth."


"Listening to you, I was a little relieved." Li En said.

Alyssa: "That highness just said about us?Are there any other pioneers who agree with His Highness's philosophy?""

"Yes, it's the principal of the school. I was originally a graduate of Tolz and his student." Olivier said.

"He fully agreed with my idea of ​​setting up special classes."

"It turned out to be so."

"The principal of the school did a lot of arrangements for us."

"Although unlike the three directors, his position cannot manage the operation of the college, but he is also responsible for coordinating the board of directors." Olivier said.

"More importantly, he tied me to find the best teacher, as the first-line leader." Olivier said.

"The best teacher?"

"Does it mean instructor Salad?"

"Haha, not just her, but the principal of the school promoted her for important reasons," Olivier said.

'She is among the best in the empire's strength, and more importantly, she is also the most suitable person to guide special internships.


"Imperial strength is among the best?" Aite said.

March: "The best talents to guide special internships?'

"Hehe, I have also heard of her rumors." said the princess.

"She is the one who was crowned the handsome title of Zidian, right?"

"Purple Power?"

"Since you know, is the representative really a well-known title in the imperial martial arts world?" Gaius said.

"Well, although I have only heard of it." Li En said.

"She is a young elite who is even regarded as the trump card of the Imperial Guerrilla Association." Olivier said: "The youngest became an A-level guerrilla, with amazing strength and achievements.'

"Ballest of Zidian is the instructor of your class."


"Thank you for coming to see me off, but I didn't expect Elysee and Her Royal Highness to be good friends."

"I don't want to care about her." Elysée said, "Ah, how serious is the princess."

"That, Elysée." Lien said.

"Excuse me, everyone, it's a hard time," Elyssey said.

Alyssa; "Um, thank you."

Gaius; "Thank you for leading the way."

"Haha, good night," Emma said.

"Good night, goodbye." Elysée said.


After she left.

Li En sighed.

Philip: "Don't care."

'Haha, I can actually feel the mood of Elysée.'

"Hehe didn't expect your Highness to offer that kind of invitation." Laura said.

"Well, is it my fault?" Li En said.


"By the way, I forgot to ask Lien for one thing."

The princess said so suddenly at the party.



Olivier: "That thing?"

"That's right, I'm going to come out on the first day of the Midsummer Festival tomorrow at the round party hosted by Wangcheng. I was invited by Mr. March's father to participate."

"Yes, I have heard of it before." March said.

'That is an event held in the waterscape courtyard of the park.'Aite said.

"Well, I have a request. I want to ask Mr. Li En to be my dancing partner."


Aite: "This represents.

"Is he likely to become the husband-in-law of the princess?" Alisha said.

"Although it should be just a conjecture."

"Don't think so, it's better." Juses said.

"Please wait, this is too heavy a responsibility for me." Li En said.

"Haha, it would be, although it is said that the baron, but the Li En family is also related to the royal family, although it is very rude to say that, but I feel that it is more controversial than asking Mr. Euses." The princess said.

"So it is true, but I don't think this is an interesting proposal." Euses said.

"I'm not good at dancing, I really can't be your highness's dancing partner." Li En said.

"Oh, I heard that Elysée once asked you to dance with him?"

"Most of the dance steps, you should be able to handle it easily," said the princess.

"But that's right, such a sudden request is really impolite, and presumably you are not interested in a little girl like me," said the princess.

"Is not likely to."

"It's my sister, I really take the initiative." Olivier said.

Elysée; "Princess, and Prince Olivier."

"Oh, that's the case." The princess said, "Do you already have a sweetheart or do you already have a partner?"

Olivier: "Oh, is there anything in this regard?"

"Well, what should I say?" Li En said.

"Hehe, I know, then I gave up this time, but next year, Lingmei and I will both be 16 years old. It is revealed that I will step into the social world. Please think about me and I will be very happy." The princess said.


Alyssa said: "It's great, Li En, I didn't expect that the princess would like you so much.'

"Huh, isn't it okay to agree directly? Even if it's just a joke, it's possible that in the future it's possible to make a fake show." Euses said.

Li En said: "Impossible, I think she is only interested in her friend's brother."

"It feels like she is not serious, just teasing me and my sister."

"Well, it really feels right." Aite said.

"But it doesn't seem to be the only thing." Aite said.

"But speaking of it, this is really bad for the heart, but I was so scared that I was in a cold sweat." Mai said; "His Royal Highness Olivier also has more personality than imagined."

"Hehe, indeed." Laura said.

'He is a very interesting person.'Fei said.

"That person is the organizer of our special class." Gaius said.

Euses: "He doesn't mention the frivolous feeling for the time being. After listening to his words, he feels more refreshed."

"And besides that, he also told us a lot of intelligence,"

Alyssa: "Well me, oh my brother, the thoughts of related people."

"Huh, I can only smell fire about this."


"Instructor Salad's experience also surprised me a bit." Aite said.

"I have something urgent, although I haven't seen it recently."

Laura: "Speaking of A-level guerrillas, that should be the highest level in fact. You should have known about it a long time ago?'

Fei; "Well, she is also quite famous in terms of enemies who hinder the business of the hunting group."

"There have been several fights in the regiment before."

"So that's it."

"It's terrible too." March said: "It's like imagining that instructor Salad is so powerful."

"Hehe, something like this has indeed happened."

Salad is coming.

"when will you."

"Oh, my past has been dug up, and the charm of the mysterious big sister has diminished."

"Well, it seems that there was no such charm from the beginning." March said.

Fei: "Salad is too thick-skinned."

"What did you say?" Salad said.

"Haha." Claire also came.


Laura:'This is really a strange combination'

"I don't want to either. I'll pass a message for your Excellency. In contrast, you seem to need to help this big sister and them do some sneaky things."

"Um, please don't give them preconceived ideas like this. There is a special class for the help of the details of the matter." Crea said: "I have discussed with your Excellency, it is better to adopt this method."

Then everyone came to Kleiya's office.

It's 21:30 in the evening.

meeting room.

"Suspicious person?" March said.

"Well, you can only call them by this name."

"But the size and background of the members of that force's purpose are unknown." Kleiya said.

"Even the name can't be read clearly."

"It's like looking at flowers in the fog." Aite said.

"The man who tried to cause a dispute on the Nord Plateau is one of them, right?'

'what.'Emma said, "Calling herself G."

"That guy." Euses said.

"Kiddy, right?" Alisha said.

Laura: "You met on the plateau?'

"Well, it can indeed be called a suspicious person."

"So, are they planning to cause any events tomorrow on the first day of Midsummer?" Aite said.

"Yes, we think so." Kleiya said: "The Midsummer Festival in the King City lasts for three days, and unlike other places, it is the most lively day on the first day. One month after the plateau incident, they have to eat shrimp in the pot. What action to take is likely to be tomorrow.'

"Well, I feel the same way. The suspicious characters are basically people who want to show off themselves. Since the man named G deliberately disclosed his name, it means that they should officially start their activities."

Fei; "The basic thing is to gather people and prepare weapons secretly, and then burst out suddenly in a grand place."

Li En said; "So that's it."

'So you want us to help?'Alyssa said.

'Yes, although we have put a complete warning here."Kleiya said: "But the city is very big, maybe there are fish that slip through the net."

"So I hope everyone can help."

"Hey, if the Royal City Association is still there, it should be able to help a little bit." Shala said.

"That is indeed very reliable. The withdrawal of the Miss Salad Guerrilla Association from the Royal City has nothing to do with us.

Claire said.

"Then at least your boss and good brother have clearly shown malice so far," said Sara.


Sure enough, what happened has something to do with the Guerrilla Association.

"But your good brother is busy with Crosbell's side now." Salad said.

"What do you think, whether or not to accept this task, as the content of the special internship is your freedom."

"If you refuse, follow the original reservation. After all, there should be many commissions related to the Midsummer Festival."

Li En said: "Then we will accept it."

"The same goes for Group B."

"That's it, then I'll start explaining your patrol route right away." Clea said.

At 23:00, everyone was ready to go back.

Returned to the Guerrilla Association.

Salad looked here.

"Oh, I miss it, I will come once a week about a year and a half ago," said Salad.

'That's it."

Aite: "No wonder I feel as if I have seen you."

"Ah, I know your sister. She calls Fiona a piano teacher."

Aite: "That's it, so she said she has friends in the association, so it's you."

Laura: "Instructor Salad, why did the association withdraw from the empire? What is the reason?"

"The Support One should have been very active all the time." Li En said.

"Well, yes, I think you should have heard that the direct cause is the attack on various parts of the empire."

Salad said: "Yes, but now it's the same that someone who is opposed to us hired a hunter to do it."

"Because there was a reliable rescuer to help, we successfully repelled those hunters, but they were also targeted by the Empire."

"After that, there was obvious pressure. As you can see, the branch didn't even have a chance to reopen." Salad said.

"That's it." Ait said.

"Could it be?" March said.

"Haha, although it is said that the management of the hunting chapter, but your father has nothing to do with this matter, and has a lot to do with his good friends." Shala said.

"Does the so-called good friend mean Lord Jagged?" Laura said.

"For the people with his confidant and Kleiya just now, after all, I lost my job. Since last spring, I have been a martial arts instructor and have been promoted as your instructor, but now I will also help the association. And bring this child through that relationship." Salad said.

"Salad, so long-winded."

"That's it." Aite said, "Who was the hunter who attacked the Association?"

"Different from this kid, he is called Jesta, honestly a very low-level hunter." Salad said.

"That's it." Laura said.

"Laura, are you worried about me?" Fei said.

"No, I knew it was a different group." Laura said.

'Haha, but the place where Fei used to stay is really amazing.'Li En said.

"In the West Wind Brigade, in addition to the Mercenary King, there are many masters and the descendants of the Berserkers with the same reputation as the Red Constellation.

"I also suffered a lot when I was a guerrilla." Salad said.

"Really dare to say, it obviously hindered us many times." Fei said.

"It always feels like I'm talking about something far away."

"It's the same as the story in the novel." Aite said.

"In any case, the person mentioned today is different from the hunter."

"Sure enough."

"After all, they only acted for Mira, but the man named G, I think he is acting on some kind of deep and dark concept." Salad said.

"Deep and dark?"

"It really feels like that person is terrible." Laura said.