Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 609

The arrival of Sister An Jie made everyone very happy.

"Just put everything in your special class on the stage." An Jie said.

"George: "Well, let's have a good time"

Tova: "Come on, everyone."


"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, the exhibition match for the first-year special class of the college is about to begin." Towa said.

The performance this time went well.

After this, everyone returned to the classroom to rest.

"Oh, I'm exhausted, but the stage performance is considered a success, right?" Alisha said.

Gaius: "At least the atmosphere is really lively."

"Huh, I don't have time to pay attention." Juses said.

"Hehe, that's the gap between professional performers and us." Laura said.

Aite:'Ahaha, I don't think I need to worry, it should be done smoothly.'

"Oh, the response to the third song is far beyond expectations," said the senior.

Li En said, "Haha, the senior's strategy won on this point."

"Huh, it's rare." Pike walked in.

"What are you?" March said.

"I'm just talking about special class guys, no matter how tired they are, they are too ugly." Parker said.

"Huh, nosy." Juses said.

"Hehe, I hope to let us go before the heat on the stage subsides," Laura said.

"Compared to the performance of this class 1, it is also very exciting." Li En said.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so formal." Aite said.

"Hehe, Phyllis's role is also completely suitable for her." Arisa said.

Gaius; "I am very happy to watch."

Parker: "Well, this is a natural response with our strength."

"Anyway, if you are like this, there is nothing you can do, in short, hurry up and cheer up."

"What are you talking about?" March said.

"Oh, is it possible that we got it?" said the senior.

"Hmph, that third song is too despicable." Parker said, "Even I can't help singing together, so this competition is invalid!"

"Goodbye!" Parker said.

"Well, it feels like he is not only here to make us angry." Li En said.

"Everyone, it's great."

At this time, Salad, Tova and the senior sister came in.

"Instructor, and senior sisters." Li En said.

"What's wrong," Arisa said.

"Are you guys completely forgotten."

"Wanted by the guest questionnaire, vote for various exhibits at the school festival."

George said, "I should have heard of it before."


"And that one." Juses said.

Emma: "I completely forgot."

"But, is it?" Ait said.

"We have counted the votes of students and general guests. Although it is difficult to tell the winner for each item, in the end, the first class and the special version competed for the first place."

Senior sister said.

Tova: '1512 votes!'

"The stage performance of the special class won the first place honorably."

"That's it." Li En said.

Senior: "Hey, your response is too weak, any more will do."

"Haha, it seems that every class is very good now." Li En said.

"My brothers seem to be quite happy too," Gaius said.

"It's also fun to beat up bad Missy," Fei said.

"So it's not right for us to feel proud," March said.

"If you really want to say it, it should be a victory for all the members of the student union." Laura said.

"Hehe, that's how it feels." Arisa said.

"Come on for a little activity, you shouldn't forget that there will be an after-night festival next." Salad said.

Li En said: "Yes."

Fei: "It seems to have forgotten."

Aite: "Remember to make a campfire and dance, right?"

"Yeah, everyone's family and friends are also waiting." Tova said.

"The campfire is ready. Move it slowly." George said.

"Okay, it's over today." Li En said, "Find a way to bring the last bit of energy to the playground."


Miriam: "Haha, congratulations."


After the night festival began, the campfire was lit and the playground lit up.

"Grandpa and they are here," Arisa said.

"Brother is really nosy," Juses said.

"Aite, senior, thank you for your hard work." Li En said.

"Ahaha, you mean stage performance."

"What? What wind is blowing today."

Li En said: "No, today's stage performance is really thanks to your efforts."

"I want to thank you solemnly."

"Ah, don't say such things that make your whole body itchy," said the senior.

"Ahaha, the most important thing is that everyone works hard together. I have also discussed a lot of matters with Li En." Aite said.

"Also, it's me who wants to say thank you."

"Huh?" Li En said.

"Thanks to everyone, I once again learned the importance of music. It is not just my own performance. It is important to work harder and better with you. So thank you. It is great for me to come to this college."


"Really two people said something embarrassing." said the senior.

"Really, so loud, I'll see you later." Aite said.

"Haha, it's really lively, and I still want to do it next year." Li En said, "But I don't know what will happen to the special class after the second grade."

"Senior?" Li En said.

"Oh." The senior said: "Basically, the first grade is used directly, but I don't know the special class."

"Really, the senior will not be there next year." Li En said.

"If you can graduate smoothly, the time limit for joining the special class should be here as planned, which means that your companions' time is almost over." said the senior.

Li En: "That is indeed the case, but this is how the farewell party will be held at the end of the month."

"No, I will meet again in the college anyway. Although I plan to move out, I plan to go there about once a week for Miss Cher's meal." said the senior.

Li En said, "Haha, this is the best."

"By the way, it is a rare opportunity to return this to you." The senior said and threw a coin to Li En.

"Is this magic done in the first place?" Li En said, "I completely forgot it. I think I have received many things that exceed this value."

"Then each other, although it is strange to say that, but will return the borrowed Mira, but it is very strange, you just accept it honestly." The senior said.

"In that case, how do you calculate the interest for about half a year after lending it to you?" Li En said.

"Oh, isn't this a miser?" said the senior.

"Haha." Li En said.

"Really, I know, let's talk about it next time." The senior said.


Soon after the night festival dance began.

Olivier said: "Let's participate, too."

The princess said: "Okay."

"Okay, don't just stand up and join everyone," Olivier said.

"Hehe, because it is an activity regardless of status, let's enjoy it together," said the princess.

"So, can Cher dance with you? Gu En said.

"This is my glory." Xueer said.

"It's a rare opportunity, let's dance a little too, Elysée." Lien said.

"My brother has already spent a lot of time with me today, and he should be tired to be able to perform such a powerful stage performance." Elysée said.

"And, because of this kind of time, how about the people who go to the messenger to invite brother to care about?"

Li En said, "Who cares?"

"Hehe, that's the case." Elysée said: "Which one is going to be my sister-in-law's alternate in the future?"

"Uh, it's not like that. If you don't, accept your kindness, I'll go find her." Li En said, "You can't leave Elys alone.'

"Really please go quickly." Elysée said: "If you drag the music, it will be over."

"I see." Li En said.

"Ai, Elysée is true." Her Royal Highness came over.


"No, it can be reflected at this time. As long as you show the courage to invite, your brother will agree to you," said the princess.

Elysée: "It's not like that."

the other side.


"Well, why did Li En come, is it okay with your sister?" Alisha said.

Li En said, "Well, Elysée pushed me from behind, can you dance with me?"

"Ah, with me?" Arisa said.

"Yeah, can't it?" Li En said.

Alisha said; "Hehe I see, let's go."

Spent a good time with Arisa.

After dancing, sit down and rest together.

"Everyone is still dancing." Li En said.

"Yes, they are very energetic, but the school festival is almost over." Arisa said: "It is a summary of life this year."

"Well, I always feel that time has passed in an instant, whether it's the school festival or this year." Li En said.

"Haha, that's right." Arisa said; "The seniors are about to graduate and we will be in the second grade. The so-called time seems to be shorter than expected."

"Yes." Li En said.

"When we came to this academy, did we find the Lu that we were advancing somewhat?" Li En said.

"I don't know." Arisa said: "Although I also arrogantly announced to my mother that I would find my way before graduation."

"But I dare not say that I have the confidence to do this."

Li En said, "Yes, but."

"But if it's us, I think I can find a way if we are with everyone."

"Haha, you said it first."

"Hehe, I know that I might say that when I find you, but I really think so." Arisa said, "If I'm with everyone, I'm with you."

"Ahaha, just kidding."

"Alisa, let's work hard together, no matter what, we must find our way to each other."

"Well, I would like to ask for your advice from now on," Arisa said.

After that, the peaceful and impressive post-night festival is about to end.

"Classmate Li En, Miss Elysée." It was Claire.

"Clearia, it's hard work." Li En said.

"No, you have been working hard. I saw your stage performance really made me very happy to watch." Creya said.

"I feel very proud to be a graduate."

"Huh? Claire, are you also in this school?"

"Yeah, it's the elder sister of classmate Li En who is about 5 years old." Kleiya said.

"I don't know why I mentioned this now." Li En said.

"Because I don't want to give you extra information when participating in a special internship, and after graduation, each has its own path." Clea said.

"Because of complicated reasons in the empire, the situation after graduation is still not good."

"Sorry, I said these horrible things on a happy night, but classmate Li En should be very clear." Kleiya said; "The era of drastic changes is approaching."

"Yes." Li En said.

"Is that the rumored thing on Crosbell's side?" Elysee said.

"Yes, there are also various reasons hidden in addition to this." Kleiya said: "Therefore, we need a firm will that will not waver regardless of food."

"This is what Li En, you guys, showed me during the special internship."

"Ah." Li En said.

"Hehe, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will also provide assistance to the extent I can."

"Haha, thank you, it feels like I have a little more courage." Li En said.

"Hehe, you're welcome." Claire said, "It's rude."

Claire took a communication.

"I'll go back soon." Claire said, "Sorry for being out of company."

Princess: "Elysée, I'm sorry, my brother wants me to go back immediately."s

Li En: "Elysée, I will contact you later, and you can go back with the princess."

"Brother, I know." Elysee said.

"Sorry, Li En, the college will also notify you." Olivier said.

"I'll leave." Claire said.

"I will be responsible for sending Elysée back." said the princess.


"What happened to everyone?" Li En said.

"I don't know, it's the first time I saw such a father." Laura said.

"I also only saw my mother's terminal received a call." Arisa said.

"It's the same with my father, it seems to be a contact from the Wangcheng." March said.

Juss: "It seems that an unusual event has happened."

"My dad left as soon as his face changed," Aite said.

"It looks like a contact from Knight."

"It seems to be performing a mission in Galeria Fortress." George said.

Afterwards, the dean of the academy: "Thank you very much for coming today. This post-night festival is over now, and the empire has just sent an official announcement.

The Garelian fortress, which I didn’t understand, was destroyed this evening. It seemed that it had disappeared because of an unexplained change. Everyone who came from the time should act calmly."

After that, a few days passed, and the Garella fortress published in the Empire Times became a news photo of a huge spherical pothole.

That was the picture that made anyone feel the shock. Even though it was impossible to confirm the authenticity, the rumors that the team sent by the Empire had been easily repelled by the attack on Krossbel began to spread.

In addition, the freezing of Krossberg has officially started, and the empire has begun to take care of itself.

Although the nobles cooperated with the iron and blood and began to control the situation, at the same time, it was also reported that the long-standing rivals Smith and Crosbell were allied.

And strongly doubt whether they will attack the rumors of the empire that has lost the line of defense of the Garella fortress.

This day in the classroom.

"Obviously the time for the class meeting has already started, why did the instructor Salad not come." March said.

Li En said, "There is no way."

"I think they are also discussing future strategies."

"Yes, this morning's meeting seems to have taken a long time." Emma said.

"But I can't believe that the huge Galeria fortress has disappeared." Gaius said.

"Although, to be correct, it seems to be eliminated." Ait said: "Instructor Knight is really lucky to be rescued."

"That huge train is gone." Fei said, "I can't believe you."

"What kind of weapon is used, no matter how you think about it, I don't think it can be made by humans." Laura said.

Alisa: "I don't know."

"But now it's impossible to achieve the level of guidance."

"Huh, Clos Bell, who has been regarded as a state so far, actually possesses such a weapon." Juses said, "No wonder it's so blatant."

"I am also very worried about the Empire. It is said that the demonstrations have been very serious recently." Aite said.

March; "They want to hit Crossbell." March said.

"Is it true that Smith is about to fight?" Gaius said.

"I think it's false news, but because of the perennial opponents, naturally there will be a little bit of this feeling." Arisa said.

"In any case, be careful not to be confused by rumors and false news." Emma said: "Be careful to observe the specific situation."

"Yes." Li En said: "I have seen the current situation and situation in various places after special internship.'

"Maybe this experience can be used."

"Well, use your own eyes to confirm the importance of the truth." Laura said.

"It is true that every internship confirms this matter." Aite said.

Juss; "But what are those two doing at this time..."

March: "Sarah doesn't know, won't the seniors have gone back?"

"No, he said that he would stay in the special class until the end of the month." Lien said, "Miriam's situation is not clear."

"Is it really related to iron and blood?" Arisa said.

"Although she is what she looks like, she is also a righteous and iron-blooded person." Fei said.

Aite: "Seeing her usual appearance, I almost forgot."

"Well, I'm a little worried," Laura said.

Salad: "Let you wait a long time."

"Instructor Salad, are you going to start the class meeting?" Emma said.

"Sorry, today's course is terminated. You must study in the academy before school ends, and wait for instructions in the dormitory afterwards."

Salad said.

"this is?"

"What happened?" Li En said.

"It should be said that it is happening, and Jagged is going to make a statement at Delekels Square this afternoon."

"And the target is everyone in the empire." Salad said.

"The statement to everyone is really unusual." Li En said.

"But why did you choose this time?" March said.

Juss said: "Somewhat imaginable."

"Well, cheer yourself up. You are all candidates. You don't care what you want to do in the future. You have to make judgments when it happens. This is the same for any position and career."

Salad said: "So at least don't look away now and watch what is happening."

Li En said, "I see."

"Yeah, it's better to be stronger," Arisa said.

"Regarding the iron-blooded speech, in a word, every classroom will broadcast the current broadcast." Salad said: "If you care about the content, it would be nice to come to the classroom in the afternoon."

"Do you have a chance, just listen here," Laura said.

"I don't have a guide radio." Fei said.

"I do, but it sounds a bit like that alone." March lost.

"Hehe, let's listen together. People are quite boring and brought beer and side dishes." Salad said.

Emma: "Leave aside this, the senior and Miriam are gone."

"Instructor, do you know the situation?" Arisa said.

"I don't know, Crowe is still the same, I met Miriam at the academy this morning." Salad said.

"So is it gone?" Li En said.

"Well, I originally thought the same way, but he said leisurely that they didn't tell me to do anything. It should be in the academy.

Juss: "What's the matter."

"I don't know, anyway, I shouldn't worry about it." Arisa said.

Li En said: "If you see Amen before noon, tell them to come together."

"Well, good." Aite said.

After the crowd disbanded, Li En planned to find Miriam and Crowe.

I saw the monitor on the way.

"Well, monitor you are here." Li En said.

"Yeah, haha, I'm taking care of Serenu while taking a break," Emma said.

"Classmate Li En is looking for classmate Crowe and classmate Miriam?" Ai massage said.

"Yes, where did you go?" Li En said.

"Hehe, this matter is up to you." Emma said.

"Does the monitor have anything you care about?" Li En said

"That really is about the business of Clos Bell." Emma said: "The weapons that wiped out the Garella fortress are the same. This series of things seems to be guided by something.'


"You don't need to care about that, I might just read too many novels." Emma said.

"I see, I will see you after all." Li En said, "I will go back to the classroom immediately after I find Crowe."

"Well, I will wait too." Emma said.

After that, Li En met instructor Knight.

"Instructor Knight, you have returned to the academy." Li En said.

"Well, long time no see, the special class seems to be working hard at the school festival."

Li En said:'Haha, thank you instructor Ang Shi.'

"Well, yes, a lot of things suddenly appeared in the sky, and then they disappeared."

Li En said, "Really, it would be great for you to be safe and sound."

"Now that I have lost my stronghold, it is indeed a bit chaotic now." Knight said: "In this case, I still have to consider Smith's movements, so I plan to resign as an instructor today.'

"Ah." Li En said.

"It's a shame that I can't see the school festival, you guys have to come on." Nethar said.

"We will definitely work hard." Li En said.

After that, Li En searched in the academy for a long time and didn't find Crowe.

No one knows where he went, and when he arrived in the classroom, he found that Miriam had returned.

Everyone looked serious.

"what happened?"