Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 614

Get out of the park.

Toval said, "I feel a strange breath."

"Speaking of which, Serenu, didn't you just say, did you find anything?" Li En said.

"Yes, I do feel that through the force guiding device, the connection between the two is temporarily strengthened." Serenu said.

"This power is officially emitted from Li En, the initiator."

"As the initiator, I am," Li En said.

"I don't know, I just said what I felt." Serenu said.

"I don't know the details."

"All in all, if used wisely, it seems that it can become a strong force." Tovar said.

"That's what I said." Li En said, "If that's the case, let's try more next time!"

After that, the two quickly left the park.

"The aura of high-level attributes seems to have disappeared." Serenu said, "It's really annoying. Maybe something will happen in the emperor.

Li En said: "If you form an association, you may act."

"Well, let's collect information first." Toval said, "First of all, how indispensable the nobles nearby are. Try to investigate carefully before heading to the town."

"I remember there should be a farmhouse near here, so let's ask about it," Li En said.

"Okay, just do that." Toval said.

"Be careful not to arouse others' suspicion, at least I will remain silent in front of others." Serenu said.

"Okay, I get it, hurry up and start acting." Li En said.

Came to a nearby farmhouse.

"Excuse me, is anyone here?" Li En said.

An uncle came out of the house.

'Well, are you? It seems that they are not people nearby?" said the uncle.

"Is there anything going to my house? Although I think I have seen it somewhere."

Li En said, "Well, we are traveling businessmen."

Toval: "I just came to Keldyk recently. I don't know the situation. I'm very troubled."

"If it is convenient, can I have a little chat with you?"

"Traveling merchant, in this situation, you are also very hard, right?"

"Hey, if you just want to chat, of course there is no problem." said the uncle.

Li En said, "So, can you tell me about the current situation? Keldic's."

"Well, what I said is that a long time has passed since the situation turned sharply. There hasn't been any large-scale fighting around here, and it's still peaceful.

Now Keldic is completely under the management of the aristocratic group. On the contrary, the atmosphere in the town is very tense. "The uncle said.

"That's it," Li En said.

"I think you seem to be a farmer, so it won't affect your work?" Toval said.

"No, we have received a lot of influence." The uncle said: "The guided vehicles are strictly managed, so the scale of the big market has also been reduced."

"Almost all the crops produced by my family are sold in the big market, and recently it seems that we are going to cooperate with the battle to collect materials." The uncle said: "I really hope this dispute will end soon.

"Haha, indeed, each other has worked hard." Toval said.

"By the way, although it's a bit strange to ask, do you know that there are students around here?" Li En said.

"I've learned to say, I don't know, what's wrong.

"Oh, nothing." Li En said.

"All in all, thank you for telling us these important things." Tovar said, "It really helped us a lot."

"If you are going to the city, be careful of those nobles." said the uncle.

"We understand, thanks for reminding." Li En said.

The two left the farmhouse and entered Keldic.

Then, began to gather information carefully.

Li En asked a woman.

"After the accident, there was a dispute. Although the current situation has stabilized, the future is still worrying."

"Although my daughter has gone home safely, I don't know when I can go back to school and go back to school."

Then Li En saw the woman's daughter, who was actually a student at Tolista College.

"Hey, even the big market is down, huh, are you? I seem to have seen it somewhere, with black hair and a serious look.

Li En said: "I am in a special class, I have seen it before."

"Oh, it's you."

"How about everyone in the college?"

Beffi explained that after it turned out, she escaped by herself after she stabilized.

Li En explained his situation to her again.

"That's right, that is to say, you are doing various activities around to help your partners, right?"

"Well, it's almost like that." Li En said.

Toval: "Miss, did you think of a way to return to your hometown after escaping from the college?"

"But it's not easy for you, you can get here smoothly."

"Yes, it was only with the help of classmates that I could escape, and finally went home safely."

"It's nice to have classmates help." Li En said.

"Just helping my classmates, but I still don't know their news, hey."

"Do you know anything about the other classmates. What about the people in the special class?" Li En said.

"There was also someone from the church who fled here with me. I don't know anything else."

"People in the garrison team don't seem to be very active in chasing ordinary students."

Li En said, "That's it."

"When I came back, I was also questioned by them, but now I am free to move out."

Toval: "Hey, maybe they think it's better to watch first. If they find any strange behavior, they will act immediately."

"For the students in the special class, it seems that they are doing their best to hunt down."

"Yeah, it really can't be reassuring." Li En said, "All in all, it's great to know so much from you."

"You can settle down now and don't worry your mother." Li En said.

"Well, you don't need to say that I plan to do the same."

"Oh, the situation is really bad now."

Li En said, "Don't worry, you will get better."

Then I came to the hotel and met the waiter, who had stayed here before in a special internship..

"Ah, this is not Mr. Toval, the other one is in a special class, which is really shocking."

"Although I am a little worried, it seems that nothing has changed in the hotel." Li En said.

"All in all, the dispute was very sudden, although it had a small impact, but it was still stable." The waiter said: "At first, because the dispute happened too suddenly, many people could not go home. The guiding train has been managed and cannot go back. There are too many people, and now even the corridors are full."

"It's much better now than it was then, ahaha, although it is still very hard, everyone's interest and atmosphere are very low."

"The garrison team here seems to be thinking about levying supplies, and the crops I have worked so hard to take care of by myself are about to be given to them." A guest complained.

Then, Li En and others asked the proprietress for information.

"Sala students, why are you here?" the boss said, "and Toval over there."

"It's been a long time, the lady boss looks very healthy." Li En said.

"Yes, Christmas Eve is great for you." The lady boss said: "Will you live with us today?"

"No, in fact, it hasn't been decided yet." Li En said, "But there is something I want to ask the boss.'

I will give a rough explanation of what happened so far.

"Oh, so you are looking for classmates."

"I think they must be nearby." Li En said, "I want to ask the boss what you have clues."

"Well, no, I really can't think of any clues. There are fewer and fewer customers now. If your classmates came here, I would definitely know them."

Said the boss.

"That's it." Li En said.

"Hey, knowing that you are not in the hotel is considered to be a receipt." Toval said.

"By the way, this city doesn't seem to be affected? I heard that the atmosphere is tense."

"Well, there is no direct influence yet, but I heard that there seems to be a fight in the east."

Li En said, "Do you mean the Garella fortress?"

"Yes, it seems that the defensive team has been deployed, and the strength is very strong, it has repelled the nobles several times."

"Speaking of hibernation, here is a big stronghold a little further ahead."

Toval said: "Shuanglong Bridge, so are the people over there fighting?"

"Yes, I heard that the situation seems to be very intense now."

"We are also worried about whether this city will be involved." The lady boss said worriedly.

"Indeed, according to development, there will be such dangers." Li En said.

"The master of the big bazaar seems to be looking for people everywhere to discuss countermeasures, but when I think about whether there is any accident, the garrison will really protect us, sure enough."

"Hey, I really hope this dispute will end soon."

"That's right, thank you lady boss for telling us so much, and please take care."

"To each other."

Then the two came to the big market.

I happened to see a drunk nobleman pestering the nun.

"Hey, is it okay to stay with us for a while?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, come with me."

"Ah, I still have to help with the work of the church." The nun said, "Also, I am not an adult and cannot drink."

"Tsk tusk, don't be so cold, Miss Sister, let's have a few drinks together."

"Or, I don't want to listen to us. From your standpoint, Miss, we can take you back for any reason."

"why is it like this."

Li En said, "These guys are really hateful."

Tovar: "Leave it to me here."

After speaking, he stepped forward.

"Oh, you two won't be Duke Kane's subordinates?"

"Well, who are you?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, I actually have something to ask you." Torval said.

"Huh, get out of here."

Toval said: "Don't say that, I'm a businessman named Phil, a few big brothers, so active in the battle, I really want to have a good relationship with you."

"I don't know if the two can let the boss at the stationing point say a few good things."

"Huh, the merchant is like that."

"It might be a little boastful to say that. As a businessman, I am very confident and have a high reputation." Toval said.

"Just help me introduce, I think the captain's evaluation of the two will be better."

"This is just a proof of our friendship."

Torval stuffed Mira into the hands of the nobles.

"Please use this to buy some snacks." Toval said: "Then this matter, I will trouble you two."

"That's okay, you don't have to be polite to take some, you call Phil, don't expect too much, just wait."

"Well, trouble you."

The two noblemen left.

"Mr. Toval, that's amazing."

"Haha, it's done in three or two, but I really know how to say it, but who is Phil?" Li En said.

"Haha, it's the name I've used before, um, relying on my efforts to solve the problem before the commotion."

"It is true that there are guerrillas, and the methods of solving problems are too old." Li En said, "It also taught me a little bit."

"Haha, it's not such a great thing."

Tovar: "By the way, are you okay, sister nun?"

The nun said: "Yes, thanks to your blessings, well, you are a classmate of Li En in the special class."

Li En said, "Ah, you are Rossi in Class 3."

"Oh, did you know it?"

"Yes, she is an alumnus of the college." Li En said, "Did you also escape to Keldic?"

"Yes, classmate Li En, you are also safe. It's great." Rossi said, "It will be eye-catching here. Would you like to come to church once?"

"Well, this will help a lot." Li En said, "Let's change the place now."

In the church, Ron's room.

After exchanging information with each other, Ron said: "It turns out that this is for everyone in the special class. It's really hard for you."

"Don't say that to you too." Li En said.

"It must be very difficult to escape this way."

"Yes, I have been hoping to the goddess that everyone in the academy is all right." Ron said.

"Don't you know the situation of other people?" Tovar said: "We are collecting intelligence now.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know."

"It doesn't matter, having said that, do noble people always look like that?" Li En said.

"Anyway, it's too exaggerated to get drunk in broad daylight." Toval said.

"I often have things recently, even smashing things after getting drunk, or taking away the goods from the stall."

"The people in the big bazaar are all panicked, and everyone is eager to fight early."

Toval said: "It seems that the guards guarding the city are still loose."

"In fact, it hasn't been affected at all here." Li En said.

"In short, thank you for your information, and be careful not to be fooled."

"Okay, I thank you for your relationship." The nun said, "Student Li En, you also found all your companions smoothly."

"Okay, you'd better stay in the church lately. It would be very dangerous if we weren't there." Li En said.

"Thank you for your concern, I will pay attention to proportion." The nun said.