Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 615

"Bless Li En, you can also see the students in the special class as soon as possible," said the nun.

"Well, thank you." Li En said.

The two left the church in this way.

"Although I have asked everything I should have asked, I still don't have any clues." Li En said.

Toval: "Oh, I always think it's a bit weird that even a witness is okay."

"Are there really special classes around here?"

Serenu said, "Since it was detected by Varima, it should be correct."

"However, if there is no way to find a clue in the town."

"The street may be a place other than that, and it is necessary to be included in the search." Lien said.

"Everyone, I hope everything is fine."

"Hi, big brothers, they seem to be very idle."

A young man walked over: "Would you like to come to a new intelligence magazine that the Empire is proud of, the Empire Times."

"From the last issue of the first issue since the start of the dispute, the news you want to know may be in it. The price is only 1OO mira. Come and buy it."

Torval: "What's the matter, I feel forced to sell."

"Boy, big brothers still have things to do."

"Hey, don't worry about it, it's just a good one." The boy said: "If you don't buy it now, you will regret it, and you will definitely regret it."

Li En said, "Well, since it's just the right thing to say, please give me a copy."

"Thank you for your patronage." The young man reported the Times to Li En and left happily.

"It's really tough." Torval said.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I am also a little interested in the latest issue of The Times." Li En said, "Maybe I can know something."

"Yes." Torval said.

Serenu: "Then take a look."

Li En read the Times.

"Special report of the Noble Alliance's lightning attack.

It is now being suppressed in various places, and the nobles said that they have topped 60% of their territories, and everything is going very smoothly. It can be said that it is a winning streak.

The reporter went to interview the western front. The local area gathered a large number of airships and mecha soldiers. The momentum was amazing. People deeply realized the power of the nobles now, and the quality of weapons far surpassed others.

The captain said in an interview that although the old garrison was also elite, they had lost their righteousness and were completely a mob.

Obviously, he expressed firm confidence in the current situation. Another well-known star Alleria and Auresi are also at the front line, and the overall morale is very high.

They said that regardless of whether it is me who bears the righteousness in the past or the future, there is no such word as defeat in the dictionary."

"Regarding future predictions, the nobles and entertainers here will carry out crusades. The few old guards scattered in various places will begin to collude with the current iron and blood remnants, causing the situation to worsen. I hope that the crusade will be carried out as soon as possible."

"In addition, Regni, the former commander of the Royal City, was officially arrested because of his many assistance to the remnants of iron and blood, and the evidence is now solid.

So far, a total of 40 such people have been caught.

Unexpectedly, there are so many inner ghosts lurking in the royal city!The person in charge of the search showed a surprised look, and in the future, he will work harder to catch all the inner ghosts."

"In addition, there have been many rumors in various places that seriously injured the nobles today. The Duke of Kane hopes that you will not be deceived. The future of the empire is bound to be better."

"In addition, due to the unrest not long ago, the transportation vehicles and airships were temporarily suspended. Now they have stabilized, they have been opened.

However, the schedule is still relatively rare, and it will depend on the situation in the future, and it may be suspended again. Please pay more attention.

In addition, it will also implement the strategy of having a knighthood, which gives priority to obtaining transportation tickets."

"Unexpectedly, March's father was arrested." Li En said.

"Important figures on the iron and blood side were arrested, coupled with the current confrontation between the remnant forces and the nobles, but this report is really biased.

Basically, they were helping the nobles with good words. Obviously, the Times was also controlled by the nobles."Tovar said.

"Yes, it seems so." Li En said: "Even the situation after the end of the civil war, the Duke and them all took into account, and then immediately launched an action."

Serenu: "Huh, these people are really dripping. Oh, there seems to be something on the last page."

Li En said, "Really, this is a piece of paper?"

Torval looked at it: "This looks like a map."

"It appears to be a map of Keldic Street to the east." Lien said, "There are several numbers and marks on it."

"Wait, there seems to be something on the back," Torval said.

Li En took a look: "The one who gets the queen holds the king's key."

"It looks like something is a secret sign," Serenu said.

"This kind of roundabout approach." Toval said, "Could it be that guy?"

"Weird thief B." Li En said, "No, nothing was stolen this time."

"Mr. Toval, this mark and the chessboard on the map, don't you think it looks like a chess?" Lien said.

"Chess? It really feels like this, and wait for that." Torval said.

"The Q in this white text is the queen, the black B is the bishop, and P is the soldier." Li En said.

"It seems that each represents a chess piece."

"Humph." Serenu said, "I don't understand human games at all."

"No, it seems that Lien is right." Toval said: "In this way, the meaning of the person who got the queen written in this note seems to be guessable."

"Let's set off, to Cadillac Street to the east."

"Well, carry out a carpet search." Toval said.

Soon in the East Street, according to the secret code Li En and others found a key, and then came to a farmhouse.

The door was locked, so Li En used the key.

"The door opened. It really is like this. I feel the aura of someone inside." Li En said, "Who would it be?"

After pushing the door open, Li En walked in.

"You are finally here, Li En."

"This voice is." Serenu said.

"Sure enough, it's you." Li En said, "Markey!"

March: "Haha, I have always believed that if it were you, you would be able to unlock the secret code and come here. It would be great to see you so energetic."

Li En stepped forward and hugged March.

"Hey, calm down," March said.

"Great, March, you are fine, and finally met, I thought it would be impossible at the time." Li En said.

"Woo, you really are." March said: "We didn't plan to die there. You are here because you believe in us."

"Yeah, it is indeed like this." Li En said.

"Really, cheer up." March said.

"But thank you, I am really happy to see you again."

"Hey, we should stop crying and crying." Serenu said.

"Mr. Toval and Serenu are here," March said.

"Haha, I haven't had a chance to see him since Carrejas." Toval said: "Re-introduction, my name is Toval. Although it is a bit sudden, let's exchange information first."


"A month ago, after Li En and the Gray Riding God flew away together, a helper appeared in front of us." March said.

"It's the red airship Carrejas."

"That's it," Torval said.

"So, is the Lord Viscount also there?" Li En said.

"Yeah, we were originally determined to fight with the Azure Knight God with the determination to die." March said, "Even if we sacrifice our name, we don't hesitate."

"But at that moment there was a voice from above. It is not the time to sacrifice here. In order to control the future, find a way to live, wait for the opportunity, Master Viscount said."

"Ah." Li En said.

"It really has his style." Toval said.

"Just after hesitating, we decided to escape." March said: "Thanks to the help of Carrejas to contain the God of Blue Rider, we can escape smoothly."

"After that, the soldiers split into three directions and escaped from Tolista."

"Then Carrejas is okay?" Li En said.

"I don't know about this." March said: "I can't grasp the current situation at all. I just hope they are safe."

Toval said: "Your Excellency will have nothing to do. The Light Swordsmith will not be dealt with in this simple way."

"That's right, it turns out that March came to Kyle Dick like this."

"Yes, thanks to the help of the Viscount and the others." March said: "And I joined the two current individuals, Aite and Fei."

"Do you mean that the two of them are also here?" Li En said.

"Yes, we will keep acting together after this." March said: "The manager of the big bazaar also helped introduce this place for us to hide."

"Since when, in order to break the current predicament, we have been thinking of ways to do something, and we have to find a way to find out where you are flying."

"So that's it, everyone worked hard." Li En said.

"You are." March said: "The matter between your sister and your Royal Highness is really incredible."

"In order to rescue them, please let me help."

Torval: "So which code used to guide us here, it's really you."

"As for the kid who sells newspapers, he also knows you."

"Haha, you guessed it right." March: "The helper in the town told me that a man named Li En appeared nearby. Although it may be a little roundabout, I can only ask them to help with this method."

"Well, it should be said that it is too particular, or is affected by the strange thief B." Li En said.

"This, it is indeed on a whim, it seems to be a bit over sitting." March said.

"Well, having said that, you should contact Aite and Fei earlier. If they know that Li En is safe, they will definitely be very happy."

"Aren't the two of them here?" Serenu said.

"Yes, in order to investigate whether it is possible to cross to the Garella fortress to the east, so I set off first." March said.

Tovar: "I heard from the hotel owner that there seems to be a lot of aristocrats over there, right?"

"Yes, the fourth team, led by Ait's father Craig, is there." March said.

"It's the strongest team." Toval said.

"Then, March, are you planning to get in touch with them?" Li En said.

"Yes, maybe you can get some tips that can break the status quo." March said: "As for I will stay here on standby, responsible for contact and logistics."

"After a while, I should receive regular contact from them. Then I will explain the situation to them first and decide how to reunite."

"Okay, I see, but then there is no free time. It would be nice if you could do something first during this time." Li En said.

"In that case, do you want to go back first?" Tovar said, "I still want to investigate the situation around here as much as possible."

"Well, maybe this is a good way." March said, "Then let's go to town."

"Well, you have to pay more attention to the town." March said.

"Are you talking about cross-dressing?" Li En said, "Although no one noticed our appearance."

"No, because I'm the son of the main guard, I was ordered to pay special attention. The big men over there were all arrested."

March: "It's better to be cautious." After speaking, he took off his glasses.

Serenu: "Hmph, this is indeed unrecognizable."

"Eyes occupy a large proportion of the impression of people. I think it is very useful to make some changes to the glasses." Toval said: "But does your eyesight matter?"

March said: "I will work hard."

"I will try my best to help you, just speak up if you have anything."

"By the way, the manager of the Grand Bazaar is about to come back, go and say hello to him." Toval said.

"Yeah, I also want to report to them that we should pay a visit if we meet successfully," said March.

"Well, whatever you plan to do, hurry up," Serenu said.

Soon everyone came to the steward of the big bazaar.

"Your Excellency, long time no see." Li En said.

"It looks like you just came back from finishing your business."

Manager: "Oh, classmate Li En, finally reunited with classmate March. It's great to see you are very energetic."

"So is the manager. It's been a long time since the last internship." Li En said.

"I heard you helped March them hide."

"It's all thanks to the help of the manager and everyone in the town." March said, "please let me thank you again."

"Hehe, I didn't do anything, it's because you keep working hard to achieve this result.

But I did not expect that Mr. Toval would also go with him, which really surprised me."The manager said.

"Haha, after the commission came here not long ago, it hasn't been for a long time. Take this opportunity to let me talk about what has happened so far."

After that, I explained what happened with the general manager.

"Umil was actually attacked. Although Kyle Dick also faces various problems, it may be relatively peaceful." The manager sighed.