Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 621

Li En said, "Come on, Valima, the God of Grey Riding."

It was almost an instant, and the Grey Horse God flew over.

Mecha Soldier: "Is the Grey Cavalry God here? Sure enough, he joined forces with Jagged."

Li En said: "I didn't mean that, but you can't let the people who threaten the plateau be ignored."

"Don't be arrogant, kill the Gray Riding God, and give it to our Duke Kane!"

The battle was on the verge, and the riding god faced the three mechas.

Easily defeated the three mechas.

"Damn it, it will be so powerful."

"Win or lose has been determined." Li En said: "If I continue, I am willing to accompany him."

"Retreat! Give up the monitoring tower! All the crew board the airship and leave."

Aite; "Oh, they ran away."

"Haha, although it is different from the plan." Claire said.

"The mission is completed." Fei said.

"Hehe, you really deserve to be Li En's classmate." Xueer said.

Alisa: "Really, it's always messy like this."

Gaius: "Well, but this is Li En."

"Hehe, it seems it's time to retreat." The thief said: "The appearance of the Gray Riding God has also been worshipped, so there is no need to miss it."

"It's okay, black rabbit?"

"There is no opinion, in terms of being able to re-evaluate the threat level, it is already very meaningful." Heitu said.

"Want to escape!" Arisa said.

"Don't move, I still have something to ask you." Claire said.

"Hehe, the stage of the empire has just opened." said the thief.

"But the huge wave of destiny will eventually swallow this stage. How you will face such a destiny, let me appreciate it."

"Deadline Kruger, including your own position."

"Hehe, please feel free to." Xueer said: "No matter what happens, it will not shake my love."

"Then I'm leaving, the Olain over there still has a silver arm." Black Rabbit said, "Goodbye by chance."

"Ahaha, goodbye, Xiaoguang also bye." Miriam said.

"Please don't bother the lightsaber." Black Rabbit said.

"Li En, please say hello to him, goodbye."

The two disappeared using space magic.

Alisa:'What an incredible opponent.'

"But it finally survived." Gaius said.

'In short, let's stop this guiding device now.'Sher said.

"In this way, the crisis in the plateau can be resolved."

"Well, that's right!" Alisa: "How can you know our purpose."

"Hehe, because I know everything about Missy." Xueer said.

Fei; "It really hasn't changed at all."

After all the crisis was lifted, the manpower and hunting soldiers of the nobles originally stationed here also retreated.

At this point, the third team of Jiandamen has also escaped from the biggest crisis.


"The disputes that occurred on the plateau have finally subsided. Fortunately, we don't have to abandon our important hometown." La Gang said.

"Let me thank you."

"No, this is not a great thing." Li En said.

"In fact, the crisis is not completely resolved."

"Well, the noble side has already formed a battle, and the future situation is still hard to say."

Claire: "I want to stay vigilant in the future."

"Although this is the case, I still have to say thank you." Gaius said: "My hometown was saved from the crisis, thanks to Li En you."

"Haha, even this Anyang just did what it was supposed to do." Li En: "The plateau is an important residence for the empire and a brother."

"It's okay to help, right?"

"Yeah, that's it." Miriam said.

Fei: "Don't be so dismissive."

Gaius: "Thank you, I can't thank you enough."

"But even if the crisis on the plateau has subsided," Gu En said, "the disputes are still anxious."

"Well, Lu Lei where RF is located is the same." Xueer: "Even some parts of RF are dominated by nobles."

Alisa: "Really, sure enough."

"Well, that makes sense." Gu En said: "In the case of guided force wave obstruction devices, there are traces of RF development."

"I'm afraid there are traces of Dr. G Mister's production."

"When I was a child, my grandfather used to see him." Arisa said.

"Well, he's an old friendship with me, he's a very annoying guy. I'm afraid he might also intervene on the giant flying battleships of mecha soldiers and nobles."

"By the way, there is no one besides him who can accomplish that kind of thing."

"Is it so powerful that Grandpa Guen feels that way?" Miriam said.

"It seems to be an incredible old man." Serenu said.

"However, why did Cher come to such a place at this time?" Arisa said.

"After the dispute started, didn't you return to Lulei? If Xueer is there, mom will definitely feel relieved."

"Hehe, because I finally found where the lady is." Xueer said, "And, this is also the president's instruction."

"Although, I haven't contacted the president since I left Lu Lei."

"I think my mother will be fine, after all, it is her."

Alisa: "Now I have to do what I should do. I have made an agreement with my mother."

Gunn:'Well, that's right.'

"Brother, do you want to go with Li En and the others?"

Gaius: "Well, I don't know when I will be back. The others will take care of you."

"Woo, brother."

"Don't cry, Gaius just walked with everyone to do what he should do."

"This time, I have a profound experience." Gaius said: "As long as the dispute does not end for a day, there will be no peace in my hometown.

In order to protect the hometown and this land, someone must step forward, just like the soldiers of the Nord Plateau who stepped forward in the Battle of the Lions."

Lagan: "Really, the famous lion emperor also started from this place, for the sake of friends and for the beloved plateau brothers, Gaius, you want to follow suit."

"Well, but it's not just that. As a member of the college's special class, I have to protect my second hometown."

"Thank you." Li En said.

"So, everyone, I promise you will come back safely." Gaius said.

"I will find my own way, grow stronger and come back, so please wait for me to come back."

"I understand brother, we will work hard during this time when brother is away." Thomas said.

"I will try my best to pray for my brother's peace."

"So may the wind and the goddess protect me."

So after bidding farewell to everyone, everyone left the plateau.

First, he returned to Umir and started to prepare.

After that, everyone used the channel of riding god to come to Ragram.

This is Ron Castle.

"I didn't expect to be teleported here." Li En said.

Serenu: "There is Emma's breath ahead, come with me."

Everyone followed Serenu, and as expected, they met Laura and Emma ahead.

They were fighting an Eudemons, and they destroyed the Eudemons in a short while.

Philip: "Laura, it looks stronger."

Li En said: "The monitor seems to be using incredible power naturally."

"Haha, it seems that we need to be so anxious."

"No, it's not over yet." Serenu said.

"Sure enough, it's the same as you said." Xueer said.

The magic circle lights up, and another Eudemon appears.

"There are such monsters." Emma said.

"You two!"

"What's wrong with you!" Laura said in surprise.

"Li En, and everyone." Emma said.

Serenu: "I have something, I'll talk about it later."

"Let's also come to help, get rid of this guy first." Li En said.

"Philip, and you, I understand, and help me." Laura said.

After the battle.

Sereno; "Successful."

"Well, the incredible monster seems to have finally disappeared." Li En said, "Are you two okay?"

"Yeah." Laura said.

"Really classmate Li En." Emma said, "Everyone, and Serenu."

"Hmph, of course." Serenu said.

"Haha, really." Laura said, "It's so sudden that I don't know how to react."

"Li En, fortunately, you are also safe, haha, what should I say, although it does not fit my personality, I always feel that the corners of my eyes are hot."

"Sorry, I worried you." Li En said, "No matter how many times I thank you, it is not enough to express my gratitude."

"Haha, don't talk about such extravagance." Laura said: "In order to become a sword of the special class, I vowed to do my best. One day, I will be able to meet each other. I have always believed."

"Now I am finally able to fulfill such a vow, and it is enough for me."

"Thank you Laura, it's so nice that you are fine, and so is the monitor. I finally saw you." Li En said.

"Yes." Emma said, "I didn't expect to meet you like this, and I can hear classmate Li En call me class leader again."

"Hehe, I always feel like I'm dreaming."

"Haha, I feel the same way, but this is not a dream. Although the situation is still critical, we will meet again."

Li En said.

"It's great to be able to work hard until now without giving up hope."

"Yeah, really." Emma said: "It must be because of everyone here, because of everyone and classmate Li En, so I can work hard till now. Please let me thank you again."

"Thank you, Serenu, for supporting Classmate Li En and them all the time, and I am really grateful to come here with them."

"Humph, there's nothing great, you are fine, you can escape the fate of becoming a stray cat, and you can rest assured for the time being."

"Love, it's true, you're still not forgiving." Emma said.

"The relationship is really good," Fei said.

"Well, that's right." Li En said.

"Hehe, this way, you will be able to rendezvous with Laura and Emma, ​​and the breath of Eudemons is completely wiped out. Let's go back first."

Li En said, "Well, let's go, Laura, are you all right?"

"Well, of course, let me listen to this time on the road." Laura said.

On the way, everyone exchanged information and learned about each other's situation and current state.

"It feels like the fog has dispersed a bit." Li En said: "Because of defeating Eudemons?"

"Well, it's probably because of that guy that accelerated the surrounding changes." Serenu said.

"Although it has temporarily eased, the fog may thicken again."

"I think the main reason is not Eudemons." Emma said.

"Next, we must continue to pay attention to changes in the situation." Laura said.

"Speaking of which, I heard you say about this in general. It's really hard to predict how the dispute will develop next."

"It's true, the nobles are also very strong." Li En said: "The other is the Viscount and Prince Olivier, which also makes people care about their whereabouts."

"It has been a month since the Viscount came to the academy to help us." Emma: "Sure enough, I'm a little worried."

"No, although I also told Emma, ​​everyone don't have to worry, my father will be fine, I believe this." Laura said.

"Haha, Laura's father, don't worry, but now, Juss is left in the special class, right?" Cher said.

"That said, she seems to have been with Ragram for a while." Lien said.

"Laura, you don't know where he went?"

"Yes, although they acted together when they left the college." Emma said.

"Juss still seems to care about the situation in his hometown." Laura said, "I went to Bariahat a while ago."

Fei; "Really, that's the case."

"In this case, you can feel more at ease." Arisa said.

"Baliahat is one of the strongholds of the nobles, can I also use guided carts to go there now?" Li En said.

"No, he was controlled after he set off." Laura said, "We can't figure out the reason for this."

"Really." Li En said.

"Hey, when you get back to town, it's not too late to think about it," Serenu said.

"Yes, you can pass through the street if necessary," Emma said.

"In fact, I should tell everyone earlier, our affairs, and the riding god and the initiator."

"You are willing to tell us." Li En said.

"Yes." Emma said: "Perhaps you have heard Serenu say that the reason I entered the academy is to accomplish my mission.

As a descendant of a family of witches since ancient times!"

"The mission of the witch?" Li En said.

Serenu: "This has been inherited a long time ago. The huge power sealed deep underground must be monitored until the end of the riding god is seen."

"This is the mission Emma must accomplish."

"Varima, the riding god sleeping below, does this mean that you have known about riding god from the beginning?" Li En said.

Emma: "Yes, we know its existence, and the riding god will choose the initiator. The selected person will be involved in inevitable disputes."

"Ah." Li En said.

"Although you have the qualifications, classmate Li En is involved, and everyone who becomes a quasi-contractor is the same." Emma said.

"But I can't give any warning to everyone. I don't think I am qualified to be a member of a special class."

"Wait, Emma." Arisa said.

"It's hard to think of it, I know it's really unpleasant to say this, but I can't talk to everyone." Emma said.

"Squad leader, please don't say that." Li En said, "That's what you said at the time. The special class is the best class."

"Just as Crowe has his past, we also have various experiences."