Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 628

"And everyone, I want to officially thank you all." Li En said.

"Thank you for helping."

"Great, Li En," Aite said.

"Really, it's a mess." Arisa said.

"But it's not easy for you to be safe." Claire said.

"Huh, even the princess was rescued together." Euses said.

"Well, it's very difficult," Li En said, "but thanks to this, I can grasp the most important things."

"The thing that was taken to that airship also became an important motivation for me."

"Li En," Gaius said.

"Haha, it looks like a reborn." Toval said.

"Hehe, I can't lose either." Laura said.

"Mr. Li En, thank you very much everyone," said the princess.

"It's great that the older brother is also safe and sound. He actually brought this Red Wing here."

"Haha, the timing is good, right?" Olivier said; "As far as I am concerned, I prefer to play with red roses."

"Well, should I prepare carefully with Emma in advance?"

"Ahaha, so handsome." Miriam said.

Emma; "Even if I say that."

Fei: "It hasn't changed at all."

"Hehe, in short, it can be said that it is over." The Viscount said: "Including the previous process, I want to exchange information again.'

"Before that, I want to congratulate you on meeting them again."

"Ah, it's President Towa and Senior George." Li En said.

"I did hear your voices when I escaped, and you are coming up too."

"Haha, long time no see." George said.

"Great, Li En is safe," Towa said.

"It's hard to find you alive. I didn't expect to be taken to the airship of the Noble Alliance. I have always been worried about you."

"I'm sorry, the president worried you." Li En said, "but it's great that you are fine, president."

"I finally followed the agreement."

"Oh, yes." Tova said.

"You won't die, you promised me so, classmate Li En won't betray that promise, right?"

"Haha, it's okay that I have always believed in you." George said, "It's okay for you, Li En."

"I didn't expect you to survive that battle. I can't believe it even thinking about it now."

"It's great that Senior George is safe, but why are you both on this Red Wing."

"Well, including this requires an exchange of information." George said.

"There is an occasional meeting room upstairs, so let's move to wherever you go." Olivier said.

"This Carregas will start this guerrilla activity, and it has to be reshaped before the royal city is occupied."

"I was aware of the movement of the nobles, and gathered a few people to find a way to rendezvous with the Lord Viscount."

"Just rush to your side where Tolista and the Blue Horse God are fighting." Olivier said.

"That happened a month and a half ago." Li En said.

"That's why this airship will appear in Tolista."

"If it didn't come then, the consequences would be disastrous." Laura said.

"From now on, I won't know where your father is, but where did you go?"

Viscount: "I finally got rid of the chase of the riding god, secretly touring the empire, and acted to welcome you on the airship."

"School Zhang contacted us secretly and sent us here." Towa said.

"It's the head of the academy, that's the case." Li En said.

"The college is also worrying." Arisa said.

"By the way, where did Mulla go?" said the princess.

"Aren't you with your brother?"

"Well, she is now in other operations, leading the seventh team to act alone in the west." Olivier said.

"Your former instructor, Nethar, seems to be cooperating."

"Well, I went to the west." Li En said.

"Hehe, it's the trump card of the fourth team, really tenacious." Salad said.

"It's a bit relieved just to hear that he has been in touch." Aite said.

"But when it comes to the west, it's the Rand, which belongs to the four famous families, and Lamar, who is the same age as the Duke of Kane."

Juss: "According to rumors, the situation there has become more intense than in the east."

"Well, it means that there are still a lot of remaining manpower left." The Viscount said.

"As a result, the nobles' onslaught was driven to a disadvantage, and several towns were caught in the flames of war and were seriously affected."

"I have heard of it," Tovar said.

"The fourth and third teams of the main force have been completely suppressed in the East." Kleiya said.

"The nobles are also looking for an opportunity to launch a general attack."

"But, there is also desperate resistance." Miriam said.

"Well, the situation in the west can be said to be completely unpredictable." The Viscount said.

"So," Olivier said.

"Now that this empire land is full of flames and chaos, what do your special classes and colleges plan to do in the future?"

Li En said: "Here."

"This is being discussed earlier." Arisa said.

"About this," Tova said.

Li En said: "Of course we can't solve it only by being a student,"

"But through internships, we have several times directly encountered the unsatisfactory status quo of the empire."

"It should be able to help, improve the situation a little bit, I have always had this idea."

"Student Li En." Xueer said.

"Yeah." said the Viscount.

"Including a break with Crowe and rescuing Elysée." Lien said: "We are here for various reasons."

"In order to achieve the goal, I hope that the current situation can be improved. No matter how severe the dispute is, but if we can help, we still want to do our best to achieve it."

"This is the overall opinion of our special class."

Li En said.

"We think so too." Arisa said.

"Although the position and identity are not the same." Emma said.

"It's not because there are things that only we can achieve." March said.

"More importantly, to protect important things in the empire." Gaius said.

"Furthermore, to find his own answer in this dispute." Euses said.

"Well, you can only believe in the path you have chosen, and keep going." Laura said.

"Well, although it seems very hard." Fei said.

"As long as we are all here, there is nothing to be afraid of." Miriam said.

"You guys," said Salad.

"Hehe, this is what the special class should look like." Xueer said.

"It's not just special classes, but we are the same." Towa said.

"Because the motto of the college is to call it the cornerstone of the world."

"At the entrance ceremony." Aite said.

"The famous saying of the Lionheart." Juses said.

"Hehe, think about it carefully, I have indeed heard it." Laura said.

"Haha, I think you have reached this conclusion on your own respectability," George said.

"Well, proud enough." Tova said.

"And now there are quite a lot of college students floating all over the empire."

"I think everyone thinks so too."

"Acridine like this" said the Viscount: "Your Highness."

"I didn't expect to hear such a firm answer." Olivier said.

"That's it."

"In that case, we will hand over this airship to you." The Viscount said: "Red Wing Airship!"

"This?" Li En said.

"Leave it to us?" Laura said.

"Haha, you have all heard, how Red Wing should use it is up to you to decide." said the Viscount.

"In order to improve the current situation, we need a place to stay."

"That's right, but what about your Viscount and Your Highness," Li En said..

"We plan to go to the western part of the empire after getting off the airship." Olivier said: "In the future, we will cooperate with the seventh team and other neutral forces to start activities."

"This is also to prevent the war from spreading to innocent people."

"But this airship will be very conspicuous after engaging in activities. Since she is handed over to you, the eastern part of the empire will also be handed over to you." said the viscount.

"That's it, it's very reasonable." Claire said.

"In this way, the third gust of wind can be blown eastward." Shala said.

"I always feel that this idea dwarfs the association." Tovar said.

"Oh, it's also under your influence," the prince said.

"Also, Alphy, I hope you can stay on this airship as much as possible."

"After all, Red Wing belongs to the royal family."

The princess said: "Hehe, I understand."

"From now on, I will guarantee the legitimacy of your activities."

Princess: "Guaranteed in the name of the princess of the empire."

Li En said, "Your Highness."

"Thanks to Jin Yan, you can't be afraid." Laura said.

"Huh, it's time to make a decision." Euses said.

"Yeah, yes." March said.

Tova: "We will take care of the airship, and leave the eastern part to us."

Li En said:'That's right.'

"I will wait and see." The prince said.

"I look forward to you." The Viscount said.

In this way, the airship was handed over to Li En and others.

"I will give you all the use of the airship." said the Viscount.

"Lead everyone as acting captain."

"Yes!" Tova said.

"Hehe, unexpectedly suits you."

"Haha, it's kind of like Captain One Day."

"Haha, let's commercialize Snow Crossbel's Mickey!" Olivier said.

"Good idea," said the princess.

"Hey, you guys are too much."

"Well, it's also important to behave." Salad said.

"Haha, but it seems you don't have to worry about it," Claire said.

"Well, we finally retired." Toval said.

"Torval, Kleia, and Miss Cher, you really want to leave?" Li En said.

"Well, you are all here now, the situation in the west is very bad, we have to go there to help." Toval said.

"I'm going back too."

"Then bye bye, Kleiya." Miriam said, "If you see Reckett, remember to say hello to him for me."

"Haha, got it." Claire said.

"President Irina wants me to investigate some things." Xueer said: "Then Miss, I'm parting temporarily."

"Hmph, it must be a suspicious investigation anyway." Arisa said, "Well, you have to take care, no matter what your relationship with the association is, but you are still our maid, this will not change."

Xueer: "Hehe, this sentence is worth a thousand words, and you have to take care."

"I also want to use the association's network to collect intelligence, not just the empire, but also a lot of things happening outside." Tovar said.

"Yeah, Crossbel really cares."

"Leave it to you." Salad hand.

"To understanding."

"Goodbye, everyone, we can go to today, thanks to your support." Aite said.

"Haha, don't say so outrageously." Toval said.

"Although the positions are different, it feels good to be together to support each other," Kleiya said.

"Goodbye, everyone." Xueer said.

"Then say goodbye to everyone." Olivier said: "The princess should take care, too. Please take care of the rest."

"Okay, please be careful," said the princess.

"Laura too, looking forward to meeting again next time." said the Viscount.

Laura said, "Yes, my father."

After the airship drove away.

The people who had already got off the airship watched the airship disappear.

"Hey, let's go," Torval said.

"Can those guys do it smoothly?"

"Only the goddess knows." The Viscount said.

"This dispute is described as a reappearance of the battle of the lions."

"If it is them, there is no need to worry." Xueer said.

"They are carrying the unicorn lion coat of arms."

"Yeah, that's right," Claire said.

"As a senior in the academy, I also have to cheer up a little bit."

"Hehe, if you say that, I'm also a graduate." The prince said.

"But I should still have a chance to talk to them later."

"By the way, is Lord Jagged also from academy?" the prince said.

"Yes." Claire said.

"Is it surprising to hear this?" Toval said.

"Although I had some feasts with her, I really feel that I have lost someone worthy of regret." The prince said.

"Although it's a bit late, please let me say a word of sorrow to you and change it."

"I almost never met him, but he is indeed a hero created by the times." The Viscount said.

Claire said; "Thank you for these words."

"But you worked very hard even when the city was occupied?" Tovar: "Where was the funeral of that lord?"

Claire said: "Here."

"What's the matter?" said the Viscount.

"In fact, I received a strange report when the royal city was occupied by nobles that day."

Kleiya said: "Although the guards ensured the safety of your body, you don't know when the body disappeared."


"Is it possible to be taken back?" Xueer said.

"This is still unclear, maybe someone acted arbitrarily." Claire said.

"The body that disappeared is just like the saint who disappeared after the Battle of the Lions," said the Viscount.

"Huh, really." Olivier said, "I'm always a big troublemaker."

"Even after death, people around me are around."

After a day.

"Just keep flying." Tova gave instructions.

"Please be careful not to be discovered."


"It's amazing, worthy of being the president." March said.

"But in just one day there is a different look." Li En said.

"Well, acting as a father, I did a great job." Laura said.

"Ahaha, it really was the right decision to ask her."

"Well, it's still a bit like a mascot." Fei said.

"Hehe, that's one of her characteristics," Gaius said.

"Yes, you can really rest assured." Arisa said.

"In short, starting today, we will start to act."

"Let's discuss it." Li En said.

"Although we have an airship, we can travel freely to and from all parts of the empire."

Alisha: "But most of the place is occupied by nobles.'

Aite: "Places like these can't be approached rashly."

"It may be attacked, or it may be shot down."

"At this stage, the few places that can be landed are surprising." Emma said.

"Indeed, do you have any ideas for Salad?" March said.

"Well, everyone decides on their own. After that handsome uncle is gone, I can't lift the energy." Salad said.

"Salad, don't be serious." Fei said.

"Well, even though the father is said to be the daughter's supreme honor." Laura said.

"Haha, ask Laura to help you with the line next time." Fei said.

"Just kidding, even if you have to fight and kill the target you are going to in the future, I will do my best to accompany you." Salad said.

"But how can I say, Red Wing is just entrusting it to you. Although you can discuss big things with me, you still need to decide by yourself."

Li En said: "Understood."

"Huh, I really know how to say it," Juses said.

"That said." Tova: "We should first decide the big goal and direction of the airship, right?'

"Big goals and goals." Arisa said.

"Everyone is more motivated to come up with a complete goal and direction together?" Tova said.

"Well, and it's not just for special classes. Everyone has different goals. You must integrate those goals that can lead everyone down." Euses said.

Li En: "If you say that, isn't it the academy?"

"Well, I think so." March said.

"We had no choice in retreating from there that day." Fei said.

"President, Senior George, is the college now under the jurisdiction of the nobles?" Li En said.

"Well, they are still working hard despite the dean," Tova said.

"As you know, most of the students have left Tolista." George: "There are only some people who don't have to worry about being captured by the nobles.'

"Understand the situation." Li En said: "Our goal is to take back the college."

"Yes, although Carregas can travel everywhere, he still needs a last stronghold." Arisa said.

Emma said: "In this civil war, we must try our best to improve the status quo."

"While continuing to do this, move towards your future goals," Gaius said.

"To be honest, it should be very difficult." Fei said.

"Well, because it is very close to the royal city, it must be well guarded." Fei said.

"But the so-called goal is to be far-reaching to have value." Laura said.

"The important thing is that this goal has nothing to do with other people, it belongs to us." Euses said.

"Well, if it can be achieved," March said.

"Hehe." Salad said.

"I always think everyone is really good." said the princess.

"Hey, because it is the greatest weapon to move forward very positively," Serenu said.

"Hehe, we think so too. When you land on the ground in the future, just drop by."

Tova: "Can students from all over the world come to the airship?"

"Yes, it makes sense." Li En said.

"In fact, the crew on this airship is basically the crew, and the temporary job will leave sooner or later," George said.

"Because of this reason, I hope people from the college will help."

"As long as you continue to increase partners like this, even if you can't succeed in one fell swoop," Tova said.

"One day, as long as the opportunity comes, you may be able to retake the academy."

"The most important thing is to rely on our strength."

"It makes sense," Fei said.

"This is the policy."

"Understood, temporarily use this airship as a base to figure out the situation in the eastern part of the empire." Li En said.

"Gradually, all the college students gathered and fell away, taking this as our current task."

"Although the task at hand has been decided, we must first decide where to go." March said.

"Well, it feels like the places where you can land are Ragram, Umir, and plateau."

"There is still a stronghold where you can land on the fourth team?"

"Well, I confirmed with my father yesterday, there is no problem there." Aite said.

"Well, I would like to take a look around if possible," Li En said.

"About this." Salad said, "Actually, I have a commission from His Royal Highness."

"What is that?" Fei said.

"Hehe, please look at the terminal over there." Towa said.

"Oh, many commissions, this is really amazing." March said.

"I am a little concerned about the commission from my father," Aite said.

"The incredible monsters that appeared on the plateau also need to be cleaned up." Gaius said.

"These are all collected by the prince and sent to us?" Emma said.

"It's amazing, obviously just left for the western part of the empire." Miriam said.

"After all, he has a lot of friends, and he should have used the network of the Guerrilla Association." Salad said.

"So just like that, if you are able to send a commission to solve it, although it still depends on you whether you accept it, but from the perspective of urgency, it is better to start to resolve the commission."

"Understood, I honestly helped a lot." Li En said.

"Hehe, it is more convenient for us to act with specific goals," Laura said.

"Especially remember, you must confirm the safety of college students."

"We have successively received sightings from college students," Tova said.

"You can also use the terminal to confirm the information, and you can also help when searching."

"Well, it's so convenient." Serenu said.

"Well, it seems better to confirm with the commission." Li En said.

"Then you decide where you want to go, just tell me." Tova said: "There is also classmate George, the force guide can find him."

"It's better to confirm the equipment in the airship once. In the future, you will have more and more partners, and use the equipment." Salad said.

"Anyway, decide who to land first." Li En said.

"Can you count me in that?" Gaius said.

"I know that way."

Gaius: "It's reasonable."

"If you want me to help, say something to me at any time." Salad said.

"Thank you, then." Li En decided who was going down together.

After that, I came to Umir and took the college students here back to the airship.

Then, I got the latest Empire Weekly.

Then, came to the plateau.

"Oh, Li En, and everyone," Minte said.

"Great, it seems that you have been fine after that time." Li En said.

"You were at Janda Gate before, how come back to the surveillance tower?"

"Well, I'm here to help repair all kinds of facilities, because the facilities were treated rudely when they were occupied by the nobles. Now it seems that the situation has become worse."

"However, it was fixed by me three or two."

Laura; "Really capable."

"I don't remember being instructed by my uncle. I am very proficient in this area," said March.

"So this is a gift from the academy."

"Yes, I've passed the award. By the way, Li En, why are you in a place like this?"

Li En explained this matter.

"Oh, want me to go on the airship, haha, of course I am willing, but not yet."

Li En said:'Why?'

"Because I lost important things."

"We can go find it for you." Li En said.

"Thank you very much."

"Then where things fall should be roughly predictable."

Fei said; "If it is convenient, lead the way."

After that, came to the neighborhood.

"Oh, it's the watch tower. It's been a long time since it's been here. It's so quiet. Where are the others?" Li En said.

"Because we are going to start a large-scale search, we asked them to go to the room first. They are still working a bit, so don't care about this part."

"Well, what are you looking for," Li En said.

"Well, the Daoli watch was given to me by my uncle when I entered the college. I have always cherished it and repaired it myself if there is a problem."

"Come to this place for a carpet search." Gaius said.

"Then start searching," Miriam said.

"Let's start on the first floor," Li En said.

"Well, please."

Afterwards, everyone found the watch and returned to the Red Boat together.

Then came, on the plateau.

On the plateau appeared mechanical soldiers.

After a fight, Li En said, "Finally defeated."

"So the village is safe."

"It's all thanks to everyone," Gaius said.

"Speaking of which, it's really an incredible monster." Laura said, "I heard that Yumir also appeared. Is it really just accidental?"

"I don't have a clue about this." Li En said.

"But Yumir was strong enough this time, but the power of these guys seems to be increasing."

"I have this feeling."

"Oh?" Gaius said.

Suddenly the mechs stood up again.

"How come." Li En said.

"Liar, we should have completely defeated it." Miriam said.

"Oops." Li En said.

At this time it was Gaius' father who appeared and eliminated the mechanical soldier.

"It seems to have caught up." La Gang said.

Afterwards everyone returned to the village.

"It's really hard work, everyone," said the elder.

"The Demon Emperor Soldier, the magic weapon of the Dark Age, has such a tricky guy." Gu En said.

"It's really caring to show up at this time, but in short, it's good that you are safe."

"Well, if it weren't for Mr. La Gang to come, it might be bad." Li En said.

"I'm really saved," Gaius said; "It's Dad, he's still so tough."

"Lagang is the best among our people." said the elder.

"Even I have heard of it." Gunn said.

"The two of you said that I was too strong, and my work is still far behind my ancestors." La Gang said.

"Hahaha." Li En said.

"Although it is only a rumor, I heard that there is a man named Ores on the noble side who is stronger than me." La Gang said.

"Although I don't know his ability and why he would use it, I can't be complacent."

"That's it, Mr. Lagang is stronger. I was really surprised to hear this." Li En said.

"That's for sure," Laura said.

"I hope that ability is not used to hostile this land."

"I can't lose either." Gaius said.

"In short, it depends on the development of the dispute, and now it won't help to worry about it." Gu En said: "And you are also doing your best?"

"Yes, we have this plan." Li En said.

"Although there is no good place, but we will work hard." Gaius said.

"Thank you so much, this is a little bit of my heart, please accept it." said the elder.

After that, everyone left the village and came to the quarry.

"Well, here it is?" Li En said.

"Well, it's still blowing an incredible wind." Gaius said.

"I always miss it," Miriam said.

"In short, keep going forward cautiously, hoping to find a stone that meets the president's vision." Li En said.

Soon a suitable stone was found in the mine.

After that, Li En received the communication.

"Hey, this is Li En."

"I'm An Jie, it looks like you are back on the airship."

"Senior sister, yes, just arrived." Li En said.

"If you have time, come to the airship immediately." An Jie said.

Although I can't get anything, I must go quickly.

Back in the airship, Olivier's image appeared on the terminal.

"Oh, how are you doing?" Olivier said.

"How active you are, let's hear it."

Li En explained the cause and effect of the incident.

"Good job, classmate Li En."

After that, Li En met with the senior sister.

"Look at this."

"What is this?" Li En said.

"Very old prop."

"This is a stone found in a quarry. According to the nearby mural, it seems to be a tool used in ancient times."

"As long as you have it, you can make a sword with special power. Using this can increase your amount." Senior sister said.

"Enhance Varima?" Li En said.

"Yes, pushing the finished product into my core can improve performance." Varima said.

"That's it." Li En said.

"As long as you prepare the materials, I can be responsible for making what you need." Senior sister said.

"Thank you, although what you said is very simple, it is really incredible." Li En said.

"Hmph, I am also very used to dealing with stones, very similar to carving." The senior sister said.

"Can Knight Varima?"

"of course."

"Great, future battles will be harder and harder, it seems there will be help."

"Use it well," Varima said.

"About the spatial transfer of my power awakening."

"This means?"

"If you are in any danger, you can call me immediately, I will come immediately." Varima said.

"Really, then I will trouble you Varima, and I will rely on you more in the future." Li En said.

"Let's pick it up, I usually rest here."

"What a loyal knight." Senior sister said; "I made a trial work, you can use it."

"Thank you," Li En said.


After receiving news, there are two college students nearby.

So Li En took Fei over.

"Ah, you are in a special class?"

"The two seniors from the cooking club," Li En said."Haha, long time no see."

"But why do you come here?" the senior sister said.

Li En explained the ins and outs.

"That's it, it's really amazing, it's great that everyone is safe." Senior sister said; "Then let's get on the airship."

"Thank you, work hard together!" Li En said.