Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 656

Lin Xiao immediately came to Baitian's residence.

"No response? Is he no longer in this room?"

That's probably in the restaurant, hurry over.

"Jiwang, have you seen Baitian?"

"Lin Xiao, you just came, I was going to call you." Ji Wang said.


"Everyone has gathered in the restaurant, please also Lin Xiao, hurry over." Ji Wang said.

"I will continue to find other people."

Everyone gathered in the restaurant for the film, so did everyone else get it?

Anyway, go to the restaurant, Baitian must be there.

When I came to the restaurant, Bai Tian was not here.

"Did anyone see Baitian?" Lin Xiao said.

"You are really flustered, although the reason is the black and white bear's tablet."

"You are not the only person receiving the tablet," An Qi said.

"Everyone here has got the motivation movie, and it's still swapping with each other," said Maomiya.

"Swap the situation."

"I woke up in the morning and found the tablet of the black and white bear, but the film inside was not mine." Bai Yin said.

"Silver's next words, wait for everyone to say."

"Ah, sorry I forgot."

"Wait until Qi is talking?"

"In order to discuss future countermeasures, Bai Tian and Ji Wang have handed them over to everyone." Maomiya said.

"So please wait for everyone to arrive first? I can massage everyone before that." The maid said.

Soon everyone came.

"Let you wait so long, we brought everyone else."

Ji Wang said.

"Really, it was finally my turn to finally enjoy the maid massage"

"What do you mean, do you want to pay my attention to the atmosphere again?" Ji Wang said.

"What is going on, why do you insist on calling me." Xiaochun said.

"Didn't I say it, just to discuss the black and white bear tablet." Bai Tian said.

"Black and white bears sent us a new winter, can we not help but discuss it?"

"You mean the thing that looks like a flat black and white bear, is that a motive?" Xiaochun said.

"Don't Xiaochun watch the movie?" Rotor said.

"I didn't watch it, because it's probably not a good thing, I don't care about it."

"This is really bold."

"Then you can listen to it by the side. This matter is very important. You have to stay here."

"So what is the movie?"

"It should be the motivation given by the black and white bear."

"But why did they send it to us when they exchanged each other," Ji Wang said.

"Yes, why does Quantai get the video of classmate Bai Yin."

"It can't be said, Quantai." Ji Wang said.

"I still heard, so, classmate Quantai has mine."

"Can't you say it?"

"What's the matter? Anyway, the exchange will take place next." Mitu said.

"No, it can't be exchanged either." Ji Wang said.

"Why is that a movie of an important person? It's natural to want to watch it." Ryoma said.

"It's not like that." Ji Wang said; "Although I don't know what the black and white bears are trying, but since the motives are exchanged with each other, they are given to us."

"As long as we don't exchange ourselves, we won't see the motivation."

"Consciousness just ignores these." Mengye said.

"That's what I think." Ji Wang said.

"Indeed, just ignoring it cannot be a motive."

Said the rotor.

"I object." Ryoma said.

"Why oppose it? If you watch it, it will become a motive," Bai Yin said.

"That's why I want to see it." Ryoma said.

"Why?" Lin Xiao said.

"It seems that you have said that you don't want to live seriously. For such a guy, it doesn't matter what you want to die."

"But we are different. Everyone really wants to live." Bai Tian said.

"You are almost awake, too."

"This walking corpse who has no motivation to survive."

Ryoma said: "Are you motivated to live? Haha, you can't help me look at me this way, but I don't plan to change my mind, because that's not cool."

"What did you say?" Bai Tian said.

"What does it matter? Ryoma is just expressing his own opinions, and he and I have the same idea." Xiaoji said.

"Are you going to turn us around like this again?" Ji Wang said.

"You misunderstood, I don't think it doesn't matter if you die or kill." Xiao Ji said.

"I just feel that we'd better not cooperate. It should be said that we absolutely cannot cooperate."

"Why can't we cooperate." Rotor said.

"Think about the black and white bear's methods so far. Whenever we actively want to do something, he will always make us fall into pain."

Xiaoji: "When Xiaofeng encourages everyone to cooperate with each other, do they also have these motivational videos?"

"In other words, it is precisely because we want to be united that we are suffering."

"It means that as long as we are not united, we will not suffer?" said the maid.

"Because no one has discovered this, I have no choice but to provoke everyone." Xiao Ji said.

"That's not a lie?"

"It doesn't matter if it is a lie or the truth." Xiao Ji said.

"In short, we should not force ourselves to cooperate. It is better to spread our actions appropriately."

"In this sense, I agree with Ryoma's opinion."

Because they want to cooperate with each other, the black and white bears make everyone suffer.

So what is going on so far?

What's the significance of what Xiao Feng did?

"So, for everyone, let me give you a piece of advice."

Xiao Ji said, "It is better to give up cooperation and exchange each other's motives."

"I can't understand your theory at all." Ji Wang said.

"Since I have announced my non-cooperation, I can't continue to ghost with you in such a place. Okay, Quantai will also go together."

"Well, why should I leave?"

"Didn't we have an appointment to hold a combat meeting together to discuss how we can exchange motives?" Xiao Ji said.

"Trouble the maid to wait a minute to help Irving deliver food."

"Wait a minute, does Quantai really make this agreement with you."

"Well, why did classmate Quantai really believe that they still followed?" Bai Yin said.

"Nonsense, what to say for everyone, who would believe his lies." Bai Tian said.

"Anything is fine, in short, the matter is over, then I have to go." Xiaochun said.

"Maid, come to me for dinner later."

Ryoma: "It's almost time for me to leave."

"Wait a minute, Ryoma, this is the only thing you must never forget, but I desperately want to leave here alive." Bai Tian said.

"At least you shouldn't hinder us."

"How could I hinder you, I won't do that kind of uncool thing." Ryoma said, "The maid will trouble you to clean my room later."

"Everyone is too dependent on the maid, right?" Bai Yin said.

"It doesn't matter, because being dependent is the maid's biggest wish." The maid said.

"It's best not to spoil them too much."

Said the rotor.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that our cooperation would be the biggest cause of our suffering.

Huhuhu, how things will develop next is really interesting, so let me continue to observe."Maomiya said.

"Ah, the observation record will trouble the maid classmate, you should be able to complete it in great detail."

"Haha, this lady didn't plan to mix with Xiaoyu from the beginning, and went to bed. The maid would trouble you to prepare dinner for me." Mitu said.

"This is too much, how much do you have to rely on the maid."

"Now there is a lot of work, I must do it efficiently." The maid said.

"Really, so don't spoil everyone too much, so that everyone will become more and more incompetent."

"Well, Mengye, what's wrong with you? Are you hungry? Let's have a meal together. The maid will trouble you to prepare a miscellaneous pot."

"Student Rotor, you are coming to her too." Lin Xiao said.

"Mengye, what's wrong with you, is it a stomachache?"

"You don't understand the rotor at all, Mengye is not hungry." An Qi said: "An Qi understands, because there is a great god."

"It doesn't matter how it is. Anyway, let's eat offal happily together."

"Really a hobby of the rotor."

In the end, everyone who didn't know why they stayed in the restaurant ate the beef miscellaneous pot early in the morning.

Then everyone agreed to each other firmly and would never exchange their motives.

After returning to the room.

"Eat too much in the morning."

Having said that everyone has become torn apart, how can we unite everyone?

It would be great if I had such ability, but I couldn't do it.

If there is any mistake, it will be the same as classmate Xiaofeng back then.

It started again, and this negative thought came into being.

Obviously you can't stop, haven't you already promised her.

At this time the door bell rang.

It's "Yo, you accompany me now."

"Huh? It's night time now." Lin Xiao said.

"The school regulations don't stipulate that you can't go out at night, right? I have to wait for you in the atrium," Bai Tian said.


Bai Tian left after speaking.

What's the matter when I go to the atrium at this time? Is it for the motivational video I have in my hands?

But how did he know, and is it really okay to go by himself?

There is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

"Well, Lin Xiao, you are going out now."

Maomiya said.

"Well, Bai Tian is looking for me out."

"Oh, he was standing on the trellis, so he was waiting for you."

"By the way, you actually met in private at this time, do you want to exchange motives?"

Maomiya said.

"Should not be, I was just called out by him and I don't know what it is." Lin Xiao said.

"Huh, I'm not serious when I say this, but under the current circumstances, it's not surprising even if others have misunderstandings. It's better for you to be psychologically prepared for this?" said Maomiya.

"I have seen it anyway, and I hope you won't be too rash, so good night."

I'm getting more and more disturbed, and it's hard to guarantee that anything will happen.

"Maid, what are you doing here too."

"I'm not doing anything. I just happen to go back to my personal room. The rooms of the people who died are locked."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Well, it was probably locked by a black and white bear."

"Especially Tianhai classmate, because he seems to have found something, perhaps because there is something in his room that black and white bears don't want us to see." said the maid.

"This is really a problem."

Lin Xiao said.

"But it's the end of the matter. Good night."

The maid is gone.

"Well, what, it's Lin Xiao."

"Mengye what are you doing at this time?" Lin Xiao said.

"Well, I'm really thinking about things, but it's already this time. Well, it seems that you can rarely sleep well today." Mengye said.

"In this case, I would have lifted the brainwashing if I knew it."


"Goodbye, then."

What's the matter, she feels more cheerful than usual.

"Oh, where are you going at this time." An Qi said.

'It's nothing, that's something, An Qi, what are you doing.'Lin Xiao said.

"An Qi is praying to the gods, meow haha, just to save for tomorrow's surprise." An Qi said.


"good night, see you tomorrow."

What is it, what is she going to do tomorrow.

Came to the atrium.

"Oh, here you are." Bai Tian said.

"What's wrong, you called me out suddenly, what's the matter?" Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, since I was selected as an astronaut trainee, exercise has become my daily habit, but after I came here, it was completely interrupted. If I don't exercise, my physical strength will regress."

Bai Tian said.

"Lin Xiao, come with you too."

"Well, why me?" Lin Xiao said.

"Don't start talking nonsense, take off your jacket quickly."

"why me."

"Don't be long-winded, do 50 push-ups first."

So just do push-ups with Bai Tian.

"Why should I do this kind of thing."

"It's not after a brainstorming meeting. It's better to exercise more when you have time to think about trivial reasons." Bai Tian said.

"What's wrong, there is no spirit."

"Because I have hardly done push-ups, my arms are about to die."

"Stupid, how can it be impossible, no matter how impossible it is, just stick to it and it will become possible."

What, this messy truth.

After finishing 5O, Li Le lost his strength and fell to the ground on the spot.

"It's embarrassing, but it's a 5O push-up. That's it for you."

"Forget it, stop here today and continue tomorrow."

"Tomorrow too?" Lin Xiao said.

"I didn't say that exercise is a daily habit." Bai Tian said.

"Why do I have to be with you?" Lin Xiao said.

"Because this is your practice." Bai Tian said.

"My practice?"

"Seeing you this time makes me irritable. The person Xiaofeng believes and agrees with is such a weak person."

"After that, it seems that you only hide your opinions in your own heart. Do you think it was your own wrong reasoning that caused Xiao Feng to be killed?"

"In fact, that's the way it is, creating an opportunity for her to do that kind of thing." Lin Xiao said.

"What are you talking about? It's all her fault. Her crimes and regrets are her own things. Even if you carry her on your own behalf, it will only cause her troubles."

Bai Tian said.

"That kind of thing."

"Of course I know, you don't need to say that I know too."

Lin Xiao said."But I couldn’t help but think back. If I could avoid the secret situation at the time, I was very scared. I was very scared when I thought that if I revealed the truth, it would make someone unfortunate."

"Okay, I know, that's your enemy." Bai Tian said.